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<正>目前,生产抗毒素血清广泛采用的是“三次精制消化法”。这种方法的基础是将超免疫血浆或血清中的蛋白质分解,以减少其中的抗原和过敏原的作用,使抗体得到净化尽管此法应用已有20多年的历史,可是它的基础理论研究的还不完全。 本试验的目的,是通过这种方法中酶的分解作用来研究血清蛋白质的分解作用。 试验方法 用斯达夫罗鲍里斯基疫苗和血清研究所抗破伤风马血清,其效价为300—750国际单位/毫升。用小鼠测定血浆和成品血清的效价。使用莫斯科肉联厂生产的猪胃蛋白酶,每毫升含18—20个活性单位,活性单位按Anson、M、L方法进行测定。  相似文献   
Mouse hybridoma cells cultured on the verge of starvation-induced apoptosis, i.e. in a medium diluted with saline, proved to serve as a sensitive screening system for apoptosis-suppressing activity of nutrient medium components. Conventional amino acid mixtures were found to suppress the starvation-induced apoptosis, whereas a vitamin mixture was ineffective. (Frank F (1995) Biotechnol. Bioeng. 45: 86–90). Recent experiments showed that suppression of apoptosis, and concurrent resumption of growth, could be achieved by addition of single substances at millimolar concentrations. The set of active substances included certain coded L-amino acids (glycine, alanine, serine, threonine, proline, asparagine, glutamine, histidine), non-coded amino acids (-alanine, taurine, 4-aminobutyric acid), and a non-metabolizable analogue (2-aminoisobutyric acid). This finding shows that some amino acids do not act solely as nutrients, but also as specific signal molecules. The specificity of the effect points to the involvement of adaptively regulated amino acid transport systems A and N in maintaining the balance between triggering and suppression of starvation-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   
著: 《生物信息学》2019,26(9):132-141
近20 年来,对风景园林的文化阐释成为埃尔夫特应用科技大学文化景观研究组持续以来的关注焦点。期间,该研究组系统地分析了决定图林根州文化景观的各种文化因素和要素,深入了解文化和自然环境中的复杂相互作用,以此来表述和研究图林根州的区域景观系统。首先,阐述了当下德国风景园林学术语境中“文化景观”的含义,强调文化对于景观质量的价值。继而,论述了对景观进行优化、保护和设计中无法否定和回避的文化与经济因素。这样既要发展经济又要保护文化的矛盾性质,是文化景观概念所理解的人类生存的重要性质所在。文化景观研究能够在看似统一的地理区域中,形成和发展为具有可识别性的、差异化的动态结构。此外,文化景观研究还涉及其他因素,诸如生物多样性与文化多样性的丧失、生态系统服务功能滞后、经济价值的低估、国土空间连接性以及缺少实质性评价的人文特征。对历史性文化景观价值的认知给风景园林学带来了机遇,对历史景观不仅要保护,而且要创造并提供各种富有成效的展示,以参与文化景观的未来发展。维护和整合风景园林规划设计中文化景观遗产的研究实践,可以通过基础设施项目的环境影响评估到建成区的景观设计整体过程中得以贯彻。更好地理解文化景观,有助于在空间规划和发展中对其更加谨慎地进行处理,以提高文化景观研究的科学和策略意识。  相似文献   
淀粉酶是水解淀粉的酶类,广泛存在于动植物和微生物中。它是最早用于工业生产并迄今仍是用途最广、产量最大的酶制剂产品之一。早在1915年法国Boiden等开始由枯草杆菌生产细菌淀粉酶,并在工业上用于纺织品退浆。1959年,日本采用淀粉酶和糖化酶进行淀粉的液化和糖化,确定了酶法制造葡萄糖糖  相似文献   
Asia-Pacific Biotech News 2000年9月4日号报道:印度生物技术产品市场将从1997-1998年的5亿美元增长到2001年的25亿美元。人类健康的生物技术产品市场份额将达到15亿美元,或者说将增长60%。农业和兽医产品将增长15%,医药设备和R—D将保持25%的增长率。  相似文献   
Jk (kidd) blood group antigens are carried by the urea transporter UT-B[1,2]. The Jknull phenotype, lack-ing urea permeability in erythrocytes[3,4], has a very low frequency in all populations except Polynesians and Finns[5]. In Japan, only 14 individuals with Jk (a-b-) phenotype were identified from 638460 screened donor’s blood samples using the 2 mol/L urea solution hemolysis test[6]. The frequency of Jknull is 0.27% in Polynesian, about 0.03% in Finland[7], and extremely rare in Fran…  相似文献   
The involvement of both apolipoprotein E (apoE) and mitochondria in lipid metabolism is widely recognized, however there is surprisingly scarce data about the putative mitochondrial action(s) of this protein. The aim of the study was to screen the alterations in liver mitochondrial proteome caused by apoE deficiency. We applied 2DE-LC-MS/MS methodology to investigate the changes in liver mitochondrial protein expression in 6-months old apoE(-/-) mice as compared to C57BL/6J controls. ApoE(-/-), but not C57BL/6J mice developed visible atherosclerotic changes in aorta and mild, diffuse steatosis of the liver. Collectively, 18 differentially expressed proteins were identified in mitochondria, related to apoptosis, antioxidant and detoxifying mechanisms of mitochondria, as well as lipid metabolism and transport. In conclusion, differential proteomic approach revealed several lines of proteomic evidence that mitochondrial function in the liver of apoE(-/-) mice could be altered as a result of overlapping of pathological and compensatory changes in expression of proteins.  相似文献   
The role of nitric oxide in cancer   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Nitric oxide (NO) is a pleiotropic regulator, critical to numerous biological processes, including va-sodilatation, neurotransmission and macrophage-mediated immunity. The family of nitric oxide synthases (NOS) comprises inducible NOS (iNOS), endothelial NOS (eNOS), and neuronal NOS (nNOS). Interestingly, various studies have shown that all three isoforms can be involved in promoting or inhibiting the etiology of cancer. NOS activity has been detected in tumour cells of various histogenetic origins and has been associated with tumour grade, proliferation rate and expression of important signaling components associated with cancer development such as the oestrogen receptor. It appears that high levels of NOS expression (for example, generated by activated macrophages) may be cytostatic or cytotoxic for tumor cells, whereas low level activity can have the opposite effect and promote tumour growth. Paradoxically therefore, NO (and related reactive nitrogen species) may have both genotoxic and angiogenic pro  相似文献   
Eighteen derivatives of egonol (A-R) were synthesized and evaluated for their antimicrobial activities against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213, Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, Candida albicans ATCC 10231 and Escherichia coli ATCC 8739 microorganisms comparing with egonol. The obtained data reported that compound B exhibited improved activities against all tested bacteria than egonol, others have shown different range of activities.  相似文献   
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