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蛇毒神经生长因子的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王锡锋  曹宜生 《蛇志》1999,11(2):38-38
神经生长因子(Nervegrowthfactor,NGF)是神经系统最重要的生物活性分子之一,是交感神经元和感觉神经元生长和存活所必需的一种营养成分,对神经元的存活,神经纤维的生长和分化以及再生起极其重要的作用。它的有关研究已成为发育神经学、神经损伤...  相似文献   
商陆抗病毒蛋白基因导入百合愈伤组织初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用美洲商陆抗病毒蛋白(Pokeweed antiviral protein,PAP)具有广谱的抗病毒特性,通过冻融法将含有PAP基因的重组表达载体PBll21转入土壤农杆菌LBA4404中,利用叶盘法在农杆菌的介导下转比麝香百合愈伤组织,通过抗性筛选和PCR输测获得了转PAP基因的百合植株。  相似文献   
大麦黄矮病毒GAV基因组全序列测定及其结构分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定了在中国分离得到由麦二叉蚜和麦长管蚜传播的大麦黄矮病毒GAV的基因组核苷酸全序列, 该病毒分离物的RNA由5685个核苷酸组成, 内含6个开放阅读框架(ORF)和4个非编码区(UTR), 基因组大小和结构与黄症病毒属(Luteovirus)的大麦黄矮病毒PAV(BYDV-PAV)和MAV(BYDV-MAV)相似. 序列分析表明, 它与BYDV-MAV的PS1分离物基因组序列的同源性最高. 在6个开放阅读框架中, 除ORF6核苷酸序列同源性为72.0%外, 其他ORF的核苷酸序列同源性均大于90%. 两者全基因组的同源性为90.4%. 推导的编码产物氨基酸序列同源性除P6和通读蛋白(RTP)分别为67.4%和87.4%外, 其他均大于90%, 其中外壳蛋白(CP)为95.5%. 根据与BYDV-MAV的相似性, BYDV-GAV应是一种与BYDV-MAV类似的病毒.  相似文献   
MTT法测定眼镜蛇毒细胞毒素的抗癌活性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
王锡锋  曹宜生 《蛇志》1998,10(4):3-4
目的测定眼镜蛇毒细胞毒素(Cobravenomcytotoxin,CV-CTX)对体外培养的人癌细胞的杀伤作用。方法溴化二苯四偶氮盐(MTT)比色法。结果CV-CTX对SGC-7901,Bel-7402,K562和U9374种人癌细胞有很强的杀伤作用,量效关系明显,IC50分别为4.10,2.08,0.29和0.17μg/ml。结论MTT法检测CV-CTX的抗癌活性,操作简便、快速和准确。  相似文献   
眼镜蛇毒细胞毒素的抗肿瘤作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王锡锋  曹宜生 《蛇志》1999,11(3):16-20
目的 研究眼镜蛇毒细胞毒素( C V C T X)的体内抗肿瘤作用。方法 小鼠皮下、腹腔接种 S180 、 E A C后, 于接种部位注射不同剂量的 C V C T X, 每天 1 次, 连续10 天, 观察瘤重抑制率和生命延长率。结果 适当剂量(02~08m g/kg) 的 C V C T X 能明显抑制肿瘤的生长 ( P< 001),小鼠的存活时间明显延长( P < 001)。结论  C V C T X 在小鼠体内对 S180 、 E A C有明显地抗肿瘤作用。  相似文献   
蛇毒细胞毒素抗肿瘤作用的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王锡锋  曹宜生 《蛇志》1999,11(4):77-79
蛇毒细胞毒素是蛇毒的主要毒性组分之一,约占蛇毒总蛋白含量的25%~60%,具有广泛的生物学活性,能引起可兴奋性细胞如骨骼肌、心肌和神经组织去极化,可促进细胞膜通透性,轴突传导阻滞,以及溶解肿瘤细胞等。自从1936年Sarker从眼镜蛇(Najanajaatra)蛇毒中分离出一个能使离体猫心停搏的毒素以来,多种类似的毒素如心脏毒素、细胞毒素、骨骼肌去极化因子、眼镜蛇碱、直接溶血因子等相继被分离出来,基于这些碱性多肽都作用于细胞膜的共性,又被称为膜毒素(Membranetoxin)或膜活性多肽(Membraneactivepolypeptide),有足够的证据表明,这些物质或是…  相似文献   
The Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) GAV isolate was preserved at the Institute of Plant Protection of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The cDNA of BYDV GAV coat protein (CP) gene was amplified from the extracted RNA of BYDV GAV by using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and cloned into pGEM-7zf(+). Its complete nucleotide sequence has been determined by means of Sanger's dideoxy-mediated chain-termination method. The result showed that BYDV GAV CP gene has 600nt. It shares 97.5% and 96.5% identity with CP gene of BYDV MAV-PS1 in terms of nucleotide and amino acid sequences respectively.  相似文献   
大麦DNA导入小麦产生抗白粉病变异的遗传研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本研究将抗白粉病的大麦DNA通过花粉管途径直接导入感病的小麦品种花76中,后代出现13株抗白粉病变异株。其中5株在以后的世代中抗性稳定,另8株则继续分离。第2带分离株系的抗病株形成的第3代株系(或株行)中,抗性有分离的株行与无分离的株行比例为1.9:1,而分离株行内抗病株与不抗病株之比为3.35:1。抗性稳定株系与感病亲本杂交,F1表现高抗病,再与感病亲本回交,后代抗感病株比例为1:1,自交F2的比例为2.8:1。说明所获得的抗白粉病性受一对完全显性基因控制,抗病为显性。与已知抗白粉病基因的比较表明,这个抗病基因可能是来自大麦的一个新基因。13 Variant plants with immunity and high-resistance to powdery mildew were found in D1 generation from introducing resistant barley DNA into susceptible wheat cultivar, through pollen tube pathway after self pollination.Of the variants, 5 plants for the resistance had been stable and the other 8 plants segregated insuccessive generation.The ratio of segregating and stable plant-rows was 1.9:1 in D3 plant-rows derived from resistant plants of segregating D2-lines,and the ratio of resistant plants and susceptible plants was 3.35:1 among the segregating D3 plant-rows.The F1 -plants from crosses between stable resistant variants and susceptible parents were higgh resistant to powdery mildew.The ratio of resistant and susceptible plants was 1:1 in progenies of backcross of the F1 and susceptible parents, and this ratio was 2.8:1 in the F2 generation from the F1 selfing. Thus it can be seen that the resistance obtained is camtrolled by a pair of genes, the resistance is dominant. The results in comparison with known powdery mildew resistance genes in wheat indicated that the resistant gene obtained would be a new one from barley.  相似文献   
目的:筛选体外高表达商陆抗病毒蛋白的毕赤酵母重组菌株,并摸索其适合的发酵条件。方法:通过电击转化将含有商陆抗病毒蛋白(pokeweed antiviral proteins,PAP)基因的分泌型表达载体PIC9K-P导入到毕赤酵母(Pachia pastoris)GS115菌株中。利用免疫印迹法筛选表达量较高的转化子。在摇瓶发酵水平对重组菌株产PAP条件进行初步研究。结果:高表达PAP的重组菌株在发酵时间为96h,10g/L的甲醇浓度,培养基pH值为6.0~6.4时PAP的表达量较高。结论:免疫印迹法适合用于毕赤酵母高表达重组菌株的筛选,重组毕赤酵母的PAP表达量可高达30mg/L。  相似文献   
大麦DNA导入小麦产生抗白粉病变异的遗传研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
本研究将抗白粉病的大麦DNA通过花粉管途径直接导入感病的小麦品种花76中,后代出现13株抗白粉病变异株。其中5株在以后的世代中抗性稳定,另8株则继续分离。第2带分离株系的抗病株形成的第3代株系(或株行)中,抗性有分离的株行与无分离的株行比例为1.9:1,而分离株行内抗病株与不抗病株之比为3.35:1。抗性稳定株系与感病亲本杂交,F1表现高抗病,再与感病亲本回交,后代抗感病株比例为1:1,自交F2的比例为2.8:1。说明所获得的抗白粉病性受一对完全显性基因控制,抗病为显性。与已知抗白粉病基因的比较表明,这个抗病基因可能是来自大麦的一个新基因。13 Variant plants with immunity and high-resistance to powdery mildew were found in D1 generation from introducing resistant barley DNA into susceptible wheat cultivar, through pollen tube pathway after self pollination.Of the variants, 5 plants for the resistance had been stable and the other 8 plants segregated insuccessive generation.The ratio of segregating and stable plant-rows was 1.9:1 in D3 plant-rows derived from resistant plants of segregating D2-lines,and the ratio of resistant plants and susceptible plants was 3.35:1 among the segregating D3 plant-rows.The F1 -plants from crosses between stable resistant variants and susceptible parents were higgh resistant to powdery mildew.The ratio of resistant and susceptible plants was 1:1 in progenies of backcross of the F1 and susceptible parents, and this ratio was 2.8:1 in the F2 generation from the F1 selfing. Thus it can be seen that the resistance obtained is camtrolled by a pair of genes, the resistance is dominant. The results in comparison with known powdery mildew resistance genes in wheat indicated that the resistant gene obtained would be a new one from barley.  相似文献   
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