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Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) are conserved regulators of the eukaryotic cell cycle with different isoforms controlling specific phases of the cell cycle. Mitogenic or growth inhibitory signals are mediated, respectively, by activation or inhibition of CDKs which phosphorylate proteins associated with the cell cycle. The central role of CDKs in cell cycle regulation makes them a potential new target for inhibitory molecules with anti-proliferative and/or anti-neoplastic effects. We describe the crystal structures of the complexes of CDK2 with a weakly specific CDK inhibitor, N6-(δ2-isopentenyl)adenine, and a strongly specific inhibitor, olomoucine. Both inhibitors are adenine derivatives and bind in the adenine binding pocket of CDK2, but in an unexpected and different orientation from the adenine of the authentic ligand ATP. The N6-benzyl substituent in olomoucine binds outside the conserved binding pocket and is most likely responsible for its specificity. The structural information from the CDK2-olomoucine complex will be useful in directing the search for the next generation inhibitors with improved properties. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Water-protein interactions drive protein folding, stabilize the folded structure, and influence molecular recognition and catalysis. We analyzed the closest protein contacts of 10,837 water molecules in crystallographic structures to define a specific hydrophilicity scale reflecting specific rather than bulk solvent interactions. The tendencies of different atom and residue types to be the nearest protein neighbors of bound water molecules correlated with other hydrophobicity scales, verified the relevance of crystallographically determined water positions, and provided a direct experimental measure of water affinity in the context of the folded protein. This specific hydrophilicity was highly correlated with hydrogen-bonding capacity, and correlated better with experimental than computationally derived measures of partitioning between aqueous and organic phases. Atoms with related chemistry clustered with respect to the number of bound water molecules. Neutral and negatively charged oxygen atoms were the most hydrophilic, followed by positively-charged then neutral nitrogen atoms, followed by carbon and sulfur atoms. Agreement between observed side-chain specific hydrophilicity values and values derived from the atomic hydrophilicity scale showed that hydrophilicity values can be synthesized for different functional groups, such as unusual side or main chains, discontinuous epitopes, and drug molecules. Two methods of atomic hydrophilicity analysis provided a measure of complementarity in the interfaces of trypsin:pancreatic trypsin inhibitor and HIV protease:U-75875 inhibitor complexes. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The synthetic antibody model “M41” was rationally designed with a binding site complementary to chicken egg white cystatin as the prescribed antigen. In order to permit comparison between the computer model and an experimental three-dimensional structure of the artificial protein, its X-ray crystallographic analysis was pursued. For this purpose, M41 was expressed as a recombinant Fab fragment in E. coli by medium cell density fermentation employing the tightly regulated tetracycline promoter. The Fab fragment was efficiently purified via a His-6 tail fused to its heavy chain and immobilized metal affinity chromatography. To raise the chances for the productive formation of crystal packing contacts, three versions of the Fab fragment were generated with differing constant domains. One of these, the variant with murine CK and CH 1γ1 domains, was successfully crystallized by microseeding in a sitting drop. The orthorhombic crystals exhibited symmetry of the space group P212121 with unit cell dimensions a = 104.7 Å, b = 113.9 Å, c = 98.8 Å and diffracted X-rays to a nominal resolution of 2.5 Å. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase I is an enzyme that is of both physiological and technological interest. It carries out template-directed polymerization of DNA at elevated temperatures and is widely used in polymerase chain reaction (PCR). We have obtained crystals of the enzyme that diffracts X-rays to at least 3.0 Å resolution in a cubic space group. Determination of the three-dimensional structure of the native enzyme along with those of relevant complexes will greatly enhance our knowledge of molecular events involved in DNA replication, will permit improvements in PCR, and will add to our knowledge of the structural bases of thermo stability in proteins. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
The three-dimensional X-ray structure of a complex of the potent neuraminidase inhibitor 4-guanidino-Neu5Ac2en and influenza virus neuraminidase (Subtype N9) has been obtained utilizing diffraction data to 1.8 A resolution. The interactions of the inhibitor, solvent water molecules, and the active site residues have been accurately determined. Six water molecules bound in the native structure have been displaced by the inhibitor, and the active site residues show no significant conformational changes on binding. Sialic acid, the natural substrate, binds in a half-chair conformation that is isosteric to the inhibitor. The conformation of the inhibitor in the active site of the X-ray structure concurs with that obtained by theoretical calculations and validates the structure-based design of the inhibitor. Comparison of known high-resolution structures of neuraminidase subtypes N2, N9, and B shows good structural conservation of the active site protein atoms, but the location of the water molecules in the respective active sites is less conserved. In particular, the environment of the 4-guanidino group of the inhibitor is strongly conserved and is the basis for the antiviral action of the inhibitor across all presently known influenza strains. Differences in the solvent structure in the active site may be related to variation in the affinities of inhibitors to different subtypes of neuraminidase.  相似文献   
F1-ATPases are large multimeric proteins that can be isolated from the membrane bound system that catalyzes the phosphorylation of ADP by inorganic phosphate in bacteria, plants, and mitochondria. They can be visualized in electron micrographs of the inner mitochondrial membranes where they appear as large protruding spheres 90 Å in diameter. The purified F1-ATPases have a molecular weight of 320,000 to 400,000 daltons and are composed of five non-identical subunits (, , , and ). The stoichiometry of these subunits in the complex is still unknown but compositions of the type 33 and 22222 were found to be consistent with some of the available experimental data. This review discusses the recent data and the experimental approaches utilized for the structural characterization of F1-ATPases.  相似文献   
Regularly arrayed surface (glyco)proteins—often referred to as S layers—are a common feature of the cell envelopes of almost all archaebacteria. We have selected some examples (Halobacterium, Sulfolobus, Thermoproteus, Pyrobaculum, Staphylothermus), and we describe the structure of their surface layers as revealed primarily by electron crystallography. In spite of a considerable diversity in shapes and dimensions, some common structural features emerge from the comparison. The glycoprotein arrays are composed of oligomeric units which are anchored in the plasma membrane; extended spacer or linker domains maintain the bulk of the more or less porous surface layers at a constant distance above the membrane surface, thus creating a quasi-periplasmic compartment. Functions ascribed to surface layers, such as compartmentalization, shape maintenance and determination, and adhesion are discussed.  相似文献   
Conformational disorder in crystal structures of ribonuclease-A and crambin is studied by including two independent structures in least-squares optimizations against X-ray data. The optimizations are carried out by X-ray restrained molecular dynamics (simulated annealing refinement) and by conventional least-squares optimization. Starting from two identical structures, the optimizations against X-ray data lead to significant deviations between the two, with rms backbone displacements of 0.45 A for refinement of ribonuclease at 1.53 A resolution, and 0.31 A for crambin at 0.945 A. More than 15 independent X-ray restrained molecular dynamics runs have been carried out for ribonuclease, and the displacements between the resulting structures are highly reproducible for most atoms. These include residues with two or more conformations with significant dihedral angle differences and alternative hydrogen bonding, as well as groups of residues that undergo displacements that are suggestive of rigid-body librations. The crystallographic R-values obtained are approximately 13%, as compared to 15.3% for a comparable refinement with a single structure. Least-squares optimization without an intervening restrained molecular dynamics stage is sufficient to reproduce most of the observed displacements. Similar results are obtained for crambin, where the higher resolution of the X-ray data allows for refinement of unconstrained individual anisotropic temperature factors. These are shown to be correlated with the displacements in the two-structure refinements.  相似文献   
The crystal and molecular structure of one imidazo[1,2-a]-s-triazine nucleoside and its antiviral activity are described. The crystal structure of 2-amino-8-(β-d-ribofuranosyl)imidazo-[1,2-a]-s-triazin-4-one monohydrate (C10H13N5O5·H2O) was solved by X-ray counter data. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21 with cell dimensions a = 7.353 (1), b = 6.465 (1), c = 13.701 (1) Å, β = 104.64 (1)°. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined by full matrix least-squares technique to a final value of the conventional R-factor of 0.049 using 1998 observed intensities. The orientation of the base relative to the sugar ring defined in terms of rotation about the C(1′)-N(8) glycosyl bond is anti (47.8°). The ribose moiety exhibits C(2′)-endo, 2E conformation. The conformation around C(4′)-C(5′) is gauche?. Molecular packing is dominated by hydrogen bonds. Base stacking occurs long the b axis. 5-Aza-7-deazaguanosine has shown a marked antiviral activity in vitro against herpes simplex virus despite the fact that N(3) is effective as the hydrogen acceptor only.  相似文献   
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