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许纲  钦俊德 《昆虫学报》1987,(4):359-366
实夜蛾属(Heliothis)的棉铃虫(H. armigcra)和烟青虫(H. assulta)是近缘种,幼虫期取食多种相同的植物,其中含有不同的次生物质.本项工作是在人工饲料中分别加入0.5%的烟碱、番茄苷、棉子酚、丹宁酸等饲养早期六龄的幼虫,测定它们对生长和食物利用的影响.结果表明这些次生物质对两种幼虫有不同的作用:烟碱对棉铃虫没有明显影响,但对烟青虫的取食却有一定的刺激作用.丹宁酸、棉子酚、番茄苷可抑制两种幼虫的生长,而以番茄苷抑制烟青虫的生长最为显著.番茄苷主要通过抑制取食来影响幼虫的生长,而丹宁酸和棉子酚则具有降低消化率的作用.通过次生物质对这两种幼虫效应的比较可知,棉铃虫有较大的忍耐力.  相似文献   
Histiobalantium sp. was found regularly in the pelagic zoneof Lake Constance, FRG, over five annual cycles. Maxima of upto 6400 cells l–1 were recorded in late summer, with similarnumbers in the 0–8 and 8–20 m depth intervals. Onan annual average, the population accounted for 10–17%of the total biomass of planktonic ciliates. In the laboratory,Histiobalantium grew well on a diet of the cryptophyte Rhodomonassp. Maximum growth rates obtained in batch cultures were 0.21and 0.33 day–11 at 9 and 18°C, respectively. In situexperiments using diffusion chambers yielded positive growthrates in autumn and winter. The highest values recorded at theambient temperatures 5, 14 and 17°C were 0.17, 0.32 and0.40 day–1, respectively. Comparing these results withthe different seasonal distributions and higher measured growthrates of other ciliates from Lake Constance, we conclude thatHistiobalantium is a superior competitor at relatively low algalfood concentrations. 2Present address: Fisheries & Oceans Canada, 4160 MarineDrive, West Vancouver, BC, V7V 1N6, Canada  相似文献   
费氏中华根瘤菌042BS结瘤调节基因的克隆及功能检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
费氏中华根瘤菌 (Sinorhizobiumfredii) 0 4 2BS可以在大豆和苜蓿上结瘤。用费氏中华根瘤菌USDA2 5 7的nodD1和nodD2基因分别作为探针 ,与 0 4 2BS总DNA进行Southern杂交 ,发现其DNA经EcoRI酶切后分别在 3 0kb和 6 0kb处各有一条阳性带。回收这两条阳性带附近的DNA片段 ,建立部分基因文库 ,克隆到带有nodD1基因的 3 0kb片段 ,以及带有nodD2基因的 6 0kb片段。对nodD1和nodD2进行序列分析 ,结果表明 0 4 2BS的nodD1与费氏中华根瘤菌根瘤菌USDA2 5 7和USDA1 91的同源性高达 99% ,而nodD2与USDA2 5 7的同源性为1 0 0 %。再将nodD1的片段克隆到pBBRIMCS 5载体上 ,导入豌豆根瘤菌蚕豆生物变种 (Rhi zobiumleguminosarumbv.viciae)LPR5 0 5 4中进行功能检测 ,显示 0 4 2BS的nodD1均可被大豆分泌的类黄酮物质染料木黄酮以及苜蓿分泌的类黄酮物质毛地黄黄酮所诱导  相似文献   
Silica gel thin layer chromatography showed that acetate-2-14C,pyruvate-3-14C and citrate-2,4-14C were incorporated into ipomeamaronein sweet potato root tissues infected by Ceratocystis fimbriata.Rates of incorporation of 14C, from these 3 substances, intothe CHCl3-CH3OH-soluble lipid fraction and ipomeamarone wereof the followingder: acetate > pyruvate > citrate 1This paper constitutes Part 82 of the Phytopathological Chemistryof Sweet Potato with Black Rot and Injury (Received December 11, 1969; )  相似文献   
组织型纤溶酶原激活剂的纯化制备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了用于大规模生产组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(tPA)的重组动物细胞及其培养工艺。从重组tPA的大规模、快速纯化的角度考虑,对tPA的纯化制备方法进行了简要评述。  相似文献   
Addition of 50 mM NaCl to Oryza sativa L. had little effectupon the time of leaf initiation, but leaf mortality prior tothe normal phase of senescence was increased and the onset ofsenescence was advanced. There was no significant effect uponthe day-to-day pattern of growth, nor upon the ultimate length,of leaves that were developing at the time of, or shortly after,salinization with 50 mM NaCI. Leaves that developed after prolongedexposure of the plants to salinity were shorter. Addition ofNaCl, KC1 or mannitol to the root medium brought about a cessationof leaf elongation within one minute. Growth at a reduced raterestarted abruptly after a lag period that depended upon theexternal concentration. Elongation rate recovered its originalvalue within 24 h after exposure to 50 mM NaCl, though not athigher concentrations. Addition of NaCl at concentrations upto 100 mM elicited no short-term effects upon photosyntheticgas exchange. Na uptake contributed to osmotic adjustment ofthe growing zone. When plants were rapidly exposed to 50 mMNaCl, no change in turgor pressure was detectable in the growingzone with the resolution of the miniature pressure probe used(about 70 kPa). It is concluded that the initial growth reductionin rice caused by salinization is due to a limitation of watersupply. A clear distinction is made between the initial effectsof low salinity which are recoverable and the long-term effectswhich result from the accumulation of salt within expanded leaves. Key words: Leaf elongation, gas exchange, photosynthesis, water relations  相似文献   
应用酮康唑抗性筛选法,将经过紫外线诱变处理的甾体11β-羟基化菌株——新月弯孢霉的原生质体倾注在含有酮康唑最小抑制浓度(10μmol/L)的再生培养基平板上,再生出136株酮康唑抗性突变株。其中氢化可的松转化率高于出发菌株的有14株,正向突变率达到10.3%,同时获得了氢化可的松转化率为出发菌株1.42倍的遗传稳定突变株KA-91。  相似文献   
限制性条件下药物对细菌抑制作用微量量热法研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
用微量量热计测定了福氏志贺氏菌(Shipella flexneri)中7株菌(6、2b、3b、sb、la、x、y)在合成药物抑制作用下生长的热谱图,按限制性条件下微生物生长的模型进行了数学处理,得出了比生长速率(μ),由此确定了各细菌比生长速率(μ)与药物浓度?之间的定量关系,求出了比生长速率(μ)为零时的用药浓度,并对该合成药对各细菌的抑菌效果进行了分析.  相似文献   
高希武  梁同庭 《昆虫学报》1993,36(2):167-171
在一定时间内,刚特拉津 (Atrazinc)对棉铃虫 Heliothis armigera 幼虫羧酸酯酶以及GSH-S-转移酶(GST)活性有明显的诱导作用,羧酸酯酶活性最高增加146%,GST增加280%。 对羧酸酯酶的诱导高峰时间要落后于GST,不同施药剂量的诱导高峰时间以及导增加的量也不相同。 敌敌畏对家蝇Musca domestica vicina GST活性没有明显的诱导作用,阿特拉津对家蝇GST活性也没有产生诱导作用。  相似文献   
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