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Rhinocerotids are particularly abundant and diversified in Neogene deposits of the Indian subcontinent, but their systematics is far from being well defined. Based on the revision of old collections and new findings from the Early Miocene of the Bugti Hills and Zinda Pir, Pakistan, ‘Aceratherium blanfordi Lydekker, 1884’ is a chimera, consisting of two dentally convergent but postcranially distinct rhinocerotid taxa: Pleuroceros blanfordi and Mesaceratherium welcommi sp. nov. Postcranial features appear to be much more diagnostic than craniodental morphology in this case. A phylogenetic analysis based on 282 morphological characters scored for 28 taxa (four outgroups and ingroup including both taxa of interest and a ‘branching group’) strengthens this statement and supports Pleuroceros and Mesaceratherium as monophyletic genera within Rhinocerotinae. Both genera are recognized for the first time outside Europe. In the Bugti Hills, P. blanfordi and M. welcommi are part of an exceptionally diversified rhinocerotid fauna, with up to nine species associated in the same locality (Kumbi 4f). This rhinocerotid assemblage confirms the earliest Miocene age (Agenian/Aquitanian) of the upper member of the Chitarwata Formation as a whole. Coeval homotaxic rhinocerotid faunas from Europe (France, Czech Republic) and East Africa (Uganda, Kenya) support broad and sustainable rhinocerotid interchanges amongst South Asia, Europe, and Africa under compatible environmental conditions throughout earliest Miocene times. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 160 , 139–194.  相似文献   
A giant rhinocerotoid is described for the first time south of the Black Sea, in Turkey. The single specimen, a fragmentary radius referred to Paraceratherium sp., originates from conglomerates nearby at Gözükizilli, in the Çankiri–Çorum Tertiary basin. These layers correspond to the Lower member of the Kizilirmak Formation. The same locality (Gözükizilli-2) yields also the small rhinocerotid Protaceratherium sp., cf. P. albigense (Roman, 1912). Three other mammal localities (Gözükizilli-1, in the Lower Member of the formation, with several rodent species; Tepe 641 and Kizilirmak, in the Upper Member, with a diversified micro- and macro-mammal fauna) allow us to refer the Kizilirmak Formation as a whole to the Late Oligocene. All the observed taxa have strong Asian and/or European affinities, which precludes any geographical insulation for this part of Anatolia during the Late Oligocene.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 152 , 581–592.  相似文献   
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG. Die Reduktionsgeschwindigkeit künstlicher Elektronenakzeptoren wurde mittels einer modifizierten Thunbergtechnik in Gegenwart isolierter Mitochondrien des Protisten Acanthamoeba castellanii Neff photometrisch gemessen. Die mit verschiedenen Elektronenakzeptoren und Atmungsketteninhibitoren gewonnenen Meßergebnisse erlauben uns folgendes Bild von der Konstitution der Atmungskette zu entwerfen: a) Der Elektronentransport läuft mindestens bis zum Cytochrom b /Coenzym Q-Komplex auf zwei verschiedenen Wegen ab. b) Eine Stimulierung sowohl des Succinat-Jodnitrotetrazolium-chlorid als auch des NADH-Ferricyanid Reduktasekomplexes unter dem Einfluß von Antimycin A läßt vermuten, daß in der Atmungskette dieses Protisten gewisse Nebengleise des Elektronentransports besonders gangbar sind.
SYNOPSIS. The reduction of artificial electron acceptors by isolated mitochondria of Acanthamoeba castellanii was measured by a modified Thunberg technic. The results with different electron acceptors and respiratory chain inhibitors suggest the following scheme for the constitution of the respiratory chain: a) the chain is divided into 2 different sequences, at least up to the cytochrome b /coenzyme Q complex. b) As seen from the stimulation of the succinate-iodonitrotetrazolium chloride and NADH-ferricyanide reductase complexes by antimycin A, certain alternate pathways of electron transport become more important than the normal one.  相似文献   
Cichlidogyrus spp. (Monogenea, Ancyrocephalidae) are common parasites of cichlid fishes from Africa and the Levant. They display important morphological variation in their attachment apparatus and infect a broad host spectrum throughout a wide geographic range. Thus, they offer an interesting model to investigate to what extent the phenotypic variability of the attachment organ among congeners is related to host specificity, geographic/environmental components, or phylogeny. A geometric morphometric approach was carried out to analyse the shape variation of sclerotized structures of the attachment organ within 66 African species of the genus Cichlidogyrus. The interspecific shape comparison supports the presence of three main morphological configurations, each consisting of a given combination of particular sclerite shapes. Moreover, data emphasize strong coordination and integration (shape co‐variation) among the different sclerites jointly forming the attachment organ. Although attachment apparatuses are usually considered to be the result of adaptive processes and must be adapted to the hosts and local environmental conditions, we found no relationship between these clusters and host specificity or geographical distribution. Nevertheless, groups are partially congruent with those obtained with the molecular phylogeny of a subset of species, suggesting a phylogenetic constraint rather than an adaptation to either hosts or environment. Because of the necessity to form a functional entity, modularity within attachment organ imposes important evolutionary constraint. This provides new insights into the evolvability of attachment organs, as well as into the morphological basis of host specificity and host–parasite co‐evolutionary interaction in helminth parasites. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 102 , 694–706.  相似文献   
ZUSAMMENFASSUNG. Es wird die Reinigung einer mitochondrialen NADH-Akzeptor-Oxydoreduktase (EC. über folgende Stufen beschrieben: fraktionierte Ammonsulfatfällung, Chromatographie an DEAE-Cellulose und Molekularsiebchromatographie an Sephadex G 100. Das gewonnene Enzympräparat erwies sich als elektrophoretisch rein. Die Michaeliskonstante für NADH als einziges Substrat liegt bei 6,9 × 10−5 M NADH. Ein ebenfalls isoliertes extramitochondriales Enzym underscheidet sich vom intramitochondrialen in drei voneinander unabhängigen Eigenschaften: Substratspezifität, elektrophoretiche Mobilität, Molekulargewicht. Das isolierte intramitochondriale Enzym verhält sich gegenüber Atmungsketteninhibitoren ähnlich wie isolierte Mitochondrien.
SYNOPSIS. Mitochondrial NADH reductase (EC. was isolated from Acanthamoeba castellanii by the following steps: fractionation by (NH4)2SO4 precipitation, DEAE-cellulose chromatography, and chromatography on Sephadex G 100 columns. Purity of the enzyme preparation was demonstrated by electrophoresis. With NADH as the sole substrate, the K m= 6.9 × 10−5 M NADH. Extramitochondrial enzyme, also isolated from the ameba, differed from the mitochondrial one in substrate specificity, electrophoretic mobility, and molecular weight. The mitochondrial NADH reductase and isolated mitochondria were affected in the same way by respiratory chain inhibtors.  相似文献   
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