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把从榛木(Corylusavellana L.)花粉中分离得到的高尔基囊泡与经高度纯化并聚合好的牛脑微管进行体外组合,然后于1.5 m ol/L的蔗糖层上进行超离心,对其沉淀物进行SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和电镜负染。结果表明,花粉高尔基囊泡可以结合到牛脑微管上,证明植物花粉的高尔基囊泡与动物细胞的某些细胞器一样,也与细胞骨架的主要组成之一——微管具有结构上的紧密联系。花粉高尔基囊泡与牛脑微管的体外结合能力,受10 m m ol/LATP和0.5 m ol/LKCl的影响,但不受5 m m ol/L AMP-PNP的影响,说明两者结合可能是通过高尔基囊泡表面与ATP有关的某种外周膜蛋白来完成的。  相似文献   
Callus induction,which results in fate transition in plant cells,is considered as the first and key step for plant regeneration.This process can be stimulated in different tissues by a callus-inducing medium(CIM),which contains a high concentration of phytohormone auxin.Although a few key regulators for callus induction have been identified,the multiple aspects of the regulatory mechanism driven by high levels of auxin still need further investigation.Here,we find that high auxin induces callus ...  相似文献   
Human embryonic stem (hES) cells are typically maintained on mouse embryonic fibroblast (MEF) feeders or with MEF-conditioned medium. However, these xenosupport systems greatly limit the therapeutic applications of hES cells because of the risk of cross-transfer of animal pathogens. Here we showed that the bone morphogenetic protein antagonist noggin is critical in preventing differentiation of hES cells in culture. Furthermore, we found that the combination of noggin and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) was sufficient to maintain the prolonged growth of hES cells while retaining all hES cell features. Since both noggin and bFGF are expressed in MEF, our findings suggest that they may be important factors secreted by MEF for maintaining undifferentiated pluripotent hES cells. Our data provide new insight into the mechanism how hES cell self-renewal is regulated. The newly developed feeder-free culture system will provide a more reliable alternative for future therapeutic applications of hES cells.  相似文献   
目的旨在探讨脑干听觉传入通路中GABA能神经递质及GABAA受体对电刺激位听神经传入冲动的影响.方法使用出生后0~5 d的ddy/ddy小鼠制备脑干切片.脑片经电压敏感染料NK3041染色,电刺激与脑片相连的位听神经残端.使用16×16像素的硅光电二极管阵列测量光学信号.所采集的数据使用ARGUS50/PDA软件分析.结果多部位的光学记录方法显示了从位听神经到耳蜗核和前庭核的兴奋性传导的时间-空间分布.其中每一个光学成分由快峰电位样反应和慢反应组成.抑制性神经递质GABA可降低诱发的光学信号的快反应和慢反应,GABAA受体拮抗剂荷包牡丹碱可增强这些反应.结论16×16像素的硅光电二极管阵列可记录位听神经刺激诱发的多部位光学信号,每一个光学信号含有突触前及突触后电位成分.抑制性神经递质GABA和GJBAA受体拮抗剂可调节光学信号的兴奋性传导.  相似文献   
Cai L  Ye Z  Zhou BY  Mali P  Zhou C  Cheng L 《Cell research》2007,17(1):62-72
We previously showed that Wnt3a could stimulate human embryonic stem (hES) cell proliferation and affect cell fate determination. In the absence of feeder cell--derived factors, hES cells cultured under a feeder-free condition survived and proliferated poorly. Adding recombinant Wnt3a in the absence of feeder cell derived-factors stimulated hES cell proliferation but also differentiation. In the present study, we further extended our analysis to other Wnt ligands such as Wntl and Wnt5a. While Wntl displayed a similar effect on hES cells as Wnt3a, Wnt5a had little effect in this system. Wnt3a and Wntl enhanced proliferation of undifferentiated hES cells when feeder-derived self-renewal factors and bFGF are also present. To explore the possibility to promote the proliferation of undifferentiated hES cells by activating the Wnt signaling, we overexpressed Wnt3a or Wntl gene in immortalized human adult fibroblast (HAFi) cells that are superior in supporting long-term growth of undifferentiated hES cells than primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts. HAFi cells with or without a Wnt tmnsgene can be propagated indefinitely. Over-expression of the Wnt3a gene significantly enhanced the ability of HAFi feeder cells to support the undifferentiated growth of 3 different hES cell lines we tested. Co-expression of three commonly-used drug selection genes in Wnt3a-overpressing HAFi cells further enabled us to select rare hES clones after stable transfection or transduction. These immortalized engineered feeder cells (W3R) that co-express growth-promoting genes such as Wnt3a and three drug selection genes should empower us to efficiently make genetic modified hES cell lines for basic and translational research.  相似文献   
Hu XY  Neill SJ  Cai WM  Tang ZC 《Cell research》2004,14(3):234-240
Responses to oligogalacturonic acid (OGA) were determined in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings express-ing the calcium reporter protein aequorin. OGA stimulated a rapid, substantial and transient increase in the concentration of cytosolic calcium ([Ca^2 ]cyt) that peaked after ca. 15 s. This increase was dose-dependent, saturating at ca. 50 μg Gal equiv/ml of OGA. OGA also stimulated a rapid generation of H202. A small, rapid increase in H2O2 content was followed by a much larger oxidative burst, with H2O2 content peaking after ca. 60 min and declining thereafter. Induction of the oxidative burst by OGA was also dose-dependent, with a maximum response again being achieved at ca. 50 μg Gal equiv/mL. Inhibitors of calcium fluxes inhibited both increases in [Ca^2 ]cyt and [H2O2], whereas inhibitors of NADPH oxidase blocked only the oxidative burst. OGA increased strongly the expression of the defence-related genes CHS,GST, PAL and PR-1. This induction was suppressed by inhibitors of calcium flux or NADPH oxidase, indicating that increases in both cytosolic calcium and H2O2 are required for OGA-induced gene expression.  相似文献   
The activation of molecular chaperone heat-shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is dependent on ATP binding and hydrolysis, which occurs in the N-terminal domains of protein. Here, we have determined three crystal structures of the N-terminal domain of human Hsp90 in native and in complex with ATP and ATP analog, providing a clear view of the catalytic mechanism of ATP hydrolysis by Hsp90. Additionally, the binding of ATP leads the N-terminal domains to be an intermediate state that could be used to partially explain why the isolated N-terminal domain of Hsp90 has very weak ATP hydrolytic activity.  相似文献   
As a result of genome and other sequencing projects, the gap between the number of known protein sequences and the number of known protein structural classes is widening rapidly. In order to narrow this gap, it is vitally important to develop a computational prediction method for fast and accurately determining the protein structural class. In this paper, a novel predictor is developed for predicting protein structural class. It is featured by employing a support vector machine learning system and using a different pseudo-amino acid composition (PseAA), which was introduced to, to some extent, take into account the sequence-order effects to represent protein samples. As a demonstration, the jackknife cross-validation test was performed on a working dataset that contains 204 non-homologous proteins. The predicted results are very encouraging, indicating that the current predictor featured with the PseAA may play an important complementary role to the elegant covariant discriminant predictor and other existing algorithms.  相似文献   
Xie CC  Luo Y  Chen YH  Cai J 《Current microbiology》2012,64(5):492-500
The expression and application of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) chitinase genes have been extensively investigated. However, little information is available regarding the regulation of chitinase gene expression in Bt. In this study, a shuttle promoter-probe vector was constructed incorporating the thermostable β-galactosidase gene bgaB of B. stearothermophilus as the reporter for the study of Bt promoters. Using this plasmid, the activity of the chiA gene promoter in Bt was investigated. Deletion analysis of the putative chiA promoter region revealed that the sequence located ~75 bp DNA from positions −116 to −42, with respect to the translation start site, is the core promoter of chiA gene. Furthermore, a site for chitin induction was identified near position −36. This site for negative regulation was indicated downstream of the RNA polymerase binding sites of the promoter of chiA. The expression of chiA started in cell grown for about 6 h and reached the maximum after 60 h of incubation. Induction of chiA expression by chitin was demonstrated by an increase in β-galactosidase activity of ~2.5-fold.  相似文献   
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