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从生物多样性保护的角度,采用多尺度遥感影像分割方法中的人为干扰度模型,计算分割阈值确定湿地生态廊道的宽度,并结合聚类分析法分类的8种人为干扰类型,对建三江地区廊道结构设计进行了研究。结果表明,廊道分割阈值设为20%,非湿地背景噪声为9.43%,湿地生态廊道最佳宽度为1298m。8种人为干扰度中聚类c1、c2、c3和c4类型是受人为干扰较弱的区域,主要分布在浓江、乌苏里江、三江和洪河保护区原始生态环境区域,将其分别设定为核心区、实验区、边缘区、缓冲区4种类型。廊道核心区中的沼泽类型占75%,总体精度高达93.7%,实验区沼泽占72.2%,精度达到75.8%,边缘与缓冲区起到边缘护栏的作用,缓冲区宽度为945m,本研究为湿地生态廊道的建设与修复提供了可靠、科学的参考依据。  相似文献   
Among years, fry‐to‐adult survival of hatchery‐reared chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta was positively correlated with the length (in days) of the fry out‐migration period with temperatures suitable for migration. Furthermore, survival decreased with increasing difference in mean temperature between May and June. Thus, prolonged out‐migration periods increased the probability of survival from fry to adult, lending support to the hypothesis that long migration periods decrease the risk of mortality (bet‐hedging), and increase the probability of migration when environmental conditions in fresh water and the ocean are suitable (match–mismatch).  相似文献   
雁类是长江中下游越冬水鸟的优势种群,以苔草(Carex spp)等湿生植被为主要食物来源。作为长江中下游仅存的通江湖泊之一,鄱阳湖显著受到水文波动的影响,湿地植被的生长发育与洲滩淹没和出露时间密切相关。雁类对食物资源具有高度的选择性,建立雁类取食植被的特征和苔草生长过程之间的关系,是刻画适宜栖息地时空分布范围,开展雁类及其食物资源保育的关键。选择鄱阳湖典型子湖泊常湖池作为研究区,对苔草春季生长期开展了原位观测试验,对4个高程梯度的苔草株高和生物量等关键生长因子进行了12次野外监测和采样。同时,结合遥感影像、气温数据及实地观测记录,确定了4个高程梯度洲滩的出露时间和苔草有效生长时间。在此基础上,建立了基于Logistic方程的苔草株高和生物量的生长过程曲线。并根据实地观测的雁类觅食苔草的特征,反推得到雁类适宜取食苔草的时间窗口。结果表明:苔草株高与地上生物量显著正相关,水文条件和气温是影响苔草生长的关键因素,而退水时间的推迟,会导致生长期缩短和低温限制下的有效生长时间减少,影响雁类食物资源的分布。苔草在秋季生长期出露达到12—28 d,而在春季生长期出露达到83—182 d时适宜雁类取食。研究提出了确定越冬雁类苔草适宜取食时间窗口的方法,证实洲滩退水时间推迟超过20 d,苔草生长节律将难以匹配雁类数量峰值期觅食的需要。本研究对鄱阳湖湿地水文调控和湿地资源管理具有重要意义。  相似文献   
1 The ability to quantify whitefly migration provides a tool that can contribute to an improved understanding of the epidemic development of whitefly‐transmitted viruses. 2 In an attempt to develop a protocol for estimating whitefly immigration and emigration rates in an annual crop, new traps and sampling devices were tested in the field and models for population dynamics were developed. 3 An estimate of immigration rate was derived from the growth of a natural population of Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) in the beginning of a crop cycle before offspring of immigrants contributed to population growth. 4 A model for changes in whitefly density during an entire bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) crop cycle, including an immigration parameter, was also developed. 5 Non‐attractant window traps surrounding an annual field crop were assumed to intercept whiteflies immigrating into and emigrating away from the crop. Captures on these traps could not categorically be identified as immigrants or emigrants, but the cumulated captures nevertheless explained 66% of the variation in population density found within the field. Hence, window traps may be used as an efficient and reliable alternative to yellow sticky traps, aspirator methods and leaf‐turn methods, etc., for estimating whitefly densities in field crops.  相似文献   
In vivo imaging of cortical function requires optical access to the brain without disruption of the intracranial environment. We present a method to form a polished and reinforced thinned skull (PoRTS) window in the mouse skull that spans several millimeters in diameter and is stable for months. The skull is thinned to 10 to 15 μm in thickness with a hand held drill to achieve optical clarity, and is then overlaid with cyanoacrylate glue and a cover glass to: 1) provide rigidity, 2) inhibit bone regrowth and 3) reduce light scattering from irregularities on the bone surface. Since the skull is not breached, any inflammation that could affect the process being studied is greatly reduced. Imaging depths of up to 250 μm below the cortical surface can be achieved using two-photon laser scanning microscopy. This window is well suited to study cerebral blood flow and cellular function in both anesthetized and awake preparations. It further offers the opportunity to manipulate cell activity using optogenetics or to disrupt blood flow in targeted vessels by irradiation of circulating photosensitizers.  相似文献   
目的:通过比较不同强度及时间窗骨骼肌缺血后处理对兔缺血/再灌注心肌的保护效能,试图寻找最佳强度和时间窗的骨骼肌缺血后处理方案。方法:健康新西兰大白兔42只(雄性)随机分为7组(n=6):①假手术组(Sham)、②缺血对照组(CON)、③标准骨骼肌后处理组(SP)、④延迟6min骨骼肌后处理组(6M-DSP)、⑤延迟1 min骨骼肌后处理组(1M-DSP)、⑥骨骼肌后处理加强组(SSP)、⑦骨骼肌后处理减弱组(WSP)。以开胸结扎冠状动脉左室支固定部位方法制作缺血/再灌注模型,以游离并夹闭双侧腹股沟髂外动脉固定位置方法造成骨骼肌缺血,再灌注末以TTC法确定心肌梗死范围,并分别于心肌缺血前、后及再灌注1 h、2 h,以生化法测定血清肌酸激酶(CK)及乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)水平。结果:和CON组相比,1M-DSP组心肌梗死重量比及面积比分别下降了42.32%及42.68%、SP组分别下降了49.97%及43.78%、SSP组分别下降了48.36%及48.86%,(P均<0.05),但三组之间相比,心梗范围未见明显差异;而6M-DSP、WSP组与CON组相比未见心肌保护作用;肌酸激酶(CK)的水平和梗死范围变化趋势一致。结论:兔在心肌缺血/再灌注之前完成骨骼肌5 min缺血/1 min再灌注1次循环的缺血后处理,可以起到明显的心肌保护作用。  相似文献   
目的:探讨应用微创技术治疗腰椎间盘突出症的疗效.方法:对我院脊柱骨科自2005年l1月~2010年10月收治的128例腰椎间盘突出症患者应用不同手术方式进行治疗,其中应用APLD( automated percutaneous lumbar discectomy)治疗单纯腰椎间盘突出症48例;应用MED(microendoscopic discectomy)治疗复杂型腰椎间盘突出症42例;应用传统后路椎板开窗技术治疗单纯腰椎间盘突出症38例;比较各组手术时间、术中出血、术后住院时间、疗效及并发症.术后均随访8个月~3年,观察复发情况.结果:三组不同手术方式手术时间及优良率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),APLD及MED组术中出血量及术后住院时间与传统手术组比较,差异有显著性(P<0.05);术后随访疼痛全部缓解,无复发.结论:在严格掌握适应症的基础上,采用微创技术和采用传统手术治疗腰椎间盘突出症疗效相当,但微创技术创伤小、术中出血量少,术后住院日短,恢复快,优于传统手术.  相似文献   
Abstract. Question: How do properties of different vegetation components vary along ecotones of semi‐deciduous forest islands, and can the depth of edge influence (DEI) of the components be detected using a novel combination of analyses? Location: Comoé National Park (CNP), NE Ivory Coast. Methods: Along eight transects at semi‐deciduous forest islands tree individuals > 20 cm DBH were mapped. At one transect, tree and shrub individuals down to 1 cm DBH were measured and cover of species was estimated. Split moving window dissimilarity analysis (SMWDA) and moving window regression analysis (MWRA) were combined to detect statistical significance of borders in multivariate vegetation data along continuous transects, to determine the width of associated ecotones, and, thus, the DEI towards the forest interior. Results: For trees > 20 cm DBH, a distinct boundary formation was detected, dominated by the semi‐fire resistant tree species Anogeissus leiocarpus. The median of DEI towards the forest interior was 55 m. Ecotone detection with all species present revealed an interlocked sequence of ecotones for grasses, herbs, woody climbers, shrubs and trees, with each of these ecotones being narrower than the overall ecotone. DEI ranged from 10 m for grasses up to 120 m for trees and shrubs. Conclusions: The coherent set of analyses applied proved to be an objective method for detecting borders and the width of associated ecotones. The patterns found may be explained by successional processes at the forest‐savanna border. The DEI measured for the forest islands in the nearly undisturbed semi‐natural system of the CNP is of relevance to concepts of core‐area analysis and the protection of forest interior species in semi‐deciduous forests in tropical West Africa.  相似文献   
In the context of extreme event ecology, identification of pointer years has become a central aspect of tree-ring research. However, the variety of methods employed for pointer year detection since the introduction of the concept in 1979 impedes a direct comparison among studies. Moreover, most commonly used methods partly rely on arbitrarily selected thresholds, resulting in a potentially inconsistent application of those means. To overcome these discrepancies, we here introduce the “standardized growth change” method SGC, which relies on probability density functions of standardized year-to-year ring width differences and internationally accepted significance levels. To evaluate the performance of SGC, it is applied to 1000 pseudo-populations with known properties as well as to an existing Scots pine tree ring data set and compare the results derived from SGC to the four most frequently applied pointer year detection methods. Our comparative evaluation indicates SGC to supersede the other considered methods. In particular, it identified all artificially introduced pointer years in the pseudo-populations, whereas the other methods missed between 3 and 96 percent of known events. A detailed evaluation of misclassifications by the other approaches points out method-specific weaknesses. Finally, we provide technical aspects and recommendations for the application of SGC in a broader context.  相似文献   
The oviduct (or fallopian tube) serves as an environment for gamete transport, fertilization and preimplantation embryo development in mammals. Although there has been increasing evidence linking infertility with disrupted oviduct function, the specific roles that the oviduct plays in both normal and impaired reproductive processes remain unclear. The mouse is an important mammalian model to study human reproduction. However, most of the current analyses of the mouse oviduct rely on static histology or 2D visualization, and are unable to provide dynamic and volumetric characterization of this organ. The lack of imaging access prevents longitudinal live analysis of the oviduct and its associated reproductive events, limiting the understanding of mechanistic aspects of fertilization and preimplantation pregnancy. To address this limitation, we report a 3D imaging approach that enables prolonged functional assessment of the mouse oviduct in vivo. By combining optical coherence tomography with a dorsal imaging window, this method allows for extended volumetric visualization of the oviduct dynamics, which was previously not achievable. The approach is used for quantitative analysis of oviduct contraction, spatiotemporal characterization of cilia beat frequency and longitudinal imaging. This new approach is a useful in vivo imaging platform for a variety of live studies in mammalian reproduction.   相似文献   
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