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本研究为探究不同干燥方式对蝉花孢梗束品质的影响和为生产中蝉花孢梗束选择合适的干燥方式提供理论依据,研究了自然干燥、热风干燥、微波干燥、热泵干燥和冷冻干燥对蝉花孢梗束粉的外观、粒度、主要营养和功能成分的影响。运用主成分和聚类分析对不同干燥处理得到的样品的数据进行综合分析。研究表明热泵干燥能最好地保持样品的亮黄色色泽,蓝黄度b*为36.74,显著高于其他方式干燥样品,其次是微波干燥;但是这两种方式干燥的蝉花孢梗束总氨基酸和必需氨基酸含量均较低。自然干燥和冷冻干燥的样品感观较差,蓝黄度b*均小于28且二者差异不显著。热风干燥样品色泽仅次于微波干燥,含有较高蛋白质、总氨基酸和总糖,且其脂肪、麦角甾醇和甘露醇的含量最高,分别为4.15 g/100 g、8.65 mg/g和59.20 mg/g。总体考虑,热风干燥能较好地保持蝉花孢梗束的色泽、营养和功能成分,且技术成熟度高,适用于工业化大生产。  相似文献   
黑龙江省是大马哈鱼的故乡,绥芬河水域中生着名贵的洄游鱼类----大马哈鱼。九十年代,由于诸多因素导致大马哈鱼总量锐减上,为有效保护大马哈鱼资源,我省进行了增殖放流养护工程,建立了东宁县鲑鱼孵化放流站,二十多年的增殖放流,增加了大马哈鱼的种群数量,实现了渔民增收,也使生态水域渔业资源得到持续发展。  相似文献   
水温变化对绥芬河滩头雅罗鱼产卵的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Dace ( Leucisus brandti Dybowski) was a migration fish in Suifen river. The Dace can spawn at the water temperatures from 7℃ to 25℃. Changing of water temperature is the leading factor cause the spawning population to ovulate. However, high or low current water temperature had no obvious effectuation on ovulating behavior of Dace. The ovulation of the Dace often occurred in the evening or next morning after the water temperature rapidly in creased. The fish spawning often occurred as the water temperature decreased at first, after a period of steady low water temperature, then increased. A massive ovulating action began at the time. If the rising of water temperature happens only after a period of steady level without any decreasing of the water temperature, the change can not stimulate ovulation of the Daces. Usually, every large scale ovulate can sustain for 1 or 2 days. The peak time of ovulation often appears in 48 hours after the water temperature increases. Once the spawning population began to ovulate, their actions will be very intense, so that even catching action of human on them can not prevent the ovulation. The test of artificial induced ovulation showed that only when variation of water temperature were more than 10℃ ( increased degree+decreased degree), the Dace would ovulate. The Dace began to ovulate in 12~36 hours after the water temperature's change. The efficient time was shorter and the ovulation rate was higher the variation of water temperature were greater. At the range from 8℃ to 24℃, as high or low water temperature had no effect on the efficient time stimulating ovulate, the Dace can not ovulate out of the temperature range.  相似文献   
研究以2012至2017年在绥芬河东宁段采集的447尾大麻哈鱼(Oncorhynchus keta Walbaum)为材料,对其年龄与生长及繁殖特性等个体生物学特征进行研究分析。结果表明:绥芬河大麻哈鱼种群由1+—5+龄5个年龄组构成,其中雌性个体以3+龄为主,雄性个体以2+龄为主。大麻哈鱼雌、雄个体的体长-体重关系分别为:W=0.0082×L3.0604;W=0.0076×L3.0746,均属匀速生长类型;采用Von Bertalanffy生长方程拟合得到3+龄大麻哈鱼雌、雄个体的叉长生长方程分别为:Lt,F=141.64×e^-0.11·(t+1.55);Lt,M=119.51×e^-0.13·(t+1.45)。利用逻辑斯蒂方程估算大麻哈鱼雌、雄个体初次性成熟叉长(L50)分别为51.53和42.15 cm。ARSS分析显示雌、雄个体的L50差异显著;大麻哈鱼的绝对繁殖力(F)、相对叉长繁殖力(FL)和相对体重繁殖力(FW)分别为3412粒、52.42粒/cm和1.17粒/g;F与叉长、体重、性腺重呈显著正相关关系,GSI与叉长、体重、F成显著负相关关系;F与叉长、体重的幂函数关系方程式分别为:F=0.0311×L^2.7745(R2=0.638)和F=1.946×W^0.9374(R2=0.704)。本研究为绥芬河大麻哈鱼资源保护工作提供基础资料。  相似文献   
绥芬河大麻哈鱼增殖放流效果评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为评估绥芬河大麻哈鱼增殖放流效果,本研究于2012—2017年在绥芬河东宁段对大麻哈鱼溯河洄游群体进行跟踪监测.共采集样本462尾,其中,标记个体(剪脂鳍)41尾.根据调查数据,计算了大麻哈鱼增殖放流回捕率,评估了增殖放流效果.结果表明: 2010—2012年的大麻哈鱼增殖放流回捕率为0.295%,大麻哈鱼增殖放流数量效益为1∶2.87.标记组和非标记组群体年龄组均为1+~5+龄,平均年龄分别为3.93和3.63龄.采用Logistic 曲线方程计算标记组和非标记组大麻哈鱼的50%初次性成熟叉长(L50)分别为53.13和49.89 cm.ARSS分析结果显示,大麻哈鱼两组群体的叉长生长差异不显著,但两组间的性成熟比例差异显著.本研究表明大麻哈鱼增殖放流对其资源增殖保护具有重要作用,为今后增殖放流工作提出了建议.  相似文献   
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