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明确遗传学中的几个概率统计问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘沈元PAN  Shen-Yuan 《遗传》1993,15(4):39-41
遗传学教学中常用到概率统计知识,这对学生分析试验数据,掌握遗传规律是非常必要的。我们在教学中,感觉到有的教科书中对一些概率统计问题的提法并不恰当,或是不符合概率统计原理,或是引起学生误解,在此笔者提出几点看法,与各位教师商榷。  相似文献   
21三体是人类最常见的先天性疾病,约95%患儿的超数21号染色体来源于母亲,且随母龄增加患儿出生率也随之增加。本文首次运用胞质分裂阻滞法(CB法)对不同年龄女性体细胞进行荧光原位杂交,对其21号染色体的分离情况进行分析。结果表明,随年龄的增加,女性体细胞中21号染色体不分离也随之增加,但21号染色体丢失无年龄效应, 且21号染色体不分离频率远高于其丢失。该结果表明,女性体细胞中21号染色体不分离与生殖细胞同样存在年龄效应。 Abstract  Trisomy 21 is the most common genetic desease in human. More than 90% is derived from mother. With the advancing of mother's age, the frequency of trisomy 21 is increasing. We detected the relation between chromosome 21 missegregation and age in cytokinesis-blocked female lymphocytes by in situ hybridization with chromosome 21 specfic probe. We have found that the age effect also exists in female somatic cells as in gamets.  相似文献   
在2 703例遗传咨询门诊病例中检出9号染色体臂间倒位21例,将本组inv(9)的频率与普通群体inv(9)的频率作比较,并通过对伴有其它性状的inv(9)家系的分析,讨论了inv(9)的遗传效应问题。 Abstract: Twenty one cases of pericentric inversion of chromosome 9 were found in 2703 patients asking genetic counseling. The percentage of inv(9) in this group was compared with that in normal population. Two special pedigrees with inv(9) were analyzed and the genetic effects of inv(9) were discussed.  相似文献   
大口鲇和鲇鱼血清蛋白质及同工酶的比较研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用聚丙烯酰胺梯度凝胶垂直板电泳,分析了大口鲇和鲇鱼的血清蛋白质以及心脏、肝脏、眼和肌肉4种组织的EST及MDH同工酶。结果表明,大口鲇和鲇鱼的血清蛋白质均能分离出20条左右的谱带,两者既表现出相同的谱带,又表现出迁移率和含量都不同的带型。两者的EST和MDH同工酶在4种组织及血清中均能特异性地表达,存在明显的组织和物种特异性。本文认为肝脏是研究大口鲇和鲇鱼种群生化遗传结构与变异的理想材料,同时还探讨了两种鲇鱼的M DH同工酶位点。 Abstract:The serum proteins and isozymes in four tissues (heart,liver,eye and musele)of Smeridionalis Chen and S.asotus Linnaeus were analyzed by polyacrylamide gradient gel vertical electrophoresis.The isozymes are esterase(EST)and malate dehytrogenase(MDH).The results showed that electrophoretograme of serum proteins were about 20 protein pattens in two species catfish,they were either the same protein pattens or the different pattens.Electrophoretogram of isozymes(EST,MDH)in two species catfish indicated tissues and species specificity.Experiment considered that the liver was a good material studied biochemical genetic constitution and variation in species group of S.meridionalis Chen and S.asotus Linnaeus.  相似文献   
利用SSR标记与毛细管电泳对甘蔗属进行的遗传分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为探讨甘蔗属内不同种之间的遗传多样性,利用SSR标记与毛细管电泳技术,对来自甘蔗属3个不同种的12个材料19对引物进行检测,共检测到229个DNA多态性条带,19对引物扩增的DNA条带范围集中在100~260bp之间。12个甘蔗材料的Jaccard遗传相似度,最小0.09,最大0.65,平均为0.26。通过遗传相似性系数分析,UPGMA聚类图内12个甘蔗材料可分为两个群,三个割手密种材料分为一个亚群,甘蔗栽培品种与甘蔗热带种合为一个亚群。结果表明:热带种比割手密种具有和甘蔗栽培品种更亲近的遗传关系;SSR分子标记与毛细管技术结合,相比别的分子标记技术或电泳技术,具有更准确、简便、自动化等优点。  相似文献   
Illegally paid blood donation was a risk factor for HIV acquisition exclusively in Henan and Hubei Provinces of China,and not in Shanghai.Nucleotide sequences in the gag and env genes of HIV-1 were compared between isolates from Henan and Shanghai regions of China to test whether an expected higher degree of a common source of infections from this unique blood donation transmission risk would be evident as decreased variation among Henan isolates in an exploratory cross-sectional analysis.Among 38 isolates studied,23 of 23(100%)from Henan and 8 of 15(54%)from Shanghai were subtype B.In addition,fewer sequence differences were found in gp41 of subtype B isolates from Henan than from Shanghai isolates.Further studies with additional controls are therefore warranted to confirm the role of the degree of a common source of infections in differences in HIV variation across populations.  相似文献   
Detection and Genetic Characterization of Rabies Virus from Human Patients   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Saliva and blood were collected from two patients who had not received post exposure prophylaxis in the cities of Wenzhou and Xinning respectively. Both patients were confirmed as positive for rabies by detection of rabies virus specific nucleoprotein antibodies in the sera by Western Blot. However, rabies virus specific RNA was only identified in the saliva collected from the patient in Wenzhou. Furthermore, the isolate Zhejiang Wz0 (H) was obtained by inoculating one-day-old suckling mice. Both nucleoprotein (N) and glycoprotein (G) genes from the isolate were amplified by RT-PCR and sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the isolate belonged to classic rabies virus, and shared a higher homology with the street viruses from dogs in the main endemic areas in China and the street virus from dogs in Indonesia than with other known strains. Further comparison of the deduced amino acid sequences between the isolate and the vaccine strains used in China showed that the virus had a higher level of homology with the vaccine strain CTN than with the other vaccine strains (3aG, PV, PM and ERA). In particular, amino acid residues substitutions located in antigenic site Ⅲ in the G protein, which could react with the neutralizing antibodies, were observed. These results suggested that the virus belonged to the classic rabies virus, and both N and G genes diverged from the current vaccine strains used in China at either the nucleotide or the amino acid level.  相似文献   
48例原发性闭经患者的细胞遗传学分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
本文报告对48例原发闭经患者的临床和细胞遣传学分析,共发现染色体异常17例,占35.4%,其中包括45,X,7例;45,X/46,XX,2例;X染色体结构异常5例;核型中有Y染色体3例。讨论了原发闭经的细胞遗传学病因及异常核型与表型的关系。  相似文献   
利用52个家蚕品种在春秋两个季节的试验资料,对万头茧层量及其构成因素作了通径分析。结果表明:不同环境下,诸因素对万头茧层量的作用不完全相同,主要表现为幼虫生命率和茧层率在不同季节中的作用相对地变化。结合育种实践指出:(1)春用蚕品种的选育应在保证生命率的前提下努力提高茧层率和全茧量,而夏秋用品种的选育应在保证茧层率的前提下努力提高生命率和全茧量。 (2)为提高选择效果,春蚕期育种应以选择茧层率为主,夏秋期育种应以选择生命率为主。  相似文献   
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