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A robotic fish driven by oscillating fins, "Cownose Ray-I", is developed, which is in dorsoventrally flattened shape withouta tail. The robotic fish is composed of a body and two lateral fins. A three-factor kinematic model is established and used in thedesign of a mechanism. By controlling the three kinematic parameters, the robotic fish can accelerate and maneuver. Forwardvelocity is dependent on the largest amplitude and the number of waves in the fins, while the relative contribution of fin beatfrequency to the forward velocity of the robotic fish is different from the usual result. On the other hand, experimental results onmaneuvering show that phase difference has a stronger effect on swerving than the largest amplitude to some extent. In addition,as propulsion waves pass from the trailing edge to the leading edge, the robotic fish attains a backward velocity of 0. 15 m·s-1.  相似文献   
High‐latitude lakes are particularly sensitive to the effects of global climate change, demonstrating earlier ice breakup, longer ice‐free seasons, and increased water temperatures. Such physical changes have implications for diverse life‐history traits in taxa across entire lake food webs. Here, we use a five‐decade time series from an Alaskan lake to explore effects of climate change on growth and reproduction of a widely distributed lacustrine fish, the three‐spine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). We used multivariate autoregressive state‐space (MARSS) models to describe trends in the mean length for multiple size classes and to explore the influence of physical (date of ice breakup, surface water temperature) and biological (density of con‐ and heterospecifics) factors. As predicted, mean size of age 1 and older fish at the end of the growing season increased across years with earlier ice breakup and warmer temperatures. In contrast, mean size of age 0 fish decreased over time. Overall, lower fish density and warmer water temperatures were associated with larger size for all cohorts. Earlier ice breakup was associated with larger size for age 1 and older fish but, paradoxically, with smaller size of age 0 fish. To explore this latter result, we used mixing models on age 0 size distributions, which revealed an additional cohort in years with early ice breakup, lowering the mean size of age 0 fish. Moreover, early ice breakup was associated with earlier breeding, evidenced by earlier capture of age 0 fish. Our results suggest that early ice breakup altered both timing and frequency of breeding; three‐spine stickleback spawned earlier and more often in response to earlier ice breakup date. While previous studies have shown the influence of changing conditions in northern lakes on breeding timing and growth, this is the first to document increased breeding frequency, highlighting another pathway by which climate change can alter the ecology of northern lakes.  相似文献   

In this introduction to Early Childhood Arts Education in the United States, a special issue of Arts Education Policy Review, the editors provide a platform for stakeholders' increased awareness and understandings of the need to ensure children's rights to arts education. They summarize the five articles comprising this issue, and invite stakeholders to consider example action steps to apply content from this Issue to arts interactions with young children.  相似文献   
Estimates of biodiversity and its global patterns are affected by parasite richness and specificity. Despite this, parasite communities are largely neglected in biodiversity estimates, especially in the tropics. We studied the parasites of annual killifish of the genus Nothobranchius that inhabit annually desiccating pools across the African savannah and survive the dry period as developmentally arrested embryos. Their discontinuous, non‐overlapping generations make them a unique organism in which to study natural parasite fauna. We investigated the relationship between global (climate and altitude) and local (pool size, vegetation, host density and diversity, and diversity of potential intermediate hosts) environmental factors and the community structure of killifish parasites. We examined metazoan parasites from 21 populations of four host species (Nothobranchius orthonotus, N. furzeri, N. kadleci, and N. pienaari) across a gradient of aridity in Mozambique. Seventeen parasite taxa were recorded, with trematode larval stages (metacercariae) being the most abundant taxa. The parasites recorded were both allogenic (life cycle includes non‐aquatic host; predominantly trematodes) and autogenic (cycling only in aquatic hosts; nematodes). The parasite abundance was highest in climatic regions with intermediate aridity, while parasite diversity was associated with local environmental characteristics and positively correlated with fish species diversity and the amount of aquatic vegetation. Our results suggest that parasite communities of sympatric Nothobranchius species are similar and dominated by the larval stages of generalist parasites. Therefore, Nothobranchius serve as important intermediate or paratenic hosts of parasites, with piscivorous birds and predatory fish being their most likely definitive hosts.  相似文献   
核糖体转录间隔子2应用于鱼类种属的鉴别   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
袁万安 《遗传》2010,32(4):369-374
为了防止珍稀鱼类的非法捕捞和销售, 鱼类种属的鉴别就成为非常关键的问题, 特别是形态学方法无法区分的样品(如鱼苗、鱼鳞、鱼卵、鱼肉及其加工产品等)。为了帮助珍稀鱼类资源的管理和保护, 文章报道了一种利用核糖体基因的转录间隔子2鉴别鱼类种属的分子遗传学方法: (1) 利用同一目鱼类5.8S rRNA和28S rRNA基因的保守性, 设计出扩增鲤形目鱼类这两个基因间转录间隔子2 DNA片段, 测序获得它们的碱基排列顺序; (2) 再根据不同鱼类转录间隔子2序列的差异, 设计出每种鱼的种属特异引物、种属鉴别标准物, 构建鱼类分子分类图谱, 利用PCR复合扩增技术鉴别鱼类种属。通过对国内不同地方采集的5种鲤形目鱼类的210个单一品种样本和40个混合样本的鉴别检验, 该方法能够准确、灵敏和快速鉴别这5种鱼, 可用于鱼类资源保护和评估、管理和开发, 特别是在渔业管理人员渔业执法、海关打击珍稀鱼类走私、防止商业欺诈和外来有害生物入侵等方面非常有用  相似文献   
The microbial communities of fish are considered an integral part of maintaining the overall health and fitness of their host. Research has shown that resident microbes reside on various mucosal surfaces, such as the gills, skin, and gastrointestinal tract, and play a key role in various host functions, including digestion, immunity, and disease resistance. A second, more transient group of microbes reside in the digesta, or feces, and are primarily influenced by environmental factors such as the host diet. The vast majority of fish microbiome research currently uses lethal sampling to analyse any one of these mucosal and/or digesta microbial communities. The present paper discusses the various opportunities that non-lethal microbiome sampling offers, as well as some inherent challenges, with the ultimate goal of creating a sound argument for future researchers to transition to non-lethal sampling of wild fish in microbiome research. Doing so will reduce animal welfare and population impacts on fish while creating novel opportunities to link host microbial communities to an individual's behavior and survival across space and time (e.g., life-stages, seasons). Current lethal sampling efforts constrain our ability to understand the mechanistic ecological consequences of variation in microbiome communities in the wild. Transitioning to non-lethal sampling will open new frontiers in ecological and microbial research.  相似文献   
The dilution effect describes the negative association between host biodiversity and the risk of infectious disease. Tests designed to understand the relative roles of host species richness, host species identity, and rates of exposure within experimental host communities would help resolve ongoing contention regarding the importance and generality of dilution effects. We exposed fathead minnows to infective larvae of the trematode, Ornithodiplostomum ptychocheilus in minnow‐only containers and in mixed containers that held 1–3 other species of fish. Parasite infection was estimated as the number of encysted worms (i.e., brainworms) present in minnows following exposure. The results of exposure trials showed that nonminnow fish species were incompatible with O. ptychocheilus larvae. There was no reduction in mean brainworm counts in minnows in mixed containers with brook sticklebacks or longnose dace. In contrast, brainworm counts in minnows declined by 51% and 27% in mesocosms and aquaria, respectively, when they co‐occurred with emerald shiners. Dilution within minnow + shiner containers may arise from shiner‐induced alterations in minnow or parasite behaviors that reduced encounter rates between minnows and parasite larvae. Alternatively, shiners may act as parasite sinks for parasite larvae. These results highlight the role of host species identity in the dilution effect. Our results also emphasize the complex and idiosyncratic effects of host community composition on rates of parasite infection within contemporary host communities that contain combinations of introduced and native species.  相似文献   
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