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Abstract Rainforests are naturally fragmented in the Northern Territory of Australia. A census of fruit and frugivorous bird abundance was taken monthly in 10 rainforest patches for 1 year and quarterly for a second year to investigate spatial and temporal patterns among the patches. Fruit abundance showed a marked annual cycle, with a peak around December in the wet season. Four of six bird species showed a significant seasonal fluctuation in abundance, and for three of them, these patterns were different among rainforest types. Three species also showed a significant tendency to be most abundant in the rainforest type with the most fruit in any month. We interpret these results as evidence that birds track fruit resources among rainforest patches of different types. The abundance of two of the species (figbird and pied imperial‐pigeon) was highly variable and did not reveal significantly different temporal trends among rainforest types. These species are probably even more mobile than the other species, although the data in the present study cannot be used to test this theory. The conservation of frugivorous birds and of the plants whose seeds they disperse will require the protection of networks of rainforest patches.  相似文献   
Directed dispersal by animal vectors has been found to have large effects on the structure and dynamics of plant populations adapted to frugivory. Yet, empirical data are lacking on the potential of directed dispersal by rotational grazing of domestic animals to mediate gene flow across the landscape. Here, we investigated the potential effect of large‐flock shepherding on landscape‐scale genetic structure in the calcareous grassland plant Dianthus carthusianorum, whose seeds lack morphological adaptations to dispersal to animals or wind. We found a significant pattern of genetic structure differentiating population within grazed patches of three nonoverlapping shepherding systems and populations of ungrazed patches. Among ungrazed patches, we found a strong and significant effect of isolation by distance (r = 0.56). In contrast, genetic distance between grazed patches within the same herding system was unrelated to geographical distance but significantly related to distance along shepherding routes (r = 0.44). This latter effect of connectivity along shepherding routes suggests that gene flow is spatially restricted occurring mostly between adjacent populations. While this study used nuclear markers that integrate gene flow by pollen and seed, the significant difference in the genetic structure between ungrazed patches and patches connected by large‐flock shepherding indicates the potential of directed seed dispersal by sheep across the landscape.  相似文献   
Erodium maritimum L. is an annual species presenting heterogeneous, sometimes very small, and distant populations, distributed along a discontinuous coastal strip of the European Atlantic and the central and western Mediterranean basin. The aim of this study is to investigate genetic variation and geographic structure changes across its large distribution. Fourteen populations of E. maritimum were studied using AFLP fingerprints, together with their population sizes, reproductive systems and flower visitors. AFLP markers revealed the genetic structure of the species to be weak. Many individuals from one population clustered together with those of other populations, showing a high degree of genetic admixture. Despite having a self‐compatible reproductive system, populations (especially the largest ones) showed high levels of genetic polymorphism, and the majority of genetic variation was contained within populations. The low genetic structure suggests high levels of gene flow, which might be explained through the dispersability of the species’ fruits. Finally, recommendations are provided for management strategies to facilitate the conservation of this endangered species.  相似文献   
1. Many invertebrates inhabiting insular aquatic habitats rely on external agents or vectors to disperse. Besides water connections and wind, waterfowl and amphibians are known to mediate passive dispersal of freshwater invertebrates. However, the possibility of dispersal by terrestrial mammals has been largely overlooked. 2. We investigated the potential of both external and internal zoochorous dispersal of aquatic invertebrates by the wild boar (Sus scrofa) in Mediterranean wetlands in the Camargue (France). As wild boar frequently visit wetlands for feeding and wallowing purposes, we hypothesized that they may be important passive dispersal vectors of aquatic invertebrates at a local scale. Dried mud was collected from selected ‘rubbing trees’ used by boars to dispose of parasites. Additionally, faecal pellets were collected from different locations in the wetland area. 3. Seventeen freshwater invertebrate taxa including rotifers, cladocerans, copepods and ostracods hatched from sediment obtained from ‘rubbing trees’, while invertebrates hatching from dried faeces (10 taxa) were mainly rotifers. Dispersing invertebrates were collected up to 318 m from a nearest potential dispersal source. Both abundance and richness of invertebrates significantly decreased with dispersal distance. 4. Our results demonstrate that large mammals such as wild boar can act as dispersal vectors of aquatic invertebrates at a local scale in the wetland area of the Camargue and suggest that external transport may be quantitatively more important than internal transport. As wallowing (mud bathing) is common in many terrestrial mammals, this mode of dispersal may be quite widespread.  相似文献   


Although dispersal ability is one of the key features determining the spatial dynamics of plant populations and the structure of plant communities, it is also one of the traits for which we still lack data for most species. We compiled a comprehensive dataset of seed dispersal distance classes and predominant dispersal modes for most European vascular plants. Our seed dispersal dataset can be used in functional biogeography, dynamic vegetation modelling and ecological studies at local to continental scales.

Main Types of Variables Contained

Species were classified into seven ordered classes with similar dispersal distances estimated based on the predominant dispersal mode, the morphology of dispersal units (diaspores or propagules), life form, plant height, seed mass, habitat and known dispersal by humans. We evaluated our results by comparing them with dispersal distances calculated using the ‘dispeRsal’ function in R.

Spatial Location


Time Period


Major Taxa and Level of Measurement

The seed dispersal dataset contains information on dispersal distance classes and the predominant dispersal mode for 10,327 most frequent and locally dominant European vascular plant species.

Software Format

Data are available in .csv format.  相似文献   
1. The last few years have seen an increased interest in the experimental study of seed dispersal by fish (ichthyochory). This paper reviews such experiments, aiming to determine what functional aspects of ichthyochory have been investigated, what experimental designs have been used and what the potential pitfalls are. 2. The process of seed dispersal by fish can be divided into six discrete stages, each with its own probability of occurrence and each individually quantifiable in seed feeding trials: (i) seed uptake, (ii) ingestion, (iii) retention time, (iv) survival, (v) germination probability and (vi) germination rate after gut passage. 3. Inter‐ and intraspecific variation in seed traits (e.g. size, coat hardness, coat morphology, colour, presence and chemical composition of fruit pulp) and characteristics of fish (e.g. gape width, jaw morphology, presence of teeth, length of the digestive tract and digestive capability) can significantly affect the probability of one or more of the six stages of ichthyochory, thereby affecting the probability and distance of seed dispersal by fish. 4. To date only seven studies, which together investigated a total of nine fish species and 25 plant species, have used feeding experiments to study one or more of these quantifiable stages in the ichthyochory process. There is a clear bias in the research questions towards assessing seed survival during passage through the gut and subsequent viability. Only a few studies focus on seed retention in the digestive tract and germination rate, and even fewer address seed ingestion. 5. There is also considerable variation in experimental design among studies: Some have used groups of fish, while others used fish that are individually housed; some have fed seeds to hungry fish, while others used sated fish; some studied germination of seeds dissected from the alimentary tract, rather than seeds recovered from the faeces. 6. I present a number of recommendations for a more standardised protocol for future experimental studies of zoochory in general, and ichthyochory in particular, and highlight areas of interest for future research.  相似文献   
Summary 1. In river ecosystems, populations are continuously subjected to unidirectional downstream currents resulting in a downstream movement of populations. To ensure long-term population persistence in rivers, organisms must have a mechanism for upstream dispersal, which allows them to re-colonise upstream areas.
2. In this study we assessed differences in the potential for endozoochorous seed dispersal of Sparganium emersum and Sagittaria sagittifolia , two aquatic plant species with different seed morphologies, by mallard ( Anas platyrhynchos ) and teal ( Anas crecca ), two duck species with different body weights.
3. We found no significant differences in seed retrieval (the proportion of ingested seeds retrieved after gut passage) and seed retention time (time between seed ingestion and retrieval), between mallard and teal, despite the difference in body weights. We did find a significantly higher germination (%) over retention time of S. emersum seeds retrieved from teal compared with mallard, most likely related to a more efficient removal of the seed coat during passage through the gut of teal.
4. There were large differences between S. emersum versus S. sagittifolia in: (i) seed retrieval (22.65 ± 20.8% versus 1.60 ± 2.4%, respectively); (ii) seed retention time in duck gut, with a maximum of 60 h versus 12 h; (iii) the effect of gut passage on seed germination, with an increase of approximately 35% versus a decrease of 25%; and (iv) the effect of gut passage on seed germination rate, with an acceleration of 10 days versus a delay of 3 days on average. The results show that S. emersum has a higher potential for endozoochorous dispersal by ducks and postdispersal establishment than S. sagittifolia .
5. We propose that, in rivers, bird-mediated seed dispersal may promote re-colonisation of upstream areas, enabling long-term plant population persistence.  相似文献   
As a major agricultural crop in the semi-arid and arid zone of North Africa and the Middle East, drupes (“fruits”) of the Date Palm Phoenix dactylifera form with their high carbohydrate content of the flesh and oils in the seed a major part of the diet of resident and migratory bird species and fruit bats. This paper reviews the range of known instances of drupe predation by volant and non-volant vertebrate vectors. While documented dispersal distances range from tens of metres to about 50 km, the efficacy of that dispersal has not been assessed in any of the papers under review. While volant animals, primarily birds, make up the greatest number of dispersal vectors and also account for the greatest number of seeds dispersed, long distance dispersal of a larger quantity of seeds per dispersal event seems to rely on terrestrial animals, primarily canids, but also bears and flightless birds, such as the Emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae).  相似文献   
Ecosystem services provided by waterbirds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ecosystem services are ecosystem processes that directly or indirectly benefit human well‐being. There has been much recent literature identifying different services and the communities and species that provide them. This is a vital first step towards management and maintenance of these services. In this review, we specifically address the waterbirds, which play key functional roles in many aquatic ecosystems, including as predators, herbivores and vectors of seeds, invertebrates and nutrients, although these roles have often been overlooked. Waterbirds can maintain the diversity of other organisms, control pests, be effective bioindicators of ecological conditions, and act as sentinels of potential disease outbreaks. They also provide important provisioning (meat, feathers, eggs, etc.) and cultural services to both indigenous and westernized societies. We identify key gaps in the understanding of ecosystem services provided by waterbirds and areas for future research required to clarify their functional role in ecosystems and the services they provide. We consider how the economic value of these services could be calculated, giving some examples. Such valuation will provide powerful arguments for waterbird conservation.  相似文献   
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