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Although the presence of geomagnetic sensitivity has been suspectedfor a long time in a variety of marine and terrestrial animals,many responses reported in the literature have been based onextensive statistical analysis of orientation results or relyon obscure behavioral activities (like cetacean strandings orhoney bee waggle dances.) None of these reports have yet approachedthe level of clarity and simplicity displayed in experimentswith the magnetotactic bacteria, which is the best example ofgeomagnetic sensitivity in any living organism. Furthermore,claims of magnetic effects on living organisms pervade the literatureof biomagnetism, but many have failed subsequent attempts atreplication. We need to develop simple and easily replicatedexperiments for marine and terrestrial animals which can bemodified to answer basic questions concerning the psychophysicsof any geomagnetic sensory system which might be present. Inthis paper, we report the first replication of the Walker-Bittermanmagnetic anomaly conditioning experiment in honey bees, as wellas one of our attempts to slightly alter their basic protocol.We also report our attempts to condition honey bees to magneticdirection in simple maze experiments, and the initial resultsof a pulse-remagnetization experiment designed to test the ferromagnetictransduction hypothesis. We conclude honey bees are sensitiveto the geomagnetic field, that the signal processing for itis more complex than previously thought, and that a ferromagnetictransducer is compatible with all known behavioral data.  相似文献   
A substance causing swelling of the vitelline coat (vitelline-coat lysin) was extracted from the testis of a sea snail, Turbo cornutus. Its activity was quantified by a volumetric method using a suspension of vitelline coat isolated from T. cornutus eggs. The lysin was purified 50-fold by hydroxyapatite and Bio-Gel P-10 column chromatographies and the final preparation appeared homogenous on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Its molecular weight was estimated to be 18,500 by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and 18,000 by sedimentation equilibrium analysis. These results suggested that the lysin exists as a monomeric molecule. Its isoelectric point was pH 6.4. The lysin contained residues of most common amino acids except cystine and cysteine, with relatively high proportions of lysine, aspartic acid and leucine. The N-terminal amino acid was identified as serine. The lysin loosened the fibrous structure of the vitelline coat without releasing any soluble product and seemed to act by a stoichiometric, nonenzymatic mechanism.  相似文献   
SYNOPSIS. Amphibian metamorphosis is the developmental processinitiated by thyroid hormone which transforms a tadpole intoa frog. This transformation requires extensive remodeling ofalmost every tissue in the animal. One of the more well-studiedtadpole tissues that undergoes remodeling is the small intestine.This tissue requires a shortening in length as well as internalanatomical restructuring to function in the adult frog. Briefly,the tadpole epithelial cells undergo programmed cell death (orapoptosis) and are replaced by a layer of newly formed adultepithelium. About 20 thyroid hormone-regulated genes participatingin this intestinal remodeling have been identified. These genescan be divided into several groups based on the proposed functionsof their products. One of these groups contains several secretedand/or signaling molecules. Most prominent among these are theXenopus homologs of the hedgehog and stromelysin-3 genes. Basedon the expression profiles and cellular localization, hedgehogappears to be involved in adult epithelial morphogenesis. Stromelysin-3may participate in basal lamina modification which is potentiallyinvolved in the apoptosis of the larval epithelium and developmentof the adult epithelium. Here we will review in detail the potentialroles for these secreted factors as well as the proposed molecularmechanisms responsible for their physiological functions. Furthermore,we will examine the effect of these proteins on the extracellularenvironment and how this impacts upon cellular processes involvedin intestinal remodeling.  相似文献   
The graptolites, known only from fossils, have been convincingly allied to the pterobranch hemichordates, a group of tiny, mostly colonial marine invertebrates bearing feeding arms. The phylogenetic position of pterobranchs has been subject to debate and revision for over a century. Their colonial lifestyle and feeding arms were originally seen as evidence placing them among the bryozoans, until later and more careful anatomical studies revealed more characters in common with acorn worms. Pterobranchs and acorn worms are now grouped as the phylum Hemichordata. For many decades, it was thought that pterobranchs were closer to the ancestral form of hemichordates, particularly because ‘lophophorate’ invertebrates also possess feeding arms, notably the phoronids and bryozoans, as do crinoid echinoderms. This traditional view has been challenged by recent molecular evidence. First, there is strong molecular evidence to indicate that lophophorates are very distant from hemichordates and echinoderms, in a different major branch of the animal phylogenetic tree. Therefore, similarities between the feeding structures must be due to convergent evolution. Second, there is strong evidence that hemichordates and echinoderms form a clade (Ambulacraria) within the deuterostomes, rather than hemichordates being closer to chordates. Third, there is weaker evidence that pterobranchs may be derived from acorn worms, and hence that the vermiform body plan may be ancestral within hemichordates. This suggestion warrants further testing. Here we review the evidence for these conclusions, highlight strengths and weaknesses in the data and analyses, and consider the implications for the origins of pterobranchs and graptolites.  相似文献   
Stem cell factor (SCF) has been suggested to be indispensable for the development of neural crest cells into melanocytes because Steel mutant mice (i.e., Sl/Sf1) have no pig-mented hairs. On the other hand, it has been demonstrated that the addition of endothelin 3 (ET-3) or TPA to neural crest cell cultures can induce melanocyte differentiation without addition of extrinsic SCF. In this study, we excluded the influence of intrinsic SCF by using SI/SI mouse embryos to study more precisely the effects of natural cytokines, such as extrinsic soluble SCF or ET-3, or chemical reagents, such as TPA or cholera toxin. We found that SCF is supplied within the wild-type neural crest explants and that ET-3 cannot induce melanocyte differentiation or proliferation without SCF. These results indicate that SCF plays a critical role in survival or G1/S entry of melanocyte progenitors and that SCF initially stimulates their proliferation and then ET-3 accelerates their proliferation and differentiation. TPA has the ability to elicit neural crest cell differentiation into melanocytes without exogenously added SCF but it is not as effective as SCF because many more melanocytes developed in the wild-type neural crest explants cultured with TPA.  相似文献   
Differential inductive capacities among liver tissues of several animals were examined by anticipating the correlation between the capacity and the completness of perisinusoidal basement membrane.
The reacting tissue was competent ectoderm of gastrula of Triturus pyrrhogaster , and the inductive effects of livers on the ectoderm were tested by explantation method. The inductive effect of livers being devoid of the membrane (chick and guinea pig) was neural and the tissues having the dense well-developed membrane (reptiles) produced an assembly of neural and meso-dermal tissues, such as notochord and somite or muscle. The livers with the membrane being of intermediate grade of development ( calf, Triturus and mouse) induce mesodermal tissues, but not frequently, together with neural tissue or alone. The liver tissue was more active in mesodermal induction in proportion to the completeness of the perisinusoidal basement membrane.
On the basis of these data the difference in inductive capacity among liver tissues from different kinds of animals were discussed.  相似文献   
Using a combined method of pulse-labelling trees and analysing detailed distribution of 13C tracer within tree rings, we studied how photo-assimilates incorporated on a given day are then distributed in a tree ring. A branch of a 4-year-old Cryptomeria japonica D.Don tree growing in Tsukuba, Japan was pulse-labelled with non-radioactive 13CO2 on two occasions: 29 May 2001 and 18 September 2001. Two discs were cut from the stem on 4 March 2002, one immediately under and the other 0.5 m below the branch and put through high-resolution δ 13C analysis. δ 13C peaks were observed in both the earlywood and latewood of the concerned tree ring, corresponding to each pulse-labelling date. The earlywood peaks was broader than the latewood peaks, possibly reflecting seasonal variation of the width of wood developing zone. Half-widths of the peaks were measured and used as indicators for the potential time resolution of tree-ring isotope analysis. The half-widths of the peaks indicated a time resolution no finer than 8.7–28 and 33–42 d in the early and latewood, respectively. Holocellulose extraction yielded only a slight change to the shape of the δ 13C peaks. 13C tracer pulse-labelled in May and September reached tangentially different locations in the lower disc, suggesting a seasonal change in the pathway of carbohydrates. Local consumption of spring assimilates and long-distance downward transport of autumn assimilates were also suggested.  相似文献   
The diffusibility of the vegetalizing factor was examined by a transfilter culture using an ethanol-fixed swimbladder of the crucian carp ( Carassius auratus ) as the inductor and presumptive ectoderm from gastrulae of Cynops pyrrhogaster as the responding tissue. Nucleopore filters, about 12–14 μm thick, with nominal pore sizes of 0.05, 0.1, 0.6, 0.8, 3.0 and 8.0 μm were interposed between the interacting tissues. The responding pieces of ectoderm were removed from the assemblies after contact for 0.5, 1, 3, or 24 hr and cultured in Holtfreter's solution for 10 days at 20°C.
The inductions observed were almost entirely mesodermal, although masses of endoderm-like yolky cells were seen in explants and neural tissues in a few cases. Filter membranes with pores of 0.05 to 8.0 μm did not interfere with the vegetalizing effect.
Under an electron microscope, small cytoplasmic cones of the responding cells of the presumptive ectoderm were observed in the pores of the interposed filter after 3 hr's contact. The cones grew longer as the cultivation time increased, but even after 24 hr there was no contact between the interacting tissues. Since 3 hr's contact between the interacting tissues was sufficient to cause full vegetalization on the transfilter culture with the swimbladder, the formation of the cytoplasmic outgrowths had no significance in the induction.  相似文献   
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of extracellular proteases capable of degrading various proteinaceous components of the extracellular matrix(ECM).They have been implicated to play important roles in a number of developmental and pathological processes,such as tumor metastasis and inflammation.Relatively few studies have been carried out to investigate the function of MMPs during postembryonic organ-development.Using Xenopus laevis development as a model system,we demonstrate here that three MMPs,stromelysin-3(ST3),collagenases-3(Col3),and Col4,have distinct spatial and temporal expression profiles during metamorphosis as the tadpole transforms into a frog.In situ hybridizations reveal a tight,but distinct,association of individual MMPs with tissue remodeling in the tail and intestine during metamorphosis.In particular,ST3 expression is strongly correlated with apoptosis in both organs as demonstrated by analyses of serial sections with in situ hybridization for ST3 mRNA and TUNEL (terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling)for apoptosis,respectively.On the other hand,Col3 and Col4 are present in regions where extensive connective tissue remodeling take place.These results indicate that ST3 is likely to play a role in ECM-remodeling that facilitate apoptotic tissue remodeling or resorption while Col3 and Col4 appear to participate in connective tissue degradation during development.  相似文献   
The inductive capacities of the basement membranes of calf kidney glomeruli and the dentine matrix of the incisors of 23-day rabbit fetuses were examined on the presumptive ectoderm of Triturus gastrulae. The basement membranes caused almost entirely neural induction and the dentine matrix caused mesodermal induction. These findings suggest that intercellular substances play an important role in the inductive effects of heterologous tissues.  相似文献   
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