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The vertical distribution of Tubifex tubifex, Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri and L. udekemianus, in a riverine mud was studied over a year. Distribution was dependent upon species identity, season and locality. The size structure of the population, and hence species life history, was of fundamental importance in determining temporal patterns of vertical distribution. A positive correlation between worm length and depth of penetration was clearly demonstrated for all three species. However, the mid-stream populations of the three species were closer to the mud surface during the summer and autumn than were the near-bank populations, although the size structures of the populations were not significantly different. Thus, another factor, possibly the distribution of food, also influenced the vertical distribution of the worms. Cocoon distribution was similar to that of the adult worms. Cocoons of the larger species, L. udekemianus, occurred deeper in the mud than those of T. tubifex. A comparison between the vertical distributions of tubificids in cores sectioned in situ, on the stream bank, and 30 mins later, showed there to be no significant change in distribution with time.  相似文献   
1. The working hypothesis that neuropeptide gene expression in a neuron is an indicator of that neuron's physiological activity is discussed. 2. Representative examples from the literature are presented to support the hypothesis. 3. Further, we discuss the regulation of expression of two opioid peptides, preproenkephalin and preprodynorphin, in laminae I and II of the spinal cord and in nucleus caudalis of the trigeminal nuclear complex, where they may play a role in pain modulation. 4. The expression of the opioid peptide genes can be induced by both painful and nonnoxious stimuli in neurons in time-dependent and sensory-specific fashions.  相似文献   
The N-terminal -amino groups of 1-bungarotoxin (1-Bgt) fromBungarus multicinctus venom were modified with trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid and the modified derivative was separated by high performance liquid chromatography. The trinitrophenylated (TNP) derivative contained two TNP groups at the -amino groups of A chain and B chain and showed a marked decrease in enzymatic activity. Methionine residues at positions 6 and 8 of the A chain were oxidized with chloramine T or cleaved with cyanogen bromide to remove the N-terminal octapeptide. Oxidation of methionine residues and removal of the N-terminal octapeptide caused a precipitous decrease in enzymatic activity, whereas antigenicity remained unchanged. The presence of dihexanoyllecithin influenced the interaction between 1-Bgt and 8-antilinonaphthalene sulfonate (ANS) and revealed that 1-Bgt consists of two types of ANS-binding sites, one at the substrate binding site of the A chain and the other might be at the B chain. The modified derivatives still retained their affinity for Ca2+ and ANS, indicating that the N-terminal region is not involved in Ca2+ and substrate binding. A fluorescence study revealed that the -amino group of the A chain was in the vicinity of substrate binding site and that the TNP -amino groups were in proximity to Trp-19 of the A chain. In addition, the study showed that the N-terminal region is important for stabilizing the architectural environment of Trp-19. The results, together with the proposal that Trp-19 of the A chain is involved in substrate binding, suggest that the N-terminal region of the A chain plays a crucial role in maintaining a functional active site for 1-Bgt.  相似文献   
A method is proposed for predicting the adjacency order in which strands pack in a -sheet in a protein, on the basis of its amino acid sequence alone. The method is based on the construction of a predicted contact map for the protein, in which the probability that various residue pairs are close to each other is computed from statistically determined average distances of residue pairs in globular proteins of known structure. Compact regions, i.e., portions of the sequence with many interresidue contacts, are determined on the map by using an objective search procedure. The proximity of strands in a -sheet is predicted from the density of contacts in compact regions associated with each pair of strands. The most probable -sheet structures are those with the highest density of contacts. The method has been tested by computing the probable strand arrangements in a five-strand -sheet in five proteins or protein domains, containing 62–138 residues. Of the theoretically possible 60 strand arrangements, the method selects two to eight arrangements as most probable; i.e., it leads to a large reduction in the number of possibilities. The native strand arrangement is among those predicted for three of the five proteins. For the other two, it would be included in the prediction by a slight relaxation of the cutoff criteria used to analyze the density of contacts.  相似文献   
Groups of CBA mice were administered [35S] methionine (1 mCi/mouse). Non-histone proteins, H1 and H10 histones and nucleosomal core histones were isolated from different issues by selective extractions. The measurements of radioactivity of individual bands and autoradiography of dry gels were used to identify methionine-containing and methionine-free histone variants. H1A and H1B histone variants extracted with 5% perchloric acid were methionine-free. However, minor sub-fractions of these histones which are more tightly bound to DNA (and which can be extracted only with 0.25 N HC1) contained [35S] methionine and did show a higher specific activity than methionine-containing nucleosomal hitones. Cyanogen Bromide reaction which destroys non-histone proteins and methionine-containing nucleosomal histones removes radioactivity but does not alter the position of methionine-containing H1 minor bands. This indicates that the radioactive methionine occupies only the N-terminus of the H1 molecules. It is suggested that this methionine is an uncleaved initiator methionine. The presence of these methionine-containing minor H1 subfractions varies in different tissues.  相似文献   
In vitro expression of cDNA encoding bovine opsin is accomplished using the baculovirus expression vector system. Full-length opsin was synthesized which was recognized by poly- and monoclonal antisera raised against bovine rhodopsin. Upon infection with a recombinant virus, 1×106 insect cells produced up to 3 g opsin. Incubation of the in vitro synthesized opsin with 11-cis retinal produced a hydroxylamine-stable, photosensitive pigment.Abbreviations dpi days post infection - pfu plaque forming units - AcNPV Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus  相似文献   
Chromium is an essential trace element and is associated with some biological pathways, especially with glucose tolerance. For these reasons, we decided to determine the concentration of chromium in two sets of Brazilian medicinal plants. The first group consisted of plants that are considered as antidiabetic, whereas the second included plants that do not have this therapeutic property. The concentration of chromium was determined by flameless atomic absorption. All the plants analyzed contain chromium in the normal range for this element, but the hypoglycemic plants contain more chromium than the others (1–4 μg/g compared to 0.5–1.5 μg/g).  相似文献   
Calli have been initiated from young leaves of in vitro grown sugarcane shoots. Histological examination has shown that the two types of calli induced (nodular and friable) originated from different regions of the explants and were cytologically different.This study has shown an obvious relation between the developmental stage of the excised tissue and the potential of plant regeneration of the in vitro initiated callus culture. Nodular calli were obtained from bases of the fast-growing young leaves while their more mature parts of the older leaves only produced friable calli. High-frequency plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis was obtained from nodular calli while friable calli rarely produced plantlets.  相似文献   
Nodal cuttings of white yam were induced to produce microtubers on a MS-revised medium supplemented with various concentrations of sucrose, 20 mgl–1 L-cysteine, 0.5 mgl–1 kinetin and 0.7% agar. The frequency of tuberization was affected by the daylength, which is optimal at 12 and 16 h of light depending on the sucrose concentration. The microtubers were planted in a seed bed and grown to maturity. The importance of in vitro tuberization of yam as a means of international germplasm distribution or exchange as well as for the propagation of planting material is discussed.  相似文献   
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