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运用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)技术,对天目木兰(Magnolia amoena)居群的遗传多样性进行了研究.从40个10-mer随机引物中筛选出14个能得到清晰、稳定扩增带的引物进行扩增,14个引物共检测了94个位点,其中多态性位点为23,占24.4%,计算了12个居群之间的遗传相似度和遗传距离,并运用UPGMA法进行了聚类分析,结果显示相同严地个体间(居群内)的遗传距离较小,遗传多样性水平很低;不同产地个体间(居群间)遗传距离较大,遗传多样性水平较前者高,即天目木兰个体间遗传多样性水平与它的地理分布有关,天目木兰总体较低的遗传多样性是导致它濒危的原因之一。  相似文献   
蟋蟀精子表面LCA及ConA结合糖复合物的分布变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
LCA and ConA-binding glycoconjugates on cricket (Teleogryllus emma) sperm surface were detected with fluorescence microscope after FITC labelling for better understanding of the distribution of glycoconjugates during spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis. FITC-LCA and FITC-ConA were bound on the spermatocytes, and their distribution changes in the process of spermiogenesis were observed .In the testis sperm, FITC-LCA and FITC-ConA were mainly bound on the head and neck region. That is different from the mark pattern of spermatophore sperm, in which the nucleus, neck region and front of the tail showed obvious fluorescence mark, especially the acrosome complex and neck region exhibited stronger mark. The mark patterns of FITC-LCA and FITC-ConA were similar,though the former was distinctly clearer than the latter. But a little difference still exists in both of them. For example in the ninth stage of spermatid, FITC-LCA mark is located on the spermatid head and neck region, and FITC-ConA mark on the spermatid head, neck and front of the tail region. When fixed germ cells were treated with PBS instead of lectin solution, or fixed cells were incubated with lectin solution, which have been treated with 0.1 mol/L specific sugar inhibitor, i.e.α-D-mannose for FITC-LCA and FITC-ConA, and α-D-glucose for FITC-ConA, no mark was observed on the cells. Those results indicate that FITC-LCA conjugated glycoconjugates has the α-D- mannose residue, and FITC-ConA conjugated glycoconjugates has the α-D-mannose and α-D-glucose residue. The investigations show that the changes in glycoconjugates distribution of cricket sperm is similar to those of other insects and mammals. The evidence exhibit that a common rule of the glycoconjugates distribution on the sperm surface is followed by most of animal sperm which may relate to the function of sperm physiology.  相似文献   
青霉素可提高西葫芦种子的发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数以及幼苗长度,浓度为200~300mg@L-1时促进作用最大.100~1000mg@L-1的青霉素可促进下胚轴插条生根,增加根数和根鲜重,但对茎伸长无明显影响.  相似文献   
蟋蟀精子顶体复合体形成的超微结构   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
顶体复合体是昆虫精子进行穿卵受精的重要细胞器,它位于精子的最前端.1997年我们对蟋蟀科一种类昆虫北京油葫芦(Gryllus mitratusburmeister)精子顶体复合体形成过程进行了超微结构的观察,发现与前人描述的蟋蟀科精子顶体复合体超微结构特征在某些方面有所不同,从而为准确认识和掌握该结构的特点提供一定的理论依据.  相似文献   
黄山花楸种群遗传多样性研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
刘登义  沈浩  杨月红  张杰 《应用生态学报》2003,14(12):2141-2144
利用RAPD技术,对黄山花楸(Sorbus amabilis)自然分布区的13个自然种群的遗传多样性进行了研究,从40个10碱基随机引物中筛选出能产生稳定多态性标记的引物14个,共扩增出105个位点,其中多态性位点30个,占28.6%,应用UPGMA法和Neighbor-Joining法对遗传距离进行聚类分析构建树系图。结果表明,黄山花楸自然种群具有较低的遗传多样性,对环境变化的适应能力较差;其种群间的遗传差异与其地理分布有关;黄山花楸自身的特殊进化历史和人为砍伐以及自然灾害(火灾、病虫害等)和小种群的遗传漂变作用是黄山花楸遗传多样性水平低的主要原因,也是其濒危的主要原因。  相似文献   
采用相同种类卵水诱导的方法对直翅目,蟋蟀科,黄脸油葫芦的受精囊精子的顶体反应过程进行系统观察.发现黄脸油葫芦精子顶体反应可划分为3个阶段,第1阶段,精子质膜膨胀、断裂或丢失;第2阶段,顶体复合体的顶体外层与顶体本体外膜发生融合,囊泡化;第3阶段,顶体复合体大部分脱落,只留有短锥状的顶体位于核前端.据观察,蟋蟀精子质膜不参与囊泡形成,此结果与家蝇及哺乳类的猪、牛、绵羊、猕猴精子的顶体反应结果很相似.经过比较发现卵水对受精囊内精子的诱导率明显高于精巢内,据分析,可能与精子的生理成熟有关,即便受精囊内精子比精巢内精子更趋于成熟.与其他学者的实验结果相比,蟋蟀精子顶体反应率与家蝇的相似,但明显低于其他动物.这可能与动物的授精方式有关.  相似文献   
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