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Summary The influence of repair and replication on the frequency of spontaneous chromosome aberrations and of those induced by gamma-irradiation is reported.Using the technique of labelling DNA with radioactive 3H-thymidine and measuring the radioactivity of DNA isolated from embryos, the time of initiation and the duration of DNA synthesis in barley seeds was studied after the soaking of the seeds had begun. The average duration of each phase of the first DNA synthesis cycle in soaking barley seeds was found to be as follows: pre-DNA synthesis stage, 10–11 hrs; DNA synthesis stage, 8 hrs. After gamma-irradiation, the intensity of DNA synthesis decreased and the beginning of DNA synthesis was delayed.It was found that the inhibition of repair by caffeine led to an increase in the frequency of both spontaneous and induced chromosome aberrations. Caffeine enhanced several times the frequency of chromosome and chromatid aberrations at the time of the maximal activity of repair enzymes. During DNA replication, caffeine had a lower effect on the realization of premutational lesions.An inhibitor of DNA replication — hydroxyurea — had no influence on the frequency of spontaneous chromosome aberrations during the replication period, whereas after gamma-irradiation, hydroxyurea enhanced the frequency of aberrations mainly at the stage of DNA replication.The relatively small mutagenic action of both agents (caffeine and hydroxyurea) was observed during all stages of the cell cycle of germinating barley seeds.  相似文献   
The essential requirement for anaerobic digestion of industrial wastes is that the process should operate reliably at high performance. In the digestion of dilute, soluble wastes it is necessary to retain the active biomass within the digester at short liquid retention times for the process to be economically feasible and this is reflected in digester design. Performance of digesters can only be assessed by interpretation of measurable parameters such as pH2, Eh, pH, volatile fatty acid concentrations, temperature, gas production, biomass content and feed rate and composition. The effects of changes in these parameters on the microbiology of methanogenic digestion and the application of this knowledge in control of the process is discussed.  相似文献   
Stream pretreatment of wheat straw solubilized most of the xylan present. Xylose and other sugars were recovered by washing the substrate with water but only a minor part (34%) was monomeric. Treatment of this solutions with celulases and hemicellulases improved the yield of monomeric sugars to 69%, the main product being xylose. Some xylose was also obtained during enzymatic hydrolysis of the solid substrate although the pretreatment step contributed 64% (mean value) of total xylose formed. A reference model, No. 1, and two other models, Nos. 2 and 4, described in the first part of this article series (this issue) have been studied experimentally and results confirm the theoretical conclusions. An uninterrupted hydrolysis over a given time period leads to a lower degree of saccharification than when hydrolysate is withdrawn several times. Saccharification is also favored if the residue is removed at a late stage, i.e., at the end of the 24 h hydrolysis cycle. Extended recirculation of the enzymes during a 4 x 24-h experimental period gave the following average yields of saccharification on a 24-h basis: 65% (Reference), 73% (Model 2), and 79% (Model 4). It is concluded that enzyme recovery with model 4 is 70% or more, while the Reference and Model 2 attain a lower level of recovery. The design of an improved hydrolysis model is also discussed.  相似文献   
Vegetation zones in dune slacks on the Leba Bar on the Polish Baltic Sea coast are described. Plant colonization starts on moist sand in eastern ends of slacks, in the wake of receding mobile dunes. Communities on deflation ribs, dominated by psammophytic grasses, sedges and lichens, are structurally simple. Communities in troughs, dominated by species of fresh habitats, become structurally more complex in a western direction and they culminate with the Pinus silvestris forest. The main lines of vegetation variation correlate with groundwa-ter depth, micro topography, soil profile build-up and substrate acidification.  相似文献   
In the present study 36 police officers were exposed to a psychological stressor (IQ quiz) and to cold pressor stress while several cardiovascular variables were monitored. Impedance cardiography was used to provide measures of heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, myocardial contractility, and total peripheral resistance. In addition, measures of systolic and diastolic blood pressure and peripheral skin temperature were obtained. A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) indicated that significant increases in diastolic and systolic blood pressure during the cold pressor test were mediated by large increases in total peripheral resistance, whereas blood pressure elevation during the IQ quiz were accompanied by significant increases in heart rate and, to a lesser extent, cardiac output. Peripheral skin temperature decreased in response to each stressor. Additional analysis indicated a degree of stimulus specificity for several variables. For example, diastolic blood pressure showed greater increases to cold pressor than quiz, whereas systolic blood pressure increased more with the psychological than the physical stressor. Directional fractionation occurred for both myocardial contractility and cardiac output.  相似文献   
Primary cultured neurons were fractionated using sucrose density gradients. The activities of four sialyltransferases (GM3, GD3, GD1a, and GT1a synthase) involved in ganglioside biosynthesis were assayed in the collected fractions. The distribution of GM3 synthase coincided with that of mannosidase II, an enzyme assumed to be a cis-Golgi marker. Both enzymes were mainly associated with the more dense fraction. GD1a and GT1a synthase activities, on the other hand, were mainly recovered in the less dense fraction. Moreover, they were colocalized with thiamine pyrophosphatase, an enzyme assumed to be a marker of the late Golgi (trans-Golgi and trans-Golgi network). GD3 synthase activity was equally distributed between both fractions. These results are integrated in a model of ganglioside biosynthesis.  相似文献   
Summary The establishment of actinorhizal root nodules involves penetration of host cell walls and intracellular colonization by the nitrogen-fixing endosymbiont,Frankia (Actinomycetales). In the early stages of the infection process inAlnus, unusual cell walls with undulate profiles were observed in root tip meristematic derivatives, and in early (preinfection) derivatives of the nodule lobe meristem, inFrankia-inoculated plants. The irregular cell walls attached obliquely to preexisting walls, but were not discontinuous. Serial sections revealed that the unusual walls divided two daughter cells. Microtubules in bundled arrays were abundant near the undulate walls, and radiated in several planes. In the root tips, the anomalous cell walls were observed within one day of inoculation withFrankia.  相似文献   
Hexokinase plays an important role in normal glucose-utilizing tissues like brain and kidney, and an even more important role in highly malignant cancer cells where it is markedly overexpressed. In both cell types, normal and transformed, a significant portion of the total hexokinase activity is bound to particulate material that sediments upon differential centrifugation with the crude mitochondrial fraction. In the case of brain, particulate binding may constitute most of the total hexokinase activity of the cell, and in highly malignant tumor cells as much as 80 percent of the total. When a variety of techniques are rigorously applied to better define the particulate location of hexokinase within the crude mitochondrial fraction, a striking difference is observed between the distribution of hexokinase in normal and transformed cells. Significantly, particulate hexokinase found in rat brain, kidney, or liver consistently distributes with nonmitochondrial membrane markers whereas the particulate hexokinase of highly glycolytic hepatoma cells distributes with outer mitochondrial membrane markers. These studies indicate that within normal tissues hexokinase binds preferentially to non-mitochondrial receptor sites but upon transformation of such cells to yield poorly differentiated, highly malignant tumors, the overexpressed enzyme binds preferentially to outer mitochondrial membrane receptors. These studies, taken together with the well-known observation that, once solubilized, the particulate hexokinase from a normal tissue can bind to isolated mitochondria, are consistent with the presence in normal tissues of at least two different types of particulate receptors for hexokinase with different subcellular locations. A model which explains this unique transformation-dependent shift in the intracellular location of hexokinase is proposed.  相似文献   
The microtubule associated proteins of goat brain were separated from tubulin on the basis of their thermostability and then fractionated by chromatography on Sepharose 4B column. Analysis of the fractions by SDS-Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and assay of their tubulin-assembly-promoting activity indicate that this activity resides primarily in the tauproteins (mol. wt. 55,000–70,000) and a class of even lower molecular weight (25,000–35,000) proteins. Electrophoresis of the microtubule associated protein fractions separated from tubulin by phosphocellulose chromatography are in agreement with the results obtained from fractionation on Sepharose 4B columns.  相似文献   
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