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Based on its proven anabolic effects on bone in osteoporosis patients, recombinant parathyroid hormone (PTH1-34) has been evaluated as a potential therapy for skeletal repair. In animals, the effect of PTH1-34 has been investigated in various skeletal repair models such as fractures, allografting, spinal arthrodesis and distraction osteogenesis. These studies have demonstrated that intermittent PTH1-34 treatment enhances and accelerates the skeletal repair process via a number of mechanisms, which include effects on mesenchymal stem cells, angiogenesis, chondrogenesis, bone formation and resorption. Furthermore, PTH1-34 has been shown to enhance bone repair in challenged animal models of aging, inflammatory arthritis and glucocorticoid-induced bone loss. This pre-clinical success has led to off-label clinical use and a number of case reports documenting PTH1-34 treatment of delayed-unions and non-unions have been published. Although a recently completed phase 2 clinical trial of PTH1-34 treatment of patients with radius fracture has failed to achieve its primary outcome, largely because of effective healing in the placebo group, several secondary outcomes are statistically significant, highlighting important issues concerning the appropriate patient population for PTH1-34 therapy in skeletal repair. Here, we review our current knowledge of the effects of PTH1-34 therapy for bone healing, enumerate several critical unresolved issues (e.g., appropriate dosing regimen and indications) and discuss the long-term potential of this drug as an adjuvant for endogenous tissue engineering.  相似文献   
We perform first principles total energy calculations to investigate the atomic structures of the adsorption of phenol (C6H5OH) on hexagonal boron nitride (BN) sheets. Calculations are done within the density functional theory as implemented in the DMOL code. Electron-ion interactions are modeled according to the local-spin-density-approximation (LSDA) method with the Perdew-Wang parametrization. Our studies take into account the hexagonal h-BN sheets and the modified by defects d-BN sheets. The d-BN sheets are composed of one hexagon, three pentagons and three heptagons. Five different atomic structures are investigated: parallel to the sheet, perpendicular to the sheet at the B site, perpendicular to the sheet at the N site, perpendicular to the central hexagon and perpendicular to the B-N bond (bridge site). To determine the structural stability we apply the criteria of minimum energy and vibration frequency. After the structural relaxation phenol molecules adsorb on both h-BN and d-BN sheets. Results of the binding energies indicate that phenol is chemisorbed. The polarity of the system increases as a consequence of the defects presence which induces transformation from an ionic to covalent bonding. The elastic properties on the BN structure present similar behavior to those reported in the literature for graphene.  相似文献   
遗传病是小儿常见病之一,它不仅直接影响小儿的健康,而且还会传递到后代。可是有关小儿遗传病发病情况的资料,国内尚未见到。为了解住院患儿中遗传病的出现频率及规律,为今后防治工作提供参考,现将我院近5年来住院患儿中遗传病的发病情况作一初步报道。  相似文献   
为进一步提高部队作训期间皮肤病健康保障的质量,针对性地开展常见真菌性皮肤病的预防、治疗和健康宣教工作,笔者于2009年7~10月对某部执行任务前后全体官兵真菌感染性皮肤病的发病情况进行了调查。  相似文献   
毛唇芋兰根茎的诱导与块茎形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物名称:毛唇芋兰(Nervilia fordii Hance)Schltr.) 材料类别:块茎培养条件: (一)诱导根茎的培养基:H BA 2mg/l(单位下同)。根茎继代培养基:H BA 0.25。均添加2%蔗糖,0.8%琼脂,pH5.8,每日用日光灯加光10小时,于26±1℃培养室中培养。 (二)块茎形成:将根茎转接于H BA 0.25培养中继代扩大培养,待根茎增殖达到高峰后,生  相似文献   
本文记述我国长斑蚜属Tinocallis Matsumura 11种,其中包括6新种;并记述中华彩斑蚜Sinotherioaphis pterothorax zhang et zhong,新属新种。文中所用量度单位为毫米。模式标本存中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   
党的十二届三中全会后,我国中等教育和职业教育发展迅速,仅农牧渔业部中专处管辖的地区以上的中专已达637所,各省(市)自治区县办农业职业中学更在迅猛发展。最近召开的全国植物生理教学讨论和学术交流会的300多名代表中,来自各中等农、林、牧、园等学校代表即有84人。这类学校都有植物生理课程,这是一门极为重要的专业基础课,教学质量的好坏直接影响专业人才的培养。因此在这次教学讨论会上,与会的中等农林学校代表一致倡议设立中专  相似文献   
发育过程中的番茄种子干物质重量达最大值时开始具有发芽能力。种子抗脱水能力的形成与种子生理脱水以及胚乳由乳状转变为固态状呈明显的正相关。聚乙二醇常法处理对提高种子活力有明显的短期效应,但也明显加速种子的劣变;而鲜湿渗控处理的效果与其相似,但种子的寿命不受影响。  相似文献   
激光光漂恢复技术测定了异硫氰基荧光素标记的林蛀卵表面分子在第一次卵裂前的运动。发现固着在玻片上的剥离“细胞膜”的分子运动形式为扩散。扩散系数为(4.6±1.3)×10~(-12)cm~2/s,可动部份为15%。完整卵子上的分子运动形式为流动。细胞膜在不停地流动着。它可能起着协助细胞质运动的作用。细胞膜流动的速度随时间而异,卵裂前不久,在大多数的卵子上,出现两个流动较慢的谷,少数细胞只测到一个谷。这可能与光漂起始时间,光斑与未来分裂沟的距离,和卵子间的差异有关。也讨论了这种速度变化与表面收缩波的关系。  相似文献   
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