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Electrophoretic patterns of seed storage proteins, the high-molecular-weight glutenins and gliadins, were studied in 468 plants of the common wheat cultivar Chinese Spring regenerated from callus culture of immature embryos, in 115 plants grown from seeds treated with nitrosoethylurea and in 260 control plants. From 5 to 21 single grains were analysed from each plant. In these three groups, the frequency of inherited mutations causing the loss of all proteins controlled by a locus (null-mutations, probably caused by a chromosomal deficiency) was 0.69%, 2.07%, and 0.05% per locus (the differences were statistically significant), respectively, while that of mutations causing the loss of a single protein band was 0.11%, 0.33%, and 0.05%, respectively. The loss of all of the gliadins controlled by Gli-B1 or GH-B2 (mutations were probably caused by a deletion of satellites of the corresponding chromosomes), was significantly higher than the loss of gliadins controlled by genomes A and D. Gene mutations altering the electrophoretic mobility of a single protein band in the pattern were found only in the second group of plants (0.44%). Therefore, chemical mutagenesis which produced not only more mutations than cultivation of immature wheat embryos in vitro, but also a higher ratio of mutations that altered DNA sequences, can be considered as an easier and comparatively more promising way for obtaining new improved variants of loci controlling biochemical characteristics in wheat. Somaclonal variation, on the other hand, was probably mainly caused by chromosomal abnormalities and could therefore hardly be considered as a useful tool in wheat breeding.  相似文献   
Résumé La recherche de l'habitat d'un hôte potentiel par D. pulchellus, endoparasite considéré comme spécialiste des nymphes d'A. assectella, est abordée chez les adultes femelles et mâles, en olfactométrie, par l'étude de leur comportement locomoteur. L'activité locomotrice et l'attraction sont ainsi analysées en présence de substances allélochimiques issues ou non de végétaux pouvant abriter un hôte. Que les composés soufrés testés soient stables ou non, ils ne déclenchent pas d'attraction chez les hyménoptères quel que soit leur sexe et le type d'olfactomètre utilisé, contrairement aux imagos du phytophage-hôte, A. assectella, attirés par les composés soufrés instables spécifiques du poireau. L'activité locomotrice des hyménoptères des deux sexes est stimulée par divers composés volatils soufrés de synthèse ou émis naturellement par les Crucifères et par les Allium consommés par les larves d'A. assectella. Les substances efficaces sont généralément stables et sont caractérisées par le groupement actif R-S-, à condition que R ne soit pas un allyle. Par ailleurs, des composés volatils non soufrés contenus dans des végétaux autres que les Allium et les Crucifères ne stimulent pas le comportement locomoteur des hyménoptères. Ces différentes observations permettent d'envisager que D. pulchellus est un spécialiste inféodé à des microlépidoptères s'alimentant sur des végétaux soufrés et non sur les seuls Allium.
Summary Searching the host habitat by the endoparasite wasp Diadromus pulchellus, considered to be a specialist of Acrolepiopsis assectella nymphs, is studied in females and males by analysis of locomotory behaviour in olfactometers. Thus, locomotor activity and attraction are studied in the presence or absence of air-borne volatiles emitted by plants able to shelter a potential host-moth. Stable and unstable sulphur compounds used do not release attraction in female and male ichneumonids whatever the type of olfactometer used. By contrast, phytophagous host adults are attracted by unstable specific sulphur compounds of the leek. Locomotor activities of D. pulchellus females and males are stimulated by various volatile sulphur compounds of synthetic origin or naturally occurring in Allium eaten by A. assectella larvae and in Crucifera. The effective compounds generally are stable and characterized by the active group R-S — in which the alkyl moiety must not be an allyl one. On the other hand, volatiles without sulphur, emitted by plants which do not belong to Cruciferae or Allium, do not stimulate the hymenopteran locomotor activity. These observations suggest that D. pulchellus is oligophagous, attracted to microlepidoptera developing on plants containing sulphur compounds and not only on Allium.
A method for the estimation of chlorophyll turnover in wheat leaves is presented. This is based on the inhibition of chlorophyll synthesis by treatment of the cut leaves with laevulinic acid (LA), a competitive inhibitor of δ-aminolaevulinic acid dehydratase. The turnover of chlorophyll in young, greening leaves, given short periods of light was a relatively rapid process. However, in seedlings exposed to light for longer periods the turnover became progressively slower, and was measured in days rather than hours.  相似文献   
Summary Field studies to determine the effect of zero and shallow (10 cm) cultivation on microbial biomass were conducted on several Chernozemic soils in western Canada. Using the CHCl3 fumigation method, the distribution of microbial biomass N and the immobilization and subsequent release of added15N (15N-urea) from the microbial biomass were determined in the A horizon, at the 0 to 5 and 5 to 10 cm depth, during the growing season for spring wheat.Temporal variation in microbial biomass N, associated with the development of the rhizosphere, was characterized by an increase between Feekes stage 1 and 5 or 10 and decrease at Feekes stage 11.4. Over the long term, the variation in biomass N between tillage systems corresponded with crop residue distribution. Immobilization of fertilizer N was related to the increase in biomass N from Feekes stage 1, which in turn, was associated with the incorporation of recent crop residues or levels of labile organic matter in the surface soil. The study demonstrated the relatively rapid remineralization of immobilized fertilizer N under field conditions and emphasized the role of the microbial biomass N as both a sink and source of mineral N.  相似文献   
Variations in the chemical flavour composition of three cultivars of cabbage were determined for plants of different horticultural histories. In some i  相似文献   
A field experiment was conducted to investigate if carbon isotope (13C) discrimination () measured at the vegetative stage of spring wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) is related with the yield and water use efficiency (WUE) at ripening. A line source sprinkler irrigation system exposed the wheat genotypes to different watering regimes, from rainfed to full irrigation and thereby increased the range in yield and WUE attainable in the four genotypes studied. The results indicated that values measured at the late stem elongation stage 60 days after planting (DAP), showed strong positive correlation with total dry matter yield (r=0.732***), and a highly significant negative correlation with WUE (r=–0.755***) measured at ripening 105 DAP. The data suggest that the imprints of measured at vegetative growth stage persists throughout the entire growth period, until maturity. Subject to confirmation from additional studies in other crops and locations, early measurements of may prove a useful tool for rapid and early screening of cultivars, for high yield and high WUE.  相似文献   
Summary The influence of the short arm of rye chromosome 1 (1RS) from Secale cereale var. Imperial on the growth and differentiation of callus cultures from wheat Triticum aestivum var. Chinese Spring immature embryos was analysed. This chromosome arm was found to stimulate both embryogenesis and the rate of growth of calli. Recombinant lines carrying segments of 1RS were used to delineate the regions of 1RS responsible for the tissue culture effects. The enhancement of embryogenesis and the stimulation of growth were shown to be associated with two distinct genetic regions of the chromosome arm; the former is located between the centromere and the Sec 1 locus, while the latter is situated in the immediate vicinity of the Sec 1 locus.  相似文献   
The attraction of the polyphagous grasshopper, Melanoplus sanguinipes (F.), to odors from plant foliage or to chemical components of these odors was tested in a glass Y-tube olfactometer. Humidified air was passed at equal flow rates through a sample chamber containing plant material and an empty control chamber and then through the Y-tube to the holding chamber containing the test insect. Solutions of volatile chemicals in water were metered at a constant rate into the sample air stream with a syringe pump. Insects moving upwind were recorded after entering either the sample or control arm of the Y-tube. Both nymphs and adults were strongly attracted to the odor of chopped and intact seedling foliage of perennial ryegrass and wheat. Chopped leaves but not intact leaves of sorghum and alfalfa also were significantly attractive. The major components of ryegrass odor from both chopped and stem-cut leaves were Z-hex-3-en-1-yl acetate, Z-hex-3-en-1-ol, and pent-1-en-3-ol, in that order, with lesser amounts of E-hex-2-enal. Chopped leaves released many more minor components. The major components when tested individually or in binary and ternary mixtures were significantly attractive to grasshoppers compared to humidified air but not to the degree of whole plant odor. However, a quartenary mixture simulating the odor blend had levels of attractancy equal to that of chopped grass odor. Blends of these 5- and 6-carbon unsaturated alcohols, esters, and aldehydes volatilizing from green plants probably play an important role as olfactory cues for orientation of grasshoppers to food plants.
Résumé L'attraction de M. sanguinipes (F.) par l'odeur du feuillage et des composés chimiques de ces odeurs a été examinée dans un olfactomètre en tube de verre en Y. Des flux identiques d'air humidifié étaient introduits dans une enceinte contenant le matériel végétal et dans une enceinte témoin, et, via le tube en Y, dans l'enceinte contenant l'insecte à étudier. Des solutions aqueuses de substances volatiles étaient introduites à un taux constant dans le courant d'air grâce à une seringue. Les insectes se déplaçant contre le vent étaient enregistrés après pénétration dans une branche déterminée du tube en Y. Larves et adultes étaient fortement attirés par l'odeur de feuillage intact ou coupé de semis de Lolium perenne et de blé (Triticum aestivum). Les feuilles coupées, mais non les feuilles intactes de sorgho (Sorghum bicolor) et de luzerne (Medicago sativa) étaient, elles aussi, significativement attractives. Les principales substances constituant de l'odeur de feuilles de Lolium perenne, tant coupées qu'intactes, étaient dans l'ordre de Z-hex-3-en-1-yl acétate, le Z-hex-3-en-1-ol et le pent-1-en-3-ol, et dans une moindre mesure, E-hex-2-enal. Les feuilles coupées libéraient beaucoup plus de composés secondaires. Les principaux constituants testés, seuls ou en mélanges binaires ou ternaires, étaient significativement attractifs, mais moins que l'odeur totale de la plante. Toutefois, un mélange quaternaire, simulant le mélange odorant, avait le même pouvoir attractif que l'odeur de la plante entière. L'union de ces alcools, esters et aldéhydes à 5- et 6-carbones non saturés, volatilisés à partir des plantes vertes, jouent probablement un grand rôle comme signaux orientateurs lors de l'attraction des criquets par leur plantes alimentaires.
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