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Species of the genus Veronica differ in habitat preferences,growth form and in adventitious root production. The annualspecies rarely or never produce adventitious roots in intactplants in the field but some, for example V. persica and V.arvensis will root vigorously from single node stem segmentsin culture. Others, such as V. agrestis require the presenceof IAA for substantial levels of root formation to occur incultured stem segments. Veronica hederifolia cuttings rarelyproduce roots. Stem cuttings of the perennial species, in general,rooted more vigorously than those of annual plants. Both V.fihiformis and V. serpyllifolia root very strongly. The position of root production from the stem cuttings differedfrom species to species. Roots arose either from the node, theregion of the base or at some intermediate point. Veronica arvensis,V. chamaedrys and V. persica rooted mainly from the basal regionwhereas V. filiformis rooted mainly from the node. Veronicaserpyllifolia cuttings rooted at both of these locations. Veronica filiformis, a perennial species that is infertile inBritain, produces root primordia in intact plants at nodes whichare close to the shoot apex. Thus, even very young stem segmentshave ‘preformed’ root primordia. For this reason,detached stem segments of V. filiformis root very rapidly andthis probably has been of great significance in its successfulinvasion and spread in lawns and short turf areas. Veronica spp., adventitious roots, indol-3-ylacetic acid, root primordia, vegetative reproduction  相似文献   
The food of foxes in suburban London was examined using stomach contents and den litter analysis. A great diversity of food was taken. Adult foxes killed nearer to the city centre were found to eat significantly fewer earthworms, domestic pets and wild mammals, but more scavenged food items, than foxes killed closer to the suburban fringe. Cubs killed closer to the city centre ate significantly fewer earthworms and insects, and more pet birds, pet mammals and scavenged food items than cubs killed nearer the periphery of the suburban area. Although seasonal trends in food selection were apparent, they were not as pronounced as those observed in studies of rural foxes. At no time of the year did a single food item predominate in the diet of adult foxes. Passeriformes were the most important single food item in the diet of young cubs, but there was no correlation between the number of Passeriformes eaten and their abundance, nor between annual changes in the abundance of small birds and mean fox birth litter size and productivity. Most foxes examined were in good body condition; there was no seasonal variation in body weight, although fat content did vary seasonally. A complementary survey in Bristol on losses of domestic pets to foxes revealed that 07% of pet cats and 80% of other pets kept outdoors were killed in a year. Damage to garden Crops was negligible.  相似文献   
  • 1 New Zealand was colonized by the German wasp, Vespula germanica (F.), in the 1940s and it subsequently became established throughout the country. The common wasp, V.vulgaris (L), colonized in the late 1970s and is still spreading.
  • 2 The common wasp has replaced the German wasp in some habitats in New Zealand. Samples from a nationwide postal survey indicate that the common wasp is now the more abundant species in honeydew beech forests (Nothofagus spp.), and to a lesser extent in other native forests. The German wasp is still the more abundant wasp in rural areas (excluding forest). The two species are at present co-dominant in urban areas, although this may be a transient phase.
  • 3 In honeydew beech forest the two species show different foraging patterns that provide the potential for local coexistence. Although both species are generalist feeders, the German wasp is more commonly found foraging for protein amongst the forest litter, whereas the common wasp forages more on shrubs and tree saplings. Despite this difference, the common wasp can still replace the German wasp in honeydew beech forest within a few years of invasion.
  • 4 In honeydew beech forests in which the German wasp is the more abundant species it dominates honeydew trunks (sugar resource), whereas the common wasp dominates honeydew trunks in areas where it is the more abundant species. The change from German to common wasp domination of honeydew trunks is more rapid than the change in dominance in other microhabitats. Aggressive interactions may be taking place on this high quality, potentially defensible sugar resource.
The effect of temperature on unsaturated fatty acid synthesisin developing sunflower seed embryos (Helianthus annuus L.)has been studied using isolated seeds grown in culture. Variabilitybetween individual embryos in the response to temperature wasalso investigated. Oil and dry matter accumulation in cultured embryos were similarto those of embryos allowed to develop in intact plants, andthe effect of increasing temperature in lowering the amountof linoleic acid in seed oil was reproduced in cultured embryos.The isolated seed culture system, therefore, constitutes a suitablemodel system for studies of oil synthesis in developing sunflowerembryos. The decrease in linoleic acid synthesis in response to highertemperature was detectable after only 18 day-degrees incubation,and the incorporation of labelled substrates suggests that alterationsin the fatty acid composition of seed oil in response to temperatureare produced by an effect on the desaturation of newly synthesizedoleate rather than through turnover of existing lipid. Variation in fatty acid composition between individual embryosgrown at constant temperature was considerable. The detectionof embryos with high linoleic acid levels following growth athigh temperature indicates that potential may exist for theselection of cultivars for temperature-stable fatty acid compositionin sunflower oil. Key words: Fatty acid synthesis, Helianthus annuus, Sunflower seeds  相似文献   
  • 1 The interannual variability of the dominant phytoplankton populations is described in a subtropical reservoir in Queensland using weekly data for a 16-year period between 1978 and 1994. North Pine Dam, Brisbane, is in an area characterized by strong interannual variability in rainfall. This variability is linked to El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. Between 1978 and 1994 periods of drought (during strong ENSO events) were interspersed by periods of flooding rains. Rainfall on the catchment and temperature and oxygen within the dam showed strong 40-day periodicities which also varied in strength interannually in response to ENSO events. Similar patterns of fluctuations in the 40-day periodicity have been found elsewhere in SE Australia. Seasonal cycles of stratification in the dam were a function of both hydrographic and hydrological events. Intermittent rain storms caused partial turnovers and large outflows. As much as 90% of the dam volume was exchanged in a single flood event.
  • 2 The dominant phytoplankton species were similar to those frequently found in tropical and subtropical lakes and reservoirs. The phytoplankton community switched between cyanobacterial blooms (Cylindrospermopsis, Microcystis) during drought and falling water levels and diatom blooms (Aulacoseira) in response to inflows and seasonal turnovers. There appeared to be a subtle interaction between inflows, water column stability, the periodic overturns and the occurrence of the dominant species. All the dominant species showed long periods (2–4 years) of exponential increase or decrease superimposed on top of the seasonal fluctuations in abundance. These patterns of abundance led to marked interannual variability in the phytoplankton biomass. Climate variability had a major impact on the seasonal and interannual changes of the dominant phytoplankton species.
  • 3 Phytoplankton biomass tended to be depressed for about 3 months after individual storm events but the data also displayed long-term lag effects (2–4 years) which destroyed any significant correlation between water residence time and biomass. Summer maxima of biomass dominated by cyanobacteria disappeared between 1985 and 1990 and were replaced by smaller winter peaks. The data presented here are not capable of unequivocally identifying the precise reason for these longer-term effects. Because of the implications for water quality management in subtropical and tropical reservoirs they warrant further study.
Chaerodes trachyscelides White is a highly specialized, flightless burrowing beetle confined to the narrow strip of sand at and just above high water level on sandy marine beaches in New Zealand. Although the ventral surface of the beetle is always pale, the dorsal surface varies from pale to almost black. Large samples of this beetle were taken, together with the sand, from 11 beaches on New Zealand's three main islands. The colour of the dorsal surface of each individual beetle and that of the sand samples was measured using reflectance spectroscopy and expressed as CIE L*,a*,b* (CIELAB) values. The L* values, which are objective, quantitative measures of the degree of lightness of the beetles, were subjected to statistical and frequency analysis. Although the species was very variable in colour and the variation appeared to be continuous, a highly significant correlation was obtained between the mean of the L* values for the samples on each beach and that of the sand, the correlation coefficient being 0.961. This close association between the lightness of the beetles and that of the sand suggests the variable melanism functions as cryptic colouration. On most beaches, the distribution oflightness among the beetles sampled conformed to a normal curve. For beetles from sites where the sand was relatively uniform, such as the black Taranaki beaches, the L* frequency distribution curves were narrow and the coefficient of variation of mean beetle colour was relatively small indicating low colour variability. In contrast, the greatest within-site variability occurred on the two Stewart Island beaches sampled, where in each case there was less uniformity in the colour of the sand. At one of these sites, Maori Beach, darker sand present below the high water level is often deposited on the zone occupied by the beetles after storms. On Lonneker's Beach, the distribution of L* values among the beetles sampled was actually bimodal. On this small beach, there was an area of intensely black sand in the zone occupied by the beetles, but most of the rest was covered with light golden sand. These results are interpreted as evidence that the variability of colour of Chaerodes beetles has the effect of populations being able to match the colour of the sand of their home beaches, presumably as a consequence of the differential survival of individuals.  相似文献   
Treatment of tomato plants with (2-chloroethyl)trimethylammoniumchloride (CCC) reduced their growth in height and d. wt andincreased the number of flowers formed in the first inflorescence.In plants grown at a high temperature with low light, applicationof CCC reduced the incidence of flower abortion in the firstinflorescence. Effects of -cyclopropyl--(4-methoxyphenyl)--(pyrimidin-5-yl)methanol(ancymidol) were similar to those of CCC while a third growthretardant, N-dimethylaminosuccinamic acid (B-9), was effectivein reducing growth in height but was without apparent effecton flower number or flower abortion. An interaction occurred between CCC and GA3 such that effectsof CCC on growth and flowering were reduced when GA was alsoapplied. Yields of diffusible gibberellin-like substances fromthe shoot tips were markedly reduced by treating plants withCCC but were apparently not affected by treating plants withB-9. It is suggested that effects of CCC on flowering in tomatoare mediated, in part at least, through changes in levels ofendogenous gibberellins.  相似文献   
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