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The oxidation of ferrihaems by H2O2 was studied as a model for haem catabolism. Rates of ferrihaem oxidation were evaluated by using a new computer-based method that measures the loss in catalytic activity of the ferrihaem during oxidation. For protoferrihaem, deuteroferrihaem, coproferrihaem and mesoferrihaem, oxidation proceeded via the monomeric species and no dimer contribution was detectable. The pH-dependence of oxidation was studied in the range 6.5--11. Within experimental error, the data were compatible with an inverse linear dependence on [H+]. This was interpreted in terms of attack by HO2- on monomeric ferrihaem. The specific second-order rate constants for oxidation of monomeric species by HO2- were of the same order of magnitude for all the ferrihaems, and were in the sequence coproferrihaem greater than protoferrihaem greater than mesoferrihaem congruent to deuteroferrihaem. A model is suggested involving formation of a ferrihaem monomerperoxide complex, which may either dissociate with the formation of a peroxidatic intermediate or be involved in an intramolecular oxidation of the ferrihaem. Haem catabolism may occur via the same or a similar intermediate.  相似文献   
The separation and purification of the N-acetyl-beta-D-hexosaminidase activities from tumours induced by 1,2-dimethylhydrazine in the rat colon and from colonic mucosa of tumour-bearing animals are reported. Mucosa contained N-acetylhexosaminidases A and B, as well as a third form whose properties with regard to electrophoretic mobility and thermostability lay between those of A and B. Tumours contained only N-acetylhexosaminidase A and B activities. Each form possessed both N-acetylglucosaminidase (EC and N-acetylgalactosaminidase (EC activities, which could not be separated by a variety of techniques. The alteration of the ratio of the two specific activities in each form during purification, together with differences in the kinetic inhibition constants and behaviour during inactivation by various reagents or a temperature of 50 degrees C, supported the belief that each form contains the two enzyme activities, glucosaminidase and galactosaminidase, at separate active sites. This model is in contrast with that reported for these activities from a number of other sources. A variety of treatments reported to cause the conversion of form A into a form resembling B failed to produce such an effect on the rat colonic hexosaminidases.  相似文献   
The dG+dC-rich fractions obtained by density gradient centrifugation of bovine DNA in Cs2SO4/BAMD [J. Cortadas, G. Macaya & G. Bernardi (1977) Eur. J. Biochem. 76, 13--19] were centrifuged in Cs2SO4/Ag+ density gradients. These experiments led to the preparation of the DNA components which had been detected (by analytical centrifugation in CsCl) in the Cs2SO4/BAMD fractions, and also of DNA components which had identical behaviors in Cs2SO4/BAMD gradients and identical buoyant densities in CsCl. A total of eight satellite components and 11 minor components, accounting for 23% and 4% of the bovine genome, respectively, were thus isolated and charcterized in their relative amounts and buoyant densities. The implications of these results on the interpretation of renaturation kinetic data on the bovine genome are discussed.  相似文献   
【目的】对患病斑点叉尾鮰进行病原菌分离、鉴定及药敏实验,为斑点叉尾鮰肠道坏死病的防控提供参考。【方法】从患病斑点叉尾鮰病灶、肝、脾和肾分离纯化病原菌,经理化特性测定及16S rRNA基因序列分析对其进行鉴定,开展人工感染试验,并利用纸片扩散法进行药敏特性分析。【结果】分离菌株k1为本次引发斑点叉尾鮰病害的致病菌,其对斑点叉尾鮰的LD50为2.82×10~5 CFU/g。菌株k1理化特性与普通变形杆菌Proteus vulgaris基本一致,16S rRNA基因序列与普通变形杆菌相似性最高,综合判定分离菌株为普通变形杆菌。分离菌株k1对环丙沙星、头孢唑林及头孢拉定等12种抗生素高度敏感,对苯唑西林、阿莫西林及痢特灵等7种抗生素耐药。【结论】分离菌株k1是斑点叉尾鮰病原菌,养殖时可选用庆大霉素及氟苯尼考等药物进行防控。  相似文献   
为探究自噬抑制剂6-氨基-3-甲基腺嘌呤(3-methyladenine,3-MA)对损伤细胞氧化应激水平的影响,将3-MA作用于H2O2诱导的PC12细胞损伤模型,以自噬增强剂雷帕霉素(rapamycin,Rap)作为对照,探讨自噬与氧化应激的关系。测定线粒体的膜电位和细胞内的活性氧(reactive oxygen species, ROS)与丙二醛(malondialdehyde, MDA)含量,以及超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,SOD)和过氧化氢酶(catalase,CAT)活性,评价损伤细胞的氧化应激状态。单丹(磺)酰戊二胺(monodansylcadaverine,MDC)染色,观察损伤细胞的自噬情况。蛋白质印迹分析损伤细胞中的自噬相关蛋白质LC3-II/LC3-I比值变化。实验结果显示:与正常组相比,H2O2损伤细胞的ROS水平上升到正常组的141%,MDA含量增加(P<0.001);CAT与SOD酶活力显著降低(P<0.001),差异均有统计学意义,证明损伤细胞氧化应激水平增加;MDC染色结果表明,H2O2组自噬明显增加。Western印迹结果表明,LC3-II/LC3-I值显著升高(P<0.05);与损伤组相比,3-MA组MDC染色结果表明,自噬水平降低。Western印迹结果表明,LC3-II/LC3-I值下降;细胞内ROS水平升高,增加到正常组的208%。MDA含量增加(P<0.001),CAT、SOD酶活力降低(P<0.001)。综上结果表明,自噬抑制剂可增加H2O2诱导的PC12细胞损伤模型的氧化应激水平,增加细胞凋亡。  相似文献   
正常小鼠高频心电图时域值和功率谱的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文用南京新博公司生产的NHE-1000型心电高频信息检测分析仪研究了正常小鼠(昆明种)高频心电图(HF-ECG)的时域值和QRS波群的功率谱。主要结果如下(以正导为例,-X±SD):心率603±88次/min(n=74);P-R间期相对较长。为34.9±4.7ms(n=58),占心动周期的34.9±4.9%,这与人类有很大的不同;QRS波宽9.2±1.2ms,占心动周期的9.2±1.4%(n=74),这一结果与以前的文献报道相差较大。T波宽10.3±3.2ms,占心动周期的10.3±3.2%;Q-T间期19.4±3.2ms,占心动周期的19.5±3.6%;QRS波群峰-峰值(Vp-p)为1.456±0.480mV;T波高0.336±0.115mV;73只动物Ⅱ导联高频切迹总数只有3个,扭挫26个。Ⅱ导联QRS波群的功率谱特点:0—80Hz的相对能量为45.48±15.32%;80—200Hz为43.97±9.95%;200—300Hz为8.89±7.38%;300—1000Hz为1.66±2.74%。  相似文献   
中华鳖对T3菌苗抗原的免疫应答   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过T3菌苗免疫中华鳖后的血清间接凝集抗体效价 (IAT)与免疫保护率 (PRP)的变化探讨了中华鳖的免疫应答规律。中华鳖对T3菌苗能产生较强的应答反应 ,免疫的二龄鳖PRP可达 82 6± 15 2 (19) % ,IAT达 1978 1± 716 4(19)。它对T3菌苗的免疫效应期为 3天 ,第 2 0天时免疫应答处于高峰 ,IAT与PRP分别为 176 8 0± 44 7 6 (4)与 91 7± 14 4(4) % ,持续 10天左右开始下降 ,到第 3个月左右基本上回复到免疫开始时水平。结论为 :中华鳖的免疫应答反应基本介于鱼类与鸟类之间 ,但较偏向于鸟类。  相似文献   
半干旱区沙质退化草地造林对土壤质量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用野外调查与室内培养相结合的方法,研究了我国北方半干旱区科尔沁沙地退化草地营造樟子松人工林32年后0~10 cm表层土壤理化性状、土壤碳氮矿化量、土壤微生物量以及土壤酶活性等的变化. 结果表明32年生樟子松人工林土壤有机碳、全氮和全磷等养分含量分别下降了21%、42%和45%;5月和11月樟子松人工林土壤NH4 -N显著高于草地(P=0.001;P=0.019),而5、8和11月草地土壤NO3--N含量显著高于樟子松人工林(P<0.001;P=0.048;P=0.031);5、8和11月樟子松人工林土壤有机碳日矿化释放的CO2-C量均大于草地,而二者土壤氮矿化率差异不显著(P>0.05);5和8月樟子松人工林土壤微生物量碳含量与草地相比差异不显著,11月则显著高于草地;土壤养分和水分含量是影响土壤微生物量碳含量的重要因素;与草地相比,樟子松人工林土壤脲酶和蔗糖酶活性降低,而土壤过氧化氢酶活性升高. 上述结果说明半干旱区沙质退化草地营造樟子松人工林32年后土壤质量出现一定程度的下降;由于植被的改变,樟子松人工林土壤理化性状和生物学性状等表现出与草地不同的季节动态特征.造林作为我国北方半干旱区沙地退化生态系统的一种恢复手段具有一定的局限性.  相似文献   
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