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Aim  To demonstrate that incorporating the bioclimatic range of possible contributor plants leads to improved accuracy in interpreting the palaeoclimatic record of taxonomically complex pollen types.
Location  North Tropical Africa.
Methods  The geographical ranges of selected African plants were extracted from the literature and geo-referenced. These plant ranges were compared with the pollen percentages obtained from a network of surface sediments. Climate-response surfaces were graphed for each pollen taxon and each corresponding plant species.
Results  Several patterns can be identified, including taxa for which the pollen and plant distributions coincide, and others where the range limits diverge. Some pollen types display a reduced climate range compared with that of the corresponding plant species, due to low pollen production and/or dispersal. For other taxa, corresponding to high pollen producers such as pioneer taxa, pollen types display a larger climatic envelope than that of the corresponding plants. The number of species contained in a pollen taxon is an important factor, as the botanical species included in a taxon may have different geographical and climate distributions.
Main conclusions  The comparison between pollen and plant distributions is an essential step towards more precise vegetation and climate reconstructions in Africa, as it identifies taxa that have a high correspondence between pollen and plant distribution patterns. Our method is a useful tool to reassess biome reconstructions in Africa and to characterize accurately the vegetation and climate conditions at a regional scale, from pollen data.  相似文献   
Of the 39 species composing the Xiphinema americanum group, 14 were described originally from North America and two others have been reported from this region. Many species are very similar morphologically and can be distinguished only by a difficult comparison of various combinations of some morphometric characters. Study of morphometrics of 49 populations, including the type populations of the 39 species attributed to this group, by principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis placed the populations into five subgroups, proposed here as the X. brevicolle subgroup (seven species), the X. americanum subgroup (17 species), the X. taylori subgroup (two species), the X. pachtaicum subgroup (eight species), and the X. lambertii subgroup (five species).  相似文献   
One of the oldest known helcionelloid molluscs, Anabarella Vostokova, is redescribed on the basis of type material from the lower Cambrian of north Siberia. Published records of the type species, Anabarella plana Vostokova, show a very wide range in morphology, but studies of variation through ontogeny and in taphonomy confirm assignment to a single variable species. Other described species are reviewed.  相似文献   
Spinalona anophtalma n. gen. n. sp. is describedon parthenogenetic and ephippial females andmales from material collected in a temporary lagoonlocated in the Neovolcanic Province from Mexico at analtitude of 2507 m above sea level. It ischaracterized by a strong armature of the antenna,postabdomen and postabdominal claw, no compound eyeor ocellus, the exopod of thoracic limb IIIwith only four setae and that of P5 with only three setae.This new taxon has no relationwith blind Alona from hypogean habitats.  相似文献   
Six species of Pratylenchus indigenous to Great Britain, P. crenatus, P. fallax, P. neglectus, P. penetrans, P. pinguicaudatus and P. thornei were analysed by slab gel electrophoresis to compare protein patterns and isoenzyme phenotypes of esterase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, phosphoglucose isomerase and phosphoglucomutase. Multiple electromorphs were obtained from all enzymes examined. The results demonstrated that isoenzyme phenotypes are useful to supplement the morphological characterisation of these nematode species. Pair-wise comparisons of the six species were performed giving coefficients of similarity in the range 11–41%. A dendrogram of the six species, generated from the five enzyme banding patterns, gave two groups: group 1 contained P. pinguicaudatus, P. fallax and P. thornei and group 2 contained P. penetrans, P. neglectus and P. crenatus.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Collections of Mansonia africana mosquito larvae were made at one site in N.E. Tanzania in 1985 and 1987 and from two additional sites, both within about 2 mi of the original one in 1987. An octosporous microsporidian, present at all three sites, was found in both years infecting from 7 to 22% of larvae. Spores (stained in Giemsa) measured 3.0 μ m × 0.25 μ m × 2.25 μ m × 0.26 μ m. Ultrastructurally, spores were seen to have an anterior rim surrounding a depressed area where the endospore was at its thinnest. In transmission electron microscopy section, the rim appeared as two processes into which all layers of the wall extended. At the posterior end all layers of the wall extended into a simple knob-like structure which could be interpreted as a section through a crest running longitudinally around the spore. The polar filament was anisofilar, with two anterior coils of greater diameter than the three posterior coils. Although most closely resembling the genera Amblyspora and Parathelohania in the family Thelohaniidae, the species in M. africana differs from the former, which has oval spores, broadly rounded at the ends, and from the latter, which has a prominent, ridged posterior extension to the spores. The new species has been placed in a new genus and the name Tricornia muhezae proposed.  相似文献   
The grass snake Natrix natrix and the wall lizards Podarcis sicula and P. melisellensis are used as examples to compare the procedure and achievements of the conventional approach to naming subspecies with the use of multivariate morphometries to investigate racial differentiation.
The conventional procedure, which has changed little over the last 50 years, fails to take into account the appropriate evolutionary facts or refer to any abstracted levels of divergence necessary for subspecific recognition. Consequently, the patterns of population differentiation are obscured by the recognition of a large number of rather meaningless subspecies. There is a tendency to section clines into artificial categories and arbitrarily delimit subspecies by physiographic features.
On the other hand, the use of multivariate morphometries reveals the patterns of population differentiation which can be related to geological events and patterns of differentiation in other species and species groups. The nature of 'hybrid' zones and population differentiation enables the relative importance of evolutionary forces such as gene flow, selection and genetic drift to be discussed and provides evidence concerning speciation mechanisms. These techniques also contribute to the discussion regarding the nature of species and provide abstracted and operational criteria for taxonomic decisions.
The difference between the results of multivariate analysis and the conventional approach cannot be explained solely on the basis of choice of characters. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of using multivariate morphometries, as opposed to other modern techniques, for investigating racial affinities are discussed.  相似文献   
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