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ABSTRACT. The ultrastructure of the developmental stages of the myxozoan Enteromyxum leei parasitizing gilthead seabream ( Sparus aurata ) intestine and sharpsnout sea bream ( Diplodus puntazzo ) intestine and gallbladder are described. The earliest stage observed was a small dense trophozoite located among enterocytes. Proliferative stages, observed intercellularly in the epithelium of the intestine and gallbladder as well as in the lumen, possessed the typical cell-in-cell configuration throughout their development. Secondary cells were seen undergoing division within a common vacuolar membrane that also encompassed pairs of tertiary cells. Cytochemical studies showed that primary cells stored mainly lipids whereas secondary cells stored abundant β-glycogen granules. Sporogonic development resembled that described for other disporous myxozoans. Within sporogonic stages, nonsporogonic secondary cells were observed accompanying two developing spores. Mature spores had a binucleated sporoplasm in which glycogen stores were abundant and no sporoplasmosomes were found. Our observations are discussed in relation to our knowledge on other myxozoans of the genus Enteromyxum .  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. We determined the in vitro effect of the azol-derivative antifungal ketoconazole (KZ) on the morphology, growth, and development of teleost fish parasite Ichthyophonus sp. The KZ was delivered to culture medium using liposomes (L) or a lipid emulsion (E) at five different doses (i.e. 5, 50, 100, 200, and 400 μg/ml) for both L and E formulations. Controls consisted of Eagle's minimum essential medium (MEM) supplemented with 10% foetal bovine serum (MEM-10) alone (C-MEM) or containing amounts of L or E equivalent to those used in the KZ100 and KZ400 treatments (i.e. 100L, 400L, 100E, and 400E, respectively). Morphological alterations, such as a decrease in the number of dividing spores and nuclei, and condensation or even destruction of the cytoplasm, were observed using light and electron microscopy in the MEM-cultured organisms receiving KZ formulations, especially with KZ400L preparations, at both 7- and 14-d postinoculation. The KZ treatments also demonstrated a statistically significant inhibition of Ichthyophonus growth in MEM. These treatments also had an inhibitory effect on subsequent Ichthyophonus germination in Earle's fish saline agar (EFSA) medium, which was more evident for L formulations when the organism was treated for 7 d and for E formulations at 14 d. Our results endorse the potential use of KZ for the treatment for ichthyophonosis and provide support to proceed to in vivo assays.  相似文献   
A new Myxosporea, Zschokkella mugilis n. sp., was found in the gall bladder of several mugilids. It is distinguished from all previously reported Zschokkella from mugilids by the absence of valve ornamentation and from other species by the size of the spores. Prevalence of infection was 62.5% for Mugil capito, 70% for M. cephalus and 64.3% for Liza saliens. Plasmodia with rhizoids attached to epithelial cells appeared to compromise the host as evidenced in light and transmission electron micrographs presented herein. General ultrastructure and disporous sporogenesis of Z. mugilis resembled other Myxosporeans, but sporogonic cells did not seem to be formed in pansporoblasts.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. A new Myxosporea, Ceratomyxa sparusaurati n. sp., was found in the gall bladder and bile of cultured gilthead sea bream ( Sparus aurata L.) from different Spanish fish farms. It is clearly different from all the previously reported Ceratomyxa from sparids, and it is distinguished from other members of the genus by the shape and size of the spores. Prevalence of infection was 2.15% in an Atlantic farm, 48.7% in a Mediterranean farm and 28.6% in the facilities of the Instituto de Acuicultura de Torre de la Sal. The cell-in-a-cell pattern was found through all the sporogenesis and the general ultrastructure resembled other Myxosporea. Primary cells with two developing spores, harbored other secondary cells. Disporous sporoblasts contained numerous membrane-bound inclusions, a few lipid droplets and polysaccharides as evidenced by cytochemistry. In mature spores, binucleate sporoplasmic cells contained abundant Thièry-negative sporoplasmosomes.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. A new myxosporean, Sphaerospora dicentrarchi n. sp., was found in numerous organs of wild and cultured sea bass ( Dicentrarchus labrax L.). It is distinguished from all previously reported Sphaerospora spp. by the shape and small size of the spores, location in the host and its geographical distribution. Prevalence of infection was 100% and 83.5% in wild and cultured fish, respectively. Outstanding ultrastructural features are the presence of a binucleate sporoplasm, valvogenic spheroidal structures and capsulogenic lipid inclusions. Other data concerning ultrastructure and sporogenesis are presented.  相似文献   
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