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Biodiversity loss is a global concern, and maintaining habitat complexity in naturally patchy landscapes can help retain regional diversity. A mosaic of prairie, savanna, and forest historically occurred across central North America but currently is highly fragmented due to human land conversion. It is unclear how each habitat type now contributes to regional diversity. Using legacy data, we resurveyed savanna plant communities originally surveyed in the 1950s to compare change in savannas to that in remnant forests and prairies. Savanna community structure and composition changed substantially over the past 60 years. Tree canopy density nearly doubled and many prairie and savanna specialist species were replaced by forest and non‐native species. All three habitats gained and lost many species since the 1950s, resulting in large changes in community composition from local colonizations and extinctions. Across all three habitats, regional species extinctions matched that of regional colonization resulting in no net change in regional species richness. Synthesis—Despite considerable species turnover within savannas, many species remain within the broader prairie–savanna–forest mosaic. Both regional extinctions and colonizations were high over the past 60 years, and maintaining the presence of all three community types—prairie, savanna and forest—on the landscape is critical to maintaining regional biodiversity.  相似文献   
We investigated the possible effect of recent (1927-1995) increases in the concentration of atmospheric CO2 on the stomatal densities of leaves of a wide range of tree, shrub, and herb species (N = 60) by making new measurements for comparison with corresponding data reported by E. J. Salisbury in 1927--a time when ice core studies indicate CO2 concentrations ~55 mL/L lower than present. A detailed intraspecific study of the herb Mercurialis perennis showed plants of M. perennis in a Cambridgeshire woodland in 1994 had significantly lower stomatal densities, irrespective of leaf insertion point, compared with their 1927 counterparts. Comparisons made across species using evolutionary comparative methods (independent contrasts) revealed a significant (P 2 increases have influenced leaf morphology in a manner consistent with recent experiments and the palaeoecological record. Further analyses suggested that the strength of the stomatal density response was independent of life form but dependent on "exposure" and the initial leaf stomatal density. Consequently, firmer predictions for future changes in stomatal density across all species, expected as a possible result of anthropogenically related CO2 increases, may now be possible.  相似文献   
Germination and survival of indigenous annual Trifolium species were studied. Seedlings naturally emerging in the field and from sown seeds in pots were regularly counted and uprooted, and survival was studied by monitoring colour‐coded seedlings. Differences in recruitment of Trifolium species were strongly related to the rainfall pattern. In the fallow (crop) lands, no seedling survived the dry season between the short and main rainy periods during the year, while in the natural pasture, 8% of the seedlings survived into the main growing (rainy) season. Occasional rains occurring in the dry period (between the two rainy periods) also induced successions of germination and seedlings death, and therefore depleted the soft seed reserve in the soil by the beginning of the main growing season. As temperature fluctuations were minimal during the main rainy season, the rate of seed softening was low, affecting new germinations. This had a significant impact on the quality of the natural pastures on which livestock in the highlands are dependent.  相似文献   
We measured mature tree and sapling density, tree associations, crown size, age structure, recovery from ungulate browsing, and grass cover at four study sites in two types of subalpine woodland on Mauna Kea volcano, island of Hawaii. Beginning in 1981, introduced ungulates were reduced in number to allow regeneration of Sophora chrysophylla (mamane) in habitat supporting the endangered Hawaiian finch, Loxioides bailleui (palila). We found Sophora regeneration at all four study sites, but regeneration was higher in mixed species woodland with codominant Myoporum sandwicense (naio) than in areas where Sophora dominated. Regeneration of Myoporum was uniformly very low in comparison. Invasive grass cover, which suppresses Sophora germination, was highest in mid-elevation woodland where Sophora dominated. The distribution of mature and sapling Sophora were both related to study site, reflecting previous ungulate browsing and uneven recovery due to grasses. Densities of Sophora snags were not different among any of the sites, suggesting a more even distribution in the past. Selective browsing before ungulate reduction may have favored Myoporum over Sophora, leading to high densities of mature Myoporum in codominant woodland. After ungulate reduction, however, we found no pattern of competitive inhibition by Myoporum on regeneration of Sophora. Reduction of Myoporum is not likely to enhance habitat for Loxioides as much as supplemental plantings of Sophora, glass control, and continued ungulate eradication. Mid-elevation Sophora woodland areas, where Loxioides forage and nest in high densities, would benefit the most from these management actions.  相似文献   
The Coastal Plain of Chiapas (southern Mexico) was formerly covered by large tracts of subhumid tropical forests but is heavily deforested at present. In this region, 15 pastures were selected to characterize species composition of isolated trees, as well as to describe species composition, growth form patterns, and patterns of dispersal units in the vegetation growing under their canopies. The 65 recorded pasture trees belonged to 20 species and 11 families, of which Fabaceae and Moraceae were the most species-rich. Coccoloba barbadensis (Polygonaceae) and Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Fabaceae) were the most abundant and frequent trees in the studied pastures. More than half (55%) of isolated tree species were fleshy-fruited. In the vegetation sampled under pasture trees, 134 species and 45 families were found. Fabaceae and Poaceae had the largest numbers of species. Herbs were the predominant growth form (46.3%), followed by shrubs (23.9%), trees (23.1%), and lianas (2.2%); 6 species could nor be placed in any growth form category. Most species of this flora were fleshy-fruited (43.3%), followed by heavy, gravity-dispersed fruits (17.9%). The analysis of dispersal units by growth form category confirmed the prevalence of fleshy fruits, although their predominance was not so obvious among herb species. Almost half (49.2%) of the flora under pasture trees was typical of secondary vegetation; this pattern was true for herbs but not for most woody species, which were typical of primary vegetation. A numeric classification of the vegetation samples taken under pasture trees produced eight floristic groups, all of which were independent of the specific identity of pasture trees. No significant effect of dispersal unit type of pasture tree on the characteristics of the vegetation growing under them was found. Future attempts to re-create the original forest cover using isolated trees in pastures as regeneration foci should pay more attention to the maintenance of a large specific diversity independently of the dispersal types among these components of tropical landscapes.  相似文献   
This paper documents the existence and character of a little known fire‐maintained anthropogenic ecosystem in the southeastern Olympic Peninsula of Washington State, U.S.A. Due to cessation of anthropogenic burning, there is no longer an intact example of this ecosystem. We present evidence from Skokomish oral tradition, historical documents, floral composition, tree‐ring analysis, stand structure, and site potential to describe former savanna structure and function. We believe this system was a mosaic of prairies, savannas, and woodlands in a forest matrix maintained through repeated burning to provide culturally important plants and animals. The overstory was dominated by Douglas‐fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii). Bear grass (Xerophyllum tenax) likely was a dominant understory component of the savannas, woodlands, and prairie edges. These lands grew forests in the absence of anthropogenic burning. Wide spacing of older trees or stumps in former stands and rapid invasion by younger trees in the late 1800s and early 1900s suggest a sudden change in stand structure. Shade‐intolerant prairie species are still present where openings have been maintained but not in surrounding forests. Bark charcoal, fire scars, tree establishment patterns, and oral traditions point to use of fire to maintain this system. A common successional trajectory for all these lands leads to forested vegetation. These findings suggest that frequent application of prescribed burning would be necessary to restore this ecosystem.  相似文献   
African woodlands form a major part of the tropical grassy biome and support the livelihoods of millions of rural and urban people. Charcoal production in particular is a major economic activity, but its impact on other ecosystem services is little studied. To address this, our study collected biophysical and social datasets, which were combined in ecological production functions, to assess ecosystem service provision and its change under different charcoal production scenarios in Gaza Province, southern Mozambique. We found that villages with longer histories of charcoal production had experienced declines in wood suitable for charcoal, firewood and construction, and tended to have lower perceived availabilities of these services. Scenarios of future charcoal impacts indicated that firewood and woody construction services were likely to trade-off with charcoal production. However, even under the most extreme charcoal scenario, these services were not completely lost. Other provisioning services, such as wild food, medicinal plants and grass, were largely unaffected by charcoal production. To reduce the future impacts of charcoal production, producers must avoid increased intensification of charcoal extraction by avoiding the expansion of species and sizes of trees used for charcoal production. This is a major challenge to land managers and policymakers in the area.This article is part of the themed issue ‘Tropical grassy biomes: linking ecology, human use and conservation’.  相似文献   
Projections of future climate are highly sensitive to uncertainties regarding carbon (C) uptake and storage by terrestrial ecosystems. The Eucalyptus Free‐Air CO2 Enrichment (EucFACE) experiment was established to study the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations (eCO2) on a native mature eucalypt woodland with low fertility soils in southeast Australia. In contrast to other FACE experiments, the concentration of CO2 at EucFACE was increased gradually in steps above ambient (+0, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 ppm CO2 above ambient of ~400 ppm), with each step lasting approximately 5 weeks. This provided a unique opportunity to study the short‐term (weeks to months) response of C cycle flux components to eCO2 across a range of CO2 concentrations in an intact ecosystem. Soil CO2 efflux (i.e., soil respiration or Rsoil) increased in response to initial enrichment (e.g., +30 and +60 ppm CO2) but did not continue to increase as the CO2 enrichment was stepped up to higher concentrations. Light‐saturated photosynthesis of canopy leaves (Asat) also showed similar stimulation by elevated CO2 at +60 ppm as at +150 ppm CO2. The lack of significant effects of eCO2 on soil moisture, microbial biomass, or activity suggests that the increase in Rsoil likely reflected increased root and rhizosphere respiration rather than increased microbial decomposition of soil organic matter. This rapid increase in Rsoil suggests that under eCO2, additional photosynthate was produced, transported belowground, and respired. The consequences of this increased belowground activity and whether it is sustained through time in mature ecosystems under eCO2 are a priority for future research.  相似文献   
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