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不同植被类型对土壤水蚀的影响因子是计算土壤水蚀速率以及选择适当土地利用方式的基本参数.本文以土壤侵蚀模型中的植被因子(C因子)为指标,研究不同植被类型对土壤水蚀的影响.根据6个水土保持试验项目33个小区共195个小区年的资料,计算了剌槐、柠条、沙棘、沙棘-杨树,沙棘-油松、沙打旺、红豆草、苜蓿和草木樨等9种林草植被因子值.林地植被因子介于0.004到0.164之间,以刺槐林的C值最低.草地植被因子介于0.071到0.377之间,以第一年的草木樨C值为最高.定量对比说明林草植被的水土保持效益明显优于农作物.本项研究结果可以用于定量比较不同植被类型覆盖下的土壤流失速率,对于北方农牧交错带退耕还林还草政策的实施具有参考价值.  相似文献   
The Coastal Plain of Chiapas (southern Mexico) was formerly covered by large tracts of subhumid tropical forests but is heavily deforested at present. In this region, 15 pastures were selected to characterize species composition of isolated trees, as well as to describe species composition, growth form patterns, and patterns of dispersal units in the vegetation growing under their canopies. The 65 recorded pasture trees belonged to 20 species and 11 families, of which Fabaceae and Moraceae were the most species-rich. Coccoloba barbadensis (Polygonaceae) and Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Fabaceae) were the most abundant and frequent trees in the studied pastures. More than half (55%) of isolated tree species were fleshy-fruited. In the vegetation sampled under pasture trees, 134 species and 45 families were found. Fabaceae and Poaceae had the largest numbers of species. Herbs were the predominant growth form (46.3%), followed by shrubs (23.9%), trees (23.1%), and lianas (2.2%); 6 species could nor be placed in any growth form category. Most species of this flora were fleshy-fruited (43.3%), followed by heavy, gravity-dispersed fruits (17.9%). The analysis of dispersal units by growth form category confirmed the prevalence of fleshy fruits, although their predominance was not so obvious among herb species. Almost half (49.2%) of the flora under pasture trees was typical of secondary vegetation; this pattern was true for herbs but not for most woody species, which were typical of primary vegetation. A numeric classification of the vegetation samples taken under pasture trees produced eight floristic groups, all of which were independent of the specific identity of pasture trees. No significant effect of dispersal unit type of pasture tree on the characteristics of the vegetation growing under them was found. Future attempts to re-create the original forest cover using isolated trees in pastures as regeneration foci should pay more attention to the maintenance of a large specific diversity independently of the dispersal types among these components of tropical landscapes.  相似文献   

Habitat associations and communities of breeding birds were studied for the first time in a semi-arid region in the southern highlands of Jordan. Birds were censused and habitat variables estimated in different habitat types, ranging from steppe to open, Mediterranean-type woodland. The variation of abundance of several species was explained adequately with multiple regressions of up to five habitat variables. A distinct bird community was identified by using principal component analysis on the highland plateau (e.g. Short-toed Lark, Isabelline Wheatear), in steppe habitats modified by dry farming methods. The plateau was identified as a transition zone of Palaeoxeric/Turkestanian and Mediterranean faunal types. The remainding cluster included species of diverse origins (Palaearctic, Mediterranean, Saharo-Sindian, Afrotropical and others). It was subdivided into three bird assemblages with preferences for following habitat types: Mediterranean-type open woodlands (e.g. Syrian Serin), dwarf shrub formations of higher altitudes (e.g. Spectacled Warbler), dwarf shrub formations, including clearings and the edge of woodlands at lower altitudes (e.g. Scrub Warbler).  相似文献   
Landscape and local‐scale influences are important drivers of plant community structure. However, their relative contribution and the degree to which they interact remain unclear. We quantified the extent to which landscape structure, within‐patch habitat and their confounding effects determine post‐clearing tree densities and composition in agricultural landscapes in eastern subtropical Australia. Landscape structure (incorporating habitat fragmentation and loss) and within‐patch (site) features were quantified for 60 remnant patches of Eucalyptus populnea (Myrtaceae) woodland. Tree density and species for three ecological maturity classes (regeneration, early maturity, late maturity) and local site features were assessed in one 100 × 10 m plot per patch. All but one landscape characteristic was determined within a 1.3‐km radius of plots; Euclidean nearest neighbour distance was measured inside a 5‐km radius. Variation in tree density and composition for each maturity class was partitioned into independent landscape, independent site and joint effects of landscape and site features using redundancy analysis. Independent site effects explained more variation in regeneration density and composition than pure landscape effects; significant predictors were the proportion of early and late maturity trees at a site, rainfall and the associated interaction. Conversely, landscape structure explained greater variation in early and late maturity tree density and composition than site predictors. Area of remnant native vegetation within a landscape and patch characteristics (area, shape, edge contrast) were significant predictors of early maturity tree density. However, 31% of the explained variation in early mature tree differences represented confounding influences of landscape and local variables. We suggest that within‐patch characteristics are important in influencing semi‐arid woodland tree regeneration. However, independent and confounding effects of landscape structure resulting from previous vegetation clearing may have exerted a greater historical influence on older cohorts and should be accounted for when examining woodland dynamics across a broader range of environments.  相似文献   
The extinction debt, delayed species extinctions following landscape degradation, is a widely discussed concept. But a consensus about the prevalence of extinctions debts is hindered by a multiplicity of methods and a lack of comparisons among habitats. We applied three contrasting species–area relationship methods to test for plant community extinction debts in three habitats which had different degradation histories over the last century: calcareous grassland, heathland and woodland. These methods differ in their data requirements, with the first two using information on past and current habitat area alongside current species richness, whilst the last method also requires data on past species richness. The most data‐intensive, and hence arguably most reliable method, identified extinction debts across all habitats for specialist species, whilst the other methods did not. All methods detected an extinction debt in calcareous grassland, which had undergone the most severe degradation. We conclude that some methods failed to detect an extinction debt, particularly in habitats that have undergone moderate degradation. Data on past species numbers are required for the most reliable method; as such data are rare, extinction debts may be under‐reported.  相似文献   
Does agricultural intensification reduce the area used for agricultural production in Brazil? Census and other data for time periods 1975–1996 and 1996–2006 were processed and analyzed using Geographic Information System and statistical tools to investigate whether and if so, how, changes in yield and stocking rate coincide with changes in cropland and pasture area. Complementary medium‐resolution data on total farmland area changes were used in a spatially explicit assessment of the land‐use transitions that occurred in Brazil during 1960–2006. The analyses show that in agriculturally consolidated areas (mainly southern and southeastern Brazil), land‐use intensification (both on cropland and pastures) coincided with either contraction of both cropland and pasture areas, or cropland expansion at the expense of pastures, both cases resulting in farmland stability or contraction. In contrast, in agricultural frontier areas (i.e., the deforestation zones in central and northern Brazil), land‐use intensification coincided with expansion of agricultural lands. These observations provide support for the thesis that (i) technological improvements create incentives for expansion in agricultural frontier areas; and (ii) farmers are likely to reduce their managed acreage only if land becomes a scarce resource. The spatially explicit examination of land‐use transitions since 1960 reveals an expansion and gradual movement of the agricultural frontier toward the interior (center‐western Cerrado) of Brazil. It also indicates a possible initiation of a reversed trend in line with the forest transition theory, i.e., agricultural contraction and recurring forests in marginally suitable areas in southeastern Brazil, mainly within the Atlantic Forest biome. The significant reduction in deforestation that has taken place in recent years, despite rising food commodity prices, indicates that policies put in place to curb conversion of native vegetation to agriculture land might be effective. This can improve the prospects for protecting native vegetation by investing in agricultural intensification.  相似文献   

A substantial proportion of the Abernethy Forest Reserve has Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) growing on the surfaces of a variety of mires. The hydrology of the mires has been affected by drainage and peat cutting but this area is unusual in having had a long period of protection from grazing by domestic stock. There are three main types of pine populations found on these mires. Woodland bog comprises predominantly bog vegetation with abundant pine seedlings due to the heavy seed rain from the surrounding woodland. Only a few very small trees survive, which are stunted, heavily diseased and have very low seed production. Wooded bog also comprises predominately bog vegetation but there are scattered mature trees of a moderate height with an open canopy. The trees are fertile and can form uneven aged stands with regeneration. Bog woodland is a predominantly woodland vegetation with tall, dense tree cover on deep peat. The trees are well grown with a dense canopy. A few remnants of bog vegetation remain in the ground flora although most have been replaced by woodland bryophytes and shrubs. Each of these three types is described and their development is discussed.  相似文献   
Residual feed intake (RFI) is the difference between actual and predicted dry matter intake (DMI) of individual animals. Recent studies with Holstein-Friesian calves have identified an ~20% difference in RFI during growth (calf RFI) and these groups remained divergent in RFI during lactation. The objective of the experiment described here was to determine if cows selected for divergent RFI as calves differed in milk production, reproduction or in the profiles of BW and body condition score (BCS) change during lactation, when grazing pasture. The cows used in the experiment (n=126) had an RFI of −0.88 and +0.75 kg DM intake/day for growth as calves (efficient and inefficient calf RFI groups, respectively) and were intensively grazed at four stocking rates (SR) of 2.2, 2.6, 3.1 and 3.6 cows/ha on self-contained farmlets, over 3 years. Each SR treatment had equal number of cows identified as low and high calf RFI, with 24, 28, 34 and 40/11 ha farmlet. The cows divergent for calf RFI were randomly allocated to each SR. Although SR affected production, calf RFI group (low or high) did not affect milk production, reproduction, BW, BCS or changes in these parameters throughout lactation. The most efficient animals (low calf RFI) lost similar BW and BCS as the least efficient (high calf RFI) immediately post-calving, and regained similar BW and BCS before their next calving. These results indicate that selection for RFI as calves to increase efficiency of feed utilisation did not negatively affect farm productivity variables (milk production, BCS, BW and reproduction) as adults when managed under an intensive pastoral grazing system.  相似文献   
Banksia woodlands are renowned for their flammability and prescribed fire is increasingly employed to reduce the risk of wildfire and to protect life and property, particularly where these woodlands occur on the urban interface. Prescribed fire is also employed as a tool for protecting biodiversity assets but can have adverse impacts on native plant communities. We investigated changes in species richness and cover in native and introduced flora following autumn prescribed fire in a 700‐hectare Banksia/Tuart (Eucalyptus gomphocephala) woodland that had not burnt for more than 30 years. Effectiveness of management techniques at reducing weed cover and the impacts of grazing by Western Grey Kangaroo (Macropus fuliginosus) postfire were also investigated. Thirty plots were established across a designated burn boundary immediately before a prescribed fire in May 2011, and species richness and cover were measured 3 years after the fire, in spring of 2013. Fencing treatments were established immediately following the fire, and weed management treatments were applied annually in winter over the subsequent 3 years. Our results indicate that autumn prescribed fire can facilitate increases in weed cover, but management techniques can limit the establishment of targeted weeds postfire. Postfire grazing was found to have significant adverse impacts on native species cover and vegetation structure, but it also limited establishment of some serious weeds including Pigface (Carpobrotus edulis). Manipulating herbivores in time and space following prescribed fire could be an important and cost‐effective way of maintaining biodiversity values.  相似文献   
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