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The ATP content of pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids, isolated from rat testes, was not maintained during incubation of the germ cells in the presence of glucose. Glucose was metabolized via glycolysis at a considerable rate, but the rate of oxidation of the resulting endogenous pyruvate in the mitochondria was too low to support fully ATP production. Exogenous pyruvate (0.25 mM) or exogenous l-lactate (3–6 mM), however, were effective energy substrates. The lactate dehydrogenase reaction in isolated germ cells favoured the rapid conversion of pyruvate to lactate, at the expense of reducing equivalents from mitochondrial NADH. Hence, to support ATP production by the germ cells via mitochondrial metabolism of endogenous pyruvate, a relatively high concentration of exogenous lactate may be essential. In the spermatogenic microenvironment in vivo, such high concentrations of lactate could result from the net production of lactate by Sertoli cells. The mitochondria of the isolated germ cells produced ATP probably at a close to maximal rate, and spermatogenesis therefore may be extremely sensitive to compounds which interfere with mitochondrial energy metabolism and respiratory control.  相似文献   
A review of the data on the presence, localization, and supposed role of aquaporin water channels in oocytes of Xenopus laevis, oogenesis and maturation of teleosts Sparus auratus and Oncorhynchus mykiss, oogenesis and oocyte maturation of rats and mice, and spermatogenesis of several mammalians.  相似文献   
Abstract  Using cell whole mount preparation, tetrad basal boby-axoneme complexes in the primary spermatocyte from testicular cysts of fourth instar larvae of Bombyx mori are examined by transmission electron microscopy. There exist two paired basal body-axoneme complexes and the two orthogonally oriented basal bodies are linked together with distal and proximal linking fibers. The growing complex displays voluminous distal swelling. At this stage, the axoneme consists of nine microtubular doublets. A connecting nodule is found at the juncture of basal body's triplet and axoneme's doublet, and the A and B tubules of the former continue through the nodule to become the ones of the latter.  相似文献   
The behavior of centrioles during eupyrene and apyrene meiosis was examined in the silkworm, Bombyx mori , by transmission electron microscopy and indirect immunofluorescence for tubulin. In eupyrene spermatocytes the centrioles, accompanied by axonemes, attached temporarily to the nucleus at diplotene, then detached from the nucleus in diakinesis. After the separation, a beret-shaped structure consisting of a double membrane covered the proximal region of the pair of centrioles. The structure disappeared after breakdown of the nuclear membrane. The centriole, with the axoneme, reattached to the nucleus at telophase I. The process was repeated during meiosis II until the centrioles maintained their nuclear attachment in newly developed spermatids. In stark contrast to their eupyrene counterparts, apyrene spermatocytes were conspicuously devoid of any attachment of the centrioles to the nucleus. These eupyrene-specific and apyrene-specific relationships were consistently and repeatedly found between the nuclear membrane and centrioles, giving rise to suspicion that the behavioral phenomena may be related to differentiation of the dimorphic sperm types.  相似文献   
Male mice lacking cyclin A1 protein are sterile. Their sterility results from an arrest in the meiotic cell cycle of spermatocytes, which we now identify as occurring at late diplotene, immediately before diakinesis. The stage of arrest in cyclin A1-deficient mice is distinct from the arrest seen in spermatocytes that are deficient in its putative catalytic partner Cdk2, which occurs much earlier in pachytene. The arrest in cyclin A1-deficient spermatocytes is also accompanied by an unusual clustering of centromeric heterochromatin. Consistent with a possible defect in the centromeric region, immunofluorescent staining of cyclin A1 protein shows localization in the region of the centromere. Phosphorylation of histone H3 at serine 10 in pericentromeric heterochromatin, which normally occurs in late diplotene, is reduced in spermatocytes from heterozygous Ccna1(+/-) testes and completely absent in spermatocytes with no cyclin A1 protein. Concomitantly, the levels of pericentromeric aurora B kinase, known to phosphorylate histone H3 during meiosis, are partially reduced in spermatocytes from testes of heterozygous mice and further reduced in homozygous null spermatocytes. These data suggest a critical and concentration-dependent function for cyclin A1 in the pericentromeric region in late diplotene of meiosis, perhaps in assembly or function of the passenger protein complex.  相似文献   
Gametogenetin (GGN) binding protein 2 (GGNBP2) is a zinc finger protein expressed abundantly in spermatocytes and spermatids. We previously discovered that Ggnbp2 resection caused metamorphotic defects during spermatid differentiation and resulted in an absence of mature spermatozoa in mice. However, whether GGNBP2 affects meiotic progression of spermatocytes remains to be established. In this study, flow cytometric analyses showed a decrease in haploid, while an increase in tetraploid spermatogenic cells in both 30‐ and 60‐day‐old Ggnbp2 knockout testes. In spread spermatocyte nuclei, Ggnbp2 loss increased DNA double‐strand breaks (DSB), compromised DSB repair and reduced crossovers. Further investigations demonstrated that GGNBP2 co‐immunoprecipitated with a testis‐enriched protein GGN1. Immunofluorescent staining revealed that both GGNBP2 and GGN1 had the same subcellular localizations in spermatocyte, spermatid and spermatozoa. Ggnbp2 loss suppressed Ggn expression and nuclear accumulation. Furthermore, deletion of either Ggnbp2 or Ggn in GC‐2spd cells inhibited their differentiation into haploid cells in vitro. Overexpression of Ggnbp2 in Ggnbp2 null but not in Ggn null GC‐2spd cells partially rescued the defect coinciding with a restoration of Ggn expression. Together, these data suggest that GGNBP2, likely mediated by its interaction with GGN1, plays a role in DSB repair during meiotic progression of spermatocytes.  相似文献   
应用细胞整装技术研究了七星瓢虫精子轴丝的早期形态发生和超微结构。在精子发生期间,起源于中心粒的两对基体—轴丝复合体出现在精母细胞内,在分裂间期它们彼此完全分离。当基体—轴丝复合体附着于精细胞核的核膜上,中心粒附体开始发生于生长轴丝的近心端,在染色质凝聚前中心粒附体最大。生长着的轴丝伴随着凝聚细胞核伸长。一个早期基体—轴丝复合体的轴丝是由具有内、外动力蛋白臂的9个双微管组成,缺少中央微管。  相似文献   
应用电镜技术对蕨类植物绵马鳞毛蕨(RYOPTERIS CRASSIRHIZOMA Nakai)精母细胞和游动精子的超微结构特征进行了研究。精母细胞为多边形,细胞质内含有丰富的线粒体、质体、内质网、高尔基体等常见的细胞器.在细胞质中还可见到一些同心圆膜状结构,位于质膜的附近或精母细胞的角偶。同心圆膜状结构由双层膜环绕构成,外被l层单位膜。精母细胞与精子器的璧细胞之间形成了分离腔。在精母细胞质膜外形成了嗜锇层,这些结构的形成说明精母细胞已经开始与雄配子体逐渐分离,进入独立发育的阶段。尽管精母细胞之间也有嗜锇层的形成,但嗜锇层是不连续的,其上有一些空隙,精母细胞之间可通过空隙进行物质和信息的交流。成熟的精子细胞外被l层透明的薄膜,里面为游动精子。螺旋状。由环状细胞器环绕3~4圈构成.这些环状细胞器包括多层结卡构、微管带、巨大线粒体、鞭毛带和1个长形浓缩的细胞核。游动精子的后端为一些泡囊化的细胞质.其中包括一些残存的线粒体、造粉质体及大的囊泡等。当成熟的精子细胞排出精子器后。其内的游动精子挣脱透明质膜的束缚,摆脱后端的囊泡,成为1条游动精子。本文还对绵马鳞毛蕨和其它蕨类植物精子的超微结构特征进行了比较。  相似文献   
Animal cells divide using a microtubule-based, bipolar spindle. Both somatic, mitotic cells and sperm-producing male meiotic spermatocytes use centrosome-dependent and acentrosomal spindle-forming mechanisms. Here, we characterize the largely undefined, centrosome-independent spindle formation pathway used during male meiosis. Our live and fixed cell analyses of Drosophila spermatocytes reveal that acentrosomal microtubules are nucleated at kinetochores and in the vicinity of chromatin and that together these assemble into functional spindles. Mutational studies indicate that γ-tubulin and its extra-centrosomal targeting complex, Augmin, are vital for this process. In addition, Augmin facilitates efficient spindle assembly in the presence of centrosomes. In contrast to the pronounced recruitment of Augmin on spindles in other cell types, the complex is absent from those of spermatocytes but does accumulate on kinetochores. Polo kinase facilitates this kinetochore recruitment while inhibiting Augmin''s spindle association, and this in turn dictates γ-tubulin distribution and spindle density. Polo''s negative regulation of Augmin in male meiosis contrasts with its requirement in loading Augmin along mitotic spindles in somatic Drosophila cells. Together our data identify a novel mechanism of acentrosomal spindle formation in spermatocytes and reveal its divergence from that used in mitotic cells.  相似文献   
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