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Cortinarius sarcoflammeus is proposed as a new species belonging to subgenus Dermocybe, on the basis of its morphological, chemical and ecological characters. The strong red-orange colour of the context and stipe base, large spores, sphagnicolous habitat and high dermorubin content are characteristic for the new species. Holotypes of C. huronensis and C. huronensis var. olivaceus have been examined for comparison, and their differences discussed. Photographs and line drawings of C. sarcoflammeus are added. Received February 13, 2001 Accepted March 23, 2001  相似文献   
Alcohol-extractable, hydrophobic zein proteins contaminate starch granule surfaces and can be removed by enzymatic digestion with thermolysin. The goal of this research was to find practical alternatives to thermolysin that might be used during the corn wet-milling process. All of the commercial thermostable alkaline proteases studied (SP 709, Neutrase, and Spezyme FAN) removed the zein proteins from various types of cornstarch, as demonstrated by the lack of protein bands below 30 kDa under the reducing conditions of SDS-PAGE gel. Each enzyme removed the zein proteins as effectively as thermolysin removed them. However, the removal of the zein protein did not reduce the quantity of free fatty acids associated with the starch. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2000) 24, 71–74. Received 27 May 1999/ Accepted in revised form 01 October 1999  相似文献   
 Critical morphological synapomorphies have not been found in support of the Acoranan hypothesis, the molecular phylogenetic discovery that Acoranae are the basal monocots. The previously undetermined pattern of anther wall development in Acorus has been suggested to be one such character. Two main types of anther wall development have been recognized: 1) the “monocotyledonous” type, which characterizes both monocots and dicots, and 2) the “dicotyledonous” type, which is almost exclusively found among dicots. An anatomical study of anther wall development in Acorus was here undertaken using the electron microscope. Development of the anther wall in Acorus was found to be somewhat irregular or perhaps even intermediate between the two types although largely consistent with the “monocotyledonous” type. The presumed significance of anther wall development and other critical morphological characters to the Acoranan hypothesis in the absence of knowledge about the sister group to the monocots is evaluated. Received August 28, 2000 Accepted February 19, 2001  相似文献   
For the first time unequivocal fossil remains of a green toad (Bufo viridis s.l.) are described in the Iberian Peninsula. The fossils come from the Cueva Victoria site, a late Early Pleistocene (ca. 1.1–1.2 Ma) karstic filling in semi-arid southeastern Spain (Murcia region). By extension, other remains from two other Early Pleistocene Spanish localities, Barranco León D (ca. 1.3 Ma) and Almenara-Casablanca 3 (ca. 1.1 Ma), are cautiously attributed to the group B. viridis. The B. viridis group was previously reported with some uncertainty to the west of its current distribution area in Western Europe (Spain and France) in the Pliocene (Bufo cf. viridis) and less probably in the Early Miocene (Bufo aff. viridis). Since no osteological differences have been established between the recently described extant species of B. viridis s.l. (e.g. Bufo balearicus, Bufo siculus, Bufo boulengeri, B. viridis sensu stricto and Bufo variabilis) no precise palaeobiogeographical relationships can be drawn for the Spanish fossils. However, the occurrence of a third species of bufonid toad during the Pleistocene in the South of the Iberian Peninsula raises some interesting ecological questions in relation to the local disappearance of the green toad, which can be hypothetically linked to the intensification of the Pleistocene glacial/interglacial climate dynamic or to probable competition with another toad, Bufo calamita.  相似文献   
Summary.  Novel synthetic procedures for the modification of non-proteinogenic acetylene-containing amino acids have been developed. The functionalization either proceeds via zinc/copper-mediated introduction of alkyl substituents, or via tungsten-catalyzed ring-closing alkyne metathesis reactions. Received March 28, 2002 Accepted October 3, 2002 Published online December 18, 2002 Acknowledgements These investigations are supported (in part) by the Netherlands Research Council for Chemical Sciences (CW) with financial aid from the Netherlands Technology Foundation (STW). Authors' address: Floris P. J. T. Rutjes, Prof. Dr., Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Nijmegen, Toernooiveld 1, NL-6525 ED Nijmegen, The Netherlands, E-mail: rutjes@sci.kun.nl  2, selected data: 1H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl3) δ 5.32 (d, J = 7.7 Hz, 1H), 4.44–4.40 (m, 1H), 3.76 (s, 3H), 2.75–2.73 (d, J = 5.0 Hz, 2H), 1.44 (s, 9H); 13C NMR (75 MHz, CDCl3) δ 171.0, 155.0, 80.3, 74.6, 52.6, 51.9, 41.7, 28.3, 24.0; mp = 55°C.  Typical procedure for 5: zinc dust (116 mg, 1.408 mmol) was weighed into a 20 mL flask, which was repeatedly evacuated (with heating using a heat gun) and flushed with argon. Dry DMF (0.5 mL, distilled from CaH2) and 1,2-dibromoethane (9.2 μL, 0.106 mmol) were added and the flask was heated at 80°C for 40 min. The reaction mixture was allowed to cool to room temperature, trimethylsilyl chloride (4 μL, 0.035 mmol) was added and the resulting mixture was stirred vigorously for a further 30 min under argon. Iodocyclohexane (69 μl, 0.528 mmol) was added and stirred at room temperature for 3 h more after which stirring was ceased to settle the zinc. CuCN (41 mg, 0.458 mmol) and LiCl (40 mg, 0.915 mmol) were heated to 150°C for 2 h and cooled to room temperature. Addition of DMF (1 mL) formed a soluble CuCN·2LiCl complex within 5 min. After cooling the Cu-complex to −15°C, the organozinc reagent was added dropwise followed by the bromoacetylene 2 (116 mg, 0.352 mmol). The mixture was allowed to stir overnight at room temperature. Water was added and the suspension was extracted using heptane, washed with brine, dried (MgSO4) and concentrated. Purification using flash column chromatography (10% EtOAc in heptane) yielded 5 (100 mg, 81%) as a colorless oil. 5: IR ν 3355, 2929, 2852, 2359, 2337, 1749, 1717, 1498, 1447, 1365, 1251, 1181, 1060; 1H NMR (300 MHz, CDCl3) δ 5.28 (d, J = 7.7 Hz, 1H), 4.43–4.38 (m, 1H), 3.73 (s, 3H), 2.69–2.63 (m, 2H), 2.13 (m, 1H), 1.73–1.22 (m, 10H), 1.43 (s, 9H); 13C NMR (75 MHz, CDCl3) δ 171.4, 155.0, 88.1, 79.9, 73.8, 52.3, 32.7, 32.7, 28.8, 28.2, 25.8, 24.6, 23.1; HRMS (EI): calculated for C17H27NO4 309.1940, found 309.1937.  A solution of the tungsten catalyst (7 mg, 10 mol%) in C6H5Cl (2 mL) was treated with a solution of 14 (49.0 mg, 0.120 mmol) in C6H5Cl (5.0 mL) under an argon atmosphere and the resulting mixture was heated at 80°C for 3 h. Evaporation followed by flash column chromatography (80% EtOAc in heptane) afforded 15 (21.0 mg, 50%; 64% after correction for starting material) and 14 (16 mg, 33%) as colorless oils. 15: [α]D =–14.6 (c = 1, CH2Cl2); IR ν 3313, 2931, 2865, 2249, 1744, 1667, 1520, 1366, 1170; 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 7.14 (d, J = 8.7 Hz, 1H), 6.08 (d, J = 8.3 Hz, 1H), 4.78 (q, J = 6.8 Hz, 1H), 4.27 (q, J = 7.9 Hz, 1H), 3.73 (s, 3H), 2.17–2.15 (m, 4H), 2.07–1.96 (m, 2H), 1.79–1.52 (m, 4H), 1.45 (s, 9H), 0.89–0.83 (m, 2H); 13C NMR (100 MHz, CDCl3) δ 173.2, 171.8, 155.8, 80.4, 80.2, 79.3, 53.8, 52.5, 51.2, 32.8 (2×), 28.1, 24.6, 24.2, 18.3 (2×); HRMS (EI): calculated for C18H28N2O5  相似文献   
《Fungal biology》2020,124(2):83-90
Latterly, the upsurge in use of antifungal drugs has brought about the emergence of several drug-resistance strains, making it skeptical to continue relying on current therapeutic regime. In the necessity of resistance-free antifungal agent, flavonoids presented possibilities of replacing existing drugs, displaying antifungal activity against pathogenic fungi. Among them, quercetin, one of the most representative flavonoids, exhibited antifungal activity against Candida albicans. To inspect the further understanding regarding quercetin, the antifungal mode of action of quercetin was investigated. In the initial step, the apoptosis was monitored after quercetin treatment. Moreover, intracellular levels of Mg2+ was assessed and was determined that Mg2+ increase occurred under the influence of quercetin. In addition, several features of mitochondrial dysfunction were monitored. Mitochondrial dysfunction triggers decrease in mitochondrial redox levels and leads to disruption in mitochondrial antioxidant system. Increased intracellular ROS and decreased intracellular redox levels were also displayed, indicating the occurrence of overall disruption in antioxidant systems. Sequentially, DNA fragmentation was observed and this DNA damage in turn induces apoptosis. In analyses, hexaamminecobalt(III) chloride (Cohex) was applied to inhibit Mg2+ transport between cytosol and mitochondria. Cohex attenuated the effects induced by quercetin, which demonstrates that the presence of Mg2+ is essential in quercetin-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   
 Using two molecular data sets, the plastid atpB-rbcL intergenic spacer region and the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS), the taxonomic affinities of two newly available Anemone species from the Southern Hemisphere were tested. From previous work based on morphology and geographic distribution, it was assumed that A. tenuicaulis from New Zealand was most closely related to the Tasmanian A. crassifolia, whereas the affinity of A. antucensis from Chile and Argentina was regarded as uncertain. Analyses of molecular sequence data from these and 18 other species of Anemone s.lat. (with Clematis as outgroup) result in trees largely congruent with past analyses based on morphology and plastid restriction site data. They strongly support A. richardsonii and A. canadensis (with boreal distributions in the Northern Hemisphere) as paraphyletic to a well supported Southern Hemisphere clade consisting of A. antucensis and A. tenuicaulis. This group of four species is part of an otherwise predominantly Northern Hemisphere assemblage (subgenus Anemonidium s.lat., chromosome base number x=7), including A. narcissiflora, A. obtusiloba, A. keiskeana and A. (=Hepatica) americana. All other austral species included in the present sampling, A. crassifolia (Tasmania), A. knowltonia (=Knowltonia capensis), and A. caffra (both South African), form a separate clade, sister to A. (=Pulsatilla) occidentalis and other Northern Hemisphere anemones (subgenus Anemone s.lat., x=8). Possible phytogeographical links of the Southern Hemisphere species are discussed. Received April 23, 2001 Accepted October 4, 2001  相似文献   
Patterns and sources of variation in Daphnia phosphorus content in nature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has recently been shown that Daphnia can vary in the phosphorus (P)-content of their body tissues, but the relative importance of genetic versus environmental causes for this variation is unexplored. We measured variation in P-content (as % body mass) of Daphnia from eight lakes and conducted experiments to contrast three sources of variation: interspecific variation, clonal variation and phenotypic plasticity. Daphnia P-content decreased with increasing seston C:P ratio across lakes. This relationship reflected both inter- and intraspecific variation. Daphnia parvula and D. dubia exhibited high P-content and were found in shallow lakes with low C:P seston, whereas D. pulicaria had low P-content and was found in deep, stratified lakes having high C:P seston. Populations of D. dentifera spanned this lake gradient and exhibited P-content that was negatively related to seston C:P. Evidence for phenotypic plasticity came from experiments with D. pulicaria and D. dentifera collected from a lake with P-deficient seston and fed a P-sufficient diet in the laboratory. In addition, populations of D. dentifera differed in P-content even after 7 d of feeding on P-sufficient resources, suggesting within-species clonal variation. However, mesocosm experiments revealed broad and surprisingly continuous variation in the P-content of individual clones of D. pulex (range 1.54–1.05%) and D. mendotae (1.51–1.07%) over a gradient in dietary C:P. The broad range in P-content exhibited by individual clones, acclimated for generations, suggests that variation in Daphnia P-content from laboratory experiments needs to be interpreted with caution. These results also show that phenotypic variation in response to environment can be a larger source of variation in P-content than genetic differences within or among species.  相似文献   
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