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Specimens of Peronopsis and Ptychagnostus from the House Range of western Utah provide new information on the location of the labrum (hypostoma) of agnostid trilobites. A labral position as that described here, beneath the second glabellar lobe, has two implications: (1) anomalous cephalic muscle scars described by previous workers may be interpreted as attachment areas for labral muscles; and (2) the mouth probably migrated posteriorly in agnostids. Posterior displacement of the mouth was probably one of several feeding modifications associated with a pelagic mode of life.  相似文献   
Abstract 1. We monitored three different‐sized wood ant (Formica aquilonia Yarrow) mounds over a 3‐year period in Finnish boreal forests dominated by Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.), to assess the seasonal temperature dependency of ant activity. Additionally, we also monitored Norway spruce trees around the mounds for descending honeydew foragers. 2. The amount of collected honeydew and prey and its composition, as well as the carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) in honeydew and invertebrate prey was also investigated. 3. The number of warm days (average temperature above 20 °C) and the amount of precipitation differed among the years. Ant activity at the mounds (but not on the trees) was highly correlated with air temperature throughout the ant‐active season (May–September), but ant activity in spring and autumn was lower than in summer at similar temperatures. During all 3 years, honeydew played a major role in wood ant nutrition (78–92% of dry mass). Invertebrate prey was mainly Diptera (on average 26.2%), Coleoptera (12.5%), Aphidina (9.3%), and Arachnoida (8.5%). 4. The total amounts of C, N, and P input brought into the ant mounds in the form of food (both honeydew and prey) on the stand level were 12.6–39.0, 1.6–4.6 and 0.1–0.4 kg ha?1 year?1, respectively, which is equivalent to 2–6%, 12–33% and 27–58% of the fluxes in annual needle litterfall in typical boreal Norway spruce forests. Thus, wood ants can play a significant role in short term and local N and P cycling of boreal forest ecosystems.  相似文献   
Although the integration of DNA information in taxonomy has been invaluable, logistical problems relating to sampling can seriously limit its applicability. Here we describe the analysis of a morphologically cryptic species complex, in which we maximize the information present by using both a DNA phylogeny and a multivariate morphometric approach. The green pitviper Trimeresurus stejnegeri s.l. is widespread in Asia, with a number of described subspecies (some of which are considered full species by some workers) and two new species that have recently been described from Thailand. The phylogeny indicates three clades, which can also be discerned in the principal component analyses of morphological variation. Combining molecular and morphological information permits evaluation of the taxonomic position of populations not represented in the phylogeny − in particular, the subspecies T. s. chenbihui and T. s. yunnanensis . We discuss nomenclatural issues raised by this analysis, although these cannot be fully resolved until the holotypes of these subspecies can be examined. Finally, we apply a molecular clock calibrated in New World pitvipers, and discuss some of the palaeoclimatic changes that might have impacted upon diversification in this group.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 82 , 219–235.  相似文献   
Leaf venation patterns of 150 species of Euphorbia are presented and their value as a diagnostic feature in the genus assessed. Based on the gross venation patterns, the species have been grouped into uni-, bi-, tri-veined and special categories. The majority of the species studied belonged to the tri-veined category, in which ornamentation of the veins and the course of traces in the lamina proved useful additional characters. Features such as the size of the areoles, the number of vein endings, and their further ramifications and composition in each areole varied in the same leaf or in different leaves of a given species. Furthermore, no direct correlation could be established between the areole size and the numbers of vein endings and tips per areole. Forty species possess a parenchymatous vein sheath. Globular chloroplasts showed up conspicuously in the sheath cells of a few species. Dilated tracheidal elements, localized on the venules or at the tips of vein endings, are characteristic of the xerophytic species. In some instances, correlation was apparent between plants grouped according to their venation patterns and their habit.  相似文献   
A hitherto undescribed virus, termed rottboellia yellow mottle virus (RoYMV), affecting Rottboellia cochinchinensis (syn. R. exaltata, itch grass) at Ibadan, Nigeria, was investigated. RoYMV virions are isometric, c. 29 nm in diameter, and sediment homogeneously at 114s. In isopycnic CsCl gradients, RoYMV virions band sharply at a buoyant density of 1.379 g cm-3, but in Cs2SO4 gradients, virions band at two zones, at the densities of 1.300 g cm-3 and 1.325 g cm-3. Treatment with EDTA at pH 8.0 reduced the sedimentation value of RoYMV to c. 87s and rendered it susceptible to proteinase-K, SDS and NaCl. The apparent molecular weight of RoYMV coat protein was c. 27 000. Virions encapsidate a single-stranded RNA of mol. wt 1.4 × 106 Da. Besides R. cochinchinensis, RoYMV was mechanically transmissible only to maize (Zea mays). No reaction occurred when RoYMV was tested against antisera to 44 isometric plant viruses (belonging to 12 groups), including several that affect Gramineae. RoYMV exhibits striking similarities with other viruses belonging to the sobemovirus group, and it is tentatively designated as a new member of the sobemovirus group.  相似文献   
Cryptic belowground organisms are difficult to observe and their responses to global changes are not well understood. Nevertheless, there is reason to believe that interactions among above- and belowground communities may mediate ecosystem responses to global change. We used grassland mesocosms to manipulate the abundance of one important group of soil organisms, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, and to study community and ecosystem responses to CO2 and N enrichment. Responses of plants, AM fungi, phospholipid fatty acids and community-level physiological profiles were measured after two growing seasons. Ecosystem responses were examined by measuring net primary production (NPP), evapotranspiration, total soil organic matter (SOM), and extractable mineral N. Structural equation modeling was used to examine the causal relationships among treatments and response variables. We found that while CO2 and N tended to directly impact ecosystem functions (evapotranspiration and NPP, respectively), AM fungi indirectly impacted ecosystem functions by influencing the community composition of plants and other root fungi, soil fungi and soil bacteria. We found that the mycotrophic status of the dominant plant species in the mesocosms determined whether the presence of AM fungi increased or decreased NPP. Mycotrophic grasses dominated the mesocosm communities during the first growing season, and the mycorrhizal treatments had the highest NPP. In contrast, nonmycotrophic forbs were dominant during the second growing season and the mycorrhizal treatments had the lowest NPP. The composition of the plant community strongly influenced soil N, and the community composition of soil organisms strongly influenced SOM accumulation in the mesocosms. These results show how linkages between above- and belowground communities can determine ecosystem responses to global change.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. We have characterized a novel, temperature-sensitive mutation affecting motility in Tetrahymena thermophila . Mutants grew and divided normally at the restrictive temperature (38°C), but became nonmotile. Scanning electron microscopic analysis indicated that nonmotile mutants contained the normal number of cilia and that the cilia were of normal length. Transmission electron microscopic analysis indicated that axonemes isolated from nonmotile mutants lacked outer dynein arms, so the mutation was named oad I ( outer arm defficient ). Motile mutants shifted to 38° C under conditions that prevent cell growth and division (starvation) remained motile suggesting that once assembled into axonemes at the permissive temperature (28° C) the outer arm dyneins remain functional at 38° C. Starved, deciliated mutants regenerated a full complement of functional cilia at 38° C, indicating that the mechanism that incorporates the outer arm dynein into developing axonemes is not affected by the oad I mutation. Starved, nonmotile mutants regained motility when shifted back to 28° C, but not when incubated with cycloheximide. We interpret these results to rule out the hypothesis that the oad I mutation affects the site on the microtubules to which the outer arm dyneins bind. Axonemes isolated from mutants grown for one generation at 38° C had a mean of 6.0 outer arm dyneins, and axonemes isolated from mutants grown for two generations at 38° C had a mean of 3.2 outer arm dyneins. Taken together, these results indicate that the oad I mutation affects the synthesis of outer arm dyneins in Tetrahymena .  相似文献   
Real-time PCR assays, based on LightCyclerTM hybridization probes technology, originally developed for detection of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in clinical samples, were adapted to pharmaceutical products for topical use. After optimization experiments, the applicability of optimized PCR assays was assessed by testing 34 different pharmaceutical products for topical use in parallel with standard microbiological protocol according to European Pharmacopoeia. To reveal any problematic substances, which might inhibit PCR reaction, pharmaceutical products with as much different dosage forms as possible and of different composition were selected. Complete concordance between PCR and standard microbiological protocol results was obtained on a wide spectrum of pharmaceutical products. The adapted PCR assays can detect 1–10 CFU of both bacteria per gram or milliliter of pharmaceutical product in 26 h (including 24-h enrichment), whereas standard microbiological methods require 5–7 days. Real-time PCR assays proved to be efficient tools for rapid screening of S. aureus and P. aeruginosa in pharmaceutical products for topical use.  相似文献   
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