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Although many studies examine the form of sexual selection in males, studies characterizing this selection in females remain sparse. Sexual selection on females is predicted for sex‐role‐reversed Mormon crickets, Anabrus simplex, where males are choosy of mates and nutrient‐deprived females compete for matings and nutritious nuptial gifts. We used selection analyses to describe the strength and form of sexual selection on female morphology. There was no positive linear sexual selection on the female body size traits predicted to be associated with male preferences and female competition. Instead, we detected selection for decreasing head width and mandible length, with stabilizing selection as the dominant form of nonlinear selection. Additionally, we tested the validity of a commonly used instantaneous measure of mating success by comparing selection results with those determined using cumulative mating rate. The two fitness measures yielded similar patterns of selection, supporting the common sampling method comparing mated and unmated fractions.  相似文献   
Over 80% of the values of approximate digestibility (AD), efficiency of conversion of assimilated food to biomass (ECD) and efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI) calculated using energy terms are greater than the corresponding dry weight (DW) values, based on data for over 65 species (38 studies; number of comparative values: AD=139, ECD=128 and ECI=169). Largest positive differences (energy > DW values) are 30 (AD, ECD) and 24 (ECI) percentage points and largest negative differences (energy < DW values) are 9 (AD), 11 (ECD) and 8 (ECI) percentage points. These differences generally are least for ECI (71% of the differences fall between 0 and +5 percentage points), and AD (68%), followed by ECD (only 47% fall between 0 and +5), and they may vary with temperature, food and other factors. The differences tend to increase (esp. for ECD and ECI) when comparing later with earlier instars. Energy > DW efficiency values are commonly expected for AD because of the generally greater energy content of food than feces, and for ECD and ECI because of the generally greater energy content of insect biomass than ingested and assimilated food. Deviations from predicted differences in surveyed literature data are discussed in terms of possible methodological sources of error.
Résumé Plus de 80% des valeurs de la digestibilité approchée (AD), de l'efficacité de la conversion de la nourriture assimilée en biomasse (ECD) et de l'efficacité de la conversion de l'aliment ingéré (ECI), calculées en termes énergétiques, et obtenus à partir de données sur 65 espèces, sont supérieures aux valeurs des poids secs correspondants (DW): 38 études; valeurs comparatives: AD=139, ECD=128, ECI=169. Les plus importantes différences positive (énergie>valuers DW) sont de 30 (AD, ECD) et de 24 (ECI) centièmes (les différences négatives les plus fortes = 9 (AD), 11 (ECD) et 8 (ECI); ces différences sont moindres pour ECI (71% des différences tombent à 0 et +5 centièmes), et AD (68%), suivi de ECD (seulement 47% tombent entre 0 et +5). Ces différences peuvent varier avec la température, l'alimentation et d'autres facteurs; les différences tendent à croître (particulièrement pour ECD et ECI) quant on les compare plus tard avec des stades plus précoces. Energie > aux valeurs d'efficacité DW sont généralement attendues pour AD par suite du contenu énergétique supérieur de l'aliment à celui des excréments, et pour ECD et ECI par suite du contenu énergétique généralement plus élevé pour la biomasse de l'insecte que pour l'aliment ingéré et assimilé. Les écarts par rapport aux différences prédites dans les données de la littérature examinée sont analysées en considérant les sources possibles d'erreurs méthodologiques.
Aim We evaluate how closely diversity patterns of endemic species of vascular plants, beetles, butterflies, molluscs and spiders are correlated with each other, and to what extent similar environmental requirements or survival in common glacial refugia and comparable dispersal limitations account for their existing congruence. Location Austria. Methods We calculated pairwise correlations among species numbers of the five taxonomic groups in 1405 cells of a 3′ × 5′ raster (c. 35 km2) using the raw data as well as the residuals of regression models that accounted for: (1) environmental variables, (2) environmental variables and the occurrence of potential refugia during the Last Glacial Maximum, or (3) environmental variables, refugia and spatial filters. Results Pairwise cross‐taxonomic group Spearman’s rank correlations in the raw data were significantly positive in most cases, but only moderate (0.3 < ρ < 0.5) to weak (ρ < 0.3) throughout. Correlations were closest between plants and beetles, plants and butterflies, and plants and snails, respectively, whereas the distribution of endemic spiders was largely uncorrelated with those of the other groups. Environmental variables explained only a moderate proportion of the variance in endemic richness patterns, and the response of individual groups to environmental gradients was only partly consistent. The inclusion of refugium locations and the spatial filters increased the goodness of model fit for all five taxonomic groups. Moreover, removing the effects of environmental conditions reduced congruence in endemic richness patterns to a lesser extent than did filtering the influence of refugium locations and spatial autocorrelation, except for spiders, which are probably the least dispersal‐limited of the five groups. Main conclusions The moderate to weak congruence of endemic richness patterns clearly limits the usefulness of a surrogacy approach for designating areas for the protection of regional endemics. On the other hand, our results suggest that dispersal limitations still shape the distributions of many endemic plant, snail, beetle and butterfly species, even at the regional scale; that is, survival in shared refugia and subsequent restricted spread retain a detectable signal in existing correlations. Concentrating conservation efforts on well‐known Pleistocene refugia hence appears to be a reasonable first step towards a strategy for protecting regional endemics of at least the less mobile invertebrate groups.  相似文献   


Eosinophilia plays the major role in the pathogenesis of asthma and correlates with the up‐regulation of eotaxin, which, together with interleukin (IL)‐5, is important for differentiation, chemo‐attraction, degranulation, and survival of eosinophils in local tissue. In a previous study, we found that administration of lentivirus‐delivered short hairpin RNA (shRNA) to suppress the expression of IL‐5 inhibited airway inflammation. The present study aimed to investigate the role of eotaxin shRNA and the synergistic effect of eotaxin and IL‐5 shRNAs on airway inflammation in an ovalbumin (OVA)‐induced murine model of asthma.


Lentivirus‐delivered shRNAs were used to suppress the expression of eotaxin and/or IL‐5 in local tissue in an OVA‐induced murine asthma model.


Intra‐tracheal administration of lentivirus containing eotaxin shRNA expressing cassette (eoSEC3.3) efficiently moderated the characteristics of asthma, including airway hyper‐responsiveness, cellular infiltration of lung tissues, and eotaxin and IL‐5 levels in bronchio‐alveolar lavage fluid. Administration of lentiviruses expressing IL‐5 or eotaxin shRNAs (IL5SEC4 + eoSEC3.3) also moderated the symptoms of asthma in a mouse model.


Local delivery of lentiviruses expressing IL‐5 and eotaxin shRNAs provides a potential tool in moderating airway inflammation and also has the potential for developing clinical therapy based on the application of shRNAs of chemokines and cytokines involved in T helper 2 cell inflammation and eosinophilia. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Food intake was restricted to 75% of ad libitum levels in 37 male Psammomys obesus (Israeli Sand Rats) from the ages of 4 (weaning) to 10 weeks. Energy restriction reduced the mean body weight at 10 weeks by 29% compared with 44 ad libitum fed controls. Hyperglycemia was prevented completely in the food-restricted group, and mean blood glucose concentrations were significantly reduced (3.8 ± 0.2 vs. 5.5 ± 0.4 μmol/L; p<0.05) compared with control animals. Plasma insulin concentrations were also decreased significantly compared with ad libitum fed controls (105 ± 13 vs. 241 ± 29 mU/L;p<0.05). Although energy restriction prevented hyperglycemia from developing in 10-week-old P. obesus, 19% of the food restricted animals still developed hyperinsu-linemia. We concluded that hyperphagia between the ages of 4 to 10 weeks may be essential for the development of noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in P. obesus, but that hyperinsulinemia may still occur in the absence of hyperphagia and hyperglycemia, suggesting a significant genetic influence on the development of hyperinsulinemia in this animal model.  相似文献   
Six polymorphic dinucleotide microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized from the White‐chinned Petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis, using a degenerate primer and PCR‐based technique to construct and screen an enriched genomic library. Preliminary data on three populations show heterozygosity levels ranging from 0.22 to 0.67 and allele numbers from three to nine. Preliminary data also suggest genetic distance between these three populations (FST 0.088). Cross‐species amplification of these six microsatellite loci and one further locus were tested in six other procellariiform species of the genus Procellaria, Macronectes, Thalassarche and Diomedea.  相似文献   
The analysis of genetic variation to estimate demographic and historical parameters and to quantitatively compare alternative scenarios recently gained a powerful and flexible approach: the Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC). The likelihood functions does not need to be theoretically specified, but posterior distributions can be approximated by simulation even assuming very complex population models including both natural and human‐induced processes. Prior information can be easily incorporated and the quality of the results can be analysed with rather limited additional effort. ABC is not a statistical analysis per se, but rather a statistical framework and any specific application is a sort of hybrid between a simulation and a data‐analysis study. Complete software packages performing the necessary steps under a set of models and for specific genetic markers are already available, but the flexibility of the method is better exploited combining different programs. Many questions relevant in ecology can be addressed using ABC, but adequate amount of time should be dedicated to decide among alternative options and to evaluate the results. In this paper we will describe and critically comment on the different steps of an ABC analysis, analyse some of the published applications of ABC and provide user guidelines.  相似文献   
Changes in water status, membrane permeability, ethylene production and levels of abscisic acid (ABA) were measured during senescence of cut carnation flowers ( Dianthus caryophyllus L. cv. White Sim) in order to clarify the temporal sequence of physiological events during this post-harvest period. Ethylene production and ABA content of the petal tissue rose essentially in parallel during natural senescence and after treatment of young flowers with exogenous ethylene, indicating that their syntheses are not widely separated in time. However, solute leakage, reflecting membrane deterioration, was apparent well before the natural rise in ethylene and ABA had begun. In addition, there were marked changes in water status of the tissue, including losses in water potential (ψw), and turgor (ψp), that preceded the rise in ABA and ethylene. As senescence progressed, ψw continued to decline, but ψp returned to normal levels. These temporal relationships were less well resolved when senescence of young flowers was induced by treatment with ethylene, presumably because the time-scale had been shortened. Thus changes in membrane permeability and an associated water stress in petal tissue appear to be earlier symptoms of flower senescence than the rises in ABA or ethylene. These observations support the contention that the climacteric-like rise in ethylene production is not the initial or primary event of senescence and that the rise in ABA titre may simply be a response to changes in water status.  相似文献   
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