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With support from many authors from many different scientific fields,Zoological Research(ZR)successfully released eight special issues from 2011 to 2014 on various topics,including Animal Ecology and Resources,Animal Genetic Diversity,Development and Evolution,Fish Diversity and Primates and Animal Models of Human Diseases.These special issues strongly align with our aims and scope,which have been  相似文献   
PreparationofMeioticKarytypeofMouseOocyteLiChaojunYanLeipingZhangXiranChenYifeng(BiologyDepartmentofNanjingNormalUniversity,Nanjing210097)哺乳动物的卵母细胞的减数分裂过程中存在两次自发的停滞现象,第一次是在第一次减数分裂前期的双线期,这一静止期持续很长时间,一直到动物性成熟后卵母细胞进入发有周刎,在保住腺激素的作用下,卵母细胞的第一次减数分裂才重新启动.完成第一次减数分裂后.又停滞在第二次减数分裂的中期,在椅子或化学因素刺激的作用下,完成第二次减数分裂[4].因此,对哺乳动物的卵母细胞在一…  相似文献   
利用标记基因选配褐壳蛋鸡配套杂交亲本   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用本实验室研制的抗鸡红细胞抗原单价血清(4个位点, 14个等位基因)和DNA指纹技术,对我们组配成功的一个褐壳蛋鸡配套系统的5个亲本进行了群体遗传学分析。结果表明,由标记基因测定所提供的亲本品系遗传差异的大小, 与这些品系实际杂交效果的优劣相一致,证实了标记辅助选种方法有的效性。  相似文献   
本文首次报道了新家6各民族6134人(南3181人、女2953人)的指纹白线出现频率。结果表明,白线频率女高于男,民族间亦有差异,其中维吾尔、哈萨克、鸟孜别克族频率接近。塔吉克族居住高寒高原地区,属白色人种,频率明显低于以上3个民族,锡伯族和汉族生活习惯近似,且高于以上4个民族,作者认为,白线出现频率的高低与种族、性别、年龄和群体生长环境及生活习惯有关。We’ve studied 6134 individuals (male 3181, fimale 2953) of six nationalities in Xinjiang.The result is that the white line of hand print is associated with rae,sex,age,grow environments of groups and life habbits.The ifference of races is:The appearant rates of white line of Weivuerite,Hasakese and Wuzibese are near,Tajike’s rate is lower than xiboman’s and han are higher than others.  相似文献   
一种制备鱼类染色体的新方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张四明ZHANG  Si-Ming 《遗传》1993,15(3):35-36
自1966年Ojima建立鱼类染色体空气干燥法以来,鱼类染色体研究技术有了很大进展.目前有肾细胞培养法、上皮细胞培养法和外周血培养法等。细胞培养需要在有一定条件的实验室进行(如无菌操作),因而简便快速的制备鱼类染色体方法便不断产生,有PHA+秋水仙碱注射法、秋水仙碱体外注射法和CoCl+秋水仙碱体外注射等方法.本文介绍一种适合于在野外条件下进行的小型鱼类和鱼苗染色体制片方法。  相似文献   
正常人各年龄组染色体着丝粒点(Cd)研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
本文运用本室改良的Cd-NOR银染技术对80例4个年龄组的正常中国人的Cd变化进行了较系统的研究, 结果表明:(1)正常人随年龄增加,Cd消失的频率、Cd变异及Cd-NOR融合频率也相应增加,特别是Ⅲ、Ⅳ组(中、老年组)增加的频率尤为显著;(2)首次对Cd消失的过程提出了独特的观点,即Cd消失首先表现为Cd变小, 随着变小程度的加大,最终导致Cd消失;(3)在本研究中首次观察到单个Cd的现象,作者认为是细胞分裂中期染色体着丝一分为二的延迟现象。各年龄组间单Cd出现频率无统计学差异,同一年龄组中,2号染色体和1号染色体上单Cd出现频率显著高于理论值;(4)随年龄增高,Cd各项观察值的增高在男性与女性间未见明显的差异。 Abstract:The Cd variation of human chromosome in four groups of different age has been investigated.The result shows that the frequencies of Cd disappearing,size variation and Cd-NOR fusion increased with the age rising,especially in the group of aged people.We suggest that the variation of Cd shows the size changes first,and then disappears completely.We also observed some cells in which a few chromosomes shows only a single Cd in centromeric region.Cd variation in different age groups has no significant difference between the male and the female.  相似文献   
应用超薄层聚丙烯酰胺凝胶等电聚焦电泳法, 分析了潮汕地区216例无血缘关系、临床上诊断为食管癌的病人和216例健康人的运铁蛋白(Tf)亚型分布情况, 结果发现:食管癌病人组TfC1C1纯合子频率为0.2639,Tf*Cl基因频率为0.4745,显著低于正常人组(分别为0.4352和0.6227,均为P<0.0 01);同时,食管癌病人组TfC2C2纯合子频率为0.2278,Tf*C2基因频率为0. 4977,显著高于正常对照组(分别为0.1852,P<0.05,和0.3634,P<0.001)。应用超薄层聚丙烯酰胺凝胶等电聚焦结合免疫固定法,分析了潮汕地区21 7例无血缘关系的临床上诊断为食管癌病人和 217例健康人的组特异性成份(Gc)亚型的分布,发现两组间无显著性差异。  相似文献   
本文以微铺展技术制备中华鳖精母细胞联会复合体标本,经硝酸银染色后电镜观察,分析了SC组型。并与有丝分裂染色体组型相比较,发现二者有着良好的一致性,而且微小染色体的SC结构和着丝粒清晰,未发现形态上有分化的性染色体。中华鳖SC的研究为其细胞遗传学及性别决定机制提供了重要的依据。 Abstract Synaptonemal Complexes (SC) in Trionyx sinensis spermatocytes prepared with micro-spreading technique and silver staining was analyzed by electron microscopy. The meiotic SC karyotype was constructed from 10 cells and compared with mitotic chromosome karyotype. There is a good agreement between them. The structure and kinetochores of micro-chromosomes are very distinctive on each SC. There does not exist differential sex chromosome.  相似文献   
73例中国人血友病甲基因突变的分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
我们用Southern blotting、PCR、变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)和DNA测序等方法对73例血友病甲患者(经上海瑞金医院测定血浆FVⅢ:C和vWF:Ag诊断,其中无亲缘关系患者65例,按FVⅢ:C水平分为轻、中、重三型。FVⅢ:C< 2%为重型,共47例;FVⅢ:C 2%-5%为中型,共9例;FVⅢ:C5%-25%为轻型,共1 7例)进行FVⅢ基因突变检测。共检出内含子22倒位23例,均为重型,约占重型的49%,与国外报道相似。余下50例(其中无亲缘关系者45)用PCR-DGG E分析所有外显子及其侧翼内含子序列,发现异常条带则进行DNA测序。在17例患者中检出突变13种,其中无义突变5种,均为重型;错义突变6种,除1例外都是轻中型;小缺失2例,都是重型;其中,AA466Lys(AAG)-Thr(ACG)、719Tyr(TAC)-Stop(TAG)、AA826 Asp(GAC)-Glu(GAA)、312Ile(ATC)-xxC及AA1551-1552del(AGAA)为新发现的突变。有亲缘关系的患者都有相同的基因突变,而在无亲缘关系患者未发现相同突变。基因突变与临床表现基本相符。 Abstract:We use Southern blotting,PCR,denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis(DGGE)and DNA sequencing to detect gene mutations of haemophilia A in Chinese population.73 cases(47 severe)(FVIII:C<2%),9 moderate(FVIII:C 2%~5%),17 mild(FVIII:C 5%~25%)of haemophilia A were first screened with Southern blotting,23 were found to be the intron 22 inversion type,all being severe cases.The remaining 50 cases without intron 22 in version were examined with PCR-DGGE.Genomic DNA were amplified using GC-clamped primers covering all the exons and all flanking intron regions.Abnormal bands were sequenced.13 different mutations were identified,including 5 nonsense mutations,6 missense mutations and 2 small deletions.5 mutations,AA466Lys(AAG)-Thr(ACG),AA719Tyr(TAC)-Stop(TAG),AA826Asp(GAC)-Glu(GAA),AA312Ile(ATC)-xxC and AA1551-1552del(AGAA)have not been reported before.Generally the genetic defects correspond to the clinical conditions.  相似文献   
Changes of sodium ionic concentration of human erythrocytes applied to pulsed electrical field (PEF) were studied by using shift reagent and NMR spectroscopy. The results show that the concentration of intracellular Na+ increases with the increasing intensity of PEF when the erythrocytes are applied to PEF with higher intensities. The relationship between intracellular Na concentrations and the intensities of PEF does not follow linear or exponen-tial behavior. As the intensities increase, the intracellular Na+concentrations increase even faster by an exponential curve. However under effects of PEF at lower intensities, intracellular Na+ concentration decreases. Ouabain can in-hibit the decrease of intracellular Na concentration, and the inhibition increases with the increasing concentration of ouabain, suggesting that Na+ , K+ -ATPase on cell membrane can be activated by PEF at lower intensities. Direct measurement of activities of the enzyme by using Malachite green method has confirmed this observation. Cell perme-abilities to ions, activation of enzymes by electrical fields and transmission of physical signals like PEF across cell mem-branes are discussed.  相似文献   
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