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Stress associated proteins (SAP) have been already reported to play a role in tolerance acquisition of some abiotic stresses. In the present study, the role of MtSAP1 (Medicago truncatula) in tolerance to temperature, osmotic and salt stresses has been studied in tobacco transgenic seedlings. Compared to wild type, MtSAP1 overexpressors were less affected in their growth and development under all tested stress conditions. These results confirm that MtSAP1 is involved in the response processes to various abiotic constraints. In parallel, we have performed studies on an eventual link between MtSAP1 overexpression and proline, a major player in stress response. In an interesting way, the results for the transgenic lines did not show any increase of proline content under osmotic and salt stress, contrary to the WT which usually accumulated proline in response to stress. These data strongly suggest that MtSAP1 is not involved in signaling pathway responsible for the proline accumulation in stress conditions. This could be due to the fact that the overexpression of MtSAP1 provides sufficient tolerance to seedlings to cope with stress without requiring the free proline action. Beyond that, the processes by which the MtSAP1 overexpression lead to the suppression of proline accumulation will be discussed in relation with data from our previous study involving nitric oxide.  相似文献   
为探讨重庆大巴山区野生猕猴桃资源的分布现状和遗传多样性,进一步保护和挖掘有价值的野生种质资源,本试验在重庆大巴山野生猕猴桃聚集区开展实地调查、采集,重点分析该地区野生猕猴桃果实特异性和多样性。结果显示:重庆大巴山野生猕猴桃集中分布在海拔978~1758 m的高山上,以中华、美味及两者混杂类型分布为主,另有软枣、显脉和硬齿猕猴桃等野生资源分布,该区域以城口县野生猕猴桃资源最为丰富。果实性状分析显示了重庆大巴山野生猕猴桃有着丰富的表型性状多样性,SSR标记从DNA层面也印证了这一点。采集的41个野生资源按成熟期分类可分成3类:早熟资源5个、中熟资源34个和晚熟资源2个。有14个资源的可溶性固形物达到15%以上,4个资源的VC含量达到200 mg/100 g以上。另外,根据资源特异性筛选出5个有较高应用价值的野生资源。重庆大巴山地区蕴含的丰富野生猕猴桃资源可为猕猴桃人工驯化、品种改良提供种质资源。  相似文献   
Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies, or prion diseases, are caused by misfolding and aggregation of the prion protein PrP. These diseases can be hereditary in humans and four of the many disease-associated missense mutants of PrP are in the hydrophobic core: V180I, F198S, V203I and V210I. The T183A mutation is related to the hydrophobic core mutants as it is close to the hydrophobic core and known to cause instability. We used extensive molecular dynamics simulations of these five PrP mutants to compare their dynamics and conformations to those of the wild type PrP. The simulations highlight the changes that occur upon introduction of mutations and help to rationalize experimental findings. Changes can occur around the mutation site, but they can also be propagated over long distances. In particular, the F198S and T183A mutations lead to increased flexibility in parts of the structure that are normally stable, and the short β-sheet moves away from the rest of the protein. Mutations V180I, V210I and, to a lesser extent, V203I cause changes similar to those observed upon lowering the pH, which has been linked to misfolding. Early misfolding is observed in one V180I simulation. Overall, mutations in the hydrophobic core have a significant effect on the dynamics and stability of PrP, including the propensity to misfold, which helps to explain their role in the development of familial prion diseases.  相似文献   
We describe the isolation, development and application of seven microsatellite loci in the eastern wild turkey, Meleagris gallopavo silvestris, as well as their amplification and levels of polymorphism in the domestic turkey. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 5 to 15 and average heterozygosity was high for almost all loci. Domestic turkeys showed significantly reduced numbers of alleles per locus and overall heterozygosities when compared to eastern wild turkeys. The high variability in these markers should provide the level of resolution required to continue studies of wild turkey population genetics.  相似文献   
We previously isolated a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant (HsTnII), which displays 40% reduced chronological lifespan as compared to the wild type (WT). In this study, we found HsTnII cultures to be characterized by fragmented and dysfunctional mitochondria, and by increased initiation of apoptosis during chronological aging as compared to WT. Expression of genes encoding subunits of mitochondrial electron transport chain and ATP synthase is significantly downregulated in HsTnII, and as a consequence, HsTnII is not able to respire ethanol. All these data confirm the importance of functional mitochondria and respiration in determining yeast chronological lifespan and apoptosis.  相似文献   
荞麦属种质资源发芽种子过氧化物酶同工酶研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
张以忠  陈庆富 《广西植物》2008,28(4):553-557
用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳对荞麦属9个种(含大粒组8个和小粒组1个)32个收集系栽培及野生荞麦种子的过氧化物酶同工酶进行了研究。结果表明:过氧化物酶同工酶酶带23条,不同物种的酶带数4到8条。其中,甜荞有7条带,而苦荞为4条。酶带分析及聚类分析表明:大粒组荞麦种的谱带与F.gracilipes等小粒组荞麦种间差异极大,甜荞和苦荞酶带分别与F.megaspartanium和F.pilus相似,并分别与F.megas-partanium和F.pilus聚类最近,支持F.megaspartanium和F.pilus可能分别是甜荞和苦荞祖先种的假说。  相似文献   
对野生秀丽四照花(Cornus hongkongensis subsp. elegans)种子的生物学特性进行观察测定,比较变温、低温层积、化学处理对种子萌发的影响。结果表明,秀丽四照花种子千粒重76.91 g,长5.81 mm、宽5.10 mm、厚3.99 mm。种子在整个试验过程中吸水率低于8%,说明有吸水性障碍的坚硬种皮抑制了种子萌发。变温条件下,温差较大的30℃/15℃处理对秀丽四照花种子萌发有较好的促进作用,萌发时滞短,萌发率和发芽势较高。秀丽四照花种子经30%NaOH浸泡10 min,可明显缩短萌发时间,但4℃低温层积处理对种子萌发没有显著效果。  相似文献   
野生与养殖许氏平鲉消化酶活力的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用生物化学方法测定了野生和养殖许氏平鲉胃、肠和肝胰脏的蛋白酶、淀粉酶和脂肪酶活力,并对2组个体的上述消化酶活力分别进行了比较。结果表明:在37℃和最适pH条件下,除肝胰脏淀粉酶和脂肪酶外,养殖许氏平鲉各部位3种消化酶的活力全部高于野生许氏平鲉;野生与养殖许氏平鲉胃、肠3种消化酶活力均差异显著(P0.05),肝胰脏3种消化酶活力差异均不显著(P0.05);野生与养殖许氏平鲉消化酶活力的这种差异可能与野生许氏平鲉在自然环境中无法获得稳定充足的饵料有关。  相似文献   
物种编目是区系研究、生物多样性监测和珍稀濒危生物保护的基础。宁夏维管植物编目对该区植物多样性保护和资源植物开发利用具有重要意义。本文在《宁夏植物志(第二版)》的基础上, 结合多年野外实地调查数据和相关文献资料, 按照APG Ⅳ分类系统修订了宁夏野生维管植物名录。结果显示: 宁夏有野生维管植物127科597属1,754种, 排名前10的优势科分别是菊科、禾本科、豆科、蔷薇科、毛茛科、苋科、唇形科、莎草科、石竹科和伞形科, 这10科共有物种939种, 占宁夏野生维管植物总数的53.53%; 科的组成以物种数小于20种的科为主, 属主要以小于5种的属为主; 2007年至今累计发现新记录植物230种; 宁夏有珍稀濒危植物25科44属65种; 外来归化、逸生及入侵植物9科22属28种。就国土面积和地理位置而言, 宁夏野生维管植物较为丰富。本研究结果可为《宁夏植物志(第三版)》修订和生物多样性监测与保护提供基础数据。  相似文献   
Wild bees form diverse communities that pollinate plants in both native and agricultural ecosystems making them both ecologically and economically important. The growing evidence of bee declines has sparked increased interest in monitoring bee community and population dynamics using standardized methods. Here, we studied the dynamics of bee biodiversity within and across years by monitoring wild bees adjacent to four apple orchard locations in Southern Pennsylvania, USA. We collected bees using passive Blue Vane traps continuously from April to October for 6 years (2014–2019) amassing over 26,000 bees representing 144 species. We quantified total abundance, richness, diversity, composition, and phylogenetic structure. There were large seasonal changes in all measures of biodiversity with month explaining an average of 72% of the variation in our models. Changes over time were less dramatic with years explaining an average of 44% of the variation in biodiversity metrics. We found declines in all measures of biodiversity especially in the last 3 years, though additional years of sampling are needed to say if changes over time are part of a larger trend. Analyses of population dynamics over time for the 40 most abundant species indicate that about one third of species showed at least some evidence for declines in abundance. Bee family explained variation in species‐level seasonal patterns but we found no consistent family‐level patterns in declines, though bumble bees and sweat bees were groups that declined the most. Overall, our results show that season‐wide standardized sampling across multiple years can reveal nuanced patterns in bee biodiversity, phenological patterns of bees, and population trends over time of many co‐occurring species. These datasets could be used to quantify the relative effects that different aspects of environmental change have on bee communities and to help identify species of conservation concern.  相似文献   
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