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Large-scale milk production and consumption historically have been localized to Europe and countries with large European-derived populations. However, global patterns have now shifted, with dramatic increases in milk consumption in Asian countries and flat or declining consumption in European and European-derived countries. Efforts to market it around the world emphasize milk's positive effects on child growth, and, by extension, the individual and national benefits that derive from that growth. At the same time, milk has newly emerged in milk promotions in the United States as food that facilitates weight loss. Milk has been able to achieve a global presence and continuing relevance in populations in which its consumption has been declining by continually transforming and repositioning itself as a "special" food with properties able to alleviate the health concerns seen as most salient at the time.  相似文献   
Leaf hydraulics of Aesculus hippocastanum L. were measured over the growing season and during extensive leaf mining by the larvae of an invasive moth (Cameraria ohridella Deschka et Dimic) that specifically destroy the palisade tissue. Leaves showed seasonal changes in hydraulic resistance (Rlamina) which were related to ontogeny. After leaf expansion was complete, the hydraulic resistance of leaves and the partitioning of resistances between vascular and extra‐vascular compartments remained unchanged despite extensive disruption of the palisade by leafminers (up to 50%). This finding suggests that water flow from the petiole to the evaporation sites might not directly involve the palisade cells. The analysis of the temperature dependence of Rlamina in terms of Q10 revealed that at least one transmembrane step was involved in water transport outside the leaf vasculature. Anatomical analysis suggested that this symplastic step may be located at the bundle sheath where the apoplast is interrupted by hydrophobic thickening of cell walls. Our findings offer some support to the view of a compartmentalization of leaves into well‐organized water pools so that the transpiration stream would involve veins, bundle sheath and spongy parenchyma, while the palisade tissue would be largely by‐passed with the possible advantage of protecting cells from short‐term fluctuations in water status.  相似文献   

The size, structure, and density of a population of Lytechinus variegatus were recorded from a shallow seagrass bed (Halodule wrightii) at 40-day intervals from April 1994 to April 1995. A local mass mortality was observed in May 1994. The density declined from 0.57±0.10 to 0.06±0.05 ind.m?2, mean size declined from 37.6±0.49 to 16.2±2.14 mm and maximum size from 75 to 40 mm. Ten months after mortality, the maximum and mean sizes had returned to initialvalues, but density had not (0.10±0.03 ind.m?2). A second, smaller mass mortality occurred in April 1995. High values of gonad index were recorded before mortality (9.40±5.97) and after population recovery (11.96±5.74). Recruitment was continuous throughout the year, but reached a peak from August to October. This can he related to the patterns of upwelling in the region. Mass mortality is probably an annual event in this population that can be correlated with the occurrence of low tides during daytime in the fell. The population can recover during the summer when low tides occur during the night. The massive input of recruits prevents extinction of the population during the season of high mortality. Population recovery depends on the magnitude of recruitment.  相似文献   
Subspecific variation is widespread in vertebrates. Within Africa, several mammals have extensive geographic distributions with attendant morphological, ecological, and behavioural variations, which are often used to demarcate subspecies. In the present study, we use a primate species, the vervet monkey, Cercopithecus aethiops, as a case study for intraspecific divergence in widespread mammals, assessed through hard tissue morphology. We examine intraspecific differences in size, shape, and non‐allometric shape from a taxonomic perspective, and discuss the macroevolutionary implications of findings from microevolutionary analyses of geographic variation. A geometric morphometric approach was used, employing 86 three‐dimensional landmarks of almost 300 provenanced crania. Many of the taxonomic differences in skull morphology between vervet populations appear to be related to geographic proximity, with subspecies at opposite extremes of a west‐to‐east axis showing greatest divergence, and populations from central and south Africa being somewhat intermediate. The classification rate from discriminant analyses was lower than that observed in other African primate radiations, including guenons as a whole and red colobus. Nonetheless, taxonomic differences in shape were significant and not simply related to either geography or size. Thus, although shifts in size may be an important first step in adaptation and diversification, with size responding more quickly than shape to environmental change, the six vervet taxa currently recognized (either as species or subspecies) are not simply allometrically scaled versions of one another and are probably best viewed as subspecies. Holding allometry constant when examining inter‐population differences in shape may thus help to reveal the early stages of evolutionary divergence. The vervet case study presented here hence has relevance for future studies examining intraspecific differentiation in other large mammals, particularly through the methods used to identify small but biologically meaningful divergence, with attendant implications for conservation planning. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 823–843.  相似文献   
To determine whether globally increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations can affect carbon partitioning between nonstructural and structural carbon pools in agroforestry plantations, Populus nigra was grown in ambient air (about 370 μmol mol?1 CO2) and in air with elevated CO2 concentrations (about 550 μmol mol?1 CO2) using free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE) technology. FACE was maintained for 5 years. After three growing seasons, the plantation was coppiced and one half of each experimental plot was fertilized with nitrogen. Carbon concentrations and stocks were measured in secondary sprouts in seasons of active growth and dormancy during 2 years after coppicing. Although FACE, N fertilization and season had significant tissue‐specific effects on carbon partitioning to the fractions of structural carbon, soluble sugars and starch as well as to residual soluble carbon, the overall magnitude of these shifts was small. The major effect of FACE and N fertilization was on cell wall biomass production, resulting in about 30% increased above ground stocks of both mobile and immobile carbon pools compared with fertilized trees under ambient CO2. Relative C partitioning between mobile and immobile C pools was not significantly affected by FACE or N fertilization. These data demonstrate high metabolic flexibility of P. nigra to maintain C‐homeostasis under changing environmental conditions and illustrate that nonstructural carbon compounds can be utilized more rapidly for structural growth under elevated atmospheric [CO2] in fertilized agroforestry systems. Thus, structural biomass production on abandoned agricultural land may contribute to achieving the goals of the Kyoto protocol.  相似文献   
The pollination of Caesalpinia gilliesii (Fabaceae) , a legume species with long, brush-type flowers, was studied in wild populations in Argentina. A total of 341 hawkmoths (Sphingidae), belonging to 10 species, with tongues ranging from 1.5 to 13.5 cm in length, were captured by means of light traps. Hawkmoths could be classified in four significantly different tongue-length classes or guilds: short (15.35 ± 1.11 mm), medium (30.23 ± 2.24 mm), long (55.85 ± 4.98 mm) and very long (95.61 ± 13.63 mm). A total of 133 of the hawkmoths, belonging to seven species, carried pollen of Cae. gilliesii , mainly on their venter. Successful contact with anthers while drinking nectar depended upon hawkmoth tongue length. The relative frequency of pollen-carriage and the mean tongue length of each species were positively and significantly correlated. Considering a null hypothesis of nonspecialization, in which hawkmoths carrying pollen are distributed at random among individuals of the four guilds, long-tongued hawkmoths carried Cae. gilliesii pollen more frequently than would be expected by chance. In contrast, short- and medium-tongued guilds carried pollen less frequently than is predicted by random expectation. Individuals with short tongues accessed nectar from below without touching the anthers, whereas very long-tongued hawkmoths, with tongues longer than the length range of the flower reproductive organs, can probably reach nectar without touching the fertile organs. Results show that a pterotribic pattern of pollen deposition on the body of long-tongued hawkmoths is operating in this species. This suggests that brush-type blossoms are not necessarily unspecialized, despite popular belief.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 579–592.  相似文献   
The arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis is widespread throughout the plant kingdom and important for plant nutrition and ecosystem functioning. Nonetheless, most terrestrial ecosystems also contain a considerable number of non‐mycorrhizal plants. The interaction of such non‐host plants with AM fungi (AMF) is still poorly understood. Here, in three complementary experiments, we investigated whether the non‐mycorrhizal plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the model organism for plant molecular biology and genetics, interacts with AMF. We grew A. thaliana alone or together with a mycorrhizal host species (either Trifolium pratense or Lolium multiflorum) in the presence or absence of the AMF Rhizophagus irregularis. Plants were grown in a dual‐compartment system with a hyphal mesh separating roots of A. thaliana from roots of the host species, avoiding direct root competition. The host plants in the system ensured the presence of an active AM fungal network. AM fungal networks caused growth depressions in A. thaliana of more than 50% which were not observed in the absence of host plants. Microscopy analyses revealed that R. irregularis supported by a host plant was capable of infecting A. thaliana root tissues (up to 43% of root length colonized), but no arbuscules were observed. The results reveal high susceptibility of A. thaliana to R. irregularis, suggesting that A. thaliana is a suitable model plant to study non‐host/AMF interactions and the biological basis of AM incompatibility.  相似文献   
Eight novel microsatellite primer pairs are presented for Penstemon rostriflorus, representing the first microsatellite markers available for this genus. Loci were characterized for 20 individuals from two populations in the Great Basin, USA. All loci are polymorphic within P. rostriflorus (seven to 13 alleles per locus; observed heterozygosity between 0.40 and 0.95), and therefore useful for population genetic studies within the species. Cross‐species transferability was tested on 40 additional species of Penstemon, and results indicate that these primers pairs will likely be useful for population genetic studies on many Penstemon species.  相似文献   
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