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Most male frogs in the genus Physalaemus produce a whine-like advertisement call. Male P. pustulosus , however, add chucks to the call. This enhances the attractiveness of the call to females, and has evolved under the influence of sexual selection despite the increased predation risk from the frog-eating bat ( Trachops cirrhosus ). This complex call is unusual, if not unique, among anurans because the two call components overlap in time. Here we investigate the morphological changes responsible for the production of complex calls.
The Physalaemus purtulosus species group consists of four species. Physalaemus pustulosus and P. petersi are sister species, and recently it has been shown that P. petersi produces chucks. Physalaemus coloradorum and P. purtulatus are sister species and neither is known to produce chucks. Two laryngeal characters vary within the species group. Physalaemus pustulosus has a large fibrous mass (FMI), whose vibration is responsible for production of the chuck. This mass is much smaller in the other three species. In P. pustulosus and P. petersi the FMI is anchored dorsally, deep within the bronchial process, the attachment is more extensive in P. pustulosus. Neither P. pustulatus nor P. coloradorum have such a dorsal attachment associated with their FMI. This character is responsible for allowing the FMI to vibrate independently of the vocal cords, that is, for the production of the complex call. Thus the morphological changes responsible for the evolution of this unusual behavioural innovation, the complex call, are gradual, and almost trival, in nature. This study also shows that the primitive condition of the larynx of the P. pustulosus and P. petersi ancestor, was predisposed to the production of complex calls.
We also document ontogenetic and sexually dimorphic patterns in larynx structure.  相似文献   
Dispersal of adult Trichoptera at a Danish forest brook   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
  • 1 The dispersal of adult Trichoptera at the small Danish forest brook, Stamperenden, was studied from 10 May to 6 October 1990 using Malaise traps placed across the brook, parallel to the brook at distances of 2, 20 and 40m, and perpendicular to it at a distance of 1–3m.
  • 2 Of the total of 4175 specimens caught, lotic species breeding in Stamperenden accounted for 95.6%. The dominant species were Agapetus fuscipes, Lype reducta, Plectrocnemia conspersa, Potamophylax nigricornis and Silo pallipes.
  • 3 The sex ratios in the catches of most species were uneven. Agapetus fuscipes males were in excess, probably because males fly more frequently than females.
  • 4 The dominant species flew predominantly above the surface of the brook. Whereas both sexes of A. fuscipes, L. reducta and S. pallipes were rarely found even as little as 20–40m from the brook, the dispersal range of P. conspersa was much wider.
  • 5 The implications of low dispersal for the biological recovery of damaged but subsequently restored streams and stream catchments are discussed. It is concluded that complete biological recovery may be a process requiring decades unless the original aquatic fauna is re-established artificially.
Internodal cells of Chara australis can accumulate ammoniumto high concentrations (10 to 70 mol m–3) in their vacuoles.When Cl is included in the bathing solution, changesin the cellular concentrations of ammonium, K+, Cl andNa+ have been shown to meet the requirements for electroneutralityand to account for the changes in vacuolar osmotic pressureassociated with ammonium uptake. If accumulation occurs in theabsence of external Cl, however; changes in the inorganicions do not meet these criteria. Malate is found in the vacuolesof cells accumulating amine in the absence of external Cland its presence (at 0·5 to 8·5 mol m–3)allows us to account for electroneutrality and for changes inthe osmotic potential. Key words: Malate, Chara, electroneutrality, ammonium  相似文献   
The primary symptom of aluminium (Al) toxicity in higher plantsis inhibition of root growth. In this study, we investigatedthe spatial sensitivity of maize (Zea mays L.) roots to Al.A divided-chamber technique indicated that only exposure ofthe terminal 10 to 15 mm of the root to Al resulted in inhibitionof growth. Application of Al to all but this apical region ofthe root had little or no effect on growth for 24 h and causedminimal damage to the root tissue. Small agar blocks infusedwith Al were then applied to discrete areas of the apex of maizeroots to determine which section (root cap, meristem or elongationzone) was more important to Al-induced inhibition of growth.The terminal 20 to 30 mm of root (root cap and meristem) mustbe exposed to Al for inhibition. Application of Al to the 30mm of root proximal to this terminal zone (elongation zone)resulted in damage to the root tissue but no significant inhibitionof growth. Therefore, the visible injuries incurred by rootsduring Al-stress are not associated directly with the inhibitionof root growth. Furthermore, removal of the root cap had noeffect on the Al-induced inhibition of root growth in solutionexperiments and argues against the root cap providing protectionfrom Al stress or serving an essential role in the mechanismof toxicity. We suggest that the meristem is the primary siteof Al-toxicity. Key words: Aluminium, toxicity, root growth, root cap  相似文献   
Rapid calcium exchange for protons and potassium in cell walls of Chara   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Net fluxes of Ca2+, H+ and K+ were measured from intact Chara australis cells and from isolated cell walls, using ion-selective microelectrodes. In both systems, a stimulation in Ca2+ efflux (up to 100 nmol m?2 s?1, from an influx of ~40 nmol m?2 s?1) was detected as the H+ or K+ concentration was progressively increased in the bathing solution (pH 7.0 to 4.6 or K+ 0.2 to 10mol m?3, respectively). A Ca2+ influx of similar size occurred following the reverse changes. These fluxes decayed exponentially with a time constant of about 10 min. The threshold pH for Ca2+ efflux (pH 5.2) is similar to a reported pH threshold for acid-induced wall extensibility in a closely related characean species. Application of NH4+ to intact cells caused prolonged H+ efflux and also transient Ca2+ efflux. We attribute all these net Ca2+ fluxes to exchange in the wall with H+ or K+. A theoretical treatment of the cell wall ion exchanges, using the ‘weak acid Donnan Manning’ (WADM) model, is given and it agrees well with the data. The role of Ca2+ in the cell wall and the effect of Ca2+ exchanges on the measured fluxes of other ions, including bathing medium acidification by H+ efflux, are discussed.  相似文献   
Among several candidate perennial taxa, Miscanthus × giganteus has been evaluated and promoted as a promising bioenergy crop. Owing to several limitations, however, of the sterile hybrid, both at the taxon and agronomic production levels, other options need to be explored to not only improve M . × giganteus , which was originally collected in Japan, but to also consider the development of other members of its genus, including Miscanthus sinensis , as bioenergy crops. Indeed, there is likely much to be learned and applied to Miscanthus as a bioenergy crop from the long history of intensive interaction between humans and M. sinensis in Japan, which in some regions of the country spans several thousand years. Combined with its high amount of genetic variation, stress tolerance, biotic interactions with fauna, and function as a keystone species in diverse grasslands and other ecosystems within its native range, the unique and extensive management of M. sinensis in Japan as a forage grass and building material provides agronomists, agroecologists, and plant breeders with the capability of better understanding this species in terms of potential contribution to bioenergy crop development. Moreover, the studies described in this review may serve as a platform for future research of Miscanthus as a bioenergy crop in other parts of the world.  相似文献   
The potential for ornament evolution in response to sexual selection rests on the interaction between the permissive-ness or selectivity of female preferences and the constraints on male development of signaling related traits. We investigate the former by determining how latent female preferences either exaggerate the magnitude of current traits (I.e. Elaborations) or favor novel traits (I.e. Innovations). In tungara frogs, females prefer complex mating calls (whine-chucks) to simple calls (whine only). The whine is critical for mate recognition while the chuck further enhances the attractiveness of the call. Here we use a combina-tion of synthetic and natural stimuli to examine latent female preferences. Our results show that a diversity of stimuli, including conspecific and heterospecific calls as well as predator-produced and human-made sounds, increase the attractiveness of a call when added to a whine. These stimuli do not make simple calls more attractive than a whine-chuck, however. In rare cases we found stimuli that added to the whine decrease the attractiveness of the call. Overall, females show strong preferences for both elaborations and innovations of the chuck. We argue that the emancipation of these acoustic adornments from mate recognition allows such female permissiveness, and that male constraints on signal evolution are probably more important in explaining why males evolved their specific adornment. Experimentally probing latent female preferences for stimuli out of the species' range is a useful means to gain insights about the potential of female choice to influence signal evolution and thus the astounding diversity in male sexually-selected traits.  相似文献   
Centrosaurine ceratopsians are characterized by well developed nasal horncores or bosses, relatively abbreviated supraorbital horncores or bosses, and adorned parietosquamosal frills. Recent study of several paucispecific (low diversity) bonebed assemblages in Alberta and Montana has contributed greatly to our understanding of ontogenetic and taxonomic variation in the skulls of centrosaurines. Relative age determination of centrosaurines is now possible through examination of ontogenetic change in several characters, including the surface bone morphology of specific skeletal elements. The within-group taxonomy of centrosaurines is based almost entirely on characters of the skull roof, relating particularly to horns and frills. Juvenile and sub-adult centrosaurines are characterized by relatively simple, unadorned skulls compared to their adult counterparts. As in numerous living taxa, the cranial ornaments of centrosaurines developed late in ontogeny, as individuals approached or attained adult size. An important implication arising directly from this study is that juvenile and sub-adult centrosaurines are difficult to distinguish taxonomically at the specific level. Two monospecific genera represented only by immature materials, Brachyceratops montanensis and Monoclonius crassus , cannot be defended and should be considered nomina dubia . The late ontogenetic development and diverse taxonomic variation of horn and frill morphologies support the contention diat these structures are best interpreted as reproductive characters employed in mate competition.  相似文献   
Understanding the mechanisms that influence variation in sexually selected ornaments in seabirds has been challenging owing to the difficulty of capturing and sampling individuals outside of the breeding period when ornaments are usually grown. Stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotopes were used to examine the influence of pre-breeding diet composition on ornament size in the Rhinoceros Auklet Cerorhinca monocerata , a socially monogamous seabird that breeds in the North Pacific. We analysed stable isotopes in adult feathers grown during the pre-alternate moult, which allowed us to infer diet composition during the pre-breeding (February–March) period. Females that fed more on inshore fish had larger horns than females that fed more on euphausiids (also known as krill; Euphausiacea). Body size was a stronger predictor of horn height in males than females, suggesting that ornaments may serve as different signals for each sex. This study provides evidence that diet during the pre-breeding period can influence ornament size and emphasizes the importance of understanding individual ecology throughout the annual cycle for determining the factors that influence mate choice and fitness.  相似文献   
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