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湘中地区晚石炭世四射珊瑚   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
一、前言湘中地区晚石炭世地层以碳酸盐沉积为主,岩性单一,主要含(竹蜓)类和珊瑚化石。1932年,田奇、王晓青在湖南湘乡命名为壶天灰岩,1962年,杨敬之在总结中国石炭系时改称为壶天群。下部为白色或灰白色灰岩和白云质灰岩,次生角砾构造发育,化石稀少,产Fusulina及Fusulinella等(竹蜓)类化石,属原中石炭统,称黄龙组。上部为灰色或深灰色厚层状灰岩,含Triticites及Pseudoschwagerina等(竹蜓)类及珊瑚  相似文献   
前言 1963年夏,笔者曾于贵州独山江寨、普安罐子窑等地测制泥盆系剖面。所采珊瑚化石已作初步研究。现将其中两新属(六个新种)记述如下。独山江寨地区泥盆系发育良好,根据岩性、岩相及古生物特征,可将中泥盆统作如下划分:  相似文献   
有序差异显示法(ordered differential display, ODD)是一种简便的系统研究基因表达谱差异的有效方法. 采用链霉亲和素和生物素的特异亲和性质分离目标cDNA片段, 从而排除非特异DNA片段的影响后, ODD法的重复性和可靠性得到了进一步的改进和完善; 随后利用ODD法对胚胎大鼠脑与身体的基因表达差异进行了初步研究, 得到几十条脑特异表达的EST(expressed sequence tag)片段; 再通过反向杂交、RT-PCR实验和EST结果分析, 验证了改进后的ODD方法的结果可靠, 假阳性率低, 重复性好, 同时, 还对克隆到的脑特异全长新基因rZIC的生理功能进行了初步研究. 将rZIC的反义核酸注射到小鼠侧脑室, 测定小鼠的行为变化. 通过分析实验结果发现, rZIC对维持成年小鼠的运动功能有一定的作用.  相似文献   
本文比较了不同年龄的鼠肝DNA甲基化酶活力及DNA甲基化水平,发现它们均与鼠龄呈反相关。又以不同年龄的鼠肝DNA为模板,检验了其体外转录活力,发现其与鼠龄呈正相关。  相似文献   
异珊瑚目在我国的分布及 Hexaphyllia 的微细构造   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
一、异珊瑚目的分布异珊瑚目是个体细小、构造较简单、地质历程较短的一类珊瑚.对其分类位置,有关学者持有不同意见,但大多数学者主张与四射珊瑚和六射珊瑚并列.自 McCoy 1849年在英国发现异珊瑚类化石以来,在世界各地陆续有所发现.据已有资料,如欧洲的英国、比利时、联邦德国、奥地利、苏联,亚洲的中国、  相似文献   
Ordered differential display (ODD) was developed recently and has been applied to systematic comparison of expression profiles of genes. It was further improved with the specific complexing property between biotin and streptavidin by the authors. First, random primer and biotinylated oligo (dT) primer were used to make pools of double strand cDNA. Second, strepta-vidin-coated PCR tube is used to absorb 3'ESTs specifically to avoid the negative effect of other DNA fragments. In the case of 3'ESTs comparison patterns between embryonic brain and body of SD rat, more than forty differentially expressed genes were cloned and identified. The function of rZIC gene, one of the genes identified and cloned, was studied through ethological experiments. The result showed that rZIC gene was associated with locomotion activity of adult mice.  相似文献   
Ordered differential display (ODD) was developed recently and has been applied to systematic comparison of expression profiles of genes. It was further improved with the specific complexing property between biotin and streptavidin by the authors. First, random primer and biotinylated oligo (dT) primer were used to make pools of double strand cDNA. Second, streptavidin-coated PCR tube is used to absorb 3′ESTs specifically to avoid the negative effect of other DNA fragments. In the case of 3′ESTs comparison patterns between embryonic brain and body of SD rat, more than forty differentially expressed genes were cloned and identified. The function of rZIC gene, one of the genes identified and cloned, was studied through ethological experiments. The result showed that rZIC gene was associated with locomotion activity of adult mice.  相似文献   
白花草木犀(Melilotus alba Medic.ex Desr.)又名白香草木犀、白甜车轴草、辟汗草,原产欧亚温带地区,世界各国均有栽培,在中国西北、华北和东北均有悠久的栽培历史。白花草木犀普遍用作牧草[1],适合在湿润和半干燥气候地区生长,适宜种植于偏碱性土壤上,耐瘠薄、耐盐碱、抗寒和抗旱能力均较强,可作为绿肥及用于盐碱地、瘠薄地的改良[1-2]。白花草木犀药用价值较高,具有清热解毒、利湿、敛阴止汗的功效,用于  相似文献   
为了解中国部分地区实验动物饲养机构及使用情况,特对包括高校在校研究生、教师、生物制药企业职员等专业内人员进行调查,分析中国实验动物使用现状及实验动物操作人员的实验动物福利观.  相似文献   
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