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Regular unscheduled movements of rancherías within a confined area or settlement district result in the phenomenon described as "village drift," a process whereby a settlement may change its location gradually by several kilometers over a period of years. This article presents a model of village drift based on data acquired from recent archaeological and geomorphological field studies and archival research on the Akimel O'odham, the Gila River Pima of south-central Arizona. The model provides an excellent example of human ecodynamics---an emerging landscape perspective that emphasizes the coevolution of humans and their ecosystem---with implications for understanding prehistoric and historic settlement in desert riverine environments.  相似文献   
Fructan biosynthesis in excised leaves of Lolium temulentum L.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
In Sedum telephium, the switch from a weak-CAM to a full-CAMmode of photosynthesis in response to water stress, is accompaniedby a marked increase in the activity of the enzyme phosphoenolpyruatecarboxylase (PEPC) during the dark period of a diurnal cycle.Fractionation of the enzyme by non-denaturing polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis gives two active species; the activity ofthe more mobile species increases with the switch into a full-CAMmode of photosynthesis. Fractionation of the enzyme by denaturing electrophoresis andby gel filtration indicates that the molecular species particularlyactive in CAM is a monomeric protein, whilst the other readilyobservable species is a dimer. Sedum telephium, CAM, water stress, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, night-time activation dimer, monomer  相似文献   
ABSRACT: Groenhof, A. C, Smirnoff, N. and Bryant, J. A. 1988. Enzymicactivities associated with the ability of aerial and submergedforms of Littorella uniflora (L.) Aschers to perform CAM.—J.exp. Bot. 39: 353-361. The submerged form of Littorella uniflora shows a full CAM modeof photosynthesis as shown by diel acid fluctuations and elevatedactivities (in comparison to non-submerged leaves) of the enzymesphosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) and NADP-malic enzyme.Non-submerged plants exhibit no diel fluctuations of acidityand no changes in activity of NADP-malic enzyme or PEPC. PEPCactivity is low and NADP-malic enzyme is not detectable. Furthercharacterization of PEPC extracted from submerged plants duringthe light and dark periods of a diel cycle shows that the enzymeextracted in the dark is more active. In addition, the enzymeshows a decrease in Km (PEP) and an increase in Vmax in thepresence of glucose-6-phosphate, whilst in the presence of malateKm (PEP) is increased and Vmax decreased; this response to malateis only observed in the light and at pH 7.2. Molecular weightdeterminations using a Sephacryl S-300 column show that theenzyme extracted from plants during the dark period has an apparentmol. wt. of 375 KDa and the enzyme extracted from plants duringthe light period has an apparent mol. wt. of 307 KDa. Key words: Littorella uniflora (shoreweed), Crassulacean acid metabolism, PEP carboxylase, malic enzyme  相似文献   
86Rb uptake was examined in two species of unicellular greenalgae, Chlamydomonas nivalis isolated from snow, and a cellwall-less mutant of the temperate freshwater Chlamydomonas reinhardii.In C. reinhardii cells grown at 20°C and cooled rapidlyto 0°C, 86Rb uptake was abolished. Cells cooled rapidlyto –5°C in the absence of ice accumulated 86Rb veryrapidly but the time course of this uptake suggested non-selectiveaccumulation through a damaged plasmalemma. Cells grown at 8°Cwere viable, able to divide and motile; they showed no signsof cold-shock and 86Rb uptake, albeit slow, was measurable at–5°C in the absence of extracellular ice. Cells ofC. nivalis grown at 20°C were damaged at sub-zero temperaturesalthough they did show an enhanced 86Rb uptake at 0°C. Cellsgrown at 5°C were able to accumulate 86Rb from media undercooledto -5°C in the absence of extracellular ice, and again showedenhanced uptake at 0°C. The process of acclimation to lowtemperature appears to differ in the two species. Key words: Chlamydomonas, temperature, 86Rb uptake, membrane  相似文献   
A survey has been made of the leaf anatomy of 43 woody species in three montane vegetation types of Isla Margarita, Venezuela, differing in levels of cloud cover (and hence wetness) and exposure to wind. The only character that varies significantly with increasing probability of periodic drought is specific leaf area, which can be related to the higher proportion of deciduous species in the drier habitat. Leaves become significantly smaller and thicker with increased exposure to wind, and have thicker outer epidermal walls and cuticles. Most characters, including stomatal density, guard cell length, palisade: non-palisade ratios, and the incidence of such features as hypodermis, sclerenchyma, crystals and secretory structures are highly variable and show few or no trends according to habitat. Some of these characters are apparently more constrained by phylogeny than by immediate ecological circumstances. As a contribution to the continuing debate on the significance of xeromorphy in tropical montane forest leaves, it is suggested that low light levels due to cloud cover can be discounted as an important determining factor; in the case of the Isla Margarita vegetation, the need to avoid excessive leaf temperatures may be of greater significance.  相似文献   
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