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皖南汉族的趾纹研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对皖南地区520例汉族大学生的趾纹进行了调查分析,计算出了各型趾纹频率、趾纹组合、趾嵴纹计数等项参数。比较了不同性别、不同侧别和不同人种间的差异,分析了趾纹类型和趾嵴纹计数在各趾的分布特点,并对差异的原因进行了讨论。Abstract: The authors inverstigated and analysed the toe prints of 520 cases of good healthy students in Wannan area of Aahui, and calculated the frequency of various toe patterns, combinations of toe patterns, toe ridge counts (TRC) and so on. The differences between sexes, sides and reces were compared. The distributive character of toe patterns and toe ridge count on every toe were analysed. The different cause were discussed.  相似文献   
INTRoDUCTIONThichosanthin(Tk),aplantproteinisolatedfromaChinesemedicinalherbTh-1.Correspondenceaddress:Dr.KuangYenCHoU,ShanghaiInstituteofImmunology,Shang-haiSecondMedicalUniversity28oSouthChongqingRoad,Shanghai2ooo25,China.Fax:(8621)63846383,E-mail:my@sh…  相似文献   
Topical application of the Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum specialist strain CQMa 102 to the locust Locusta migratoria manilensis results in changes of the concentrations of trehalose and glucose in the haemolymph. Micrographs of the locust haemolymph shows Metarhizium anisopliae can effectivly penetrate the external skeleton of locust and after 2 days infection, the hyphae body will appear in the haemolymph of infected insects. The time in decrease of trehalose concentration coincided with that in increase of trehalose-hydrolysing enzyme activity in the haemolymph of the fungus-infected insects. Overlay gel analysis indicated there was considerably more trehalose-hydrolysing activity in the haemolymph of locusts infected by fungus than in controls. A comparable isoform was identified in in vitro culture of the fungus, suggesting a fungal origin for the in vivo enzyme. Haemolymph trehalose decreased significantly during mycosis of locusts by M. anisopliae. All these results suggested that this fungus may take advantage of competing nutrient utilization against the insect by its trehalose-hydrolyzing enzyme secretion. It may provide fundamental knowledge for fungal pathogenesis.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONEstrogen has been known to exert extensive effects via estrogen receptor (ER) on diverse physio-logical and develoPmental functions of the brain[1,2]. It has been observed that the distribution ofthe classical ER subtype-a (ERa) and the recentlycharacterized novel ER subtype--fi (ERg), and theirexpression patterns (ERcr/ERfi) vary greatly amongvarious brain regions[1, 3]. These evidences suggestthat each ER subtype may play a different role inestrogen's effects on the br…  相似文献   
The mean firing rate of visual cortical neurons is reduced after prolonged visual stimulation, but the underlying process by which this occurs as well as the biological significance of this phenomenon remains unknown. Computational neuroscience studies indicate that high-frequency bursts in stimulus-driven responses can be transmitted across synapses more reliably than isolated spikes, and thus may carry accurate stimulus-related information. Our research examined whether or not adaptation affects the burst firing property of visual cortical neurons by examining changes in the burst firing changes of V1 neurons during adaptation to the preferred visual stimulus. The results show that adaptation to prolonged visual stimulation significantly decreased burst frequency (bursts/s) and burst length (spikes/burst), but increased burst duration and the interspike interval within bursts. These results suggest that the adaptation of V1 neurons to visual stimulation may result in a decrease of feedforward response gain but an increase of functional activities from lateral and/or feedback connections, which could lead to a reduction in the effectiveness of adapted neurons in transmitting information to its driven neurons.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONOpioidreceptorsbelongtotheG-protein-coupledreceptorfamilythatischaracterizedbytheseventransmembranespanningdomainsinstructure.Threesubtypesoftheopioidreceptors(H,6,andK)havebeenclonedandcharacterizedthroughtheir1.CorrespondingauthorFunctionalexpressionofORLIandN/OFQduringmouseembryogenesisdistinctaffinitiesfordifferentopioidligands.TheseopioidreceptorsareallcoupledtotheinhibitoryGprotein(Gi)andnegativelyregulateadenylatecyclase[1].Opioidreceptor--likereceptor(ORLI),anew…  相似文献   
为探讨空间条件对水稻育种的影响,利用返回式卫星搭载水稻干种子,返地种植,考察分析了12个亲本品种后代的性状表现及遗传与变异情况。结果表明:空间条件诱变的后代性状具有多样性变异和多向性遗传,且能稳定遗传,并有超亲遗传现象,诱变后代具有变异类型多、变异频率高、特殊突变体、育种周期短等特点。为进一步开发利用空间技术育种,在研究实践的基础上,提出了程序化、规范化、可操作性强的水稻空间育种技术规范。 Abstract:In order to inquire into the influences of space conditions on rice breeding,the dry seeds of 12 rice varieties were carried by recoverable satellite.After recovery,these seeds were sowed in the yield,the inheritance and variation of the characters of their progenies were observed and analysed.The results showed that the characters of the progenies mutated under space conditions segregated and varied in many adpects and directions,and the segregated and varied characters were heritable.These progenies posoessed significant transgressive inheritance,a plenty of variation types.and variation.was characterized by short breeding period.The resulfs in this study indicated that space technology breeding could be developed and used as a new method of mutation breeding.  相似文献   
皖南汉族的跖纹研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了安徽皖南地区520例(男女各260人)汉族健康人的跖纹样本。追踪了跖纹A、B、C、D、E和P线止区,发现A、B、C、D线多止于1区;E 线主要走向13区;p三叉缺失较多,P远侧射线止区较高,而腓侧射线止区较低。母趾球纹为L>W>A。各趾间区真实花纹依次用为Ⅲ>Ⅱ>Ⅳ。足小鱼际远侧真实花纹较多,其他跖区较少。在性别、民族和人种间进行了比较,并对差异的原因进行了讨论。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTI0NItisrecentlyreportedthatB7andCD28/CTLA4pathwayplaysacriticalroleintheactivationofT-ce1l[1-3],aswellasintheonsetofautoimmunitybothinhumanandmurinem0delofaut0immunity[4-7].B7moleculesareexpressedonavarietyofcelltypes,includingdentriticcells,Bcells,T-cellsandmacrophages[8-1l].CTLA4Ig,asolubleform0fCTLA4,cou1db10ckB7andCD28/CTLA4pathwayandresultsintheinhibitationofT-cellactivationandautoimmuneresponse[12-19].ThemacrophagicMm1ce1llinewasregardedasag0odmodelforstudyingmacr…  相似文献   
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