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Abstract The effcct of the transition from fully to partially wetted soil voluine on transpiration rate and hydraulic conductance of mature citrus trees was examined in a 23-year-old, coninicrcial, sprinklerirrigated, Shanio u t i orange orchard. I rriga t i on frequency was determined by the rate of water loss from the soil, a s measured by neutron probes. The hydraulic conductance of tlic tree was coniputed from the rclationship between sap flow i n the trunk and leaf water potential. The diurnal valucs of leaf water potential and sap flow shifted towards lower levels as tlie water stored in the root zone was depleted. In the fully wetted soil volume the tree hydraulic conductance remained constant throughout the irrigation period, from June to Novcniber. However, partial wetting of the soil volume (40%) caused a reduction in the hydraulic conductance of the tree. Tlie decreased hydraulic conductance is attributed to tlie permanent interruption of water transport in part of tlie root system. Tlie rcsults of tlie experiment suggest that despite tlie increase of irrigation frequency, partial wetting intensifies water stress in tlie trees.  相似文献   
Abstract The development of suberin lamellae in the hypodermis of Zea mays cv. LG 11 was observed by electron microscopy and the presence of suberin inferred from autoliuorescence and by Sudan black B staining in nodal (adventitious) and primary (seminal) root axes. Suberin lamellae were evident at a distance of 30–50 mm from the tip of roots growing at 20°C and became more prominent with distance from the tip. Both oxygen deficiency and growth at 13°C produced shorter roots in which the hypodermis was suberized closer to the root tip. There were no suberin lamellae in epidermal cells or cortical collenchyma adjacent to the hypodermis. Plasmodesmata were not occluded by the suberin lamellae: there were twice as many of them in the inner tangential hypodermal wall (1,14 μn?2) as in the junction between the epidermis and hypodermis (0.54 μm?2). Water uptake by seminal axes (measured by micropotometry) was greater at distances more than 100 mm from the root lip than in the apical zone where the hypodermis was unsuberized. In the more mature zones of roots grown at 13°C rates of water uptake were greater than in roots grown at 20°C even though hypodermal suberization was more marked. Sleeves of epidermal/hypodermal cells (plus some accessory collenchyma) were isolated from the basal 60 mm of nodal axes by enzymatic digestion (drisclase). The roots were either kept totally immersed in culture solution or had the basal 50 mm exposed to moist air above the solution surface. In both treatments the permeabilities to tritiated water and 86Rb were low (circa 10?5mms?1) in sleeves isolated from the extreme base. In roots grown totally immersed, however, the permeability of sleeves increased 10 to 50-fold over a distance of 40 mm. In roots exposed to moist air the permeability remained at a low level until the point where the root entered the culture solution and then increased rapidly (> 50-fold in a distance of 8 mm). Growth of roots in oxygen depleted (5% O2) solutions promoted the development of extensive cortical aerenchymas. These developments were not associated with any reduction in permeability of sleeves isolated from the basal 40 mm of the axis. It was concluded that the presence of suberin lamellae in hypodermal walls does not necessarily indicate low permeability of cells or tissues to water or solutes. The properties of the walls (lamellae?) can be greatly changed by exposure to moist air, perhaps due to increased oxygen availability.  相似文献   
Abstract Leaf diffusion resistance and leaf water potential of intact Solanum melongena plants were measured during a period of chilling at 6 °C. Two pretreatments, consisting of a period of water stress or a foliar spraying of abscisic acid (ABA), were imposed upon the plants prior to chilling. The control plants did not receive a pretreatment. In addition to intact plant studies, stomatal responses to water loss and exogenous abscisic acid were investigated using excised leaves, and the influence of the pretreatment observed. Chilled, control plants wilted slowly and maintained open stomata despite a decline in leaf water potential to –2.2 MPa after 2 d of chilling. In contrast plants that had been water stressed or had been sprayed with abscisic acid, prior to chilling, did not wilt and maintained a higher leaf water potential and a greater leaf diffusion resistance. In plants that had not received a pretreatment, abscisic acid caused stomatal closure at 35 °C, but at 6°C it did not influence stomatal aperture. The two pretreatments greatly increased stomatal sensitivity to both exogenous ABA and water stress, at both temperatures. Stomatal response to water loss from excised leaves was greatly reduced at 6°C. These results are discussed in relation to low temperature effects on stomata and the influence of preconditioning upon plant water relations.  相似文献   
Big Moose Basin: simulation of response to acidic deposition   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The ILWAS model has been enhanced for application to multiple-lake hydrologic basins. This version of the model has been applied to the Big Moose basin, which includes Big Moose Lake and its tributary streams, lakes, and watersheds. The basin, as defined, includes an area of 96 km2, with over 20 lakes and ponds, and 70 km of streams. Hydrologic and chemical calibrations have been made using data from seven sampling stations. When total atmospheric sulfur loading to the basin is halved, the model predicts, after four years of simulation, a decreasing sulfate concentration and to a lesser extent a rising alkalinity at Big Moose Lake outlet. At the end of four years, the results show an increase in pH of 0.1 to 0.5 pH units depending upon season.  相似文献   
Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. seedlings were exposed to SO2, NO2 and SO2+ NO2 during dormancy in controlled environments, and were taken to night temperatures of 4, 0, −5, −10 and −15 °C in a freezer. Conditions in the freezer were carefully monitored during the low–temperature treatments. In two experiments, different photoenvironments and temperature regimes were imposed prior to the cold treatments, and different effects were observed. In the first, only limited frost hardiness was achieved and night temperatures of −15 °C were lethal. Temperatures of −5 and − 10 °C led to poor survival of lateral buds, particularly in plants exposed to 45 ppb SO2. The poor bud break in plants exposed to SO2 and to − 5 °C resulted in a loss of the effectiveness of this temperature as a chill requirement. Pressure-volume analysis showed that the shoots of plants exposed to NO2 had greater elasticity (lower elastic moduli, e), so that loss of turgor occurred at lower relative water contents. In contrast, a hardening period (2 weeks in night/day temperatures of 3/10 °C and 8 h days at 50 μmol m−2 s−1 PAR) gave decreased elasticity and lower solute potentials of spruce shoots. In the second experiment, exposure to 30 ppb SO2 and SO2+ NO2 led to slight, but consistent, increases in frost injury to the needles of plants frozen to − 5 and − 10 °C. The results suggest that the main interaction of low temperatures and winter pollutants may be on bud survival rather than on needle damage, but that effects are subtle, only occurring with certain combinations of pollutant dose and cold treatment.  相似文献   
Emergence and growth of barley was severely decreased by short periods (less than 24 hours) of pre-emergence waterlogging at 20°C. The extent of damage depended on a combination of duration of waterlogging, soil water potential and aggregate size. Potentials of less than—4kPa prevented loss of plants developing in aggregates of less than 2 mm diameter after a transitory period of waterlogging although some shoot and root damage occurred. By comparison seeds growing in soil consisting of aggregates greater than 2 mm in diameter were not damaged by transitory waterlogging even when drainage only occurred at−0.8kPa. The severity of damage increased with the period of waterlogging. A criterion obtained as the product of mean size grade and water potential gave a single value (−4NM−1) below which emergence was satisfactory. Waterlogging halfway through germination gave more severe damage than near sowing date or near emergence.  相似文献   
Summary It has previously been shown by Macey and Farmer (Biochim. Biophys. Acta 211:104–106, 1970) that phloretin inhibits urea transport across the human red cell membrane yet has no effect on water transport. Jennings and Solomon (J. Gen. Physiol. 67:381–397, 1976) have shown that there are separate lipid and protein binding sites for phloretin on the red cell membrane. We have now found that urea transport is inhibited by phloretin binding to the lipids with aK 1 of 25±8 m in reason-able agreement with theK D of 54±5 m for lipid binding. These experiments show that lipid/protein interactions can alter the conformational state of the urea transport protein. Phloretin binding to the protein site also modulates red cell urea transport, but the modulation is opposed by the specific stilbene anion transport inhibitor, DIDS (4,4-diisothiocyano-2,2-stilbene disulfonate), suggesting a linkage between the urea transport protein and band 3. Neither the lipid nor the protein phloretin binding site has any significant effect on water transport. Water transport is, however, inhibited by up to 30% in a pH-dependent manner by DIDS binding, which suggests that the DIDS/band 3 complex can modulate water transport.  相似文献   
FOUNTAIN, D. W., HOLDSWORTH, J. M. & OUTRED, H. A., 1989. The dispersal unit of Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (A. Rich.) de Laubenfels (Podocarpaceae) and the significance of the fleshy receptacle. Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (formerly Podocarpus dacrydioides ) is an arborescent gymnosperm endemic to New Zealand. The high water content (43%) and sensitivity of viability towards desiccation, suggest the seeds are of the 'recalcitrant' type. The 'fruits' comprising a seed borne on a fleshy receptacle arc shed in large numbers. The development of the seed precedes the full development of succulence in the receptacle and at maturity the seed has a high relative water content (RWC) relative to the receptacle. Within the maturing reproductive unit, the receptacle buffers the seed against the effects of water stress. After shedding, seeds are rapidly desiccated in moving air, and viability is impaired below approximately 80"' RWC and abolished at 34", seed RWC. The presence of the receptacle during drying confers resistance to desiccation-associated damage. Five phases of desiccation sensitivity are distinguished in recognition of the protective role of the receptacle. It is suggested that the advantages associated with prolonging seed viability may have contributed to the evolutionary development of succulence in the reproductive unit. This might be considered as a selection pressure in a manner similar to the proposal that such fleshy structures are associated with seed dispersal by birds.  相似文献   
A horizontal plexiglas tube containing a food-reward was presented to four naive tufted capuchins and suitable sticks were provided to push the reward out. Three monkeys out of four spontaneously used the tools and showed very different styles of solving the task. In more complex conditions, in which the sticks needed to be combined or actively modified in order to become effective, the monkeys were always successful; however, their performance was loaded with errors which did not disappear throughout the trials. Evidence of a difference between success in solving the problem and its understanding was found. This suggests that although capuchins can discover new means through active experimentation, they do not mentally represent the characteristics necessary for a tool to be effective, nor do they modify the tool appropriately beforehand. At this level, a major difference with chimpanzees emerges.  相似文献   
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