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Salt exclusion at the roots and salt secretion in the leaves were examined in a mangrove, Avicennia officinalis. The non‐secretor mangrove Bruguiera cylindrica was used for comparative study of hydrophobic barrier formation in the roots. Bypass flow was reduced when seedlings were previously treated with high salt concentration. A biseriate exodermis was detected in the salt‐treated roots, along with an enhanced deposition of hydrophobic barriers in the endodermis. These barriers reduced Na+ loading into the xylem, accounting for a 90–95% salt exclusion in A. officinalis. Prominent barriers were found in the roots of B. cylindrica even in the absence of salt treatment. A cytochrome P450 gene that may regulate suberin biosynthesis was up‐regulated within hours of salt treatment in A. officinalis roots and leaves, corresponding with increased suberin deposition. X‐ray microanalysis showed preferential deposition of Na+ and Cl? in the root cortex compared with the stele, suggesting that the endodermis is the primary site of salt exclusion. Enhanced salt secretion and increased suberin deposition surrounding the salt glands were seen in the leaves with salt treatment. Overall, these data show that the deposition of apoplastic barriers increases resistance to bypass flow leading to efficient salt exclusion at the roots in mangroves.  相似文献   
KRISHNAMURTHY  V. 《Annals of botany》1959,23(1):147-176
1. Vegetative mitosis of Porphyra umbilicalis var. laciniatais normal, the chromosome number as seen in late prophase beingfive. Special features of this mitosis are the appearance ofseveral stained chromatin segments in early pro-phase and theformation of a crescent-shaped group of chromosomes during metaphaseand anaphase. 2. Genuine monospores have not been seen in the material investigated. 3. Both spores and spermatia arise by repeated division of amother-cell and in identical ways. Evidence is presented toshow that the first division in the mother-cell forming sporesis longitudinal. There is no evidence of reduction divisionin this division, and the chromosome number in the mother-cellis five. 4. The first division in the germinating spore is mitotic andshows five chromosomes. 5. The Conchocelis-phase is haploid throughout and produces‘fertile cell rows’ and ‘plantlets’,but spore liberation has not been observed. It is suggestedthat the ‘plantlets’ may grow out directly intothe leafy phase or may give rise to spores according to prevailingenvironmental conditions. 6. No evidence of sexual reproduction has been obtained in thepresent work and the role of the spermatium in the life-cycleis not clear. It is suggested that further work may profitablybe concerned with investigating the nature of the spermatium.  相似文献   
Veronica spicata and Phleum phleoides are calcicole plants,mainly occurring on neutral or alkaline soil. An experimentof 16 weeks duration was performed in a glasshouse with theobjective of elucidating the influence of soil moisture levelon soil solution chemistry, and biomass concentrations and uptakeof mineral nutrients by the plants. Seven levels of moisture,corresponding to 35–85% of the water holding capacity(WHC) of the soil, were tested. Soil solution HCO3, P and Mnconcentrations, and pH, increased, whereas Ca, Mg and Zn concentrationsdecreased, with increasing soil moisture. Concentrations ofK were highest at 50–70% WHC. Concentrations and amountsof P, Zn and Mn in the two species were usually related to soilsolution concentrations; these are elements with low solubilityand availability in calcareous soils. Concentrations of nutrientsin biomass were more influenced by soil moisture in V. spicatathan inP. phleoides . This indicates that P. phleoides is morecapable of controlling its uptake of mineral nutrients, whereasV. spicata is sensitive to variations in soil moisture. It isconcluded that variation in soil moisture regime may greatlyinfluence concentrations of mineral nutrients in calcareoussoil solutions and their uptake by plants. Species able to utilizethese solubility fluctuations may have an advantage in competitionfor nutrients. Variation in soil moisture content might evenbe a prerequisite for adequate acquisition of mineral nutrientsand growth of plants on limestone soils, thereby influencingthe field distribution of native plants among habitats. Copyright1999 Annals of Botany Company Calcareous, calcicole, concentration, mineral, moisture, nutrient, Phleum phleoides, soil, soil solution, uptake, Veronica spicata, water.  相似文献   
The mahseers (Tor, Neolissochilus and Naziritor) are an important group of fishes endemic to Asia with the conservation status of most species evaluated as threatened. Conservation plans to revive these declining wild populations are hindered by unstable taxonomy. Molecular phylogeny studies with mitochondrial genome have been successfully used to reconstruct the phylogenetic tree and to resolve taxonomic ambiguity. In the present study, complete mitochondrial genome of Tor tor has been sequenced using ion torrent next-generation sequencing platform with coverage of more than 1000 ×. Comparative mitogenome analysis shows higher divergence value at ND1 gene than COI gene. Further, occurrence of a distinct genetic lineage of T. tor is revealed. The phylogenetic relationship among mahseer group has been defined as Neolissochilus hexagonolepis ((T. sinensis (T. putitora, T. tor), (T. khudree, T. tambroides)).  相似文献   
We report the thermotolerance of new bivoltine silkworm, Bombyx mori strains NB4D2, KSO1, NP2, CSR2 and CSR4and differential expression of heat shock proteins at different instars. Different instars of silkworm larva were subjected to heat shock at 35°C, 40°C and 45°C for 2 hours followed by 2 hours recovery. Heat shock proteins were analyzed by SDS‐PAGE. The impact of heat shock on commercial traits of cocoons was analyzed by following different strategies in terms of acquired thermotolerance over control. Comparatively NP2 exhibited better survivability than other strains. Resistance to heat shock was increased as larval development proceeds in the order of first instar > second instar > third instar > fourth instar > fifth instar in all silkworm strains. Expression of heat shock proteins varies in different instars. 90 kDa in the first, second and third instars, 84 kDa in the fourth instar and 84, 62, 60, 47 and 33 kDa heat shock proteins in fifth instar was observed in response to heat shock. Relative influence of heat shock on commercial traits that correspond to different stages was significant in all strains. In NB4D2, cocoon and shell weight significantly increased to 17.52% and 19.44% over control respectively. Heat shock proteins as molecular markers for evaluation and evolution of thermotolerant silkworm strains for tropics was discussed.  相似文献   
The role of auxin in plant development is well known; however, its possible function in root response to abiotic stress is poorly understood. In this study, we demonstrate a novel role of auxin transport in plant tolerance to oxidative stress caused by arsenite. Plant response to arsenite [As(III)] was evaluated by measuring root growth and markers for stress on seedlings treated with control or As(III)‐containing medium. Auxin transporter mutants aux1, pin1 and pin2 were significantly more sensitive to As(III) than the wild type (WT). Auxin transport inhibitors significantly reduced plant tolerance to As(III) in the WT, while exogenous supply of indole‐3‐acetic acid improved As(III) tolerance of aux1 and not that of WT. Uptake assays using H3‐IAA showed As(III) affected auxin transport in WT roots. As(III) increased the levels of H2O2 in WT but not in aux1, suggesting a positive role for auxin transport through AUX1 on plant tolerance to As(III) stress via reactive oxygen species (ROS)‐mediated signalling. Compared to the WT, the mutant aux1 was significantly more sensitive to high‐temperature stress and salinity, also suggesting auxin transport influences a common element shared by plant tolerance to arsenite, salinity and high‐temperature stress.  相似文献   
Secondary phloem production in four deciduous (Albizzia lebbeck,Dalbergia sissoo, Tectona grandis and Terminalia crenulata)and three evergreen plants (Calophyllum inophyllum, Mangiferaindica and Morinda tinctoria) is briefly described. The totalduration of phloem production for each year was worked out forall these plants. In three of the four deciduous trees therewere two instalments of phloem production in correspondencewith the presence of two flushes of cambial activity while inTectona grandis and in all the three evergreen trees there wasonly one instalment. The time of initiation and cessation ofphloem tissue production was found to be variable in the differentplants studied. Periodicity in the production of different componentsof phloem tissue as well as the difference in the dimensionsof the different phloic elements produced during each flushof cambial activity resulted in detectable growth increments(or ‘rings’) within the phloem. There was a distinctshortening of the different phloem elements during the approachof dormancy/least activity. Conspicuous changes were found inthe ergastic contents of phloem parenchyma and ray cells adjacentto the cambial zone during the initiation of cambial activityand during the approach of dormancy/least activity. Seasonal growth, secondary phloem, deciduous and evergreen trees, cambial activity  相似文献   
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