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The ability of social insects to differentiate between colony members and others is essential for the survival of the colony. It enables individuals to direct altruistic behavior towards colony mates, while protecting the colony from intruders. Colonies have a distinct chemical signature that facilitates colony-mate recognition. However, in large polydomous colonies, this signal is likely to be modified by factors unique to each nest. We demonstrate, using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), that individual weaver ants, Oecophylla smaragdina, can be differentiated with respect to their colony and nest of origin. 76.5% of individuals from four colonies could be correctly assigned to their colony of origin; and 79.6% of individuals could be assigned to the correct nest (of two) within their colony. Despite the differences between nests within colonies, in most cases individuals from one nest were more similar to individuals from the other nest within the colony than they were to individuals from any nest outside the colony. Therefore, a distinctive colony identity is maintained despite differences between nests within colonies. We discuss the advantages of using NIRS as a faster and less expensive alternative to the analysis of cuticular hydrocarbons following extraction and identification with gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy. Received 26 November 2007; revised 22 January 2008; accepted 25 January 2008.  相似文献   
Batesian mimics typically dupe visual predators by resembling noxious or deadly model species. Ants are unpalatable and dangerous to many arthropod taxa, and are popular invertebrate models in mimicry studies. Ant mimicry by spiders, especially jumping spiders, has been studied and researchers have examined whether visual predators can distinguish between the ant model, spider mimic and spider non‐mimics. Tropical habitats harbour a diverse community of ants, their mimics and predators. In one such tripartite mimicry system, we investigated the response of an invertebrate visual predator, the ant‐mimicking praying mantis (Euantissa pulchra), to two related ant‐mimicking spider prey of the genus Myrmarachne, each closely mimicking its model ant species. We found that weaver ants (Oecophylla smaragdina) were much more aggressive than carpenter ants (Camponotus sericeus) towards the mantis. Additionally, mantids exhibited the same aversive response towards ants and their mimics. More importantly, mantids approached carpenter ant‐mimicking spiders significantly more than often that they approached weaver ant‐mimicking spiders. Thus, in this study, we show that an invertebrate predator, the praying mantis, can indeed discriminate between two closely related mimetic prey. The exact mechanism of the discrimination remains to be tested, but it is likely to depend on the level of mimetic accuracy by the spiders and on the aggressiveness of the ant model organism.  相似文献   
Dispersal is a critical driver of gene flow, with important consequences for population genetic structure, social interactions and other biological processes. Limited dispersal may result in kin‐structured populations in which kin selection may operate, but it may also increase the risk of kin competition and inbreeding. Here, we use a combination of long‐term field data and molecular genetics to examine dispersal patterns and their consequences for the population genetics of a highly social bird, the sociable weaver (Philetairus socius), which exhibits cooperation at various levels of sociality from nuclear family groups to its unique communal nests. Using 20 years of data, involving capture of 6508 birds and 3151 recaptures at 48 colonies, we found that both sexes exhibit philopatry and that any dispersal occurs over relatively short distances. Dispersal is female‐biased, with females dispersing earlier, further, and to less closely related destination colonies than males. Genotyping data from 30 colonies showed that this pattern of dispersal is reflected by fine‐scale genetic structure for both sexes, revealed by isolation by distance in terms of genetic relatedness and significant genetic variance among colonies. Both relationships were stronger among males than females. Crucially, significant relatedness extended beyond the level of the colony for both sexes. Such fine‐scale population genetic structure may have played an important role in the evolution of cooperative behaviour in this species, but it may also result in a significant inbreeding risk, against which female‐biased dispersal alone is unlikely to be an effective strategy.  相似文献   
We report the properties of unique natural-protein hollow-nanofiber membranes produced by weaver ants (Oecophylla smaragdina) and the potential of using the nanofiber membranes for medical applications. Although natural proteins such as silk and collagen have been used to produce electrospun nanofibers for medical applications, there are no reports on producing hollow nanofibers from proteins. Hollow nanofibers are expected to have unique properties such as high drug loading. Weaver ant larvae extrude proteins in the form of nanofibers that are hollow and the adult ants build the nests using the hollow nanofibers. It was found that the nanofiber membranes are composed of fibers with average diameters of 450 nm. The membranes have tensile strength of about 4 MPa, high elongation of about 31% and modulus of 31 MPa, better than any protein nanofiber membrane reported so far. The membranes withstand rigorous boiling in weak alkali, show good attachment and proliferation of osteoblasts and can load up to 4.7 times higher drugs compared to common silk. These features make ant nanofiber membranes unique and preferable for medical and biotechnology industries.  相似文献   
Mutualisms between plants and ants are common features of tropical ecosystems around the globe and can have cascading effects on interactions with the ecological communities in which they occur. In an African savanna, we assessed whether acacia ants influence nest site selection by tree-nesting birds. Birds selected nest sites in trees inhabited by ant species that vigorously defend against browsing mammals. Future research could address the extent to which hatching and fledging rates depend on the species of ant symbiont, and why ants tolerate nesting birds but no other tree associates (especially insects). Abstract in Swahili is available with online material.  相似文献   
陈发军  李建军 《四川动物》2012,31(5):751-754
捕食作用会对访花昆虫的种群、行为以及植物适合度产生影响,是植物与传粉者相互关系研究中常被忽视的因素.本文报道了黄猄蚁对大蜜蜂的捕食行为,并模拟捕食的关键环节研究了捕食过程对重要访花昆虫行为的影响.结果表明,黄猄蚁能够利用局部环境主动攻击猎物,利用群体合作捕获采集过程中的体型较大的大蜜蜂,捕食威胁是其影响植物-访花者关系的重要机制.大蜜蜂具有感知花上危险的能力,模拟处理的个体会逃离危险的花或植株并在花上留下标记,将危险信息传递给其它个体.其它拜访者对具有危险信号花的采集频次明显减少,采集时间缩短;模拟处理的影响会随时间推移而较快地消失.此外,该实验没有发现大蜜蜂在花上停留采集过程中具有明显的防御行为.  相似文献   
In the present study we report for the first time a weaver (wv) gene dose effect on neuron survival and neurite formation in vitro. Dissociated cerebellar cells from postnatal 7- and 8-day-old normal ( + / + ), heterozygous weaver ( + /wv) and homozygous weaver (wv/wv) mice were cultured as monolayers on poly-L-lysine coated glass. Cell death occurred rapidly in wv/wv cultures. Cell counts showed that less than 20% of the total neurons and neuronal precursors (identified by “birthday” radiolabeling techniques) survived by Day 3. Cell death was less extensive in + /wv cultures with 65% of the total neurons and 80% of the precursors surviving by Day 3. In contrast to wv/wv cultures, younger neurons survive better than the total population in + /wv cultures. The impairment of neurite formation over the first week is also proportional to the number of mutant genes as shown by quantitation of (a) the percentage of cells with neurites; (b) the percentage of cells with neurites of a given length class with time; (c) the lengths of the longest processes formed per cell. The mean longest neurite lengths obtained by computer digitization at 6 days in vitro were 41.8, 26.8, and 9.0 μm for + / +, + /wv, and wv/wv granule cells, respectively.  相似文献   
The effects of producer diversity on predators have received little attention in arboreal plant communities, particularly in the tropics. This is particularly true in the case of tree diversity effects on web‐building spiders, one of the most important groups of invertebrate predators in terrestrial plant communities. We evaluated the effects of tree species diversity on the community of weaver spiders associated with big‐leaf mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) in 19, 21 × 21‐m plots (64 plants/plot) of a tropical forest plantation which were either mahogany monocultures (12 plots) or polycultures (seven plots) that included mahogany and three other tree species. We conducted two surveys of weaver spiders on mahogany trees to evaluate the effects of tree diversity on spider abundance, species richness, diversity, and species composition associated with mahogany. Our results indicated that tree species mixtures exhibited significantly greater spider abundance, species richness, and diversity, as well as differences in spider species composition relative to monocultures. These results could be due to species polycultures providing a broader range of microhabitat conditions favoring spider species with different habitat requirements, a greater availability of web‐building sites, or due to increased diversity or abundance of prey. Accordingly, these results emphasize the importance of mixed forest plantations for boosting predator abundance and diversity and potentially enhancing herbivore pest suppression. Future work is necessary to determine the specific mechanisms underlying these patterns as well as the top‐down effects of increased spider abundance and species richness on herbivore abundance and damage.  相似文献   
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