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The advent of reverse genetics technology has revolutionized the field of RNA viruses. It is now possible to manipulate even negative-stranded RNA viruses at will, and evaluate the effects of these changes on the biology and pathogenesis of these viruses. The fundamental insights gleaned from the reverse genetics-based studies over the last several years have provided a new momentum for the development of designed therapies for the control and prevention of these viral pathogens. The recombinant viruses have been exploited also as vectors for devising targeted therapies for non-viral diseases such as malignancies, and in gene therapy for inherited disorders. This review provides a brief summary of the stumbling blocks and the successes in the development of the technology for the negative-stranded RNA viruses. The many and varied applications of the recombinant vectors are also outlined.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Viral vectors are required as gene-delivery systems for gene therapy and basic research. Recombinant adenoviruses (rAds) expressing genes of interest are being developed as research tools and many studies in vitro and in vivo have already been performed with such rAds. METHODS: Shuttle vectors for rAds were constructed with full-length cDNAs and rAds were generated in HEK293 cells by the COS-TPC method. The rAds and shuttle vectors were developed by the Japanese research community and deposited in the RIKEN DNA Bank (RDB; http://www.brc.riken.jp/lab/dna/en/) for distribution to the scientific community. The Recombinant Virus Database (RVD; http://www.brc.riken.jp/lab/dna/rvd/) was established at the RIKEN BioResource Center (BRC) in Japan as the source of information about and distribution of the various resources. RESULTS: The RIKEN BRC is releasing more than 300 recombinant viruses (RVs) and 500 shuttle vectors, as well as all related information, which is included in a newly established database, the RVD. The RVD consists of (i) information about the RVs, the inserted cDNAs and the shuttle vectors; (ii) data about sequence-tagged sites (STSs) that are markers of viral DNAs; and (iii) experimental protocols for the use of RVs. CONCLUSIONS: The new database and available resources should be very useful to scientists who are studying human gene therapy and performing related basic research. It is a web-interfaced flat-file database that can be accessed through the internet. Moreover, all of the resources deposited in the RDB, which is a public facility in Japan, are available to researchers around the world.  相似文献   
Many insect viruses survive for long periods by occlusion within robust crystalline polyhedra composed primarily of a single polyhedrin protein. We show that two different virus families form polyhedra which, despite lack of sequence similarity in the virally encoded polyhedrin protein, have identical cell constants and a body-centered cubic lattice. It is almost inconceivable that this could have arisen by chance, suggesting that the crystal lattice has been preserved because it is particularly well-suited to its function of packaging and protecting viruses.  相似文献   
This review analyzes the literature on various mechanisms of proteolytic enzyme inhibitors involved in plant defense against attack by phytopathogenic microorganisms. The action of proteinase inhibitors from plants upon the enzymes from pathogenic microorganisms and viruses is reviewed. Considerable attention is given to the induction of proteinase inhibitors in plants in response to the invasion of pathogens. Some aspects of application of proteinase inhibitors in biotechnology for production of transgenic plants with enhanced resistance to diseases are discussed.Translated from Biokhimiya, Vol. 69, No. 11, 2004, pp. 1600–1606.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2004 by Valueva, Mosolov.  相似文献   
Acanthamoeba polyphaga Mimivirus, a complex virus that infects amoeba, was first reported in 2003. It is now known that its DNA genome encodes for nearly 1,000 proteins including enzymes that are required for the biosynthesis of the unusual sugar 4‐amino‐4,6‐dideoxy‐d‐glucose, also known as d‐viosamine. As observed in some bacteria, the pathway for the production of this sugar initiates with a nucleotide‐linked sugar, which in the Mimivirus is thought to be UDP‐d‐glucose. The enzyme required for the installment of the amino group at the C‐4′ position of the pyranosyl moiety is encoded in the Mimivirus by the L136 gene. Here, we describe a structural and functional analysis of this pyridoxal 5′‐phosphate‐dependent enzyme, referred to as L136. For this analysis, three high‐resolution X‐ray structures were determined: the wildtype enzyme/pyridoxamine 5′‐phosphate/dTDP complex and the site‐directed mutant variant K185A in the presence of either UDP‐4‐amino‐4,6‐dideoxy‐d‐glucose or dTDP‐4‐amino‐4,6‐dideoxy‐d‐glucose. Additionally, the kinetic parameters of the enzyme utilizing either UDP‐d‐glucose or dTDP‐d‐glucose were measured and demonstrated that L136 is efficient with both substrates. This is in sharp contrast to the structurally related DesI from Streptomyces venezuelae, whose three‐dimensional architecture was previously reported by this laboratory. As determined in this investigation,DesI shows a profound preference in its catalytic efficiency for the dTDP‐linked sugar substrate. This difference can be explained in part by a hydrophobic patch in DesI that is missing in L136. Notably, the structure of L136 reported here represents the first three‐dimensional model for a virally encoded PLP‐dependent enzyme and thus provides new information on sugar aminotransferases in general.  相似文献   
The vast majority of well-characterized eukaryotic viruses are those that cause acute or chronic infections in humans and domestic plants and animals. However, asymptomatic persistent viruses have been described in animals, and are thought to be sources for emerging acute viruses. Although not previously described in these terms, there are also many viruses of plants that maintain a persistent lifestyle. They have been largely ignored because they do not generally cause disease. The persistent viruses in plants belong to the family Partitiviridae or the genus Endornavirus. These groups also have members that infect fungi. Phylogenetic analysis of the partitivirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase genes suggests that these viruses have been transmitted between plants and fungi. Additional families of viruses traditionally thought to be fungal viruses are also found frequently in plants, and may represent a similar scenario of persistent lifestyles, and some acute or chronic viruses of crop plants may maintain a persistent lifestyle in wild plants. Persistent, chronic and acute lifestyles of plant viruses are contrasted from both a functional and evolutionary perspective, and the potential role of these lifestyles in host evolution is discussed.  相似文献   
Evolutionary biology rejoices in the diversity of life, but this comes at a cost: other than working in the common framework of neo-Darwinian evolution, specialists in, for example, diatoms and mammals have little to say to each other. Accordingly, their research tends to track the particularities and peculiarities of a given group and seldom enquires whether there are any wider or deeper sets of explanations. Here, I present evidence in support of the heterodox idea that evolution might look to a general theory that does more than serve as a tautology (‘evolution explains evolution’). Specifically, I argue that far from its myriad of products being fortuitous and accidental, evolution is remarkably predictable. Thus, I urge a move away from the continuing obsession with Darwinian mechanisms, which are entirely uncontroversial. Rather, I emphasize why we should seek explanations for ubiquitous evolutionary convergence, as well as the emergence of complex integrated systems. At present, evolutionary theory seems to be akin to nineteenth-century physics, blissfully unaware of the imminent arrival of quantum mechanics and general relativity. Physics had its Newton, biology its Darwin: evolutionary biology now awaits its Einstein.  相似文献   
A general assumption of quasispecies models of replicons dynamics is that the fitness of a genotype is entirely determined by its sequence. However, a more biologically plausible situation is that fitness depends on the proteins that catalyze metabolic reactions, including replication. In a stirred population of replicons, such as viruses replicating and accumulating within the same cell, the association between a given genome and the proteins it encodes is not tight as it can be replicated by proteins translated from other genomes. We have investigated how this complementation phenomenon affects the error threshold in simple quasispecies mean field models. We first studied a model in which the master and the mutant genomes code for wild-type and mutant replicases, respectively. We assume that the mutant replicase has a reduced activity and that the wild-type replicase does not have increased affinity for the master genome. The whole pool of replicases can bind and replicate both genomes. We then analyze a different model considering a more extreme case of mutant genomes, the defective interfering particles (DIPs) described in many cases of viral infection. DIPs, with a higher replication rate owed to their shorter genomes, do not code for replicase, but they are able of using the replicase translated from the master genome. Our models allow to study how the probability of interaction between the genomes and the whole pool of replicases affects the error threshold. In both systems we characterize the scenario of coexistence between master and mutant genomes, providing the critical values of mutation rate, μc, and the critical interaction rate between master genomes and replicases, γc, at which the quasispecies enters into error catastrophe, a situation in which the mutant genomes dominate the population. In both cases, we showed that the error-threshold transition is given by transcritical-like bifurcations, suggesting a continuous phase transition. We have also found that the region in the parameter space (μ,γ) in which the master sequence survives is reduced when DIPs are introduced into the system.  相似文献   
Bee parasitic mite syndrome is a disease complex of colonies simultaneously infested with Varroa destructor mites and infected with viruses and accompanied by high mortality. By using real-time PCR (TaqMan), five out of seven bee viruses were detected in mite samples (V. destructor) collected from Thailand. Moreover, the results of this study provide an evidence for the co-existence of several bee viruses in a single mite. This is also the first report of bee viruses in mites from Thailand.  相似文献   
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