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大阪鲫鱼两种卵黄蛋白免疫细胞化学的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李朝军  刘荣臻 《动物学报》1994,40(3):324-330
以电泳提纯的卵黄脂磷蛋白和卵黄蛋白L制备兔抗两种蛋白的抗血清,采用PAP法对性腺成熟雌性大阪鲫鱼的肝细胞和卵母细胞进行两种蛋白免疫细胞化学位研究。肝细胞的粗面内质网上有强烈的卵黄脂磷蛋白的阳性反应,特别是在线粒体的基质中也发现卵黄脂磷蛋白的阳性反应,而另外一种类似于卵黄高磷蛋白的卵黄蛋白-卵黄蛋白L在肝细胞的粗面内质网和线粒体均呈现阴性反应,提示卵黄脂磷蛋白的前体物质存在于肝细胞的粗面内质网和线粒  相似文献   
In this study, a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-calmodulin (CaM) fusion gene method was used to examine the distribution of calmodulin during various stages of cell cycle. First, it was found that the distribution of CaM in living cells changes with the cell cycle. CaM was found mainly in the cytoplasm during G1 phase. It began to move into the nucleus when the cell entered S phase. At G2 phase, CaM became more concentrated in the nucleus than in cytoplasm. Second, the accumulation of CaM in the nucleus during G2 phase appeared to be related to the onset of mitosis, since inhibiting the activation of CaM at this stage resulted in blocking the nuclear membrane breakdown and chromatin condensation. Finally, after the cell entered mitosis, a high concentration of CaM was found at the polar regions of the mitotic spindle. At this time, inhibiting the activity of CaM would cause a disruption of the spindle structure. The relationship between the stage-specific distribution of CaM and its function in regulat  相似文献   
毛冠鹿与3种麂属动物的线粒体细胞色素b 的系统进化分析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
采用PCR直接测序法,获得毛冠鹿、小鹿、赤麂和黑麂等4种麂亚科动物线粒体细胞色素b核酸序列366bp,麂属动物之间的序列差异为3.5%-4.6%,毛冠鹿属与麂属之间的序列差异为9.29%-10.11%,麂属3种动物分歧时间约为142-184万年,毛冠鹿与麂属动物的分歧时间约为370万年。结合鹿科其余3亚科动物的同源序列,用MEGA软件的Neighbor-Joining Method(NJ法)和最大简约法构建系统进化树。结果表明,小麂、赤麂与黑麂组成一个单系群,毛冠鹿细胞色素b核苷酸序列与麂属的分化程度似已达到属间水平。  相似文献   
采用原代培养和传代培养法, 对1头毛冠鹿的胚肺组织细胞进行观察,发现一种新的核型,其二倍体染色体数目为2n=48,核型公式为2M+2ST+42T+XX,出现1对大的末端着丝粒染色体,C-带显示该染色体与已报道的相关染色体同源,首次提出毛冠鹿B染色体多态,对其传递机制进行了探讨。 Abstract: Primary culture and subculture were adopted using lung cells of a female Elaphodus cephalophus' embryo. A new karyotype and a pair of big telocentric chromosomes were found. The diploid has 48 chromosomes, and the karyotype formula is 2M+2ST+42T+XX. C-banding analysis shows that these chromosomes are homologous with those reported relevant chromosomes. This article is the first to report the polymorphism of Elophodus cephalophus B-chromosomes and studies it's transmitted mechanism.  相似文献   
An important performance trait target in swine breeding is the percentage of the lean meat within the total consumable pork. China has numerous indige-nous swine breeds, but the percentage of the lean meat percentage is generally low. Thus, increasing the per-centage of the lean meat would improve the pork qual-ity, which would have great importance in the devel-opment of our livestock industry as well as the opti-mization of the consumers’ dietary. Throughout the years researchers have been …  相似文献   
生物芯片是指将大量生物讯息密码(寡核苷酸、cDNA、基因组DNA、蛋白质等)以预先设计的方式固定在玻片、硅片等固相载体上组成的密集分子阵列,可分为核酸芯片、蛋白芯片、芯片实验室三类.生物芯片技术的本质是生物信号的平行分析,它利用核酸分子杂交、蛋白分子亲和原理,通过荧光标记技术检测杂交或亲和与否,可迅速获得所需信息.高效、快速的生物芯片技术以其无与伦比的优势,已在医学、分子生物学等领域显现出巨大的应用价值,具有非常广阔的发展前景。 Abstract:Bio-chip is a molecular micro-array,which is composed of some biological message codes (e.g.ohgonucleotides,cDNA,genome DNA,protein,and so on) arranged on solid surfaces in light of a engineering design in advance.There are three kinds of Bio-Chips,i.e.,nucleic acid chip,protein chip,and chip “lab”.The essence of Bio-Chip technology is a parallel analysis for biology message.It is based on the principle of nucleic acid molecule hybridization or protein immunochemistry.The occurrence of hybridization/immunoreaction is detected by fluo-labelled technology.Then the needed message can quickly be obtained.Efficient and fast Bio-Chip technology has already exhibited enormous applied value in medical science and molecule biology field because of incomparable superority.Moreover,it possesses very wide development prospect.  相似文献   
采用融合绿色荧光蛋白 (GFP)和钙调蛋白 (CaM)的方法来研究钙调蛋白在细胞周期不同阶段的分布 .首先 ,发现CaM在细胞内的分布随细胞周期的不同而改变 .CaM在G1期主要分布于细胞质中 ,在S期开始向细胞核内转移 ,并于G2期高度集中于细胞核内 .其次 ,G2期细胞核内的CaM似乎与有丝分裂的启动有关 ,因为此时抑制CaM的活性可同时抑制核膜破裂及染色质凝缩 .最后 ,发现在进入有丝分裂后 ,CaM主要集中于纺锤体靠近两极的地方 .此时 ,抑制CaM的活性会引起纺锤体结构的破坏 .同时讨论了CaM的这些特异性分布与细胞周期调控之间的关系 .  相似文献   
PreparationofMeioticKarytypeofMouseOocyteLiChaojunYanLeipingZhangXiranChenYifeng(BiologyDepartmentofNanjingNormalUniversity,Nanjing210097)哺乳动物的卵母细胞的减数分裂过程中存在两次自发的停滞现象,第一次是在第一次减数分裂前期的双线期,这一静止期持续很长时间,一直到动物性成熟后卵母细胞进入发有周刎,在保住腺激素的作用下,卵母细胞的第一次减数分裂才重新启动.完成第一次减数分裂后.又停滞在第二次减数分裂的中期,在椅子或化学因素刺激的作用下,完成第二次减数分裂[4].因此,对哺乳动物的卵母细胞在一…  相似文献   
The literatures on the Permian Sporae dispersae are rather meagre and scattered ascompared with those on the Carboniferous.The correlation of sediments of long geo-graphical distance in this period is thus nearly impossible at this moment.As far as isknown to the present writer,the contributors to the Permian microflora are Dalhunty(1945,49),Balme(1952,1955,1956),Imgrund(1952,1960),Klause(1953),Potonie& Klause(1954),Leschik(1956);Luber(1938),Kara-Murza(1952),Samoilovich(1953),Zoricbeva & Sedova(1954),Andreeva(1956),Zauer(1960),Medvedeva(1960)andothers.  相似文献   
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