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AIMS: An internal positive control for Cryptosporidium and Giardia monitoring was evaluated for use in routine water monitoring quality control. The control, known as ColorSeed C&G (BTF Pty Ltd, Sydney, Australia), is a suspension containing exactly 100 Cryptosporidium oocysts and 100 Giardia cysts that have been modified by attachment of Texas Red to the cell wall, allowing them to be differentiated from unmodified oocysts and cysts. The control enables recovery efficiencies to be determined for every water sample analysed. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 494 water samples were seeded with ColorSeed C&G and with unlabelled Cryptosporidium and Giardia and then analysed. Additionally, the robustness of the ColorSeed labelling was challenged with various chemical treatments. Recoveries were significantly lower for the ColorSeed Texas Red labelled Cryptosporidium and Giardia than recoveries of unlabelled Cryptosporidium and Giardia. However, the differences in recoveries were small. On average ColorSeed Cryptosporidium recoveries were 3.3% lower than unlabelled Cryptosporidium, and ColorSeed Giardia recoveries were 4% lower than unlabelled Giardia. CONCLUSIONS: ColorSeed C&G is suitable for use as an internal positive control for routine monitoring of both treated and raw water samples. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The small differences in recoveries are unlikely to limit the usefulness of ColorSeed C&G as an internal positive control. The ColorSeed labelling was found to be robust after different treatments.  相似文献   
AIMS: To profile fractions of active bacteria and of bacteria culturable with routine heterotrophic plate count (HPC) methods through a typical water treatment process and subsequent distribution system. In doing so, investigate how water treatment affects both bacterial abundance and diversity, and reveal the identities of active bacteria not detected by traditional HPC culture. METHODS AND RESULTS: Profiling active fractions was performed by flow cytometric cell sorting of either membrane-intact (BacLight kit) or enzymatically active (carboxyfluorescein diacetate, CFDA) bacteria, followed by eubacterial 16S rDNA-directed PCR and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Water treatment significantly reduced active bacterial numbers detected by the BacLight kit and CFDA assay by 2.89 and 2.81 log respectively. Bacterial diversity was also reduced from > 20 DGGE bands in the active fractions of reservoir water to only two bands in the active fractions of finished water. These two bands represented Stenotrophomonas maltophila, initially culturable by HPC, and a Burkholderia-related species. Both species maintained measurable traits of physiological activity in distribution system bulk water but were undetected by HPC. CONCLUSIONS: Flow cytometric cell sorting with PCR-DGGE, to assess water treatment efficacy, identified active bacteria from a variety of major phylogenetic groups undetected by routine HPC. Following treatment S. maltophila and a Burkholderia-related species retained activity and entered distribution undetected by HPC. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Methods used here demonstrate how water treatment operators can better monitor water treatment plant efficacy and assess distribution system instability by the detection and identification of active bacteria recalcitrant to routine HPC culture.  相似文献   
干旱与条锈病复合胁迫对小麦的生理影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以抗旱性和抗病性不同的小麦为材料,以正常生长为对照,观察了病原菌和水分复合胁迫对小麦叶片相对含水量、活性氧代谢以及对抗氰呼吸的发生、运行的影响。讨论了在干旱与病原菌侵染复合胁迫下,抗氰呼吸在植物抗逆机制中所扮演的角色。复合胁迫下,抗病小麦显然具备更强的水分调控能力,而感病品种不能有效控制病叶水分散失。水分胁迫能引起抗氰呼吸的下降,但不能抵消因病原菌侵染引起的抗氰呼吸的增强,条锈菌侵染对小麦抗氰呼吸的影响远远大于水分胁迫。病原菌侵染和水分复合胁迫下,活性氧产生的速率表现出累加效应,而抗氰呼吸表现出和基质抗氧化酶的活性互补。植物交替氧化酶在干旱与病原菌侵染复合胁迫中具有重要的抗氧化功能,并可能调节着逆境下物质与能量需求间的矛盾。  相似文献   
An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of water stress on nutritional changes in tolerant (DS-4 and Chakwal-86) and susceptible (DS-17 and Pavon) genotypes in lysimeters. The stress was imposed at different growth stages (pre-anthesis, post-anthesis, terminal drought). The biomass (dry weight) and Ca, Mg and P concentration decreased with water stress in all the wheat genotypes. However, the tolerant genotypes had less reduction than susceptible at all the treatments. Potassium increased in all wheat genotypes due to water stress and was higher in tolerant than susceptible genotypes. Sodium content was not affected by water stress.  相似文献   
Rhizopus arrhizus lipase immobilized on celite was used to prepare isomerically pure 2-monoglycerides by alcoholysis of triglycerides in organic media. Reaction parameters such as choice of solvent, choice of alcohol, and alcohol concentration were studied. When 12.5 mM tripalmitin was used as substrate, methyl-tert-butyl ether was the best solvent for alcoholysis at water activity 0.11. Ethanol gave the highest yield (97%) at an optimal ethanol concentration of 200–300 mM. At higher alcohol concentrations, the enzyme activity was substantially lowered. The enzyme preparation showed high stability in repeated-batch reactions.  相似文献   
祁连山作为我国重要的生态功能区、西北地区重要的生态安全屏障和河流产流区,是气候变化敏感区和生态环境脆弱区,其生态环境对西北地区经济发展起着重要作用。本研究利用祁连山区气温和降水观测数据、MOD10A2积雪产品以及石羊河、黑河和疏勒河流量资料,系统分析了1961—2020年祁连山区的气候变化特征,以及在气候变暖背景下,气候变化对祁连山区水资源的影响。结果表明: 1961—2020年,祁连山区平均气温呈显著上升趋势,升温速率达0.39 ℃·(10 a)-1,西段升温速率最大,中、东段次之,冬季升温趋势最显著,春季最小;祁连山区平均气温在1997年发生突变。祁连山区年降水量总体呈波动增加趋势[10 mm·(10 a)-1],中段增加最明显,2004年以来祁连山区处于多雨时期,气候呈暖湿化趋势;四季降水量均呈增加趋势,夏季降水增加对年降水贡献最大;年降水以年际尺度变化为主,2.8年的年际尺度贡献率高达64.3%。祁连山积雪面积受气温和降雪影响明显,与夏季气温存在负相关,与降雪量存在正相关;2016—2020年,祁连山增温趋缓、降雪增多,积雪面积呈增加趋势。2000年以来,祁连山升温加剧,降水增多,冰雪融水增加,石羊河、黑河和疏勒河出山径流均呈增加趋势。研究结果对祁连山区生态文明建设和应对气候变化具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Despite its importance for carbon storage and other ecosystem functions, the variation in vegetation canopy height is not yet well understood. We examined the relationship between this community attribute and environmental heterogeneity in a tropical dry forest of southern Mexico. We sampled vegetation in 15 sites along a 100‐km coastal stretch of Oaxaca State, and measured the heights of all woody plants (excluding lianas). The majority of the ca. 4000 individuals recorded concentrated in the 4–8 m height range. We defined three plant sets to describe overall community canopy height at each site: a set including all plants, a set made up by the tallest plants representing 10 percent of all individuals, and a set comprising the 10 tallest plants. For each site we computed maximum height and the mean and median heights of the three sets. Significant collinearity was observed between the seven resulting height variables, but null distributions constructed through bootstrap revealed their different behaviors as functions of species richness and density of individuals. Through linear modeling and a model selection procedure, we identified 21 models that best described the variation in canopy height variables. These models pointed out to soil (measured as PC1 of a principal component analysis performed on 10 soil variables), water stress, and elevation as the main drivers of canopy height variation in the region. In the event of increasing water stress resulting from global climate change, the studied tropical dry forests could become shorter and thus decrease their carbon storage potential.  相似文献   
Changes in temperature and moisture as a result of climate forcing can impact performance of planted trees. Tree performance may also be sensitive to new soil conditions, for example, brought about by seeds germinating in soils different from those colonized by ancestral populations. Such “edaphic constraint” may occur with natural migration or human‐assisted movement. Pinus ponderosa seedlings, sourced from one location (“home” site), were grown across a field environmental gradient in either their original home soil or in soils from two different “away” sites. Seedlings were inoculated with site‐specific soil organisms by germinating seeds in living soil. After 6 months, the inoculated seedlings were transplanted into sterilized soils from the home or away sites. This experimental design allowed us to uncouple the importance of abiotic and biotic soil properties and test (1) how biotic and abiotic soil properties interact with climate to influence plant growth and stress tolerance, and (2) the role of soil biota in facilitating growth in novel environments. Seedlings grew least in hotter and drier away sites with away soil biota. Home soil biota ameliorated negative impacts on growth of hotter and drier away sites. Measurements of photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, and chlorophyll florescence (Fv/Fm) suggest that edaphic constraint reduced growth by increasing tree water stress. Results suggest that success of Ponderosa pine plantings into warming environments will be enhanced by pre‐inoculation with native soil biota of the seed source.  相似文献   
Aerobic rice is a new production system in which specially-developed varieties are grown under non-flooded, non-puddled, and non-saturated soil conditions. In 2003-2004, irrigation x Nitrogen experiments were carried out near Beijing using variety HD297. Water treatments included four irrigation levels, and Nitrogen treatments included different fertilizer N application rates and different numbers of N splits. The highest yields were 4460 kg/ha with 688 mm of total (rain plus irrigation) water input in 2003 and 6 026 kg/ha with 705 mm of water input in 2004. Because of the quite even distribution of rainfall in both years, the four irrigation treatments did not result in large differences of soil water conditions. There were few significant effects of irrigation on biomass accumulation, but yield increased with the total amount of water applied. High yields coincided with high harvest index and high percentages of grain filling. The application of fertilizer N either reduced biomass and yield or kept it at the same level as 0 N and consistently reduced the percentage grain filling and 1 000-grain weight. With the highest water application, five splits of N gave higher yield than three splits, whereas three splits gave higher yield than five splits with lower water applications.  相似文献   
Concurrent observations of soil water potential and leaf stomata diffusion resistance were made on two, plots of wheat grown at Datun Agro-ecological Experimental Station in Beijing under two different soil water conditions. These data were further complemented by weather and physiological observation. In this paper, we mainly analysed the influence of soil water potential on the status of wheat leaf stomatal resistance. The results indicate that: (1) there is a obvious influence of soil water potential on the status of wheat leaf stomata under normal conditions and (2) there is a different upper and lower epidermis stomata of wheat leaf respond to the soil water potential. The lower epidermis stomata are more sensitive to soil water potential than upper epidermis one. (3) There is a linear relationship between the ratio of lower and upper epidermis stomata resistance and soil water potential in root layer, according to this we can diagnose the degree of wheat water deficit.  相似文献   
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