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L.LIU 《古生物学报》1964,(2):321-325
本文所讨论的材料是笔者之一(韩乃仁)于1961年夏在江西玉山李家棚附近的下奥陶统宁国页岩组中采得的(野外号码:F61001),代表一个新属新种,兹取名为“分离玉山笔石”(Yushanograptus separatus gen.et sp.nov.)。玉山笔石的特点是两个原始枝(横索)很长,分枝方式属于稜笔石式(穆恩之,1953,1956)。其尚未分枝的幼年时期,和一些纤细的对笔石,如Didymograptus gracilis T(?)rn-quist,D.congnatus Harris et Thomas 等,非常相似,每一原始枝在生长了11—12个胞管之后才开始正分枝,连续到六级以上。这种原始枝特长的特征,与联笔石(Zygograptus)相似,但分枝的形式不同。联笔石的分枝为枝笔石式,而我们的新属的分枝则为左右相间  相似文献   
利用标记基因选配褐壳蛋鸡配套杂交亲本   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用本实验室研制的抗鸡红细胞抗原单价血清(4个位点, 14个等位基因)和DNA指纹技术,对我们组配成功的一个褐壳蛋鸡配套系统的5个亲本进行了群体遗传学分析。结果表明,由标记基因测定所提供的亲本品系遗传差异的大小, 与这些品系实际杂交效果的优劣相一致,证实了标记辅助选种方法有的效性。  相似文献   
The distribution of nitric oxide synthase(NOS)in brain tissues of rats exposed to deltamethrininsecticide has been examined by histochemical NADPH-diaphorase staining techniques on frozen sec-tions.After injection of deltamethrin(12.5mg/kg,i.p.),a reproducible sequence of toxic signs ofhyperexcitability were elicited.The observation and image analysis showed that,within brain sec-tions of rats exposed to deltamethrin,the numbers and the total staining areas of the NOS positiveneurons were greatly increased,especially in cerebral cortex,hippocampal formation and paraventric-ular nucleus.In addition,the density of single neuron and the processes were also increased.The re-sults suggested that deltamethrin may induce the NOS expression or activate the NOS activity.TheNOS activation may involve in the chains responsible for the excitatory neurotoxicities induced bydeltamethrin.  相似文献   
本文报道一例罕见复杂易位核型:46,XX,t(1;14;10).并结合以往资料,探讨和分析复杂易位和一般平衡易位对表型及生育的遗传效应.结果显示,一般易位导致智能低下和多发畸形的频率各为3.57%;复杂易位所致智能低下频率为21.73%,多发畸形的频率为17.39%.提示复杂易位所致智能低下和畸形频率明显高于一般易位。 Abstract:In this paper,we report a rare karyotype of complex translocation:46,XX,t(1;14;10).Based on sufficient published data,we discussed and analyzed the genetic effect of complex translocation and general balanced translocation on phenotype and fertilization.The results show that general balanced translocation caused 3.57% low intelligence and multi-deformation while complex translocation caused 21.73% low intelligence and 17.39% multi-deformation respectively.These results sugget that there is a higher incedence of low intelligence and multi-deformation caused by complex translocation than that caused by general balanced translocation.  相似文献   
73例中国人血友病甲基因突变的分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
我们用Southern blotting、PCR、变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)和DNA测序等方法对73例血友病甲患者(经上海瑞金医院测定血浆FVⅢ:C和vWF:Ag诊断,其中无亲缘关系患者65例,按FVⅢ:C水平分为轻、中、重三型。FVⅢ:C< 2%为重型,共47例;FVⅢ:C 2%-5%为中型,共9例;FVⅢ:C5%-25%为轻型,共1 7例)进行FVⅢ基因突变检测。共检出内含子22倒位23例,均为重型,约占重型的49%,与国外报道相似。余下50例(其中无亲缘关系者45)用PCR-DGG E分析所有外显子及其侧翼内含子序列,发现异常条带则进行DNA测序。在17例患者中检出突变13种,其中无义突变5种,均为重型;错义突变6种,除1例外都是轻中型;小缺失2例,都是重型;其中,AA466Lys(AAG)-Thr(ACG)、719Tyr(TAC)-Stop(TAG)、AA826 Asp(GAC)-Glu(GAA)、312Ile(ATC)-xxC及AA1551-1552del(AGAA)为新发现的突变。有亲缘关系的患者都有相同的基因突变,而在无亲缘关系患者未发现相同突变。基因突变与临床表现基本相符。 Abstract:We use Southern blotting,PCR,denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis(DGGE)and DNA sequencing to detect gene mutations of haemophilia A in Chinese population.73 cases(47 severe)(FVIII:C<2%),9 moderate(FVIII:C 2%~5%),17 mild(FVIII:C 5%~25%)of haemophilia A were first screened with Southern blotting,23 were found to be the intron 22 inversion type,all being severe cases.The remaining 50 cases without intron 22 in version were examined with PCR-DGGE.Genomic DNA were amplified using GC-clamped primers covering all the exons and all flanking intron regions.Abnormal bands were sequenced.13 different mutations were identified,including 5 nonsense mutations,6 missense mutations and 2 small deletions.5 mutations,AA466Lys(AAG)-Thr(ACG),AA719Tyr(TAC)-Stop(TAG),AA826Asp(GAC)-Glu(GAA),AA312Ile(ATC)-xxC and AA1551-1552del(AGAA)have not been reported before.Generally the genetic defects correspond to the clinical conditions.  相似文献   
γ辐射引起花生和水稻种胚非按时DNA合成效应的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
用~3H-胸腺嘧啶核苷渗入法,研究受~(60)Co-γ射线各种剂量(10、20、30、40千伦,剂量率836伦/分)照射的花生和水稻种胚萌发早期DNA合成率的变动。结果表明,受γ辐射的花生和水稻种胚出现非按时的DNA合成,用咖啡碱能够抑制这种合成,这种非按时的DNA合成与γ辐射剂量有一定的关系。本研究工作证明了:在上述两种植物的细胞中具有修复DNA损伤的功能。  相似文献   
An invasive new biotype of the tomato/potato psyllid (Bactericera [Paratrioza] cockerelli [Sulc.]) (Homoptera: Psyllidae) recently has caused losses exceeding 50% on fresh market tomatoes in western North America. Despite these extensive losses, little is known regarding the threshold levels at which populations must be suppressed in order to prevent economic losses. A series of experiments were therefore designed using combinations of two common tomato cultivars (QualiT 21 and Yellow Pear), five pest-densities (0, 20, 30, 40 and 50 nymphs/plant), and three feeding-duration (5 days, 10 days, and lifetime) treatments to test the relative importance of pest density, feeding period, and cumulative psyllid-days to establish economic threshold levels for psyllids. The cultivars differed considerably in their response to the toxin injected by the psyllid nymphs. ‘Yellow Pear' plants could recover from feeding by up to 40 nymphs for as long as 10 d, whereas ‘QualiT 21' plants were irreparably damaged by densities of 20 nymphs feeding for only 5 days. On ‘Yellow Pear', all plant measurements such as the number of yellow leaves and plant height were significantly better correlated with cumulative psyUid-days than with either pest density or feeding duration. On ‘QualiT 21 ', all plant measurements other than the number of yellow leaflets and leaves were significantly better correlated with pest density than with feeding duration or cumulative psyUid-days, and pest density was a better predictor of psyUid damage. Potential reasons for the variable responses between cultivars and the implications for psyllid sampling and integrated pest management are discussed.  相似文献   
马铃薯试管薯诱导及其遗传转化体系的优化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:对马铃薯试管薯诱导及遗传转化体系进行优化研究。方法:利用3种培养法对马铃薯品种甘农薯2号和Favorita进行了试管薯的诱导,并用农杆菌介导法对其遗传转化体系进行优化研究。结果:用固体培养、固液培养和液体培养法诱导的甘农薯2号试管薯单瓶平均结薯数分别为4.6、4.4和6.5个,块茎平均直径分别为6.2、5.8和7.7ram;而Favorita单瓶平均结薯数为5.4、5.8和7.4个,平均直径分别达6.2、5.9和7.3mm。用浓度为OD600=0.5的农杆菌菌液侵染8min,共培养2d能够获得较高的转化频率。结论:液体培养法诱导试管薯的效果最好,建立的高频率遗传转化体系使甘农薯2号和Favorita的转化频率分别可达42.6%和36.8%。  相似文献   
BALB/c mice were immunized with purified White spot syndrome virus (WSSV). Six monoclonal antibody cell lines were selected by ELISA with VP28 protein expressed in E. coli. in vitro neutralization experiments showed that 4 of them could inhibit the virus infection in crayfish. Western-blot suggested that all these monoclonal antibodies were against the conformational structure of VP28. The monoclonal antibody 7B4 was labeled with colloidal gold particles and used to locate the VP28 on virus envelope by immunogold labeling. These monoclonal antibodies could be used to develop immun-ological diagnosis methods for WSSV infection.  相似文献   
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