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郑谦  东英穗 《生理学报》1989,41(6):543-554
用大鼠脑干脑片,给三叉神经中脑核79个神经元作了细胞内记录,测算了20个神经元膜的电学特性:静息电位-60.3±5.6mV;输入阻抗为10.5±5.4MΩ;时间常数1.3±0.5ms。电刺激可诱发动作电位,测算32个神经元的有关参数:阈电位-50—-55mV;波幅69.5±6.1mV;超射11.9±3.6mV;波宽0.8±0.2ms。TTX(0.3μmol/L)或无钠使之消失。通以长时程矩形波电流可引起200—250Hz的2—15个重复放电,但在通电停止前终止,TEA或4-AP可延长放电。膜电位-60—-55mV时在动作电位之后可看到阈下电位波动,它不受TTX的影响,无钙时消失,TEA或4-AP使波幅增大。静息电位去极化可使45个神经元中的40个发生外向整流作用,并被TEA,4-AP或无钙抑制,超极化则发生内向整流作用,Cs或无钠抑制之。灌流液中加入各种钾通道阻断药时神经元的稳态I-V曲线发生相应变化,提示I_(DR),l_A,I_(K(Ca))及I_Q可能都与静息时的膜电导有关。  相似文献   
A strain of carrot cells (Daucus carota cv. Kintoki) grew exponentially in the presence of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D, 1 mg/1) with a doubling time of about 2 days. When those cells were transferred to a medium lacking 2,4-D, they continued to grow at almost the same rate for about a week. When the cells were again transferred to the auxin-free medium, the rate of cell division gradually decreased. After the cell division had ceased, cells were returned to the ordinary 2,4-D medium. A burst of cell divisions occurred after about 2 days. Timing of DNA synthesis and of mitosis suggested that the cells had been arrested at G1 phase. In a medium containing indoleacetic acid instead of 2,4-D, the auxin was rapidly degraded and the culture was similarly synchronized as in the auxin-omitted medium.  相似文献   
Changes in the synthetic activities of nucleic acids and protein and in the amount of adenine nucleotides in Daucus carota cells have been examined during a period of rapid cell division and during the stationary phase. Cell growth and the syntheses of those macromolecules in the logarithmic phase were significantly enhanced by increasing the concentration of phosphate in the medium. In a phosphate-rich medium, RNA and protein rapidly degraded and the number of cells with denatured cytoplasm increased when the culture entered into a stationary phase because of exhaustion of glucose. On the other hand, when the growth ceased by exhaustions of phosphate and nitrogen, the cells slowly underwent physiological changes leading to cellular senescence. The value of adenylate energy charge during the growth period was about 0.8–0.9 irrespective of the growth rate. After cessation of growth the value declined to about 0.5.  相似文献   
Protoplasts of Daucus carota L. cultured in a synthetic liquid medium resumed cell division after about 4 days of cultivation. During this lag period, nucleic acid and protein showed only slight increases but the protoplasts commenced cell-wall regeneration soon after the removal of lytic enzymes. The originally spherical protoplasts became ellipsoidal before they underwent division. Radioactive glucose and myo-inositol were readily utilized by the protoplasts. Most of the radioactivity, however, appeared in extracellular polysaccharides and only a small portion was deposited in the regenerated wall. The sugar composition of new cell wall, as studies by chemical analysis and incorporation of labelled precursors, was shown to be considerably different from that of normal cell wall.  相似文献   
In a submerged culture of a strain of carrot cells, cellularmorphology and the mode of cell division were greatly affectedby growth factor(s) added to the medium. In the presence of2,4-D, cells showed two-dimensional growth and often formedtetrad-like structure after a set of two divisions. The sequenceof events was observed microscopically. Orientation of cellgrowth changed after the first division and the second cellplate formed at an oblique angle to the first. When IAA wasadded, instead of 2,4-D, cells showed one-dimensional growthand developed to a filamentous form. (Received June 1, 1970; )  相似文献   
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