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姚远  丁建丽  雷磊  江红南  张芳  牛涛 《生态学报》2013,33(17):5308-5319
土壤盐渍化问题是制约干旱半干旱区植被生长最主要的生态环境地质问题,也是影响绿洲农业生产的障碍性问题.而将遥感与近感技术相结合,是当前评价、监测及预报土壤盐渍化程度的先进方法.以新疆塔里木盆地北缘的渭干河-库车河三角洲绿洲为例,以遥感数据和解译后的电磁感应数据为基础数据源,利用解译后的数据结合GIS和地统计学知识以及野外实测所得到的土壤电导率和盐分资料,分别采用泛克里格(Universal Kriging)、光谱指数回归(Spectral Index Regression)和回归残差泛克里格(Regression-Universal Kriging)3种方法研究了该地区两个关键季节(干季和湿季)土壤盐分的空间变异特征.研究结果表明:研究区的土壤浸提液电导率EC1∶5和土壤盐分呈现显著相关,可以用EC1∶5来代替土壤的全盐量进行分析;电磁感应仪(EM38)所测各季节土壤表观电导率与EC1∶5的相关系数均达到1%显著水平,以表观电导率垂直读数(EMv)和水平读数(EMH)为自变量的多元回归模型拟合效果较好;研究区各季节的表层土壤电导率的空间分布均表现为强相关性,说明土壤采样点间的内部结构性良好,采用能够充分考虑到干旱区表层土壤电导率空间变异的尺度依赖性的球状套合模型,能够更好的拟合土壤表观电导率的空间结构;经过精度比较,回归残差泛克里格法为最优预测方法,这表明将遥感和电磁感应技术相结合,能够有效的提高预测与评估土壤盐分空间分布的精度,为精确地进行土壤盐分预测以及土壤次生盐渍化的防控提供了一定的依据.  相似文献   
高温杀菌对预浸泡豆杆的杀菌效果及品质影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以预浸泡豆杆为研究对象,研究高温杀菌对预浸泡豆杆中微生物的杀灭效果及其品质的影响,以期获得具有良好感官品质和理化品质的产品。结果表明:当温度≥105℃和时间≥10 min时,样品的菌落总数由初始的8.72×108cfu/g减少到50 cfu/g以内,样品的大肠菌群从1.6×105MPN/g减少到3 MPN/g以内,致病菌均未检出。杀菌温度和杀菌时间对预浸泡豆杆中脂肪含量、pH、弹性影响差异不显著(p>0.05),对水分含量、蛋白质、色差、硬度和咀嚼性影响显著(p<0.05),综合微生物、理化指标、色泽、质构的变化结果,经105℃、15 min和110℃、10 min处理后的预浸泡豆杆既能满足产品卫生要求也可以较好的保留产品原有的品质。  相似文献   
The present study describes the usage of dried leafy biomass of mango (Mangifera indica) containing 26.3% (w/w) cellulose, 54.4% (w/w) hemicellulose, and 16.9% (w/w) lignin, as a substrate for bioethanol production from Zymomonas mobilis and Candida shehatae. The substrate was subjected to two different pretreatment strategies, namely, wet oxidation and an organosolv process. An ethanol concentration (1.21 g/L) was obtained with Z. mobilis in a shake-flask simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) trial using 1% (w/v) wet oxidation pretreated mango leaves along with mixed enzymatic consortium of Bacillus subtilis cellulase and recombinant hemicellulase (GH43), whereas C. shehatae gave a slightly higher (8%) ethanol titer of 1.31 g/L. Employing 1% (w/v) organosolv pretreated mango leaves and using Z. mobilis and C. shehatae separately in the SSF, the ethanol titers of 1.33 g/L and 1.52 g/L, respectively, were obtained. The SSF experiments performed with 5% (w/v) organosolv-pretreated substrate along with C. shehatae as fermentative organism gave a significantly enhanced ethanol titer value of 8.11 g/L using the shake flask and 12.33 g/L at the bioreactor level. From the bioreactor, 94.4% (v/v) ethanol was recovered by rotary evaporator with 21% purification efficiency.  相似文献   
Solute concentrations in atmospheric deposition and stream water were measuredfrom 1984 through 1993 to determine the fate and mobility of solutes in twogauged mixed-conifer catchments (Tharp's and Log creeks) located in theSierra Nevada, California. The two catchments contain mature forest standsdominated by Abies concolor (white fir), Sequoiadendron giganteum (giantsequoia), Abies magnifica (red fir) and Pinus lambertiana (sugar pine).Ammonium, Cl-, Ca2+ and NO- 3were highest in concentration of the solutes measured in wet deposition;bulk deposition was highest in SO2- 4, NH+ 4,Cl- and H+. Net retention ofH+, NO3 -, NH4 +,SO4 2- and Cl- occurred in both catchments.Discharge was dominated by spring snowmelt with the largest export yieldsfor acid neutralizing capacity (ANC), SiO2, andCa2+. Export yields of H+,NO3 -, NH4 + and PO4 3-were relatively small (0.5 kg ha-1 y-1).Discharge-concentration relationships for ANC, SiO2,Na+, K+, Ca2+ andMg2+ were inverse and their concentrations in stream waterwere primarily influenced by discharge and annual differences in the relativecontributions of snowmelt and groundwater. The mobility of these solutes iscontrolled by the rates of mineral weathering and ion exchange. The positiverelationship of SO4 2- concentration with increasingdischarge suggests that atmospherically deposited SO4 2-is temporarily stored and that its release is controlled by the extent of soilwater flushing.  相似文献   
The biogeochemistry of potassium at Hubbard Brook   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
A synthesis of the biogeochemistry of K was conducted during 1963–1992 in the reference and human-manipulated watershed-ecosystems of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF), NH. Results showed that during the first two years of the study (1963–65), which coincided with a drought period, the reference watershed was a net sink for atmospheric inputs of K. During the remaining years, this watershed has been a net source of K for downstream ecosystems. There have been long-term declines in volume-weighted concentration and flux of K at the HBEF; however, this pattern appears to be controlled by the relatively large inputs during the initial drought years. Net ecosystem loss (atmospheric deposition minus stream outflow) showed an increasing trend of net loss, peaking during the mid-1970s and declining thereafter. This pattern of net K loss coincides with trends in the drainage efflux of SO4 2– and NO3 , indicating that concentrations of strong acid anions may be important controls of dissolved K loss from the site. There were no long-term trends in streamwater concentration or flux of K. A distinct pattern in pools and fluxes of K was evident based on biotic controls in the upper ecosystem strata (canopy, boles, forest floor) and abiotic controls in lower strata of the ecosystem (mineral soil, glacial till). This biological control was manifested through higher concentrations and fluxes of K in vegetation, aboveground litter, throughfall and forest floor pools and soil water in the northern hardwood vegetation within the lower reaches of the watershedecosystem, when compared with patterns in the high-elevation spruce-fir zone. Abiotic control mechanisms were evident through longitudinal variations in soil cation exchange capacity (related to soil organic matter) and soil/till depth, and temporal and disturbance-related variations in inputs of strong-acid anions. Marked differences in the K cycle were evident at the HBEF for the periods 1964–69 and 1987–92. These changes included decreases in biomass storage, net mineralization and throughfall fluxes and increased resorption in the latter period. These patterns seem to reflect an ecosystem response to decreasing rates of biomass accretion during the study. Clearcutting disturbance resulted in large losses of K in stream water and from the removal of harvest products. Stream losses occur from release from slash, decomposition of soil organic matter and displacement from cation exchange sites. Elevated concentrations of K persist in stream water for many years after clearcutting. Of the major elements, K shows the slowest recovery from clearcutting disturbance.  相似文献   
运用Granier热扩散式探针法,于2010年干湿季对鼎湖山自然保护区针阔混交林4种优势树种马尾松、锥栗、木荷和广东润楠的树干液流密度进行连续监测,并同步观测气温、相对湿度和光合有效辐射等环境因子的变化,研究其树干液流特征及其对环境因子的响应.结果表明:在干湿季,4种优势树种的树干液流速率日变化均呈“昼高夜低”的典型单峰曲线,阔叶树锥栗、木荷和广东润楠的平均液流速率和峰值以及日液流量均显著大于针叶树马尾松;马尾松、锥栗、木荷和广东润楠的最大树干液流密度分别为29.48、38.54、51.67、58.32g H2O·m-2·s-1.优势树种树干液流速率的变化与环境因子的昼夜变化存在时滞;液流速率变化与光合有效辐射、水汽压亏缺和气温等环境因子的变化呈显著正相关,其中湿季以光合有效辐射为主导因子,干季以气温为主导因子.  相似文献   
At the time of Māori settlement, ca. 750 years ago, New Zealand's ecosystems experienced catastrophic change, including the introduction of fire to ignition‐limited ecosystems and the resulting widespread loss of forest. While high‐resolution sediment‐charcoal analyses suggest this forest loss was rapid, Māori populations were small and transient during the Initial Burning Period and there is evidence for widespread fire activity in places where there is little archaeological evidence of human presence. These observations beg the question ‘how did small populations manage to transform large areas so rapidly?’ Using a simulation model, we demonstrate how the relationship between time since fire and flammability in New Zealand's forests drives positive feedbacks that allow for rapid and extensive deforestation. Under ignition scenarios mirroring prehuman conditions, the model did not produce significant deforestation – thus, it is extremely unlikely that deforestation could have occurred without human‐initiated burning. Scenarios where ignition was spatio‐temporally random also failed to result in deforestation. Rapid and widespread forest loss occurred in scenarios incorporating spatio‐temporally savvy selection of ignition locations. Targeting ignitions in flammable vegetation was more important than targeting ignitions in years with favourable climatic conditions. However, targeting in space and time concurrently, such that flammable vegetation was ignited during favourable climatic years was the most efficient strategy of those simulated. Following the Initial Burning Period decadal ignitions would have been sufficient to maintain a deforested shrubland/grassland landscape. New Zealand's Initial Burning Period is one of many that occurred across eastern Polynesia following human settlement, and these events have left long‐term legacy effects that remain evident in contemporary landscapes. Improving understanding of how humans shaped environments in New Zealand in the past has implications for eastern Polynesia as a whole.  相似文献   
Conservation In vitro of threatened plants—Progress in the past decade   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In vitro techniques have found increasing use in the conservation of threatened plants in recent years and this trend is likely to continue as more species face risk of extinction. The Micropropagation Unit at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK (RBG Kew) has an extensive collection of in vitro plants including many threatened species from throughout the world. The long history of the unit and the range of plants cultured have enabled considerable expertise to be amassed in identifying the problems and developing experimental strategies for propagation and conservation of threatened plants. While a large body of knowledge is available on the in vitro culture of plants, there are limited publications relating to threatened plant conservation. This review highlights the progress in in vitro culture and conservation of threatened plants in the past decade (1995–2005) and suggests future research directions. Works on non-threatened plants are also included wherever methods have applications in rare plant conservation. Recalcitrant plant materials collected from the wild or ex situ collections are difficult to grow in culture. Different methods of sterilization and other treatments to establish clean material for culture initiation are reviewed. Application of different culture methods for multiplication, and use of unconventional materials for rooting and transplantation are reviewed. As the available plant material for culture initiation is scarce and in many cases associated with inherent problems such as low viability and endogenous contamination, reliable protocols on multiplication, rooting, and storage methods are very important. In this context, photoautotrophic micropropagation has the potential for development as a routine method for the in vitro conservation of endangered plants. Long-term storage of material in culture is challenging and the potential applications of cryopreservation are significant in this area. Future conservation biotechnology research and its applications must be aimed at conserving highly threatened, mainly endemic, plants from conservation hotspots.  相似文献   
研究了不同的消毒时间和培养基类型对兰花菌根真菌分离效果的影响,以期获得兰花菌根真菌的最佳分离方法.采用了次氯酸钠和酒精作为消毒试剂,发现依次浸没于75 %酒精60 s、2 %次氯酸钠60 和75 %酒精30 s的组合消毒条件下分离效果最佳;选择了3种培养基(PDA、CZA和MEA),结果表明MEA培养基的分离效果最为稳定.通过组织分离法分离兰花菌根真菌,筛选得到最佳的分离培养条件,旨在为兰花菌根真菌的多样性以及共生效应研究提供研究基础.  相似文献   
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