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邱全胜 《植物学报》2000,17(1):34-38
近年,随着分子生物学技术的不断发展和广泛应用,有关植物质膜钾离子转运体的研究取得重要进展。目前已经克隆到多种质膜钾离子转运体基因并对钾离子转运体生化特性以及结构功能进行了广泛研究。研究认为,质膜钾离子转运体可分为钾离子载体和钾离子通道。钾离子通道又可分为内向性K+通道α亚基、K+通道β亚基及外向性K+通道等三类。本文对上述质膜钾离子转运体的生化特性以及结构功能研究的进展进行了综述。  相似文献   
以绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)为报告分子, 通过构建DHN1-mGFP4融合蛋白表达载体, 研究了渗透胁迫条件下脱水蛋白DHN1的表达及其亚细胞分布的动态变化. 采用PCR方法在脱水蛋白基因dhn1两端引入XbaⅠ和BamHⅠ限制性内切酶位点, 克隆到质粒pBIN-35S mGFP4, 构建DHN1-mGFP4融合蛋白表达载体, 并采用基因枪转化猕猴桃(A. delicisoa)悬浮细胞. 培养10 h后观察到高效表达的GFP绿色荧光, 绿色荧光只出现在细胞核内. 提高培养介质渗透势后, 可以诱导脱水蛋白向细胞质分布(主要集中在质膜周围), 并且增加介质渗透势可以明显缩短细胞质出现绿色荧光的时间. 蛋白合成抑制剂环己亚胺能够抑制细胞质绿色荧光的出现, 暗示细胞质出现的脱水蛋白是诱导产生的结果. ABA可以明显促进细胞质绿色荧光的出现, 并且随着介质渗透势的升高迅速缩短细胞质绿色荧光的出现时间.  相似文献   
小麦根质膜H^+—ATPase的部分纯化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以小麦(TriticumaestivumL.)根为材料,采用不连续蔗糖密度梯度离心法制备高纯度质膜微囊。质膜经TritonX100和KCl处理后,再用Zwitergent314增溶H+ATPase,最后用硫酸铵沉淀得到部分纯化的质膜H+ATPase。SDSPAGE结果表明,经过上述步骤纯化,分子量为94kD的膜蛋白组分得到富集;与质膜相比,其含量提高15.7倍。部分纯化的质膜H+ATPase可以水解ATP,受K+刺激,并被N,N′dicyclohexylcarbodimide(DCCD)抑制;ATP水解活力被Na3VO4抑制95%,但不被NaN3、NaNO3和Na2MoO4抑制。  相似文献   
以大豆( Glycine max L.) 下胚轴为材料, 采用二相法制得高纯度质膜微囊。实验发现,K+ 对质膜H+_ATPase水解活力和转运活力刺激差别显著,对转运活力刺激850% , 对水解活力仅刺激28 .2% 。动力学结果表明,有K+时ATP水解的Km 值为0.70 mmol/L,Vmax 为344 .8 nmol Pi·mg-1 protein·min-1 ; 无K+ 时ATP水解的Km 值为1 .14mmol/L, Vmax为285.7 nmol Pi·mg-1 protein·min-1 。K+ 对ATP水解的最适pH 值也有影响,有K+ 时为6 .5 ,无K+ 时降低到6.0 。进一步实验发现,K+ 对羟胺和钒酸钠的抑制作用影响较大,K+ 可以提高质膜H+_ATPase 对羟胺和钒酸钠的敏感性。结果表明,K+ 可以调节大豆下胚轴质膜H+_ATPase 水解与转运活力之间的偶联程度  相似文献   
双组分系统——细胞识别渗透胁迫信号的感应器   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
双组分系统是广泛存在于原核和真核细胞中的信号转导系统.主要由组氨酸蛋白激酶(HPK)和响应调节蛋白(RR)两个组分组成. 双组分系统信号通路一般包括信号的输入、HPK自身磷酸化、RR磷酸化、信号输出等环节.对双组分系统信号转导机制及其在渗透胁迫信号识别和传导中的作用进行了综述.  相似文献   
The changes of DHN1 expression and subcellular distribution in A. delicisoa cells under osmotic stress were studied by using GFP as a reporter molecule. Through creating the Xba I and BamH I restriction sites at the ends of dhn1 by PCR, the expression vector for the fusion protein DHN1-mGFP4 was constructed by cloning dhn1 into plasmid pBIN-35SmGFP4. Then the DHN1-mGFP4 expression vector was transformed into A. delicisoa suspension cells by micropro-jectile bombardment method. Bright green fluorescence of GFP which shows the high-level expression of DHN1-mGFP4 was visualized after culture for 10 h. However, the green fluorescence was only located within the nucleus. By increasing the culture medium osmotic potential, the green fluorescence was visualized in the cytoplasm (mainly around the plasma membranes). The generation of GFP fluorescence in the cytoplasm was also promoted by increasing the medium osmotic potential. Moreover, GFP green fluorescence was abolished by protein synthesis inhibitor dicyclo  相似文献   
水分胁迫对小麦根细胞质膜氧化还原系统的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水分胁迫使小麦根质膜NADH和NADPH的氧化速率及Fe(CN)63-和EDTA-Fe3+的还原速率明显降低。对照与胁迫处理的质膜氧化还原系统活性均不受鱼藤酮抗霉素A和KCN等呼吸链抑制剂的影响。在不加Fe(CN)63-作为电子受体时,水杨基羟肘酸(SHW)可明显刺激质膜NADH的氧化和O2吸收速率。水分胁迫促使SHAM刺激的NADH氧化明显降低,但却使O2吸收略有上升。  相似文献   
The changes of DHN1 expression and subcellular distribution in A. delicisoa cells under osmotic stress were studied by using GFP as a reporter molecule. Through creating the Xba I and BamH I restriction sites at the ends of dhn1 by PCR, the expression vector for the fusion protein DHN1-mGFP4 was constructed by cloning dhn1 into plasmid pBIN-35SmGFP4. Then the DHN1-mGFP4 expression vector was transformed into A. delicisoa suspension cells by microprojectile bombardment method. Bright green fluorescence of GFP which shows the high-level expression of DHN1-mGFP4 was visualized after culture for 10 h. However, the green fluorescence was only located within the nucleus. By increasing the culture medium osmotic potential, the green fluorescence was visualized in the cytoplasm (mainly around the plasma membranes). The generation of GFP fluorescence in the cytoplasm was also promoted by increasing the medium osmotic potential. Moreover, GFP green fluorescence was abolished by protein synthesis inhibitor dicyclohexylcarbodiimid, indicating that the cytoplasmic DHN1 was newly synthesized under osmotic stress. Furthermore, ABA promoted the presence of green fluorescence in the cytoplasm, and the GFP fluorescence was visualized within a shorter time under a higher osmotic potential.  相似文献   
以两相法纯化的小麦(Triticum sativum L.)根质膜微囊为材料,研究了渗透胁迫下质膜物理状态的变化。结果表明,随着介质蔗糖浓度增加,质膜光散射值降低,二苯己三烯(DPH)荧光偏振值升高,MC540荧光强度增强,并且DPH长寿命组分的荧光寿命和平均寿命都缩短,暗示渗透胁迫使质膜微囊收缩变小,降低了质膜流动性和表面电荷密度,并且表明质膜的疏水性减弱。进一步实验发现,质膜内源色氨酸长寿命组分的寿命缩短,质膜H  相似文献   
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