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Erythroid cells were fractionated by preformed Percoll density gradient from livers of 12.5 day old mouse fetuses. With combination of lysing of mature erythroid cells, the CFU-E (colony forming unit of erythroid) was enriched as high as 30% pure. The mRNA levels of the rt-genes previously cloned as genes expressed in the reticulocytes are estimated in the fractionated erythroid cells. These rt-genes show a drastic change in expression during erythroid differentiation; Their expression was not detectable at the CFU-E cell stage. But it reached to maximum at the polychromatic erythroblast (stage I) and then decreases with maturation. The result suggests that mRNA synthesis of these rt-genes may be induced after the stimulation of erythropoietin.  相似文献   
Several genes critical to the regulation of melanin production in mammals have recently been cloned and characterized. They map to the albino, brown, and slaty loci in mice, and encode proteins with similar structures and features, but with distinct catalytic capacities. The albino locus encodes tyrosinase, an enzyme with three distinct catalytic activities—tyrosine hydroxylase, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) oxidase and DHI (5,6-dihydroxyindole) oxidase. The brown locus encodes TRP-l (tyrosinase-related protein-I), which has the same, but greatly reduced, catalytic potential. The slaty locus encodes TRP-2, another tyrosinase related-protein, which has DOPAchrome tautomerase activity. In this study we have examined the enzymatic interactions of these proteins, and their regulation by a novel melanogenic inhibitor. We observed that tyrosinase activity is more stable in the presence of TRP-l and/or TRP-2, but that the catalytic function of TRP-2 is not affected by the presence of TRP-1 or tyrosinase. Other factors also may influence melanogenesis and a unique melanogenic inhibitor suppresses tyrosinase and DOPAchrome tautomerase activities, but does not affect the spontaneous rate of DOPAchrome decarboxylation to DHI. The results demonstrate the catalytic functions of these proteins and how they stably interact within a melanogenic complex in the melanosome to regulate the quantity and quality of melanin synthesized by the melanocyte.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. Body growth, reproduction and survivorship of Bosmina longirostris were monitored at four food concentrations (0.05, 0.10, 0,25 and 2.50 ing Cl−1) to examine the extent to which food concentration affects these life-history parameters.
2. Food concentration had a significant effect on growth, and most of the reproductive parameters (size and age at maturation, brood size, instar duration and egg development time). More than 60% of animals died before maturation at the lowest food concentration, although most animals survived until maturation at other food concentrations.
3. Change in life-history parameters resulted in a decrease in rate of population growth ( r ) from 0.310 to 0.020 day−1 with decreasing food concentration, showing that this cladoceran is highly food-limited in many lakes.
4. Importance of the effect of food concentration on egg development time was emphasized in relation to analysis of natural populations.  相似文献   
The genetic and environmental factors affecting shell shapein the freshwater snail Semisulcospira reiniana at Takahashiin Kyoto, central Japan, were studied by means of a rearingexperiment and field observations. Shell shape was characterizedby three parameters; W (whorl expansion rate), T (whorl translationrate), and S (roundness of generating curve). Estimated heritabilitieswere low in all three parameters and the largest component ofthe great shell variation in the Takahashi population was environmentalvariance, suggesting that the main source of shell variationwas phenotypic modulation, in response to the external environment.In the field, snails that were active in fast currents had largerW and smaller T, that is, a larger body whorl and a lower spire,than snails in slow currents. Substratum conditions relatedto T in resting periods although its cause was unclear. Mechanismsare suggested which in the absence of selection of genetic variationcould cause and maintain shell variation in S. reiniana in differentmicrohabitats. (Received 8 March 1996; accepted 3 November 1997)  相似文献   
Putative future increase in atmospheric CO2 is expected to adversely affect herbivore growth due to decrease in contents of key nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus (P) relative to carbon in primary producers including plant and algal species. However, as many herbivores are polyphagous and as the response of primary producers to elevated CO2 is highly species-specific, effects of elevated CO2 on herbivore growth may differ between feeding conditions with monospecific and multiproducer diets. To examine this possibility, we performed CO2 manipulation experiments under a P-limited condition with a planktonic herbivore, Daphnia , and three algal species, Scenedesmus obliquus (green algae), Cyclotella sp. (diatoms) and Synechococcus sp. (cyanobacteria). Semibatch cultures with single algal species (monocultures) and multiple algal species (mixed cultures) were grown at ambient (360 ppm) and high CO2 levels (2000 ppm) that were within the natural range in lakes. Both in the mono- and mixed cultures, algal steady state abundance increased but algal P : C and N : C ratios decreased when they were grown at high CO2. As expected, Daphnia fed monospecific algae cultured at high CO2 had decreased growth rates despite increased algal abundance. However, when fed mixed algae cultured at high CO2, especially consisting of diatoms and cyanobacteria or the three algal species, Daphnia maintained high growth rates despite lowered P and N contents relative to C in the algal diets. These results imply that algal diets composed of multiple species can mitigate the adverse effects of elevated CO2 on herbivore performance, although the magnitude of this mitigation depends on the composition of algal species involved in the diets.  相似文献   
Carbon steady-state model of the planktonic food web of Lake Biwa, Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. A steady‐state model of carbon flows was developed to describe the summer planktonic food web in the surface mixed‐layer of the North Basin in Lake Biwa, Japan. This model synthesised results from numerous studies on the plankton of Lake Biwa. 2. An inverse analysis procedure was used to estimate missing flow values in a manner consistent with known information. Network analysis was applied to characterise emergent properties of the resulting food web. 3. The system strongly relied on flows related to detrital particles. Whereas primary production was mainly by phytoplankton >20 μm, microzooplankton were active and mainly ingested detritus and bacteria. 4. The main emergent property of the system was strong recycling, through either direct ingestion of non‐living material by zooplankton, or ingestion of bacteria after degradation of detritus to release dissolved organic carbon.  相似文献   
SUMMARY. 1. The carbon balance of the small cladoceran, Bosmina longirostris , was examined at four food concentrations (0,05, 0.10, 0.25, 2.50mg C 1-−1) based on long-term growth experiments.
2. At birth, B. longirostris allocated about 60% of assimilation to body growth at all food concentrations. However, allocation to body growth decreased with age and was less than 5% after the fourth instar at the lowest food concentration. The proportion allocated to reproduction increased with increasing food concentration, but was relatively constant among different adult instars.
3. Assimilation rate increased with increasing food concentration and increasing body size: the mean rate from birth to 15 days was 6.6 times higher at the highest food concentration than at the lowest food concentration. However, with decreasing food concentration and increasing body size, a higher proportion of the assimilated carbon was lost as respiration. As a result, the net production rate reached a plateau at intermediate body size and was 9.1 times higher at the highest food concentration than at the lowest food concentration.
4. Comparison with previous studies revealed that B. longirostris is more efficient than Daphnia with regard to carbon production, especially at low food conditions, if the death rate is negligible.  相似文献   
Cell adhesion and fusion were found to occur in zona-free hamster eggs placed in contact and then inseminated. A cytoplasmic fusion occurred in 7% of paired eggs mainly between 10 and 50 min after insemination. All other eggs that failed to fuse adhered tightly to one another within about 1 hr. Electrophysiological monitoring of the fusion process revealed that an electrical coupling (EC) suddenly appears between apposed eggs and completed within 2–15 min as the first step of cell fusion. Periodic hyperpolarizing responses (HRs), which have been found previously in fertilized hamster eggs to reflect a periodic increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+ ions, become gradually synchronized and completely coincide in paired eggs 10–30 min after the establishment of EC. Thus the paired eggs become an electrically single cell as the second step. Then the boundary between the eggs breaks down, resulting in formation of a single, spherical egg in several minutes. On the other hand, most of adhered eggs showed neither EC nor synchronization of HRs. Some adhered eggs showed only a low efficiency EC.  相似文献   
The partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) in lake ecosystems varies over four orders of magnitude and is affected by local and global environmental perturbations associated with both natural and anthropogenic processes. Little is known, however, about how changes in pCO2 extend into the function and structure of food webs in freshwater ecosystems. To fill this gap, we performed laboratory experiments using the ecologically important planktonic herbivore Daphnia and its algal prey under a natural range of pCO2 with low light and phosphorus supplies. The experiment showed that increased pCO2 stimulated algal growth but reduced algal P : C ratio. When feeding on algae grown under high pCO2, herbivore growth decreased regardless of algal abundance. Thus, high CO2‐raised algae were poor food for Daphnia. Short‐term experimental supplementation of PO4 raised the P content of the high CO2‐raised algae and improved Daphnia growth, indicating that low Daphnia growth rates under high pCO2 conditions were due to lowered P content in the algal food. These results suggest that, in freshwater ecosystems with low nutrient supplies, natural processes as well as anthropogenic perturbations resulting in increased pCO2 enhance algal production but reduce energy and mass transfer efficiency to herbivores by decreasing algal nutritional quality.  相似文献   
Melanin production in mammals is regulated at a variety of levels (tissue, cellular, and subcellular), and many gene loci are involved in the determination of color patterns directed by the melanocyte. Many of the genes involved in these complex processes have now been cloned, and even the simplest mutation can lead to dramatic changes in the phenotype of the individual. Many, if not all, of the pigment related genes have pleiotropic effects on the development and differentiation of the organism, and perhaps because of this, the melanocyte is evolving as an important model for the study of gene regulation and action at the functional level. In view of the importance of pigmentation as a photoprotective barrier and as a cosmetic factor affecting appearance and social acceptance, the importance of these studies seems destined to increase significantly in the future.  相似文献   
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