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Abstract. 1. Eurytoma gigantea Walsh is a specialist parasitoid of the tephritid gallmaker Eurosta solidaginis (Fitch).
2. In the natural environment the incidence of parasitism by Eurytoma is greater in small galls than in large ones.
3. Laboratory experiments demonstrated that small galls are not more frequently discovered; however, oviposition attempts on small galls were more likely to be successful.
4. Eurytoma spends much time probing galls too big to penetrate; this leads to a decrease in foraging efficiency when many large galls are present.
5. The chance of successfully penetrating a gall depends on the thickness of the gall wall and the length of the parasitoid's ovipositor.
6. A simulation model was constructed which shows that a gallmak-er's chance of being parasitized depends on gall size, the number of parasitoids that discover the gall, and their ovipositor lengths.  相似文献   
The euryhaline unicellular green alga Dunaliella tertiolectalost intracellular glycerol when subjected to a decrease inexternal salinity. After the salinity was decreased, photosynthesiswas inhibited for at least the first 100 min, but dark oxygenuptake was transiently stimulated. The extent of the 519 nmfield-indicating absorption change induced by photosystem Ialone was inhibited by decreasing the salinity, but other photosyntheticparameters were largely unaffected. A comparison of these resultswith hypertonic stress indicated that although both stressesinhibit the overall process of photosynthesis, they do so bydifferent mechanisms. Resuspending the algal cells in distilledwater resulted in an inhibition of all the photosynthetic parametersmeasured. Key words: Dunaliella, Photosynthesis, Hypotonicity  相似文献   
Genetic studies were carried out on seedling and agronomic characters amongst 50 sesame genotypes to estimate the genetic variation, determine the relationships amongst the characters and identify rapidly growing genotypes with vigorous seedling growth. The contribution of genetic variance was highest for the two mature characters, days to first flower (95.6%) and number of nodes to first flower (95.2%), and was medium/high (50–75%) for most of the seedling characters. Strong positive genetic correlations were obtained between various cotyledon and early leaf characteristics measured at 20 days after sowing. Based on these results several genotypes were identified as having rapid seedling growth and these could form an initial gene pool to provide material for screening for tolerance to sesame flea beetle.  相似文献   
Lespérance, Pierre J., Barnes, Christopher R., Berry, William B. N., Boucot, Arthur J. & Mu En-zhi 1987 07 15: The Ordovician-Silurian boundary stratotype: consequences of its approval by the IUGS.
The Ordovician-Silurian stratotype at Dob's Linn, Scotland is the second systemic boundary approved by the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). A review of the internationally accepted criteria required of a stratotype shows that few of these are possessed by the Dob's Linn section. The strongest attribute of the section is the presence of zonal graptolites, although the boundary is recognized primarily on a single biological event (base of acuminatus Zone) for which the evolutionary relationships of the taxa are not established. In approving this boundary proposal in 1985, which received only simple majority support within the Ordovician-Silurian Boundary Working Group (OSBWG) and which fails to meet most of the accepted prerequisites for a stratotype, the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS) and the IUGS have established an unfortunate precedent. It follows that future systemic boundaries need not meet the accepted standards. It raises serious questions on the assessment and voting procedures of the International Commission on Stratigraphy and on the credence accorded the recommendations developed by the International Subcommission on Stratigraphic Classification of IUGS.  相似文献   
Cells of the euryhaline unicellular green alga Dunaliella tertiolectawere exposed to a range of osmotic potentials imposed by theaddition of NaCl, KCl, sucrose or ethylene glycol to the algalsuspending medium. The alga synthesized glycerol in responseto increased concentrations of NaCl, KCl or sucrose, but notto increased concentrations of ethylene glycol. The overallprocess of photosynthesis was inhibited by all four treatmentsduring the first 100 min, but especially by NaCl and KCl. Theinduction of chlorophyll fluorescence indicated that photosystemIl was inhibited by such treatment although to a lesser extentthan the overall process. The size and half-time of decay ofthe flash-induced field-indicating absorption change at 519nm were decreased by NaCl and KCl but the effect of sucroseand ethylene glycol on the absorption change was much less.Therefore, the photosynthetic processes in intact Dunaliellacells are more markedly inhibited by the combined osmotic andionic stresses due to NaCl and KCl than by osmotic stress alone.In most cases some recovery of the inhibition of photosynthesiswas seen concomitant with the synthesis of intracellular glycerol,suggesting that the alga has the ability to overcome osmoticand ionic stresses. Key words: Dunaliella, Photosynthesis, Osmotic stress  相似文献   
Three new monotypic genera of copepods (Poecilostomatoida) are associated with the hermatypic shallow-water coral Psammocora (Stephanaria) logianensis near Noumea, New Caledonia: in the Anchimolgidae, Lipochaetes extrusus (antenna 4-segmented, endopods absent in legs 3 and 4) and Dumbeana undulatipes (antenna 3-segmcntcd, endopod of leg 3 with formula 0 1; 0–2; 1,11,2; leg 4 endopod with 0 1:1); and in the Rhynchomolgidae; Emunoa proknta (leg 4 endopod with 0 1;II, antenna 4-segmented, mandible witli outer pointed process and inner row of spines). Copepoda (primarily Poecilostomatoida and Siphonostomatoida, but also relatively few Cyclopoida and Harpacticoida) are very frequent associates or parasites of Scleractinia. At present 245 species from 48 scleractinian coral genera are known. Species of these copepod associates, their host genera, and localities, described since (and those not included in) previous publications of the author are listed.  相似文献   
  • 1 Patterns of macroinvertebrate community composition were examined in streams within a 40000-km2 catchment in central Michigan, U.S.A., to identify the major environmental gradients influencing community variation. Agriculture and associated clay and sandy soils predominated in much of the region.
  • 2 Eighty macroinvertebrate taxa were collected from stream surveys conducted during May and August 1990. Community composition varied primarily by the proportions of Plecoptera and Ephemeroptera. Benthic communities from the heaviest agricultural zones were most different from those at other sites.
  • 3 Chemical composition among the sites varied most in relation to nutrients (NH3, NO3, PO4). Other parameters were relatively similar. Physical characteristics of the sites were scored in six habitat categories: (i) substrate characteristics, (ii) instream cover, (iii) channel morphology, (iv) riparian zone and stream-bank conditions, (v) riffle/run quality, (vi) pool quality. Most physical habitat scores were lowest in the intense agriculture zones.
  • 4 The relative importance of physical and chemical variables in explaining variation in macroinvertebrate communities was quantified using canonical correspondence analysis. Substrate characteristics were most important in both surveys. Significant correlations (P<0.05 and P<0.10) were observed between substrate quality and total numbers of Ephemeropteran, Plecopteran, and Trichopteran taxa. These relationships reflected correlations from sites in the clay soil-type region (P<0.01 and P<0.10) which contrasted with non-significant results from the less impacted, sandy soil-type region.
  • 5 Effective stream restoration efforts in this region will require the alteration of local land-use activities that influence the physical habitat. Further development of empirical relationships between catchment activities and substrate and channel characteristics within natural geomorphic regions is essential for the evaluation of restoration projects.
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