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Only few studies are available dealing with the relation between winter host density and spatial distribution and spring colonization of winter cereals by the host‐alternating cereal aphid species Rhopalosiphum padi and Metopolophium dirhodum. Large‐scale studies in climatically different agroecosystems in Germany from 2004 to 2006 revealed for R. padi and M. dirhodum larger spring/summer populations in landscapes with higher densities of winter hosts. A small‐scale study was performed in winter wheat fields adjacent to a large hedge with several typical winter hosts plants, bird cherry (Prunus padus) and wild rose species (Rosa spp.) to indentify distance effects (0–8, 8–24 and 24–60 m). Weekly measurements of aphid density between May to July showed significantly higher densities of R. padi compared with those of other aphids. Statistical analysis (Tukey–Kramer test and regression analyses) revealed significant gradients from the hedge to the field centre for R. padi and M. dirhodum. In comparative studies, winged R. padi from winter and adjacent summer hosts were genotyped using four microsatellite markers. The results showed that individuals from a certain winter host were not genetically similar with individuals from neighbouring summer hosts; it, therefore, seems that winter host clones did not significantly contribute to population built‐up in cereal fields over short distances. It could be concluded that on a regional scale, the density of sources for early migrants of R. padi is important for colonization intensity of surrounding summer hosts, but that the high local movement intensity and the relative small proportion of aphids that could be analysed in such tracking studies are blurring close spatial relations within short time periods.  相似文献   
Supercooling points (SCP) of adult Diamesa mendotae Muttkowski, 1915 (Diptera: Chironomidae) were determined at 3, 5, 9, 12 and 17 days post-collection. Supercooling points were recorded using surface contact thermometry and a cooling rate of ca. 1°C min?1. Female SCPs averaged ?22.81, ?23.76, ?23.85, ?23.65, and ?20.87°C on each date post-collection and did not differ significantly. Male SCPs were statistically similar and averaged ?21.75, ?23.53, ?23.68, ?23.66, and ?22.92°C on each date post-collection. Paired comparisons of female/male SCPs on each date post-collection did not show significant differences over time. The overall mean SCP of D. mendotae (?23.05°C) is substantially lower than values of ?5.3°C and ?5.7°C published for adults and larvae of Belgica antarctica Jacobs 1900 collected at Palmer Station (Antarctica) and ?14.2°C for larvae of Paraclunio alaskensis Coquillett 1900 collected at Vancouver Island, British Columbia. In addition, the SCP of this species appears to be lower than that of other winter-active insect species reported in the literature. Although no adults survived after the SCP was recorded, further studies are necessary to determine if D. mendotae is a freeze-intolerant insect. Nevertheless, our results suggest that a low SCP could be used as a mechanism to facilitate emergence and adult activity of this species during winter conditions.  相似文献   
Measurements and observations of pollen grains of varying structure before and after dehiscence of the anther sac illustrate large magnitudes of harmomegathic changes in volume and shape. Such changes are compared for colpate, porate, and colporate grains, and it is suggested that the nature of the harmomegathal action may serve to distinguish colpi or furrows from pores. Consideration of the requirement to allow harmomegathy while preventing wall collapse may provide at least partial explanation for evolution of the internal structure and external sculpturing of pollen grain walls.  相似文献   
《Chronobiology international》2013,30(10):1352-1357
Infants' sleep-wake rhythms are influenced by multiple factors, including developmental and contextual aspects, as well as circadian cycles. Empirical studies that address the seasonal impact on infants' sleep are scarce. The present study examined aspects of sleep schedule and quality, comparing summer and winter months in a Mediterranean climate. This report is based on a convenience sample of 34 healthy 7-mo-olds, an age in which sleep is well consolidated and regulated compared with the first few months of life. Sleep was measured with actigraphy, in the home context. It was found that compared with winter, in the summer months, sleep onset occurred at a later hour, and more motor activity during sleep was detected. Although the overall sleep quality, as defined by sleep efficiency score, was similar in the two seasons, in the summer, more active sleep was observed. The authors discuss the finding in terms of circadian rhythms, developmental characteristics, as well as possible environmental factors and family routines, and call for more studies, in different climates and geographical zones, and in different developmental periods. (Author correspondence: or )  相似文献   
气候变化背景下华北地区冬小麦生育期的变化特征   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
以21世纪初近10年的冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)生育期调研数据和气象站点数据为基础, 利用“多元逐步回归分析+残差插值”方法, 绘制了2000年后华北地区冬小麦生育期等值线图, 通过研究两个时期(1971-1980年和21世纪初近10年)华北地区气候资源及冬小麦生育期的变化, 探讨了气候变化对华北地区冬小麦生育期的影响。结果表明: (1)华北地区北部年均气温及≥10 ℃积温增加显著, 但降水减少, 暖干趋势明显, 中部和南部年平均气温和≥10 ℃积温也呈现增加趋势, 但降水增多, 日照下降, 出现暖湿趋势; (2)除南部江苏、安徽两省冬小麦播种期无明显变化外, 华北地区冬小麦播种期普遍推迟, 一般在7-10天; 冬小麦返青期变化较为复杂, 西部地区的冬小麦返青期推迟2-10天, 而东南部的山东、安徽及江苏地区冬小麦返青期明显提前, 一般在5-7天; 华北地区冬小麦的拔节期提前, 北部地区幅度较大, 为5-10天; 冬小麦抽穗期推迟明显, 以华北中部和北部最为明显, 为10-15天; 除华北南部胶东半岛外, 华北大部分地区冬小麦成熟期推迟, 一般在5-10天; (3)气候要素的波动是引起华北地区冬小麦生育期变化的主要原因: 日照时数与冬小麦返青期和拔节期呈显著相关, 日照时数减少, 冬小麦返青期和拔节期提前, 而受年平均气温升高的影响, 冬小麦抽穗期有所推迟, 积温的增加对冬小麦成熟期有推迟作用, 同时降水对冬小麦生长的拔节和抽穗有促进作用。  相似文献   
臭氧对原位条件下冬小麦叶片光合色素、脂质过氧化的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
运用开顶式气室(OTC-1)研究了O3胁迫对原位条件下冬小麦叶片的光合色素、脂质过氧化和抗氧化系统的影响.结果表明:随着O3浓度的升高,各个生育期小麦叶片中叶绿素含量下降,叶绿素组成发生改变,且在灌浆期变化明显;叶片相对电导率(REC)增大,丙二醛(M DA)含量增加;过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性和类胡萝卜素(C ar)含量降低,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性在O3浓度低于1×10-7(φO3)时逐渐升高,而后急剧降低.可见O3促进了小麦叶片老化,加剧了膜脂过氧化,破坏了抗氧化系统功能,影响了叶片的正常生理代谢.  相似文献   
莼菜为世界著名珍稀水生蔬菜,具有很高的食用和药用价值。已有研究显示,可通过冬芽实现莼菜复壮,找出休眠解除的最佳方法是复壮的基本前提。本实验以莼菜冬季型休眠芽(冬芽)为实验材料,通过光照、温度等处理探求莼菜冬芽的休眠解除方法。莼菜冬芽生根率随着光照强度的增加,其生根率由全黑暗0%显著增长至(16.0±1.3)%;温度和处理时间对莼菜冬芽生根率、根长、生根根数和含水量有显著性影响。其中,35 °C水浴处理6 h后各项指标均到达较大值,上述指标分别为(96.1±2.8)%、(7.2±0.2) cm、74.5±6.0和(83.6±0.3)%;40 °C(6 h)、45 °C(1、3和6 h)和50 °C(10、20和30 min)水浴处理后莼菜冬芽绝大部分失绿变黄;随着培养时间的延长,其冬芽全部腐烂。光照能够促进莼菜冬芽生根;土培生根效果较为显著;适度水浴加热处理能有效解除莼菜冬芽的休眠,35 °C水浴处理6 h为最佳处理方案。  相似文献   
Intergenerational fitness effects on offspring due to the early life of the parent are well studied from the standpoint of the maternal environment, but intergenerational effects owing to the paternal early life environment are often overlooked. Nonetheless, recent laboratory studies in mammals and ecologically relevant studies in invertebrates predict that paternal effects can have a major impact on the offspring's phenotype. These nongenetic, environment‐dependent paternal effects provide a mechanism for fathers to transmit environmental information to their offspring and could allow rapid adaptation. We used the bank vole Myodes glareolus, a wild rodent species with no paternal care, to test the hypothesis that a high population density environment in the early life of fathers can affect traits associated with offspring fitness. We show that the protein content in the diet and/or social environment experienced during the father's early life (prenatal and weaning) influence the phenotype and survival of his offspring and may indicate adaptation to density‐dependent costs. Furthermore, we show that experiencing multiple environmental factors during the paternal early life can lead to a different outcome on the offspring phenotype than stimulated by experience of a single environmental factor, highlighting the need to study developmental experiences in tandem rather than independent of each other.  相似文献   
Fluorescent-amplified fragment length polymorphism (FAFLP) fingerprinting assay was used to compare the genetic diversity within and between tadpole shrimps (Notostraca) populations of Lepidurus apus (n=7) and Triops cancriformis (n=2) from rain pools in Israel. Each ephemeral water body has revealed a unique fingerprint pattern with an entailed genetic drift between nearby ponds. High similarity of genotypic diversity within each geographic area led to three clusters of water bodies, north, south and center of Israel. FAFLP assays on several newly hatched individuals of T. cancriformis revealed high identity amongst kin, as compared to L. apus where newly hatched from the same maternal source showed high diversity. Results indicate that T. cancriformis populations from Israel are probably parthenogenetic as indicated by clonal structures. The higher genetic variability in the L. apus populations and in laboratory-hatched specimens indicates the existence of sexual reproduction.  相似文献   
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