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Molecular tools have diverse applications in marine ecology. In microbial systems, DNA sequences of rRNA and other genes have identified a variety of novel lineages of bacteria inhabiting marine environments that have resisted traditional culture methods. However, relatively few natural populations have been characterized due to the rather labor-intensive methodologies employed. Recent technological developments such as in situ PCR and flow cytometry promise to greatly enhance the speed at which microbial taxa can be identified and enumerated in field collected water and substrate samples; such advances will allow future work to employ the spatial and temporal field sampling required to monitor the impact of natural and anthropogenic changes in the environment. This approach also holds promise for examining physiological status of field collected cells, garnering information on such elusive parameters as growth rates and the extent of nutrient limitation under natural conditions. Studies of macrobiota have similarly benefited from the use of molecular approaches to species identification. This has been particularly true with regard to distinguishing among larval forms of closely related taxa which are nearly identical morphologically. Genetic variation within species assayed by molecular tools has been useful in examining the stability of populations through time and in assessing patterns of recruitment to geographically separated populations. Enhanced understanding of these ecological problems will also require intensive spatial and temporal monitoring of both larval and adult populations. Often, the newer techniques based on DNA sequence variation have practical advantages over allozyme techniques: e.g., PCR allows assay of minute quantities of DNA that may come from ethanol preserved samples. However, when ample allozyme variation exists to address a given issue, these older techniques may be favored on a variety of criteria, including speed and cost. Hence, choice of methodology should be based on the expected efficiency of a given approach to a specific problem rather than the apparent sophistication of the method itself.  相似文献   
Final instar Persectania ewingii (Westwood) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) were fed seedling Triticum aestivum L. for 2 days to determine the approximate digestibility of the cell wall and cell content fractions. Cell wall content was estimated using a micro-analytical neutral detergent fibre technique. Approximate digestibilites of neutral detergent fibre, neutral detergent solubles and dry matter were calculated for individuals and pooled samples. P. ewingii larvae digested a small but significant proportion of the fibre ingested (13–21%), higher than that previously reported for herbivorous insects. The micro-analytical and previously used macro-analytical techniques produced similar estimates of digestibility although both techniques have inherent shortcomings, the latter requiring the pooling of samplex and the former limiting the number of replicates during chemical analysis. Differences in the amount of larval frass collected during the feeding trial (corrected for consumption) explained much of the variation in digestibility values, while there were no effects of larval mass, overall consumption and total frass produced on digestibility estimates. These results confirm that plant cell contents are the major source of nutrients to larval Lepidoptera although there is some chemical disruption of the plant cell wall.  相似文献   
The vertical distribution of nematodes up to 20 cm sediment depth was studied over a one-year period in the alpine, oligotrophic lake Königssee. Ten water depths were examined, four of which correspond to the littoral (1 m, 2 m, 5 m, 10 m), three to the littoriprofundal (15 m, 20 m, 30 m) and three to the profundal (60 m, 120 m, 190 m). The sediment was devided into four layers (0–2 cm, 2–5 cm, 5–10 cm and 10–20 cm). (1) The highest proportion of nematodes was found in the top layer. Out of 45 263 nematodes, 89% were found in the first 5 cm of the sediment and only 1 % deeper than 10 cm. (2) The proportion of nematodes in the top layer increased along with water depth. Water depth was a better predictor of percentage of nematodes in the top layer than particle size or content of organic carbon in the sediment. (3) There were considerable differences among species in their vertical distribution in the sediment. (4) There was a significant trend for juveniles to occupy more superficial layers than adults across various species. (5) There are time related vertical preferences among adults and juveniles of several nematode species across the year, suggesting vertical migration in the sediment (e.g. Aphanolaimus aquaticus Daday, Eumonhystera longicaudatula Gerlach & Riemann, Tobrilus gracilis Bastian, Monhystera paludicola de Man, Ethmolaimus pratensis de Man and Ironus tenuicaudatus de Man). The factors determining the vertical variation in nematode abundance in freshwater systems across space and time are still unknown.  相似文献   
Noctuidonema guyaneme is an interesting ectoparasite of adult Lepidoptera that feeds on hosts from at least five families with its long stylet. Noctuidonema guyanense spends its entire life on the adult moth and is sustained as it is passed from moth to moth during host mating. Overlapping host generations are essential for parasite survival. This nematode occurs throughout tropical and subtropical America and is transported by at least one of its hosts, Spodoptera frugiperda, during migration to northern sites in the United States each spring. Noctuidonema guyanense debilitates its hosts. Research conducted to help determine the biological control importance of this nematode is reviewed. Two additional species, N. daptria and N. dibolia, are now known for Noctuidonema.  相似文献   
Habitat fragmentation involves a reduction in the effective area available to a population and the imposition of hard patch edges. Studies seeking to measure effects of habitat fragmentation have compared populations in fragments of different size to estimate and area effect but few have examined the effect of converting open populations to closed ones (an effect of edges). To do so requires a shift in spatial scope-from comparison of individual fragments to that of fragmented versus unfragmented landscapes. Here we note that large-scale, controlled studies of habitat fragmentation have rarely been performed and are needed. In making our case we develop a simple computer simulation model based on how individual animals with home ranges are affected by the imposition of habitat edges, and use it to predict population-level responses to habitat fragmentation. We then compare predictions of the model with results from a field experiment on Peromyscus and Microtus. Our model treats the case where home ranges/territories fall entirely within or partially overlap with that of sample areas in continuous landscapes, but are restricted to areas within habitat fragments in impacted landscapes. Results of the simulations demonstrate that the imposition of hard edges can produce different population abundances for similar-sized areas in continuous and fragmented landscapes. This edge effect is disproportionately greater in small than large fragments and for species with larger than smaller home ranges. These predictions were generally supported by our field experiment. We argue that large-scale studies of habitat fragmentation are sorely needed, and that control-experiment contrasts of fragmented and unfragmented microlandscapes provide a logical starting point.  相似文献   
Abstract. The objectives of this study were to determine whether adult Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata Wiedeman (Diptera: Tephritidae), are capable of synthesizing lipids, and whether adult diet affects this ability.Lipid levels in females fed protein and carbohydrate or carbohydrate alone declined significantly from emergence to the fourth day of life and then rose back to teneral levels on the fifth day, before oviposition took place on the sixth day.In males fed protein and carbohydrate, lipid levels initially declined as males aged and then stabilized.In carbohydrate-fed males lipid levels declined following emergence and recovered somewhat by the sixth day.Lipid levels declined significantly when flies underwent post-emergence starvation, but after substantial feeding on the above-mentioned diets they eventually (within 6–7 days) reached teneral levels in all experimental groups.Multivariate analysis of variance revealed that differences in lipid contents are primarily related to the flies' age, which corresponds to the various sex-specific activities these flies exhibit.Average lipid investment in eggs was found to equal teneral lipid levels in females.Without lipogenic abilities, oviposition would completely deplete female lipid reserves.We conclude that adult medflies are capaple of lipid synthesis, and that this capability is modulated by individual and sex-specific activity patterns.  相似文献   
The leafless spurgeEuphorbia aphylla (Euphorbiaceae), an endemic species restricted to several of the Canary Islands where it inhabits coastal and arid localities, expresses Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) when it is subjected to summer drought. A flexible CAM is consistent with the general ecology of the species. It is the only member of sect.Tirucalli native to the Canary Islands and is at the north-western edge of the section's biogeographical range. The other members of the section have a paleotropic distribution and are found throughout Africa. Many of them are regarded as obligate CAM plants, includingE. tirucalli which was used as a comparison in ecophysiological experiments examining the response ofE. aphylla to drought and temperature.  相似文献   
We studied the effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment (280, 420 and 560 l CO2 l–1) and increased N deposition (0,30 and 90 kg ha–1 year–1) on the spruce-forest understory species Oxalis acetosella, Homogyne alpina and Rubus hirtus. Clones of these species formed the ground cover in nine 0.7 m2 model ecosystems with 5-year-old Picea abies trees (leaf area index of approx 2.2). Communities grew on natural forest soil in a simulated montane climate. Independently of N deposition, the rate of light-saturated net photosynthesis of leaves grown and measured at 420 l CO2 l–1 was higher in Oxalis and in Homogyne, but was not significantly different in Rubus compared to leaves grown and measured at the pre-industrial CO2 concentration of 280 l l–1. Remarkably, further CO2 enrichment to 560 l l–1 caused no additional increase of CO2 uptake. With increasing CO2 supply concentrations of non-structural carbohydrates in leaves increased and N concentrations decreased in all species, whereas N deposition had no significant effect on these traits. Above-ground biomass and leaf area production were not significantly affected by elevated CO2 in the more vigorously growing species O. acetosella and R. hirtus, but the slow growing H. alpina produced almost twice as much biomass and 50% more leaf area per plant under 420 l CO2 l–1 compared to 280 l l–1 (again no further stimulation at 560 l l–1). In contrast, increased N addition stimulated growth in Oxalis and Rubus but had no effect on Homogyne. In Oxalis (only) biomass per plant was positively correlated with microhabitat quantum flux density at low CO2, but not at high CO2 indicating carbon saturation. On the other hand, the less shade-tolerant Homogyne profited from CO2 enrichment at all understory light levels facilitating its spread into more shady micro-habitats under elevated CO2. These species-specific responses to CO2 and N deposition will affect community structure. The non-linear responses to elevated CO2 of several of the traits studied here suggest that the largest responses to rising atmospheric CO2 are under way now or have already occurred and possible future responses to further increases in CO2 concentration are likely to be much smaller in these understory species.  相似文献   
Molecular analysis of actinorhizal symbiotic systems: Progress to date   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The application of molecular tools to questions related to the genetics, ecology and evolution of actinorhizal symbiotic systems has been especially fruitful during the past two years. Host plant phylogenies based on molecular data have revealed markedly different relationships among host plants than have previously been suspected and have contributed to the development of new hypotheses on the origin and evolution of actinorhizal symbiotic systems. Molecular analyses of host plant gene expression in developing nodules have confirmed the occurrence of nodulin proteins and in situ hybridization techniques have been successfully adapted to permit the study of the spatial and temporal patterns of gene expression within actinorhizal nodules. The use of heterologous probes in combination with nucleotide sequence analysis have allowed a number of nif genes to be mapped on the Frankia chromosome which will ultimately contribute to the development of hypotheses related to nif gene regulation in Frankia. The use of both 16S and 23S rDNA nucleotide sequences has allowed the construction of phylogenetic trees that can be tested for congruence with symbiotic characters. In addition the development of Frankia-specific gene probes and amplification primers have contributed to studies on the genetic diversity and distribution of Frankia in the soil.  相似文献   
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