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Using the reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with mobile phases composed of simple acids, we have developed an assay technique for the measurement of adrenolutin, one of the oxidation products of catecholamines, in rat plasma. Ion-pairing chromatography permits the separation and quantitation of plasma adrenolutin (M) in a linear manner. Sample preparation involved the precipitation of plasma proteins with perchloric acid and it is easier to handle a large number of samples at a time. However, we were unable to demonstrate the presence of adrenochrome, another oxidation product of catecholamines, in plasma since adrenochrome was rapidly destroyed in acid as well as in blood and was quickly changed, into adrenolutin. Adrenolutin peak in HPLC was confirmed by 1) the retention time; 2) co-injection of adrenolutin and; 3) the appearance of 3H-adrenolutin after injection of 3H-norepinephrine. Administration of different catecholamines as well as adrenochrome and adrenolutin in rats also increased the level of adrenolutin in plasma. Adrenolutin was found to be present in plasma in other species including dog, rabbit and pig. High level of adrenolutin, which may represent total concentration of aminolutin in plasma, suggests the presence of an efficient mechanism for the oxidation of catecholamines under in vivo conditions.  相似文献   
Spatial variations in soil processes regulating mineral N losses to streams were studied in a small watershed near Toronto, Ontario. Annual net N mineralization in the 0–8 cm soil was measured in adjacent upland and riparian forest stands using in situ soil incubations from April 1985 to 1987. Mean annual rates of soil N mineralization and nitrification were higher in a maple soil (93.8 and 87.0 kg.ha–1) than in a pine soil (23.3 and 8.2 kg.ha–1 ). Very low mean rates of mineralization (3.3 kg.ha–1) and nitrification (3.4 kg.ha–1) were found in a riparian hemlock stand. Average NO3-N concentrations in soil solutions were 0.3–1.0 mg.L–1 in the maple stand and >0.06mg.L–1 in the pine stand. Concentrations of NO3–N in shallow ground water and stream water were 3–4× greater in a maple subwatershed than in a pine subwatershed. Rapid N uptake by vegetation was an important mechanism reducing solution losses of NO3–N in the maple stand. Low rates of nitrification were mainly responsible for negligible NO3–N solution losses in the pine stand.  相似文献   
A theoretical model is proposed to describe the influence of a periodic electric field (PEF) upon a biopolymer. The biopolymer is treated as a classical mechanical system consisting of subsystems (molecular groups) which interact with each other through potential forces. The PEF is treated as a periodic driving force applied to a molecular group. The energy dissipation is considered using the model of fluid (viscous) friction. Arguments for the non-linear character of the friction-velocity dependence caused by the non-Newtonian rheology of a viscous medium are formulated.A forced molecular-group motion is investigated for the situation of a small driving-force period, with oscillations overdamped and a driving force consisting of more than one harmonic. As a result, it is established that the motion always gets to a terminal stage when only a small-scale vibration about some point, X *, takes place. The terminal motion is preceded by a transient characterized by the presence of a directional velocity component and so by a drift along a potential profile. the drift goes on until a barrier is met which has a sufficiently large steepness (the barrier height is not important). As a result, the point X * may happen to be remote from the conformation potential local minimum (conformational state). The physical reasons for the drift are described.If we consider the small-scale vibration about X * in the framework of the hierarchy of scales for intramolecular mobility, it can be regarded as an equilibrium mobility, whereas the drift can be regarded as a functionally important motion, and X * as a new conformational state which is realizable only in the presence of the PEF. It may be concluded, as the result of a consistent treatment and neglecting the small-scale vibration, that the conformational potential is modified by adding a linear term (in the one-dimensional case). In this connection, the set of conformational states can both deform (deviation of the positions of minima and their relative depth) and rearrange qualitatively (some minima can vanish and/or new minima can appear). In particular, the transition from one conformation to another one may happen due to rearrangement.  相似文献   
The enzymology of methanol utilization in thermotolerant methylotrophic Bacillus strains was investigated. In all strains an immunologically related NAD-dependent methanol dehydrogenase was involved in the initial oxidation of methanol. In cells of Bacillus sp. C1 grown under methanol-limiting conditions this enzyme constituted a high percentage of total soluble protein. The methanol dehydrogenase from this organism was purified to homogeneity and characterized. In cell-free extracts the enzyme displayed biphasic kinetics towards methanol, with apparent K m values of 3.8 and 166 mM. Carbon assimilation was by way of the fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase cleavage and transketolase/transaldolase rearrangement variant of the RuMP cycle of formaldehyde fixation. The key enzymes of the RuMP cycle, hexulose-6-phosphate synthase (HPS) and hexulose-6-phosphate isomerase (HPI), were present at very high levels of activity. Failure of whole cells to oxidize formate, and the absence of formaldehyde-and formate dehydrogenases indicated the operation of a non-linear oxidation sequence for formaldehyde via HPS. A comparison of the levels of methanol dehydrogenase and HPS in cells of Bacillus sp. C1 grown on methanol and glucose suggested that the synthesis of these enzymes is not under coordinate control.Abbreviations RuMP ribulose monophosphate - HPS hexulose-6-phosphate synthase - HPI hexulose-6-phosphate isomerase - MDH methanol dehydrogenase - ADH acohol dehydrogenase - PQQ pyrroloquinoline, quinone - DTT dithiothreitol - NBT nitrobluetetrazolium - PMS phenazine methosulphate - DCPIP dichlorophenol indophenol  相似文献   
In a previous paper (J. Math. Biol. 26, 199–215 (1988)) we calculated the mean and variance of the long-run geometric growth rate of a discrete-time population model with two age classes in a random environment. The formula which was used in that paper as the starting point for the computation of the variance represents only the contribution of the one-period variances. Here we supplement these results by a calculation of the exact variance. All qualitative conclusions reached before are unaffected.  相似文献   
Résumé La métamorphose des insectes est régie par un équilibre hormonal complexe dans lequel l'hormone juvénile (HJ) joue un rôle important. Au dernier stade larvaire, la teneur en HJ est particulièrement faible dans le corps de l'insecte. Si un régulateur de croissance d'insectes (RCI)-un mimétique de l'HJ-est appliqué à ce moment-là, la mue nymphale est pertubée provoquant des déformations morphogénétiques caractéristiques. La teneur en HJ est également très faible dans les ufs fraîchement pondus. Les traitements aux RCI peuvent par conséquent perturber le développement embryonnaire de certaines espèces et produire ainsi un effet ovicide. Depuis quelques années deux RCI-le fenoxycarb et le CGA 45 128-ont été testés pour leur activité morphogénétique sur le dernier stade larvaire de quelques ravageurs tels qu'Adoxophyes orana F.v.R., ainsi que pour leur activité ovicide sur les ufs frais de Cydia pomonella L. et Grapholita funebrana Tr. Après quelques années d'expérimentation et de commercialisation des RCI dans les vergers européens, il s'avère que l'utilisation de ces produits peu toxiques, sélectifs et peu nocifs pour la faune utile, constitue une amélioration considérable pour l'aménagement de la lutte intégrée.
Insect growth regulators (IGR), mimics of juvenile hormone, as morphological and ovicidal means of control against orchard tortricids
Summary Metamorphosis is regulated by a complex hormonal balance in which juvenile hormone (JH) plays an important part. At the last larval instar the content of JH is particularly low in the insect body. If an insect growth regulator (IGR) — a mimic of JH-is applied at this time, the pupal moult may be disturbed with the characteristic morphogenetical deformations. The JH content is also very low in freshly laid eggs. Therefore IGR treatments may disturb the embryonic development of some species and produce an ovicidal activity. During a few years two IGR-fenoxycarb and CGA 45128-were evaluated for their morphogenetical effect on the last larval instar of Adoxophyes orana F.v.R. and their ovicidal effect on freshly laid eggs of Cydia pomonella L. and Grapholita funebrana Tr. After a few years of experimentation with both compounds and of commercialisation of fenoxycarb in European orchards, IGR confirmed to present a considerable improvement in integrated pest management due to selectivity, and low mammal toxicity.
Helicopters can be used to collect water samples from many lakes over a wide geographic area within a relatively short time period. Here we report the results from an experiment in which sequential water samples from a lake were collected first from a nonmotorized boat and then immediately afterward from a helicopter. No significant differences were found between the means of the measurement of 20 chemical parameters for the two methods of collection. When compared to obtaining samples from a boat, collection of samples from a helicopter platform had no effect on the content of the water samples.  相似文献   
The geographical distribution, morphometry and water quality of lakes within large calderas (> 2 km in diameter) were evaluated through a review of the literature and maps. Eighty-eight lakes in 75 calderas were located in 31 volcanic subregions. As a group, the lakes varied greatly in elevation, surface area, maximum depth, and shoreline development. The average surface area was 16.9 km2, surface elevation 873 m, depth 151.1 m, and shoreline development 1.35. Water quality ranged from ultraoligotrophic to highly eutrophic. None of the lakes had an inlet that originated outside the calderas. Most lakes did not have a surface outlet, were circular or subcircular in shape, and covered only parts of the caldera basins. Water clarity in some lakes was among the highest recorded for freshwater systems, but there are indications of possible declining clarity in some cases. Secondary volcanic activity, such as primary (hydrothermal) water and eruptions, has been associated with deteriorated water quality conditions in some lakes.  相似文献   
1. The working hypothesis that neuropeptide gene expression in a neuron is an indicator of that neuron's physiological activity is discussed. 2. Representative examples from the literature are presented to support the hypothesis. 3. Further, we discuss the regulation of expression of two opioid peptides, preproenkephalin and preprodynorphin, in laminae I and II of the spinal cord and in nucleus caudalis of the trigeminal nuclear complex, where they may play a role in pain modulation. 4. The expression of the opioid peptide genes can be induced by both painful and nonnoxious stimuli in neurons in time-dependent and sensory-specific fashions.  相似文献   
Dissociation of protein-containing structures by modification of protein amino groups with dicarboxylic acid anhydrides is a mild procedure which, in some cases, offers advantages over treatment with alternative dissociating agents, such as urea, guanidine hydrochloride, detergents, high ionic strength, and extremes of pH: In addition to dissociating multimeric proteins and protein aggregates, dicarboxylic acid anhydrides are effective dissociating agents for membrane-bound proteins and nucleoprotein particles. With most dicarboxylic acid anhydrides reviewed, the introduced reagent residues can be eliminated under moderate acid conditions, which allows the purification of unmodified individual components, and the use of disassembly-reconstitution systems valuable for investigating the structural and functional roles played by the individual components of complex particles:Each reagent can be suitable for a particular purpose, depending on the required specificity of the modification and stability of the modified groups: The stability of the acylated amino groups ranges from the very stable succinylated amino groups to the very labile acylation obtained with dimethylmaleic anhydride: Between these extremes, the stability of the modified amino groups decreases stepwise in the following order: maleic, exo-cis-3,6-endoxo-4-tetrahydrophthalic, citraconic, and 3,4,5,6-tetrahydrophthalic anhydride. With respect to the selectivity of the produced modification, little or no modification of hydroxyamino acid and cysteine residues has been observed with dimethylmaleic, exo-cis-3,6-endoxo-4-tetrahydrophthalic, and 3,4,5,6-tetrahydrophthalic anhydrides: With the other reagents, the extent of modification of hydroxyamino acid residues increases in the order citraconic, maleic and succinic anhydride: Citraconic and maleic anhydrides can produce irreversible modification of cysteine residues, the reactivity of sulfhydryl groups being higher with maleic anhydride:  相似文献   
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