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Recent advances in technology facilitated development of large sets of genetic markers for many taxa, though most often model or domestic organisms. Cross‐species application of genomic technologies may allow for rapid marker discovery in wild relatives of taxa with well‐developed resources. We investigated returns from cross‐species application of three commercially available SNP chips (the OvineSNP50, BovineSNP50 and EquineSNP50 BeadChips) as a function of divergence time between the domestic source species and wild target species. Across all three chips, we observed a consistent linear decrease in call rate (~1.5% per million years), while retention of polymorphisms showed an exponential decay. These results will allow researchers to predict the expected amplification rate and polymorphism of cross‐species application for their taxa of interest, as well as provide a resource for estimating divergence times.  相似文献   
We carried out an experimental study to determine the serological response against myxoma virus (MV) and rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) in wild rabbits using commercial vaccines. Seroconversion against MV ranged between 72.7% and 97.2% in animals vaccinated by subcutaneous and intradermal route, respectively, whereas between 75.0% and 77.8% of the animals presented antibodies against RHDV after inoculation with subcutaneous and intradermal vaccines, respectively. Regardless of the inoculation route, vaccination against MV resulted in a significant increase of seropositivity 5 days post-vaccination (dpv), which did not occur in animals vaccinated against RHDV. Furthermore, seroconversion against MV was significantly higher and faster in intradermally vaccinated rabbits as compared to those inoculated subcutaneously due to either the route of application and/or the type of vaccine used. The results indicated that vaccination significantly increased the prevalence of antibodies against MV and RHDV and suggested that the vaccines currently available induce a safe and effective immune response against both diseases in wild rabbits. Vaccination may be a useful management tool to control both viral diseases in field conditions, particularly in wild rabbits captured for translocations and restocking purposes in which a large number of animals are handled. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
1. A simple, low‐cost approach to estimating population ageing was introduced based on a modified version of the captive cohort method – a technique developed earlier (Carey et al., Aging Cell, 7 , 426–437, 2008) in which information on the remaining lifespans of live‐captured medflies of unknown age is used to estimate the overall population age structure. 2. To test this approach approximately 1200 medflies near Volos, Greece were live captured from daily sampling over a 3‐month field season. 3. This simplified method reported: (i) an extraordinary post‐capture longevity of wild medflies in early season (>200 days in longest lived); (ii) a decrease of 50–75 days in the mean longevity from early‐season to late‐season flies; (iii) seasonality of frailty as indicated by the shorter‐lived flies in late autumn; (iv) cessation of fly emergence in late season as indicated by the absence of long‐lived individuals (indicating newly emerged at capture) sampled in the autumn; and (v) increase in mean age from about 20 days in early season to approximately 60 days in late season. 4. The applications of this simplified captive cohort method are discussed, including its use in the analysis of insect vector populations, Drosophila ecology and ageing in the wild, demographic toxicology, and age bias in sampling.  相似文献   
The analysis of climate change impact is essential to include in conservation planning of crop wild relatives (CWR) to provide the guideline for adequate long-term protection under unpredictable future environmental conditions. These resources play an important role in sustaining the future of food security, but the evidence shows that they are threatened by climate change. The current analyses show that five taxa were predicted to have contraction of more than 30 % of their current ranges: Artocarpus sepicanus (based on RCP 4.5 in both no dispersal and unlimited dispersal scenario and RCP 8.5 in no dispersal scenario by 2050), Ficus oleifolia (RCP 4.5 5 in both no dispersal and unlimited dispersal scenario by 2080), Cocos nucifera and Dioscorea alata (RCP 8.5 in both no dispersal and unlimited dispersal scenario by 2050), and Ficus chartacea (RCP 8.5 in both no dispersal and unlimited dispersal scenario by 2050 and 2080). It shows that the climate change impact is species-specific. Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission and dispersal scenarios influence the prediction models, and the actual future distribution range of species falls in between those scenarios. Climate refugia, holdout populations, and non-analogue community assemblages were identified based on the Protected Areas (PAs) network. PAs capacity is considered an important element in implementing a conservation strategy for the priority CWR. In areas where PAs are isolated and have less possibility to build corridors to connect each other, such as in Java, unlimited dispersal scenarios are unlikely to be achieved and assisted dispersal is suggested. The holdout populations should be the priority target for the ex situ collection. Therefore, by considering the climate refugia, PAs capacity and holdout populations, the goal of keeping high genetic variations for the long-term conservation of CWR in Indonesia can be achieved.  相似文献   
利用27对SSR分子标记对新疆4个野杏群体遗传多样性和遗传结构进行分析,评价新疆野杏遗传多样性水平和分化程度,为新疆野杏合理保护与利用提供科学依据。结果显示:(1)27对SSR引物共检测到431个等位基因(Na),各位点平均等位基因数(Na)和多态性信息含量(PIC)分别为15.96和0.84;物种水平上Shannons信息指数(I)和期望杂合度(He)分别为2.21和0.78。(2)群体水平上等位基因数(Na)、有效等位基因(Ne)、Shannons信息指数(I)、期望杂合度(He)和观察杂合度(Ho)分别为10.98、5.85、1.92、0.79和0.55;其中新源县野杏群体遗传多样性最丰富,巩留县群体遗传多样性最低。(3)基于F统计量分析的遗传分化系数(Fst)为0.05,基因流(Nm)为5.26;分子方差分析显示新疆野杏群体大部分遗传变异来自群体内(95.4%),群体间的遗传变异仅占4.6%。(4)新疆野杏群体遗传距离为0.06~0.49,平均为0.24;遗传相似度为0.61~0.94,平均为0.80;遗传相似度的聚类分析和遗传距离的主坐标分析结果一致,均将供试4个群体划分为两组;Mantel检测显示,新疆野杏群体遗传距离与地理距离无显著相关(r=0.332,P=0.16)。研究表明,新疆野杏资源具有丰富的遗传多样性,群体遗传分化程度较低,群体间遗传距离较小,这与新疆野杏群体的大小和悠久的演化历史以及群体间频繁的基因交流相关。  相似文献   
To study the regulation of cardiac muscle contraction by the myosin essential light chain (ELC) and the physiological significance of its N-terminal extension, we generated transgenic (Tg) mice by partially replacing the endogenous mouse ventricular ELC with either the human ventricular ELC wild type (Tg-WT) or its 43-amino-acid N-terminal truncation mutant (Tg-Δ43) in the murine hearts. The mutant protein is similar in sequence to the short ELC variant present in skeletal muscle, and the ELC protein distribution in Tg-Δ43 ventricles resembles that of fast skeletal muscle. Cardiac muscle preparations from Tg-Δ43 mice demonstrate reduced force per cross-sectional area of muscle, which is likely caused by a reduced number of force-generating myosin cross-bridges and/or by decreased force per cross-bridge. As the mice grow older, the contractile force per cross-sectional area further decreases in Tg-Δ43 mice and the mutant hearts develop a phenotype of nonpathologic hypertrophy while still maintaining normal cardiac performance. The myocardium of older Tg-Δ43 mice also exhibits reduced myosin content. Our results suggest that the role of the N-terminal ELC extension is to maintain the integrity of myosin and to modulate force generation by decreasing myosin neck region compliance and promoting strong cross-bridge formation and/or by enhancing myosin attachment to actin.  相似文献   
2010年9月至2013年4月通过设置人工土壤种子库,研究了野生樱桃李土壤种子库的动态及啮齿动物和凋落物覆盖对种子库中种子命运的影响.结果表明: 在有取食动物扰动下,48.3%的种子萌发输出为幼苗,50%的种子被动物搬运或当场取食,4%的种子腐烂.在排除了取食动物干扰的条件下,樱桃李种子形成了短期持久的土壤种子库,3年后依然有部分种子萌发并输出为幼苗.凋落物覆盖和对照处理中,被搬运和当场取食种子的比例均显著低于清除凋落物的裸地.地表凋落物存留能减少动物搬运、取食,但不足以导致新生幼苗的大量出现,而啮齿类动物的搬运或取食是影响野生樱桃李种子命运和种子库动态的主要因素.
The geographical distribution, population structure and pollination ecology are key aspects in the conservation and management of rare orchids. Here, we address these aspects and the main threats affecting the endangered Cuban orchid Broughtonia cubensis. This rewardless orchid is self‐compatible, but pollinator dependent. However, seed production can be negatively affected by insect‐mediated selfing. Three species of small bee (genera Ceratina and Lasioglossum) act as pollinators. As in the case of other nectarless orchids, we detected two species of plant producing large amounts of nectar in the area, the floral morphology of which closely resembles that of B. cubensis. The simultaneous flowering of these species could positively affect the reproductive success of B. cubensis. Nonetheless, the fitness of this orchid in natural conditions is low, possibly related to strong pollen limitation. To the problems arising from reduced fitness is added the fact that its historical distribution range has been greatly reduced in recent years. Throughout this study, we have detected dramatic reductions in the population sizes, in some cases as a result of human plundering, but also as a consequence of hurricanes. Based on the results of this study, we propose some guidelines to manage and conserve this orchid. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 172 , 345–357.  相似文献   
Stephanie Fanucchi 《FEBS letters》2009,583(22):3557-3562
A novel survival role of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) that involves its nuclear translocation and direct association with p53 has been demonstrated. Here we examined the relationship between the p53/FAK interaction and Ser46 phosphorylation of p53 (p-p53Ser46) in the apoptotic regulation of human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (HOSCC) cell lines, expressing either wild type (wt) p53 or mutant (mt) p53-R175H. In contrast to the wt p53 cell lines, the mt p53-R175H cell line was resistant to staurosporine (STS)-mediated detachment and caspase-3 activation. Furthermore, despite the resistance of mt p53-R175H to Ser46 phosphorylation, both wt and mt HOSCC cells translocate FAK into the nucleus and maintain the p53/FAK interaction post STS treatment. These findings provide unique insight into how tumor cells harboring the R175H mutant may resist chemotherapeutic intervention.

Structured summary

MINT-7294020: FAK (uniprotkb:Q05397) physically interacts (MI:0915) with p53 (uniprotkb:P04637) by anti-bait coimmunoprecipitation (MI:0006)  相似文献   
Two brown trout Salmo trutta stocks of different origin (wild Polish, domestic commercial) came into secondary contact after deliberate releases conducted in virgin rivers systems of the Subantarctic Kerguelen Islands (70 degrees E 49 degrees S). Samples obtained in 2001-2003 and a historical sample from 1993 were analysed for genetic variation at seven microsatellite loci and one allozyme locus (LDH-C1*). Bayesian clustering analysis demonstrated that rapid genetic differentiation formed separate genetic units in neighbouring rivers in less than 20 years. These genetic units were characterized by a large proportion of Polish genotypes mixed with some genomes of domestic origin (up to 30%). A different colonization strategy of the naturalized stocks, likely related with differential performance, was identified as a cause of rapid population differentiation in this area.  相似文献   
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